Put down the phone, Junzi also threw the mobile phone to the side of the position, conveniently withdrew his collar position, feeling slightly so tight! But the middle-aged man next to him, looking at the condition of junzi, also conveniently picked up the wine on the table. The dark red wine was reflected in the wine cup, which was a little bright!

Looking up and pouring a cup down, Junzi took the glass with a bitter smile, "fourth uncle, where are I and Ding Yu? There is no connection. This guy is a weirdo. The forces behind him are too tough. It is widely said that there is a military behind him, but who is it? We really don't know, but as far as I know, Xia Yang and Zhong Yun fell into his hands! "

The middle-aged man who poured wine had a bitter look on his face. Then he took the bottle and motioned, "Junzi! I've just been in Beijing for a short time. I don't know much about the situation here. We think we should pay for the loss of money and the car. After all, we make this thing happen, but no one wants to make it big, do you? "

"If only Ding Yu thought like this. What about him and the people in the circle? Not really. I've heard some news anyway! " When he spoke, he took a sip of his wine glass, but this time he didn't mean to finish it in one gulp. "Fourth uncle, I don't know if you know that the eldest lady of the jade family was engaged earlier!"

Yeah? I really heard about this, but what about such a thing? He was really not qualified, but he wanted to go, "I've heard of it! But I don't know much. " If you know, you will know if you don't know, not to mention in front of the soldiers.

"I know there seems to be some contradiction between Ding Yu and the eldest lady of the Yu family. But on the day of his engagement, Ding Yu attended. What's the meaning? I don't know what it is because I don't know. This is a limited clue that I know! "

Jade family? When the fourth uncle heard the name, he could not help feeling a little headache. If he wanted to let the jade family come forward, then he needed to let Xiao Shuai's father come forward. His face is absolutely not enough, but is the face of the little handsome father enough? This problem is really not easy to say!

"Junzi, can you think of other ways?" Obviously, he didn't want to move Xiao Shuai's father out whenever there was a trace of possibility. In that case, I'm afraid it would be another thing. When he spoke, he also reached into his arms.

However, Junzi also directly held his arm, which was totally unacceptable. "Fourth uncle, you don't mean anything. If I said I came for this, I would not sit here today!"

Seeing the appearance of junzi, the middle-aged man also laughed bitterly, "so to speak, I can only kneel down and beg Ding Yu! I'm an old face. After all, I brought the little Marshal here. I should take the responsibility for what happened

"Fourth uncle, it seems that you still don't know much about Ding Yu. This guy is so different from ordinary people. From a common sense, even if he is not a member of the circle, he should at least be at the edge of the circle! But the problem is that he has not heard much about his contacts with people in the circle. He is very independent

In fact, what is the hidden meaning of this discourse? Just tell this fourth uncle, you! Don't say is kneeling to beg, can you come to the door? This is two said things, or provincial bar!

Two days passed by in a flash. During these two days, it was not that there was no one to look for, and even the jade family also found it. But the problem is that Yu Mingyue ignored this stubble at all. Even Xiao Shuai's father found Yuqing, which had no effect at all. To listen to the meaning of words, Yuqing was quite afraid of this young man.

I've been walking a lot at night, and I've met a ghost. Generally speaking, this is the situation.

When Anjie brought the driver and lawyer, the middle-aged man had already arrived. There were two young people next to him. When he saw him, he was slightly stunned. He was not the client! When he saw the middle-aged man, he was stunned. Even his eyebrows jumped twice, and then he looked at the position behind him.

When the middle-aged man standing there saw Anjie's eyes, his eyes also showed some strange look, because from his eyes? Flash out of a little inconceivable, although said to be fleeting, but still be grasped by themselves, but their own in front of this? I really don't have any impression!

"Hello, I'm the housekeeper of the Ding family. I'll handle this matter with full authority." Although he had recognized the fourth Master Yu in front of him, he was "lucky" to follow him when he was looking for an agent to receive him. However, I didn't expect that today the two people were sitting together face to face.

Then the lawyer next to him also opened the document, and Jack handed the list to him. There was no so-called domineering. His performance was very insipid, but the more so? Yu Hong felt that the greater the pressure in her heart, there was not much performance on the opposite side, but the more like this, the more problematic it was!

It's very clear on the list. The car damage and the placement of personnel, etc., there is no blackmail. However, Yu Hong still handed in a check of 10 million yuan. Instead of receiving it, Anjie smiles. Looking at Yu Hong's desire to continue to draw out the check, Anjie also says aloud, "we don't blackmail people, we talk about the matter!""If you do something wrong, you need to show something!" Yu Hong also said with a smile, "if yu Shao has any requirements, we will try our best."

Anjie then wrote a check and gave it to Yu Hong. "I'm just doing things. Please don't embarrass me." After saying that, Jack's attitude also changed suddenly. "The compensation for the accident is over. Let's talk about some other things. It's almost the new year's day. Go back and have a good new year!"

Yu Hong bit her back teeth slightly, and she has already heard the meaning of the words. I want you to go back for a new year and have a good new year. The provincial people say that we are inhuman, but the more so? The more Ding Yu's attitude towards this matter is absolutely not going to let Xiao Shuai off easily!

Anjie breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly said, "the first choice is to set a price for the car they drove that night, including the cost of refitting, and donate it to charity organizations. We don't care about the specific way. The second is the sum of these expenses divided by ten thousand? Is to go inside squatting days! I think I've made it very clear. "

After saying that, the expression is also very clear. Yu Hong feels that her head is about to explode, and several young people behind her are also so stunned. What are the conditions? You don't have to do this even if you're playing! Didn't you just hit a car? It's too bullying.

Yu Hong also felt that she was so angry that she couldn't agree to the first condition. She didn't say whether she had the money. Once she took it out, everyone would be in uproar. But what about the second condition? It also makes people feel unable to accept, which is equivalent to breaking the road of these children!

Before Yu Hong reacts, the lawyer over there has already stood up. After a sign with Anjie, he is the first to leave. He doesn't pay attention to Yu Hong's meaning. What about Anjie? It's also to sort out the things before, but after finishing the things, Jack did not leave, but a slight pause.

"I remember when Yu Siye was still fond of drinking Dong Jiu?"

Yeah? Yu Hong's eyebrows can't help but jump up, and then reveal a strange light. What about the young people in the back? They were all in a daze. It seems that they seldom see the fourth uncle drinking. Even if he drinks, he doesn't seem to be picky. But what about the housekeeper in front of them? However, it is a bit incredible to understand this situation.

We all drink wine, but we drink more foreign wine. What about the domestic liquor? It's not as much as you can imagine, but Anjie has a little research on it. After all, Dong liquor is so special. It is totally different from other Maotai or Wuliangye liquor.

"I don't drink much now. I didn't expect anyone to remember it!" Seeing that Anjie looked at the back of the position, Yu Hong also turned around to have a look, and then they walked to the distance, "don't know how to call it!"

"Anjie! Mr. Yu Siye forgets a lot of things! " What does Anjie say? But it's not a fighter. "When I was embarrassed, the fourth master of Yu stretched out his hand to help him. For him, it might be easy, but for me, it's a big kindness. I always remember it in my heart."

Yeah? What's the situation? Is there any other meaning? However, Yu Hong also said with a ha ha, "I can't remember. It may be that time has passed too long. But please give me a housekeeper. You should forgive me. Children are not sensible and offend Yu Shao. I, as an elder, can't watch it!"

"No way!" Anjie is also straightforward to show his attitude, "this is to take a large number of life in a joke, such a deal has been quite tolerant!" Speaking of this, Anjie also pursed his mouth, "fourth Master Yu, this matter has not been a big one. If it is big, it will explode and blow many people to pieces!"

Looking at Mr. Yu's disbelief, Anjie also laughed, "someone came to the jade family earlier. Miss Yu came with his fiance! I'm in charge of the reception! "

The words made the corners of Yu's mouth twitch slightly. He already understood the meaning of the words. What about this matter? There is no room for discussion, and even the jade family needs to bow down. From this, we can see what kind of situation is behind this. It is absolutely invincible, so it is better to stop!

"Housekeeper ANN, what about other things? It is acceptable, but the child is still young and has made mistakes. But we all hope that they can pass this mistake? It's a pity to realize that I've been beaten to death by my own problems. What do you say? "

Anjie looked at Yu Hong in front of him. After a long time, he said faintly, "fourth Master Yu, I can ask you what the result will be. I don't know if there will be any other changes. Do you want to have a try?"

Yu Hong feels a little hesitant. She is not very clear about the identity of Anjie in front of her, but she can feel that both of them are in the same position. But soon Yu Hong has made a decision, and then nods to Anjie. Now is not the time for hesitation."No regrets?" Looking at Yu Hong's situation, Anjie nodded and immediately took out his mobile phone, "I'm Anjie, is it big or small? How long will it take? I'm almost finished here, but I owe one of them a little friendship

Tao Jin was also stunned for a moment, "Anjie, there are not many people who know this matter now. Are you sure you want to intervene? Do you know what the consequences are? Don't talk about my side. Even the old man and the old lady will not spare you, let alone others. The consequences will be very serious! "

"I don't have the courage to do such a thing, but the other party has chosen the second condition, but how to deal with it in the future? This problem is quite troublesome. I want to know what it means! You can't make this decision without authorization! "

Oh! Tao Jin is also clear. What about Ding Yu's accident? I knew it earlier and reported the news to him. I also knew about the situation at that time. There were so many bad things about those guys. Fortunately, the car is very solid, and the driver's handling is not good. Otherwise? Hum!

In my opinion, this time is absolutely not enough to let them off. It is absolutely not a matter of suffering a little. We must stop this trend. As for whether there will be other problems in the process, this is not what I should care about!

"I see, but I'm afraid it will take some time. I just went to the consultation. I'm not sure when I can come back, but I'll tell you the first time!"

When he put down the phone, Anjie also breathed a sigh, and then the old God was sitting there. Although he said that his voice was not very loud, the problem was that the environment was still very quiet and there was no noise at all, so Yu Hong heard some of it.

When Anjie put down the phone, Yu Hong also took out the cigarette in her hand and motioned to him for a moment. Anjie took a look at the cigarette and took the cigarette instead of waiting for Yu Hong to light the fire. Instead of waiting for Yu Hong to light the fire, he took out the lighter himself. It's not a high-end cigarette lighter. It's ordinary! "I remember you used to smoke, Yu Siye!"

Yu Hong looked at an Jie who had already risen slightly, and hesitated for a little time, "thank you It was the little marshal who had been in the back. After seeing the situation, he also asked the waiter for an ashtray and then sent it to the table here.

Looking at the little Shuai who came by, Anjie took a look and said, "sit down!" This made the little Shuai a little surprised, and then he also looked at the fourth uncle sitting opposite him. After his fourth uncle nodded, he sat down at the side of the fourth uncle honestly, "I grew up, I remember that when I was a child, I played a good legend!"

Legend, what is this? Yu Hong really don't know about this, but the little Marshal raised his head and tried to remember something. It seems that he has not played for several years! After all, what about online games? Too much, I have no feeling and stimulation to play legend.

"Has housekeeper Yu met the little Marshal? It seems to be very familiar with Xiaoshuai Yu Hong is also trying to say.

"Yes, at that time, I was a novice. I played with Xiao Shuai for a few days, and then I got a stable position. Fortunately, fourth Master Yu gave me your advice, so I was able to mix up. However, I have been stationed in Beijing for many years, and I didn't expect to meet him in such a scene!"

"You are big glasses!" Shuai seems to think of something, even the whole person is a little bit excited!

"It seems that Xiao Shuai has a good memory!" Anjie is also smiling, "but at that time, I wore glasses to make a look. Later, after I took them off, I changed a lot. But I didn't expect you changed a lot too!"

While talking, Yu Hong's phone rings suddenly. Looking at the caller ID, Yu Hong smiles apologetically at an Jie. She stands up and walks away. She thinks about whether there is any way to get away from her. After all, the housekeeper an has said something. She needs to inquire about it! But did not expect the opportunity to come so suddenly.

After seeing Yu Hong go away, Anjie also looks at Xiao Shuai. "Don't look at me like this. It's just a job change. Its nature is similar to that of Yu Siye." After saying that, the application on the face is also a change, "this matter of yours is a little big, playing too much!"

"Brother glasses, I didn't mean to. I was too impulsive at that time. I didn't hit the car, but I organized this time, so I need to bear this responsibility!"

"Don't have any hope for me. I can say two words at most, but I don't know how much it has played a role." "There are so many things hidden behind this thing that you can't see!"

"I didn't expect it to be like this. I felt a little bit carried away from myself before."

"It's good to know that, but I need to say that you have to bear the price of your indulgence!" In this regard, Anjie said very directly, without any hesitation, "this is certain. As for the final price, I don't know. It depends on the situation."www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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