After the physical examination, the old man and the old lady didn't mean to go out immediately. Yuan Chenglin also sat on the side. Just now, he had explained the name of Ding Yu to the two old people. He was really interested in this matter.

It's not to say how much money Ding Yu has in his hand and how powerful he is. This is not so important to himself as he imagined. What matters is how much influence and interests Ding Yu can bring to the country. This is what yuan Chenglin values. I believe the two old people are the same.

"This son of a bitch!"

"It's not the seed of your Wang family." Hear the old man scold, the old lady is also come up directly on the top of a, have words will not be good to say! What kind of ability is swearing, let alone the grandson of the family! Don't rely on the old and sell the old. It's time to talk in that tone!

The old man murmured, "I didn't expect that there would be such a situation behind this thing. I was really fooled by this bastard. I thought the bastard was kind-hearted, but from now on, it's not like this. It's just a kind of response after being found out carelessly at the beginning."

"They didn't show you!" The old lady also said with discrimination, "what kind of situation is behind this matter? It seems inappropriate for us to speculate. We'd better talk to the child!"

Wang Pu also hum a, talk about this matter is quite unreliable, this child will disclose? The possibility is not as great as he imagined. If he wanted to disclose the information, he would have mentioned this problem for a long time, but until today, the matter is about to be concealed, and then he said it.

Wang Pu sighed in his heart, and then patted the armrest of the sofa with his arm, "let's not discuss anything here. Let's see what he means! To be direct, what bad things have not been seen, Chenglin, do you mean? "

"Mom and Dad, I think it's better to handle this matter with caution. For such a long time, we have been suspicious and vigilant, but what about this problem? How much or underestimate Ding Yu this child, we have not given him an accurate positioning

After saying that, the old man and the old lady also looked at each other. This question is still quite accurate, and it is also quite essence. Has it been? There has been no very accurate positioning for this grandson at home. What about his understanding? It is also a very vague situation.

I know some of them, but many of them don't know. I know that Ding Yu has made a lot of noise, but I didn't expect it to be such a "toss" and some of his military affairs. Even today, the Wang family has not fully grasped it. This is obviously the problem!

After thinking about it, Wang Pu sighed a little, and his voice was a little tired and deep. "This boy is glued with hair, which is more refined than a monkey. Although he is usually very dull, he has more flowers in his belly than anyone else. Let alone his age, even if it is an old guy like me, there are a lot of things that are covered in the drum! ”

although he doesn't want to admit anything, Wang Pu doesn't deliberately hide anything. Some situations are very realistic. It doesn't mean that he can hide anything. What's more, Wang Pu doesn't mean to hide anything, but he is his grandson, so he seems a little embarrassed.

At this time, the old lady laughed without scruple. What about her grandson? It is painful to the bone. Although some things are concealed, it is not necessarily a bad thing. He has his own consideration. This is a very normal situation and nothing can not be understood.

"Is this boy a monkey? I don't know, but what about his heart? We should have our own plans. This time, we should take Wang Yang to a certain extent? I'm afraid we should also show our identity. Sometimes it's very easy to draw a clear line! "

"Dad, although I don't know the whole thing very well, from my personal point of view, this thing? I'm afraid it's not as simple as you can imagine. Ding Yu must have his own reasons. Why must we "draw a clear line" of this line? And is it true that the people in that circle are all in the same situation as Ding Yu in our family? "

Yeah? Listening to Yuan Chenglin's mention of this matter, Wang Pu also considered a little time, but the problem is that there is almost a paste in his head. If it is a domestic matter, he can say something about it, but when it comes to international affairs, it makes him feel at a loss.

"After all, or because there are not many things under control, do you think this boy is on purpose, the person above him? It seems that there are many! Why can't you control the problems and situations you want? "

Yuan Chenglin is also smiling. This problem can't be said clearly. In front of the child Ding Yu, let's say it clearly! This situation is not so simple as embarrassment, but in front of the father-in-law and mother-in-law? It seems that there is a problem, mainly because Ding Yu, the child, has not been exposed for such a long time, which can be seen from this!When the old man, the old lady and Yuan Chenglin came out of the room, it was already an hour later. The two little guys seemed to have some difficulties. After all, they were still so young at this age. In addition, they had formed habits at home, so they were all sleeping at this time.

It's fun to sleep. Wang Hui and Wang Li are also staring at the two little guys. After the old lady came out, she looked at the two children's condition. She also complained and patted her daughter and granddaughter on the back. What's good about children's sleeping? It's true.

But soon, the old lady also called out the housekeepers and asked them to take care of the two little guys. This is a treasure in one's heart. Anyone who has a problem can do it, but these two little guys can't have problems.

"If you take Wang Yang with you, you won't be afraid of anything." As soon as this word was said, the old lady's face immediately sank, and she gave a fierce white look at the old man of his own family. How could he say so bad? At least their own listening can be said to be quite unhappy!

Wang Pu seems to feel something, but he doesn't have any meaning to care about. Ding Yu is still very calm. After listening to his grandfather's words, he doesn't hesitate for a long time. He says lightly, "seeing the world is better than staying at home, and you can learn a lot! It's a rare opportunity. "

This answer is of no significance at all. It is even a little evasive. What's more, it is wrong to answer the question. You should know that the old man's question and Ding Yu's answer are of two natures.

Yuan Chenglin, sitting over there, has a funny feeling. It seems that his father-in-law said nothing wrong. This child! Sticky hair is more clever than a monkey, but you really can't say anything. Do you have to face up to his answer? It really can't be like this.

"Don't bullshit me, you know what I mean!" When talking, Wang Pu also reached out and took his crutches which he didn't use very much. When he took it in his hand, he knocked the floor heavily and made a dull voice, which could show that the old man was still angry about this.

Ding Yu put his eyes on the old man's walking stick. After looking at it for a period of time, he also sighed and said, "grandfather, your cane is really good! Wang Yang can't find it for you! I remember that he did some research on this aspect! "

Originally, Wang Pu was clutching his walking stick, but after listening to Ding Yu's words, it was time to hold his own walking stick. If it wasn't because the distance was a little bit far, I'm afraid it had already hit Ding Yu's head at this time. This bastard, don't let himself be angry, is he not happy?

However, Ding Yu just skimmed the water and stopped immediately, and then turned the topic back. "From a certain point of view, it was pushed to the front desk. It was only a representative figure. The important issue was the attitude of the forces behind him. On this issue, we need to reach an agreement, because no one thought that the subprime crisis would be so serious! ”

"in a nutshell!"

"To put it simply, it's just to take it off!" Ding Yu's words are too direct, even let the old man and the old lady feel that he is not a bit serious, "originally this game? Well played, but because some people are too unscrupulous, so all of a sudden to be destroyed, and then this bottom can not hold

"You mean you're playing rogue!"

Ding Yu also gave his grandfather a smile. "The nature is similar, but what you say may sound better than this. Since you play with Tuo, you need to bear a certain price. But what about the United States? There are so many hooligans and rascals, so it is necessary to pass on the crisis and pit everyone together! I'd rather die than drag you in. "

The words were very rough, but for Wang Pu, it was quite shocking, because the more it was, the more it showed the essence of the problem. If this country really played rogue, it was really quite difficult to deal with it! "Will the target be at home? If so, what will happen? "

What about this problem? Ding Yu stopped talking, but what about the old man? But I saw some problems, "OK, you go to have a rest first! It's just tomorrow when your third uncle is free. I'll let you come over! "

"No more!" For this third uncle, Ding Yu still has some memories of later generations in his mind, and some of them are still timid. Although he said that he is now in a position, he may not need to worry about this aspect, but what is the impression left? Really is to let oneself be afraid!

"Cheng Lin, how much truth do you think this is?" After Ding Yu left, Wang Pu also turned his goal to his son-in-law. He had a lot of research on this aspect, and he didn't hide anything from him. So what about the relevant issues? Have a very direct understanding.

"I think what Xiaoyu said is true, but some of them are reserved." In this regard, Yuan Chenglin was also really careful analysis, "is it true to play off, this word should be regarded as joking! But how much can still explain certain problems, and for us, is also a warning! However, I have some feelings about the follow-up problems! "Ding Yu didn't stay at all in the evening, but the two children stayed. If we took the children away, I'm afraid that the crutch that the old man had pinched for a long time in his hand would directly swing it on Ding Yu's head without any politeness. Ding Yu has already felt the threat more or less.

"Why did your brother mention it to you?"

After Ding Yu left, the old man and his son-in-law had finished the discussion, and Wang Yang was also arrested. Wang Yang looked at his grandfather carefully, and then touched his head. He was very cautious. After his uncle winked at him, he was relieved.

"When I went to my brother, I said," let me see what the so-called cards look like? Then he mentioned it to me. At that time, I didn't really care about it. It was a bit of a joke

Listen to Wang Yang finish, everyone's expression is a little strange, Wang Yang will not say what lies, but why do people feel a little depressed and helpless after listening to this matter?

"How did you come up with this idea? Did your brother set you any traps on purpose

Wang Yang also tried to think for a period of time, and then slowly shook his head, "there is no impression of this aspect, because I said this to my elder brother abruptly, and he also took some time to give me a reply. At that time, I felt very funny, and the idea in my heart was that I could finally see the few aspects of elder brother!"

Well, I didn't expect it would be such a result. We were disappointed. But the old lady seemed to remember something, "you know, your brother's assistant is Kim. Are you familiar with it?"

"I heard, but I haven't seen him very much. This guy is haunted. Even if he is Anjie, he doesn't seem to have much contact with him, but I do have his phone number. But from what I know, he seems to have no contact with anyone except his big brother, and it's too mysterious!"

Wang Yang also told what he knew. What about his family? I feel a little disappointed about this. This disappointment is not aimed at Wang Yang. Jin, the assistant, has been paying close attention to him all the time. I think Jin himself knows that Ding Yu, not to mention Ding Yu, is the problem. But the assistant only faces Ding Yu!

It's not that the Wangs didn't think about the situation in this respect, but encountered the strong response of Ding Yu, the child. What happened to this? It also makes the relationship between each other even cold, which is really not what the Wang family wants to see.

"Kim is your brother's chief assistant, but the problem is that he never gets close to your brother, and even doesn't go to the courtyard very often. This is a question that can be asked. The trust between two people makes people feel envious."

Wang Yang pondered for a while, and then shook his head. "I'm familiar with Anjie and Tao Jin, and I have a good relationship with brother Mingyu. However, as far as I know, there is really no one to contact him. What's more, what's my brother's industry? It's not in China anymore! "

Of course, I know what my grandfather and grandma mean, but the problem is that I can't do it! My elder brother is who, I am really too clear, I this little grasshopper don't jump in front of him, there will be no good results, so take it easy!

Even if you two old people can't do something, I don't have any way. Don't think too high-end. It's true that I have a good relationship with my brother, but what about that?

What about Wang Yang's attitude? It also makes Wang Pu and the old lady feel a little helpless. This grandson is not not not helping, but really can't help. But it has always been out of such a situation, it seems that it is not appropriate!

"By the way, it suddenly occurred to me that what happened before? My brother, the steward from England has been here once. I happened to meet him. It seems that I have had some communication with Jack! " Then Wang Yang also scratched his head, "the housekeeper seems to be called William, but once!"

What about the UK? The family knows something about it, but the problem is that he can't get in at all. Besides, Ding Yu's relationship with the British side is also extraordinary. Therefore, it's useless to say anything about it. If it's really foreign, forget it! It doesn't make much sense.

Wang Yang also just mentioned a sentence. As for whether the grandfather and grandmother will adopt it, I really have no way, but at least I have tried my best, so the family will not be too hard on myself, because I really can't do, let myself do what I can't do. This is a problem.

"At home, you don't know anything about your brother's situation outside. Your brother is very conservative about this problem, and he doesn't know what he is thinking about!"

What about this problem? Wang Yang doesn't want to make any comments, and this is not something he should be involved in. If he doesn't say it, he must have his reasons and ideas.

It's like the moment when I took out the things in my study before, I could say that the noise was a little bit big. I was very clear that my grandfather and grandmother were for the sake of the country, but the problem is that some people don't think so!If someone lifts the table again, how will his elder brother deal with it? So Wang Yang feels that his elder brother has hidden something, which is not simply a bad thing. Everyone has his own unique way to deal with it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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