On New Year's day, Ding Yu took the lead in making a phone call to his grandfather and grandmother, and then to his parents. This difference may be very subtle, but it can still explain some problems.

However, there are not many people to verify this aspect of the matter, what's more, even if the Wang family knew about this matter, they would not publicize it. What about some things? You really need to follow Ding Yu's mind.

In today's atmosphere, Ding Yu will not go to the hospital. He has even said hello to the hospital. At most, there will be another half a month. It does not mean that Ding Yu wants to take a rest on purpose, but that he really has other things to deal with. Therefore, he can only let the hospital do his best.

However, the hospital has a good understanding of Ding Yu. What about the identity of Ding Yu? There is not much to do with it. Ding Yu has been in the hospital for half a year. It can be described as conscientious. He gets along well with his colleagues. What's more, it is really not easy to set an example.

If it is other doctors, such as him, I'm afraid that his tail has long been raised in the sky, and his eyes are definitely on the top of his head. But Ding Yu has never been like this. Even when he doesn't understand, he can lower his posture to ask for advice. He doesn't take his identity as a thing.

You may not feel anything in one day or two days, but half a year's time is like this, which is really impeccable. Of course, Ding Yu does not have any small problems. For example, he will have a rest on Saturdays and Sundays, and he enjoys some privileges. But this makes people feel that this is the real Ding Yu.

However, out of his understanding of Ding Yu's situation, Tao Jin still reported the problem to the military, which would judge the issue in such a way. Tao Jin didn't know that this was just his own work, but to his own feeling, Ding Yu set the tone so quickly that there must be something wrong with it.

And what about this problem? It is likely to have something to do with the meeting between Jin and Ding Yu earlier, but it is not clear what is involved. He is just an assistant in Ding Yu's hospital. He knows very little about other situations. Moreover, Jin feels that he has nothing to say about his own defense. He can't get a needle in or water out.

"What are you two doing here?"

Wang Yang listened to this, can't help but white his eyes, the tone of speech is really too blunt? Did you provoke big brother, as for this? What about Wang Li? After all, it is a girl's family. I heard a little sour taste from the words, so I took a look at my brother deliberately.

"I think it's boring for you to be alone at home, so come and have a look." Wang Li also rushed to say a word. When she spoke, she also held her little nephew in her arms. The room was very warm. Wang Li also took off her coat. The little nephew was a little bit fleshy, but very cute.

"For another purpose." Ding Yu was very direct. Although he said that his younger brother and younger sister were coming, Ding Yu still didn't mean to stand up. However, the girl in her arms was slightly excited. Standing on her father's thigh, she was jumping and pedaling, and her red jacket was also a little festive.

"We ate here at noon!" When Wang Yang sat down, he also called with an Jie over there. He was not polite. He took this place as his own home. Anjie nodded his head and immediately made arrangements.

"Brother, it's not appropriate for you to stay at home on New Year's day?"

Ding Yu didn't mean to take over the topic at all. What about his time in these two days? After all, I'm ready to go to America, but before that? Still need to do some preparatory work, can't say is two eyes a smear run past, that's not as good as not to go!

Wang Li took a look at her brother. What about his condition? I really don't know much about him, but I can feel that his bearing has changed obviously in the past six months. This refers to not only his simple clothes, but also his inner temperament. At least, he is no longer green.

But when I came to my brother, how about this? He seems to be a changed person, still arrogant outside, but came to the quadrangle, not to be honest with quail, it seems that there is no better, but from his own feeling, big brother is still the previous situation, no strangers, not general indifference.

The younger brother talked to him as if he were courteous, but what he got was that kind of response. Seeing Wang Li also had some dissatisfaction, "brother, I'm also rare to come here. Let's go back to dinner together in the evening." The attitude of this saying is very tough. It is totally a situation that can not be refused. Wang Yang over there is also stunned.

I didn't expect that the second elder sister would speak with such an attitude. I didn't dare to put it on Wang Yang's body. I couldn't tell what was the reason. I really had some timid taste in my heart. However, to be honest, my elder brother's requirements for himself were not generally strict, but for the second sister, it seemed to be another Another attitude.Girls are different. Wang Yang feels that he has some complaints about this, but he is also funny. It is true that his second sister is raised as a princess, but the problem is that his second sister's character is not a princess at all, which is a waste of "kindness" in the family.

But my grandfather was very satisfied with this, and he didn't like this granddaughter in general. However, after a smart fight, Wang Yang also came back to God. He wanted to know what the elder brother's attitude towards this matter was. He and his second sister came here, but with a mission.

Granddad and grandma are the ones who give death orders. Even if they carry them today, they have to carry their eldest brother to the house. Today, aunts and uncles will come here. It's not that other people in the family will not come, but they are all in different places, which is not so convenient.

Wang Yang had a little expectation for the result, but he didn't think that his brother didn't give this face at all, and did not respond in this respect at all. However, Wang Li was still adamant, "brother, I'm talking to you! Anyway, I came here for this matter. You can't throw my face on the ground

Ding Yu looked up and said, "I haven't been to my grandfather and grandma for dinner. As for making you two such a big move?" Ding Yu's words have the meaning of some rhetorical questions. Of course, there is another meaning. However, judging from their expressions, it is obvious that they do not know about it.

However, Ding Yu didn't mean to go deep into the matter, and there was not much meaning to investigate. However, Ding Yu felt a little unhappy about this matter. However, in front of Wang Yang and Wang Li, there was really no way to vent anything. After all, they did not know anything. They just acted as a background wall.

However, although Wang Yang and Wang Li are going to stay in the courtyard for lunch, Ding Yu doesn't mean to stay at home. After cleaning up for the two little guys, she also takes them out. This action makes Wang Li and Wang Yang feel so stupid.

Isn't this intentional? But what's the good news? Wang Li and Wang Yang responded quickly. They chased out quickly, but they came back soon. At this time of new year's day, the weather in the capital was still a little cold. They came by car, so they didn't wear a lot.

Wang Li and Wang Yang looked at each other. Their elder brother was definitely intentional. Things have already been known. Do you two want to stay here? Just stay. If you don't want to, it doesn't matter.

"I bet big brother did it on purpose

However, Anjie, who was standing on the side, gave a slight smile. "San Shao, the eldest young master has already promised to come down. On New Year's day, he will accompany his two children in person, saying that he has gone to buy sugar gourd. The specific situation is not very clear, but it seems that he is not going to have lunch at home!"

It's just a fire! Wang Yang looked at an Jie, but also looked at the past with dissatisfaction. He knew it was such a result. Previously, he didn't say he was having lunch here. He and his second sister were here. It was so lonely.

Wang Li waved to Anjie. "It was not convenient before. I didn't say it. I heard that the family had some consideration for your problem. Is it true?"

"Well?" Wang Yang also nodded because his second sister said something about his career, and he nodded, "it's almost like this. It's mainly discussed by my grandfather, grandmother and grandfather, but I'm not sure about the details. It seems that elder brother knows something about it!"

Wang Li also took a sip of the blue and white tea bowl in front of her. The taste was really good. Then she closed the lid, looked at her brother, and slowly said, "we don't seem to be on a single step. What did I say? It's not about business and economics! "

"Isn't it?" Wang Yang also reacted to it for the first time. He looked at his second sister in horror, just like the mouse saw the cat. "Sister, when did you become so gossipy? Besides, you don't have any news and rumors about this matter. Why do you get it on my head first! Isn't this one full? "

After saying that, Wang Yang also stood up, but when Wang Li put down the tea bowl, the strength seemed to be a little bit too big. Wang Yang slightly mechanically twisted his head, looked at his second sister's appearance, but also flattered with a smile, and then said insincerely, "sister, am I busy now? How can you think about it? "

"It's not what I mean. It's something I overheard when my grandfather and grandma were talking. I told you this to make you prepare for it, so as to save you from being at a loss! You really don't mean to put pressure on you. Don't bite LV Dongbin and don't know good people! "

What he said also made Wang Yang's face a little gloomy. It was definitely not what he hoped for. However, listening to the second sister's words, his grandfather and grandmother did not seem to pay attention to this matter in general, "isn't it big brother? What's more, my eldest brother already has children. Don't you want me to have one? ""I don't know if you're the last one. But that's what my grandfather and grandma mean. After all, I'm from a girl's family. Is this a problem? It's still one level short. As for big brother? Do you think it's possible? "

Wang Yang is also a little impatient, heavy hammer on the table, but the table is not any shaking, pure solid wood table, with those fake real wood market, is absolutely valuable, but the general people also can not afford to see, looks like simple, because even a pattern can not be seen, but return to nature, low-key filled Luxury.

"It's impossible for the eldest brother! This problem can't be denied. In this case, why should we find it on my head? What a bully Wang Yang is also seriously expressing his dissatisfaction at this time. How can things be like this?

"Two things, don't think you took over the business at home, and then granddad and grandma will ignore it. It's impossible. At least you don't have this power!"

"I..." Wang Yang really wanted to refute a sentence, but this word came to the mouth, but he couldn't say it. Why? Just like Bai Shuo, he doesn't have any significance and value. He really doesn't have this power. He was the best choice, but the problem is that he has the capital to fight.

What about big brother at home? There is really no way, since the eldest brother can't, then he can only stand up, in fact, for the family to find a daughter-in-law such things? It is not very exclusive, it is such a thing, let their feelings above a little bit so some can not accept it.

"If you don't eat at home, go to eat with your elder brother and let him treat you!" Wang Yang, who was a little depressed, stood up at this time, and then started his own car. However, Anjie looked at the two people who left and also laughed. He didn't ask about the specific situation, but obviously, they were not very happy!

It's not difficult to find his elder brother. It's impossible to let Ding Yu stay with the two children to go out alone in the quadrangle. There must be bodyguards around. This is absolutely certain. Especially after Ding Yu's accident, the treatment is quite different.

As long as you find the bodyguard, you will definitely be able to find your big brother. It doesn't take long for Wang Yang to find the bodyguard car, but depends on the situation? Elder brother, the three of them didn't mean to stop, so Wang Yang didn't mean to get off the bus. It's like a joke. It's so cold!

After waiting for about two hours, Wang Li and Wang Yang also went into a store. Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to seeing them. At this time, he was taking care of two little guys. The two little guys were a little excited, and they were dancing there.

After Wang Li took off her coat, she held her little nephew in her arms again and wanted to run. How could it be? But Wang Yang did not have this aspect of the mind, "brother, just now the second elder sister told me about the things in the family, I feel a little depressed!"

But the problem is that Wang Yang said this. He wanted his brother to sympathize with him, but he didn't get any response at all. This made Wang Yang feel depressed. "Brother, my family thought about me to get married. Of course, I said that? It may have been, but that's what happened? "

Ding Yu took a look with the rest of the corner of his eye, and then put his attention on his daughter's body. After a long time, he slowly said, "this matter will fall on you, so don't complain. What's more, if it works, you won't sit here!"

This remark is too direct, which makes Wang Li even have some uncontrollable smile. It is really very interesting. It can be said that this remark is a little too straightforward, but there is really no way to refute it.


"It's nothing, but you'd better accept it! I thought it was a big deal. It's worth your trip! " Obviously, Ding Yu is so disdainful about this. Since he was born in such a family, you should know that such a thing can't run away at all. Such a bedtime can't play any role.

"But the question is, elder brother, you have both children. Is the family in such a hurry?"

"That's my business, and I need to remind you, I have an absolute choice in this matter, but are you? It's just a relative right of choice. If you want to make yourself uncomfortable, it's your own business. Don't drag me too! "

Although this talk? There are so many bad words, but Ding Yu still said it in a vague way. Things are not as simple as you think. Before you have absolute power, there is no right to choose in this matter. Moreover, according to Ding Yu's estimation, it is difficult for Wang Yang to fight for this right! Even impossible!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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