Yu Hong went to the corner and answered the phone. "The other party offered two conditions!" After simply saying things over, Yu Hong also said, "I chose the second condition, but there seems to be room for discussion. The butler of Dingyu came. But it seemed that we were in Beijing before. I was exploring the news in this regard!"

After putting down the phone, Yu Hong also found the telephone of the director of the office in Beijing. "I am Yu Hong. If it is convenient, I can not introduce him to me, and why he left the office in Beijing at the beginning. If it is inconvenient, I will call again later!"

Although I put down the phone, Yu Hong's attitude is not to refuse. He has dealt with the office in Beijing a lot, but basically it is a point to stop. Generally, it will not be too troublesome to do it, but it doesn't mean that I really have no influence on this aspect, which is the reason why I dare to speak like this.

And I can be very sure that since I said this, then the office in Beijing must give himself this face, because the tone of his speech can be said to be quite polite, although not angry, but sometimes it is so, the more calm, the more serious the tense, these officials in Beijing can not feel nothing.

In about five minutes, Yu Hong has known the details of Anjie's situation. He doesn't know the situation. After knowing the situation, Yu Hong feels that his anger has been out of control, even the whole body has some shaking up. Now he wants to scold her!

I also know there are a lot of pickles in Beijing office, but I didn't think it was so serious. Even a few years ago, it made Yu Hong feel intolerable, and for a long time, Yu Hong didn't calm down the anger.

What about the handsome thing now? It is completely between the first thoughts. Seriously, it is a word of Anjie. It seems that it is not much better to say a life and death, but what about the time of Anjie? But the Beijing office, which was ostracized and framed, is really too serious.

If Anjie leaves by himself, he can also pull together the relationship between them through the weak friendship between them. But Anjie is forced to be net from the house. Dare you say that there is no dispute in Anjie's heart? How could it be? Yu Hong is also turning his brain, thinking about the remedy.

Because he also heard Chu Fang, the director of the Beijing office, and the implied words, it seems that Anjie has collected some information in the past two years. At the original time, someone even prepared to do something about him, but Anjie suddenly stopped and there was not much action there. It seems that the matter has been put on hold.

But the phone rang quite suddenly when he sat there. Looking at the call, Anjie could not help but frown, even on the whole face, he had a slight convulsion. Then, Anjie stood up for the first time. "I am Anjie!"

"Well, I know. I heard Xiao Yu had an accident. Is that the case?" The tone of the phone was very serious.

"Yes, I am here to deal with this matter. The eldest master gave two choices. One is that the price of all cars was multiplied by 100 at that time, and then donated to charity free of charge. The other option is to divide by 10000 and how many remaining numbers, so that they can squat for a long time, which is a lesson for them. However, there is a change. The big master is just one of them In consultation, it may take a while to wait! "

"How about dealing with this? Don't be too willful, master the scale! "

It's very plain two words, but Anjie has already heard this meaning, so-called don't be willful, that is to say, money is not money, do not need to care too much, as for the so-called control scale? It's feasible to let these guys squat inside, but divided by 100? It seems to be a little lighter.

"Yes, I understand!" Anjie also responded quickly. "Big and small people are almost this meaning, but you old people also know that the big and small people are cold and hot. Sometimes, they look cruel and ruthless when dealing with relevant problems, but they will not make everyone too embarrassed!"

"It's not a bad thing to teach them a little!" The old lady also gave the matter a qualitative, and then put down the phone, looking at Yu Hong who came by, and Anjie also smiled bitterly. After sitting down, she shook her head. "I know this thing in my home. It's a bit of a big trouble!"

When said, Yu Hong's hand was also pinched into a fist, the more worried it was, the more out of the situation, "Butler, do you see?" When talking, Yu Hong also accompanied with care.

"The first choice is no way, I have already spoken. Even the big master has to listen. And I am not satisfied with the number family divided by 10000. The specific situation depends on the situation! It doesn't matter to big or small! " Finally, Anjie explained a sentence. You didn't understand the other. Anyway, I tried my best to do it.

The handsome sitting there, pale, thought things would be very serious, but did not expect to be serious to such a point, their cars divided by 10000, the average down is at least one year, but depending on the situation, a year of time is not enough to solve any situation, but also aggravation!For Xiao Shuai, such a blow is too heavy, and the price also makes him feel unbearable. He has not encountered anything, but for his own identity, he doesn't even need his own Laozi to show up. His fourth uncle is enough to put everything in order.

But now? My fourth uncle went to ask for help like a grandson, and my father stood behind him, but he didn't use any eggs. This also made my outlook on life collapse. It turns out that the God, the second and the third are just things in a dream.

"Housekeeper an, can you think of some other ways to be a brother will never forget your kindness!" This has been said quite blatantly, even Yu Hong also took out a bank card, of course, this is not all, there is a piece of paper under the bank card, a piece of white paper, on which nothing is written.

But it is precisely because nothing is written that makes it particularly precious. Why? No writing means that you can write freely on it. However, what about the expression that can be done without any second words? It's not just plain speaking!

How can Anjie not understand, but it is precisely because he understands that that he sighs, "fourth Master Yu, I owe your care to you at the beginning. All my promotions have been made later. It's another matter if something goes wrong. But I remember this kindness, but now it's all over the world! I've made up my mind, I have children too

The last sentence also made Yu Hong's face a little pale, so he also had children, that is to say, any price he gave would not be enough for him to do such a thing, because if he did, the price might be more serious and it was totally wrong!

Then Anjie pushed the white paper and bank card back, without any hesitation. Yu Hong sighed. When the phone rang again, Yu Hong couldn't help but lift her head. She looked at her nervously. However, Anjie noticed that in a short time, Yu Hong's mouth had already been ablaze.

It's not to say that taking some cool medicine can solve the problem, nor is it that you can drink honey and grapefruit tea to solve the problem. The so-called heartfire is hard to eliminate, which can not solve too many problems.

"Young master!" Jack's attitude is very respectful.

"What's the situation?" Ding Yu also has some puzzles. Is there any problem? Actually let Anjie call him again, his account is very clear.

"The old lady called me just now, and she didn't agree with the first way to solve the problem. In addition, the old lady thought that the second way was a little light and could not teach these children a good lesson. Since something happened, we should bear the price! That's for sure! "

Ding Yu hesitated for a little time. "Ha ha, I'm very concerned. I know. You can deal with it."

"Big little, do you think this is OK? Ask them to give ten times the price, donate to charity organizations, auction all the modified cars, and give the same amount of money. What's the figure? It's the number of days they squat. However, young and old, these children are still young. Can we not record them? "

Oh? Ding Yu also laughed, "you are the first time to speak! I'm still saying that. You can handle it yourself! " Having said that, Ding Yu also put down the phone. From the voice inside the phone, you can feel it. What about the accident? Not a lot of ideas.

An Jie's heart also fell into his stomach, and then he looked at Yu Hong, who was sitting in front of him, waiting anxiously, "Yu Siye!" Yu Hong also quickly waved her hand, "don't call me the fourth. It's not worth mentioning! I've even felt a little humiliated! "

"What did you say just now, brother Yu? You may have heard that, I repeat, ten times of money, you donate to charity, all the cars and other things are auctioned, and then divided by 5000, that is, the number of days Xiao Shuai and his squatting days are on the capital side. If they are here in the capital, they will be regarded as labor reform and will not be recorded! "

"Housekeeper Yu, on behalf of Xiao Shuai's father, thank you!"

At this time, Anjie also stood up and said, "brother Yu, I owe you a favor, which has been paid off. There are other things, so don't disturb me!" After saying that, also turned to leave, did not do any stay at all, looking at the left Anjie, Yu Hong is also a little surprised.

The face I gave myself was a little too big. I didn't see the face of Xiao Shuai and his father. I didn't know whether it was worth or not. There was no way to investigate.

Looking at the little Shuai standing there, Yu Hong also patted him, "go home first! I'll take care of the business here. You can come back after the New Year It won't be more than three years at most, and it's not too much! It is not a bad thing to use three years of silence in exchange for the prodigal son to turn back.

When Anjie came out, he didn't pay much attention to the people waiting at the door. Instead, the people standing there showed a little flattering look when they saw him. Although he didn't know the specific situation, Yu Hong called earlier, and even some people from the province called. Things were a little serious.After Yu Hong made a phone call, she also met with the people of the provincial office in Beijing. Looking at their appearance, she also meant that she didn't want to come anywhere, but she didn't show any sign. Xiao Shuai, they have been in Beijing for a long time. What about the work of the Beijing office? There are also many interruptions.

So what we found today is the banquet and thanks, but how smart the people in Beijing office are! How can people who live in the capital's one acre three-thirds of the land can't be informed, and how to win projects and funds if they are not well informed. Therefore, this meal can be said to be quite uncomfortable. The food is in front of us, but I don't want to swallow it.

This does not count. Xiaoshuai and their childish brothers personally bought wine and put down their bodies. This time, things have not been finished, but for them, I'm afraid it has been the best result. Although the follow-up things may be so difficult, but life has not been destroyed. Fortunately!

Xiao Shuai has already called his father, and they have no intention to investigate. But what about the human relationship? You can't help it. After all, in this case, Anjie also took a lot of responsibility. Although he was responsible for the fourth brother's favor, they just didn't admit it. Don't you have no idea?

What about these? It can only be said that it is a minor issue. The important thing is whether this event will have any impact on the little Marshal's father. This is the problem. There is no news now, but when I hear the news, I'm afraid it will be really late, and I can't regret it at that time.

But Yu Hong also knows that although the matter is not trivial, but now? However, I can't mess up. First of all, I need to live calmly and sit here. However, I don't intend to start from other aspects, because from the news revealed by Anjie, I feel very scared.

It took a lot of money to meet the jade family, but what was the reaction of the jade family? It's totally unexpected. Even the eldest lady of the jade family needs to visit in person. What does this represent? How can Yu Hong's heart not know?

The more clear, the more scared I feel. In front of the jade family, don't say it's yourself. Even Xiao Shuai's father seems to have some insufficient weight! Now something like this seems to be solved, but in fact, there is still a very important way to go before the final solution.

In the process of the banquet, Yu Hong is also beating around the Bush to inquire about some news about Anjie. What's more, she has asked the people in the province? I went to inquire about the situation in Anjie's home, hoping to have good news. In fact, there is no news. For myself now, it is good news.

Before the evening, Yu Hong has got the news that she wants, which is not the most accurate news, but she has mastered the relevant situation. Anjie has been divorced. There are two reasons: work is only one of them; on the other hand, it is because of his daughter.

The next day, Yu Hong appeared in the hospital. When she came, there were only two old people in the room. She didn't see Anjie or other people. But when you look at this single ward, you can see how things happened. You can't get such a ward without the so-called background and relationship!

"Hello, two old people. I'm a friend of Anjie. I learned that Tongtong is ill, so come and have a look!"

How long did Yu Hong stay in the hospital? It's not very long. I haven't left anything valuable. I still know the truth. If I really leave something, I'm just killing myself.

When Anjie knew the news, he didn't react much. However, when Ding Yu came back for dinner in the evening, he said, "Yu Hong found the hospital!" Ding Yu is also Leng for a moment, and then a smile, "I am such a small account after the people?" But then Ding Yu's painting style also changed. "But what do you think of the old man and the old lady? I really don't know. Who knows what will happen to them?"

This is really the truth. Although Ding Yu doesn't care much about this matter, it doesn't mean that the old man and the old lady don't care about it.

Ding Yu still has some feelings about this, from the fact that the old man and the old lady exerted pressure on the Ma family and the Song family? We can see one or two of them. No matter what the reasons are, they are always fighting. But when it comes to such things, will you watch?

Although it is unintentional, it is useless to tell the old man and the old lady about this situation, let alone Ding Yu's present status? It's so important and crucial that I'm afraid it's not only the old man and the old lady, but also other people's hands. They don't even need to go through Ding Yu.

Why? It doesn't matter whether it's important or not to sell Ding Yu's favor in an invisible way. For many people, it's just a kind of behavior that can be easily done. At least when you see Ding Yu in the future, you will also have some words. As for whether Ding Yu will appreciate the favor, it's another question!

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