Wang Yang can be said to be quite depressed, in his elder brother here? Not only did not find any balance not to say, but also was well educated, but soon Wang Yang calmed down, he did not want to vent what, but after big brother said so? I'm in a better mood.

Can't you really be the so-called cheap skin? Wang Yang complained a little about this, and then he also put his eyes on his big brother. "Brother, I've never been so clear. What kind of cards do you have, please show me? I see the world, too? "

Wang Yang's words made Ding Yu stunned. He turned his eyes to Wang Yang's body. After looking at it carefully for a period of time, he fell into a burst of meditation.

In a flash, Ding Yu felt as if he had suddenly grasped some threads. What about the invitation from the United States? He has always held a skeptical attitude. If his own power is not revealed, then the United States can not attach too much importance to itself, even if it is developing rapidly.

However, this invitation from the United States is very abrupt. It makes me feel that some of them can't be understood, and even Ding Yu himself has some doubts. Now Wang Yang suddenly mentioned this topic to himself, but there are some words that awaken people in their dreams. So Ding Yu feels as if he has touched something.

"It's not impossible for you to see my cards!" After that, Ding Yu also began to laugh, some of whom could not understand. "This is a very interesting thing. It seems that some people misunderstand a lot."

Wang Yang was puzzled by what his elder brother said suddenly, and then he also looked at his second sister. However, Wang Li didn't have any meaning to pay attention to. He didn't really want to get involved in such a thing. However, he had some heartfelt meaning, because what he said made him feel palpitation!

Back in the courtyard, it was already in the afternoon. Ding Yu cleaned up the two little guys, and then drove to his grandfather and grandmother. Since they have agreed, don't be so reserved. The two little guys are really the first time to come here, so I feel a little curious.

"This is Xiaoyu." Looking at the woman standing in front of her, Ding Yu also stopped her steps. However, Wang Li walked over without any consideration. Then she helped her fourth aunt's arm. Wang Yang also introduced Ding Yu and said, "Sigu, when I was young, I always bullied me!" When speaking, the voice is a little low.

Ding Yu also nodded with a smile, followed by a cry of four aunts, "a look is a good-looking talent!" Then he also looked at the two little guys on the ground and picked up one of them casually, "come in, it's cold outside!" Immediately, it is indisputable to pull Ding Yu to go inside. His attitude is not general enthusiasm.

Wang Hui has been observing Ding Yu's great nephew since his arrival. He is no stranger to this nephew. At the beginning, her husband was in deep trouble. At that time, her family was at a loss. Later, the nephew took out 200 million in cash to make her husband survive the crisis.

I thought what happened after this? The relationship between myself and this nephew should be further developed. After all, I have taken out 200 million cash, which still needs to be kept in mind. However, the development of the matter is not in my own estimation. If it is not the invitation of my father and mother, I don't know the year of the monkey when I meet this nephew!

I have peeped several times. On the one hand, my big nephew is too boring. On the other hand? There are also some questions about the attitude of the father and the mother. What's the good news? This time is not very long, today finally had such an opportunity, but did not expect that he brought two little guys to come.

For example, at my own age, I really have no resistance to children. If it is not because I can't hold them, I really want to hold both of them in my arms. The appearance of the two little guys is very similar to that of my great nephew, which makes people feel like it.

"Coming!" The old lady immediately took another little guy in her arms. She was old, so she had to sit on the sofa and couldn't hold the little guy. However, she held it in her arms, but there were not many problems. She was very happy that her grandson could come.

Soon Wang Pu and his son-in-law yuan Chenglin came out of the study. Yuan Changlin looked at Ding Yu and said hello with a smile. He was no stranger to this nephew, but what about it? It was really the first time to meet, but yuan Chenglin's way of meeting was so different that he knocked Ding Yu's chest with his fist.

"How many years have passed, when you were like these two little meatballs on the sofa, but now you have grown up!" When you talk? There are also some exclamations, "the second brother gave birth to a good son!""Uncle, you praise me After the contact, Yuan Changlin also found that Ding Yu was not a difficult person to contact, but because of his personality, the expression might be slightly implicit. However, I paid attention to observe that the child is a little too mature.

Around the house, Wang Yang and Wang Li are all around. Although they say that the two children try their best to make themselves behave better, they are able to make themselves aware of some small movements in their hearts, no matter the movements on their bodies or the expressions on their faces. But Ding Yu is not the same child.

His body is extremely relaxed, and the expression on his face is also very important. His eyes, especially his eyes, completely block other people's eyes from looking at him. He doesn't give anyone a chance to explore. After a conversation, he doesn't get anything useful. This is very unusual for him.

But what about the family together? I'm very happy. We've been talking and laughing, especially the two little guys. No matter who's in their arms, there's no sign of crying. What's more, they're naughty. But I don't know why, it's just that we have a kind of tenderness that hurts our bones.

This is definitely the only two unique seedlings of the next generation. Their original identity is not the same, and they are so clever. If we look at the attitude of the old man and the old woman, if we don't be more vigilant, it will be really funny.

After dinner, Wang Pu also obviously said, "I heard that you seem to be busy during this period. Otherwise, when it's new year's day, take your parents over! Let's celebrate the new year together, and it will be more lively! "

As soon as the old man's words were just uttered, all the other voices in the room suddenly stopped. All the people's eyes were fixed on Ding Yu. The old man said this to Ding Yu in front of his face, which means that he wants to face Ding Yu's identity. You are the seed of our royal family.

But after hearing this, Ding Yu's expression on his face did not change. However, he did reach for the cigarette on the tea table, but he did not mean to light it. He just held it on his hand. "It's really busy. I'll go to the United States in two days. If I can, I'll take Wang Yang to meet and have a look It's not convenient for you to go home. Ding Ding will take her boyfriend home this year

Ding Yu blocked the topic directly. Everyone knows that this is just a speech, but everyone knows that this matter should not continue to talk about it. It will be very embarrassing for each other to talk about it. The old lady over there also knows that Ding Yu, the great grandson, has already expressed his attitude on this matter.

At this time, I'm afraid that it's the most appropriate thing to say it yourself. What about others? It will make the old man feel a little embarrassed, "how do you want to take Yang Yang to America? His domestic development is still good! Are there some people who are too fussy and untimely to go to the United States at this time

Ding Yu glanced at her, but it was not very sharp. Wang Pu was a little angry now, so she didn't pay attention to her grandson at all. However, the old lady seemed to feel something, but what did she mean by looking at her wife? He also sipped his mouth. Although Ding Yu didn't take it for granted, he was silent for a little time.

"* *" will be swearing in soon. What he takes over is a mess, so it is necessary to do something after taking office. But this needs to reach a certain consensus. I took Wang Yang to see him. There are not many people, but it will not do too much harm to see him. It's just like this. "

Now that we have the idea of this aspect, we still need to give the old man some information about this aspect. Of course, what about this? It also has the taste of testing the old man.

Hearing his grandson's words, Wang Pu's eyes were sharp at once, while yuan Changlin straightened up his body and even leaned forward, "Xiao Hui, you can wash some fruits!" The old lady also took a look at her wife and her grandson.

Wang Hui is to pull Wang Li up. She is already quite experienced in this aspect, but after listening to things that should not be heard, there is something wrong with her. So she needs to explain to her niece. After all, she is still a child. What is her understanding of some problems? It may not be in place.

"Nonsense!" After that, Wang Pu also turned his body, but yuan Changlin looked at his father-in-law's condition, and also gave a smile to his heart. "Dad, this is an opportunity to broaden his horizons. For Yangyang, it's good to see the world, Xiaoyu, who will take part in it! It doesn't look too small! "

"The scale is not too large. The number of invitation cards sent out is no more than 20. What I know now is only a limited number of people, including Paulson and Bernac. It seems that there is Yellen, which I can be sure of, and the others are still unknown!"

Wang Pu didn't have much feeling when the names came out of Ding Yu's mouth. But yuan Changlin felt that his heart was about to jump out, and even his whole face began to turn a little pale. Listening to his voice, he began to tremble, "Xiaoyu, how do you get involved in this muddy water? What's more, where do you take Yang Yang? Isn't it typical to pull him into the water? "Ding Yu, holding his chin, threw his hand. "My identity can be concealed from others, but it is transparent to some people. They have reason to suspect that I was fostered by the royal family, and even the will of the state may be dominant behind me. So we need to know about it. It's almost like this!"

Wang Pu took a long breath and held it for a long time. Then he slowly vomited out, "what role did you play in the subprime crisis?" The old man's question is very direct and purposeful, because the logic is very simple. If you don't make things out, why do people come to the door?

Previously, Wang Pu didn't really think too much about this aspect, but now the great grandson suddenly throws up such a topic, which makes Wang Pu feel that the problem is not as simple as imagined.

He can write those things, and he has a deep understanding of the situation. I'm afraid that the so-called subprime mortgage crisis is not only a part of it, but also a big problem. Otherwise, why should he be involved in this so-called small party?

Although he said that his grandfather was staring at himself, the problem was that Ding Yu didn't intend to make any explanation, "it's an account! After all, they also paid a lot of money. On this issue, it's normal for people to be soft mouthed and have short hands! "

Wang Pu felt that his anger did not hit a place. No wonder some people said to himself earlier that Ding Yu and his assistant seemed to be talking about something. He didn't really put it in his mind at the beginning, but now I want to come, this thing is really not so big, and even some of them have broken the sky.

"You don't worry about the consequences of your recklessness?"

"It can't be said to be reckless! It can only be said that it is a result of taking advantage of the situation. If I stretch out my hand or not, it will not have too much influence on the result. The idea is just different! " Ding Yu is also to this matter directly came to a conclusion, you understand or do not understand, anyway, the matter has passed.

Wang Pu felt a little congested, and even his head felt confused. His grandson gave him a little bit of shock, which made him really unable to accept it for a while!

However, Wang Pu is still very clear, that is, Ding Yu's industrial development to this point, absolutely has nothing to do with the family. Maybe in the eyes of outsiders, it must be because of the joint relationship that Ding Yu is today. But in fact, the Wang family has been able to make this step, thanks to the grandson.

More popular, Ding Yu's back is not standing Wang family, for him, there is no impact, but for the Wang family, if there is no Ding Yu, that is another thing, the demand relationship is completely different! This also leads to a fundamental difference in their positions.

In the past, I felt a little tied up about this grandson, but now? This feeling is particularly strong, why say so, or because Ding Yu revealed this situation, let Wang Pu have no preparation at all, this impact is really too big.

"Brother, is your satellite too big?" While his grandfather and grandmother were checking their health, Wang Yang was also careful to tell his brother that it was normal for the two old people to have a physical examination, which is the same every night. The family needs to take full care of the two old people's health, and there can be no carelessness.

Ding Yu didn't have too many reactions. He was still sitting there with the old God. He threw the topic out. There were some tentative meanings. It seems that the reaction is a little too much! Not only my grandfather and grandmother, but also my uncle went out.

"That's what you said. Didn't you say you wanted to see what the so-called cards were?" Ding Yu also said in a funny way, "so I'll let you have a look. What's more, seeing the world, I haven't seen any bad things. Of course, I have a little bit of other careful thinking, which I won't deny!"

"No!" Wang Yang also has some sad looking at his brother, but the problem is that Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to it at all. Instead, Wang Hui and Wang Li sat down with two little guys in their arms and watched the two people who were chatting in their arms.

"Xiaoyu, you've scared the house!"

Ding Yu doesn't know much about his aunt, but he has already said so. Ding Yu still respects his elders very much. "Auntie, I have some responsibility for this matter, but sooner or later it will happen."

"Well, I don't know much about the things at home, but you are also a child. It took so long to show one side. What I don't know is how to do?" When you talk? It's all complaining! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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