Although Yu Hong said that she didn't show up again, she kept her eyes on the hospital all the time. Her Kung Fu paid off. She really wanted to let Yu Hong wait. After all, Anjie couldn't have never come to see her daughter. At least, there was still time. When she didn't come over? At noon, depending on the situation, Jack is not generally busy at this time!

"Housekeeper Ann!" When she came out from the hospital, Yu Hong also happened to get off the car. Anjie looked at the time on her watch and said, "speak on the car!" Their own time is really a bit of a rush, Yu Hong is also surprised and dumb, this let himself get on the bus, is not there so some too casual?

However, Yu Hong couldn't refuse the invitation. The driver didn't show any attitude towards it. She just sat there like a wood. After Anjie said the specific location, she also started the car.

"What's the matter with brother Yu Si?"

Yu Hong is now more or less clear why Anjie let himself get on the bus. The time constraint is just an excuse. On the other hand, why? Anjie can be said to be very clear about his positioning, there may be some concerns behind it! So I handed myself over to the car.

"Before, thanks to Yu Shao's magnanimity, we all feel that this matter is still a shame. However, there must be a lot of problems when we rush to the door. After discussion, we also entrusted me to express our sincere apology to Yu Shao."

Do you understand? Yu Hong is not very clear, but in this environment, after all, it is not only herself and Anjie, but also a driver. Therefore, she needs to speak more euphemistically. I hope that Anjie can understand what she wants to express. In her opinion, Anjie should understand.

Anjie really understood, but it was one thing to understand, and how to express it was another. After thinking for a while, Anjie slowly said, "brother Yu, what about the accident? It's over. The eldest young master doesn't pay much attention to it. Let the children know the lesson. He won't waste too much energy in this respect! "

Anjie also expressed a very implicit, this is also the truth, because the eldest young master really won't show too much concern in this respect, but the majority of not paying attention does not mean that other people do not pay attention to it! The problem needs to be differentiated. As for whether Yu Hong understands it or not, it can be seen from his facial expression.

After Anjie expressed his ideas, Yu Hong's expression on his face also slightly stopped for a moment. He had figured out how much he understood. Ding Yu would not pursue this matter. If he did something wrong, he would be punished. But Ding Yu did not investigate. As for whether other people will pursue, it is hard to say.

"Housekeeper Ann!" Yu Hong's expression is also a little urgent, Ding Yu does not investigate, this is a good thing, but if other aspects are really investigated, I'm afraid the trouble will be enormous.

Anjie also shook his head, "Yu Si elder brother, it's not that I don't help, I'm just a small housekeeper. I can't help anything. I still need to be hard to forge iron!" When he said this, Anjie also nodded to Yu Hong. The situation was very simple, and he also expressed clearly, "the old man and the old lady are not unreasonable people either!"

When the bus stops, Anjie nods to Yu Hong, "brother Yu Si, I have other things to do!" It doesn't matter whether you understand it or not. After Yu Hong gets out of the car and looks at Anjie leaving, the muscles on her cheek are still shaking.

After getting on her car, Yu Hong also made two phone calls, "I just tried to test the view of the housekeeper Anjian. Dr. Ding Yuding has not paid much attention to this matter, but the forces behind him may have some opinions on this, and even affect you. I mean, I mean, don't spend the lunar new year at home, let him do it now Come here

"Now?" On the other side of the phone, there was a sigh.

"Come here now, at least to show their attitude towards admitting their mistakes. Dr. Ding Yu's reputation is not obvious. However, as far as I know, there are not many people in 49 cities who will not give him face. This includes the jade family, and even the people of the Yu family come to visit after they know the news!"

"I'll let him fly back this afternoon, and you'll take care of the rest!" The one on the other side of the phone made a decision at the first time. Now is not the time for hesitation.

Ding Yu really did not have the leisure to pay attention to this aspect of the matter, for himself, although such stimulation is one of the few in recent years, it is obvious that such stimulation is not enough to make his nerves beat up, and even the so-called appetizer is not counted. In this way, it is like having breakfast and digesting, and there is no such stimulation Yes.

"What is this?" After receiving the invitation from Jin, Ding Yu also asked curiously, saying that, but Ding Yu's movements on his hands did not mean to stop. What about Jin? He didn't mean to answer at all. The assistant was really not dull. After seeing the contents clearly, Ding Yu's eyebrows jumped for a moment."What do you mean? Or the black president? "

"It should be the meaning of the black president, or the staff behind him. After all, what about the previous contact? It's just superficial. What about his swearing in as president? We always need to get in touch with each other, at least we need to reach some cooperation in some aspects, and we need to test each other's attitude! "

Ding Yu pondered for a while, "when will he take the oath?"

"20, but before that? There will be a small internal banquet, which is the one on your hand. According to the information I get, there will be no more than 20 people who have received the invitation letter! But who can identify? It won't be more than a slap. Most people are "ordinary people" who can't think of it. "

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "how about entertaining these people? There is definitely a reason. What causes him to send out this invitation? I feel a little interested in this. What does Yingnan say

Why do you ask Kim these questions? Because of these things? There is no way to talk over the phone. The telephone is not confidential. This is certain. Even these problems? It was Jin who interviewed sun Yingnan in person. Now it is just expressed through Jin. Therefore, Ding Yu's question came into being.

"Based on the current situation, there are two reasons. The first is to take the oath of office as president. It can't be just to shout two slogans. It must be that there is a package of our own. The economy is the primary problem, especially in the case of the subprime mortgage crisis. Is the second one? It's a plan for the withdrawal of troops, which was disclosed by the staff! "

In the afternoon, Ding Yu left early, but he didn't go back to the courtyard. Instead, he left with Jin. This situation really attracted some people's attention. The place he went to was not special at all. It was just Jin's residence.

"So we are the object of suspicion!" Ding Yu, who sits on the chair, doesn't feel any discomfort. The reason why he doesn't sit on the sofa is that the sofa will make him too relaxed. Now relaxation is not the best choice. He needs to think calmly about some problems.

"Being suspected is only one aspect. After all, our actions have been quite careful. Even if we are suspected, what we see is only a tiny part of it. The main reason is that our power may expand a little faster, and you are standing in the back position. I'm afraid that the United States has felt the pressure!"

"What is Yingnan's opinion on this?"

"It is not necessarily a bad thing to see him. Our transfer has been basically completed. It is also a good thing to give the new president a face. At least it is not a bad thing for us. What's more, when we support him to take office, we always need to contact each other and give up some interests in order to strive for greater interests."

"If you don't know much about us, you want to know something about us. After all, British men have developed a little faster in recent years. I think the president may want to know more about the people standing behind us? Is it me, or does it represent China? This is a very interesting thing, but the withdrawal has been decided? "

Kim also nodded. "After all, it represents different parties and the mess left behind. I think the former black president will not turn a blind eye to it. The arms dealers and even the consortia behind them made a lot of money in the war, but left countless holes for the new president. Everyone will be angry about such things!"

"Anger is only one aspect, I'm afraid." Ding Yu is also a little funny to say, "or worry about their own strength is not enough! That's why we called in a group of people to wait, but he was not afraid that everyone would not sell his face! " Speaking of this, Ding Yu also shook his head, "ah, I'm so angry that we should sell him this face!"

"Judging from the situation, when the president comes to power, he may be tough in some aspects, and even liquidation may occur. The life of the parties there will not be too easy. However, many times, people will record this in the accounts of the former president. After all, what is left is a mess!"

"I'll be there two days in advance!" Ding Yu also made a decision, and then Jin also took out the information he had collected. There was no electronic version, it was just a text version. When Ding Yu saw one item, Jin would make a full-fledged treatment. Placing it in the shredder was just a part of the whole process. Then he soaked it with special liquid, and after it was completely turned into pulp, he did the next step of processing.

It's completely destroyed. Even if you get the paper pulp, it doesn't have any effect, and it can't be recovered. After reading these materials, Ding Yu is already quite late. On the way back, Ding Yu has been considering the relevant situation in this aspect.

What about the meeting between Ding Yu and Jin? It has attracted the attention of some people. Although Ding Yu has many assistants, it seems that Jin is the only one in the core area, because only he has access to Ding Yu's core secrets, and he is Ding Yu's confidant, which is generally acknowledged by all.

Although he said that he was by Ding Yu's side, he did not live in a quadrangle. He even deliberately kept a certain position with Ding Yu, and even kept a certain position with siheyuan. This makes the domestic side feel not so satisfied, but there is no way to be dissatisfied. At least, he can't start with Jin.Ding Yu's meeting with Jin in the evening must have involved something important, but no one can say clearly what it is. Anyway, no one has found any movement in the position. After meeting with Jin, Ding Yu left each other. There is nothing to find from Ding Yu's body, but nothing valuable can be found from Jin.

Kim has left the house, but the problem is that it is clean. There is no residue in the shredder, even in the toilet. The treatment is too clean. He is definitely an old hand in this field.

But the more like this? The more serious the problem is, the more serious it is. After Ding Yu came back, he also put the invitation on his desk. He was still thinking about going to the United States. This matter has been settled, but after meeting, what? What would it be like?

Ding Yu didn't care about the invitation, but when Wang Yang came to the study, he noticed that he didn't mean to. He came to take two books and saw the invitation on the table. He was also very curious. In his impression, it seems that his elder brother has been invited a lot, but what about the real participation? It seems to be the wedding of the jade family, right?

But what about the invitation? All are in foreign languages, if placed in the past, Wang Yang may not really understand, but Wang Yang just looked at it, that is, an invitation, it is no big deal, Wang Yang did not put it in his heart, and immediately took his selected book, directly left the study.

On New Year's day, Ding Yu also inquired about an Jie. Although he said that the Chinese people did not attach great importance to this, it was a new year's day anyway! What he inquired about was some questions about gifts, but Anjie handled the problems very well. He didn't have any vague meaning.

Ding Yu also called Taixi and said, "are you just coming? I'm a little lonely on my own! And the gift you gave me. It seems that it's not right! Why do two little guys have more presents than I do! "

"Europa!" Kim Tae hee on the other side of the phone can't laugh or cry. Isn't this a typical child? I also know that it was intentional. I apologized sincerely before. It's not that I don't want to come here, but there are many situations. But I have already promised that the lunar new year will be ahead of schedule!

"Well! Excuse me. By the way, I may have to go to the United States in two days to deal with some business affairs. Would you like to join us? " Two people have been bored on the phone for a long time. Of course, there are also two little guys among them. They seem to be a bit "presumptuous" during this period of time.

"New Year's day, do you want to come? Don't always hang out with that Cao Zhen of your family. Come out and see the light! "

"No interest!" Ding Ding Ding is very direct to say no, let Ding Yu also have so many have nothing to say, as for so direct? Do you want to save yourself a little face? But Ding Ding has said so. What can Ding Yu do? But Ding Ding listened to her brother's sigh voice, and also giggled, "brother, not as it is! You're not such a stingy person, are you! I really have something to do. I'll make it up for you sometime? "

Ding Yu here also turned his eyes, "do you hear my voice? Break it

"Is it? I didn't hear you Ding Ding Ding is also a bit unambiguous, want to play their own attention, the door is not ah! "I have other things to do with Cao Zhen, so I won't disturb you. If you have anything, please call me. Oh, I want to tell you a happy new year. This word should still exist!"

Listening to Ding Ding Ding's intention to hang up the phone, Ding Yu also said in a hurry, "OK, I don't want to talk to you. I'll give you a call so that you don't forget. Don't say I didn't remind you. If you forget, the consequence will be very serious."

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu also can't help laughing. During this period of time, she had a little bit of mystery, but she was already a big girl. There should be no problem.

Looking at the Anjie who came in, Ding Yu also put down the phone, and Anjie also put the coffee in front of Ding Yu, "look at your appearance, it seems that there is something wrong?"

"Xiao Shuai is back. All the people have gone in. The specific things have been dealt with. The speed seems to be beyond imagination." When he said this, Jack still expressed caution, "what about the previous warning? It seems to have played an important role! "

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment. This matter had long been forgotten by himself, but he also understood why it was like this. Either it was what he felt there, or the pressure exerted at home. That's it. There would be no other reason.

Then Ding Yu also shook his head, "let them be in it! For them, it is also an opportunity to correct! What about things at home? I don't know, but I don't seem to have a place to go for the Chinese New Year In fact, Ding Yu still feels a little awkward about this, but no matter how awkward, the relationship is all there.

What's more, do it at home? It is also caused by worry about their own reasons, so they are not good to say , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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