Zhuang Dongliang left after dinner. He was very clear that Ding Yu had given himself too much face. Looking at the servants and security personnel in the yard, he had already understood a lot of things. Moreover, from his own observation, Wu Mingyu even had a sense of fear for Yu Shao, even though he said that this was just the feeling in his heart.

I didn't feel much outside before. When I came out again, all the people, including myself, were recorded. Even all the meals needed to be reserved. This also made Zhuang Dongliang realize some problems again.

Originally, I didn't know what identity Yu Shao was. I felt a little confused, but now I have understood some. Since I understand, I will leave some face for myself! When he went back, Zhuang Dongliang also sighed a little. If it wasn't a coincidence, then I'm afraid he didn't know the identity of Yu Shao?

There are advantages and disadvantages, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Zhuang Dongliang still has a very clear understanding of this, but is he really prepared for this aspect? For this problem, Zhuang Dongliang also summed up a number of problems in his own enterprise, and the most important thing is the equity problem in Ding Ding's hand.

Now I don't think Ding Ding's shares are a little more. On the contrary, I think that Ding Ding Ding's shares are a little less. What about this problem? At the banquet, I was a little bit of a trial. However, Yu Shao was very strict. If I knew this, I should have been more atmospheric at the beginning!

If there is any regret medicine, Zhuang Dongliang will definitely buy himself one. However, if you think about it later, you really need to say that Yu Shao always stops when he does anything. He treats his own problems like this and treats Lao Yin the same way.

When it was more than two o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Mingyu felt almost the same. Ding Yu took a look at the things on the table, and then handed it to the man who came in with him. Wu Mingyu's eyes were slightly narrowed, but now he really has no way to investigate what.

The first thing he did when he was out of the courtyard was to make an outline of the things he had written down, and then he began to recall them slowly. When he got back to the place, Wu Mingyu looked at the things he had written and bit his back teeth slightly. He felt that he was not as good as before.

Towards the evening, Ding Yu also went to his grandfather's place. It was still early, and the two little guys were not at home. I didn't know it was crazy to go there. My grandmother was not there. His grandfather was sitting there. It seemed that he was waiting for himself on purpose. At least, Ding Yu felt like this.

After greeting his grandfather, Ding Yu sat down beside him. Wang Pu also took a look. Other children in the family would never sit down without their own consent. But what about Ding Yu? But you can't tell whether he was intentional or unintentional.

"I hear you have guests in your house!"

Oh? Ding Yu was obviously stunned, and then nodded, "Zhuang Dongliang is coming. It seems that something has happened! I didn't ask. It happened that Wu Mingyu was there. They seemed to know each other. They didn't know if the matter had been solved

Wang Pu also took a look at his grandson. How to deal with this matter? It's hard for him to say anything, but he's so smart. Wu Mingyu goes to Ding Yu's place, and Ding Yu asks him to return the favor. What about each other? It seems that they really do not owe each other.

But what about actually? Wu Mingyu's child was definitely calculated by Ding Yu, but what about this calculation? He was really helpless. There was no way. Even he was happy to have such a result. Wang Pu was also very puzzled. Where did Ding Yu's great grandson learn from?

"I heard that you transferred all the domestic industries to Ding Ding Ding? There are no other ideas? "

Isn't that intentional? Ding Yu also looked at it. "Ding Ding Ding has no leisure these days. She has to take her new son-in-law home for the new year's Eve, so she is more busy." You ask me to say, there is nothing to be ashamed of, the same also does not have what conceals the meaning, depends on your old man how to think!

"Wang Yang is also your brother!" Wang Pu was also quite unsatisfied. Ding Yu only looked at the old man until this time. After a while, he slowly said, "grandfather doesn't agree with Wang Yang to go with me. I don't care. It's not so important to go or not to go."

Wang Pu feels that at this time he wants to burst the vulgarity, this his Niang does not know what to call reserve? Originally, I just wanted to express the meaning of this aspect, but I didn't think that Ding Yu directly put all the things on the surface, which made me feel a little embarrassed.

But soon Wang Pu also suppressed his emotions. "In principle, I don't agree with Wang Yang's involvement in it. He is still a little young, and he doesn't have so much experience. What about this matter?""Since Wang Yang doesn't want to be involved in it, I'll be alone. Anyway, the invitation letter only invites me!" I don't know why, before Wang Pu finished speaking, Ding Yu made a statement. Since Wang Yang didn't want to say anything, he didn't force him. It didn't matter to him.

Wang Pu also tilted his body forward, which was not the result he wanted. Wang Yang could not go, but if he wanted to, he could arrange other people to stand beside Ding Yu instead of Wang Yang. What about this candidate? It has been discussed, but it is very appropriate.

But I didn't think about it. Before I could express myself, my grandson blocked the gap of this matter with a word. I didn't give any chance at all. How do you think it's your business? It has nothing to do with me. What I do is my business. It has nothing to do with you!

"What if I say yes?" At this time, Wang Pu's tone also began to become a little low.

Ding Yu leaned back and said, "I believe you old man can make me have to take him, but I can say for sure that as long as you go out of China, you don't have to think about coming back. Even if he is a God, someone will kill God, including me. You are joking about my life!"

"You are trained by the country. The first thing you should consider is the interests of the country!"

Ding Yu is also a smile, smile a little cold, "I know, how you old people say how, I do not object, at the same time, I also admit this point, in the process of my growth, the army has given me great help."

After that, Ding Yu is also looking at the old man. I have already said what you want to say or don't want to say. I don't know what you want to do? This is not to say that they do not consider the country, but the problem is that there are too many things revealed in the previous time. Why did no one think about it for themselves?

The old man may not know exactly how it happened, so he expressed his strongest dissatisfaction with Ding Yu, because in his opinion, Ding Yu, the grandson, pays too much attention to his own personal interests and completely forgets the national interests.

"If you know the problem, why is it still like this?" If other people, Wang Pu may directly start, but after all, is his grandson, so Wang Pu is also tolerant, this matter? Discuss and have a look. At least you need to know what he thinks, and how much doubt you have in your heart.

What about the old man's attitude? Ding Yu also hesitated for a little time, "I heard that the third uncle will come, come and say it together! I'm a little angry these two days, so my voice is not very comfortable! " Pu's face is not so comfortable.

After a short time, the old lady came back and took a look at the old man and her grandson. The atmosphere between them seemed to be a little dignified! What is the matter is not quite clear, but it seems that there are so some unhappy!

The old lady didn't mean to ask. The people who followed her also put the two little guys down. It seems that they went out for a long walk and saw what they had in their hands. What grandma bought was quite happy.

At least from the appearance of the two little guys, Ding Yu is more interested in their skulls. He just touched it and felt good. He didn't know where his grandmother bought it. However, the two little guys are obviously not satisfied with their father's behavior, as can be seen from their actions.

Ding Yu and two little guys are having a good time on the sofa. Wang Pu also left with the help of the servants at home. In fact, how about helping? It's just to make a look. It seems that Ding Yu deliberately shows it to Ding Yu, but it seems that Ding Yu doesn't appreciate it, which makes Wang Pu feel depressed and angry.

After dinner for a long time, his uncle and uncle came to join hands, but also late!

"Xiaoyu, what about Wang Yang? He is too young. If you take him out now, don't let him not see anything, but frighten him This is what yuan Chenglin said. Earlier, Yuan Chenglin also got the news. Ding Yu's nephew seems to have some opinions on this point!

There are not many people in the room. Ding Yu also pondered for a moment, and then slowly said, "my personal opinion is that if Wang Yang doesn't go, then I will go alone."

"Why?" Yuan Chenglin also followed and asked, and then he looked at the two people over there.

"Why?" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "there is no need for any reason. If Wang Yang goes, it can be said in any way. After all, Wang Yang is my younger brother, and they will give me this face. If it is changed to other people, then they will not give me this face. The reason is so simple!"

"I can't say that!" The meaning of Wang Pu's is more dull."It seems that there are so many people who can't explain it!" Ding Yu also smiles, but there is no sense of embarrassment, and even smiles, "OK! Now that you have opened your mouth, I hope you don't have too much burden on this matter! " After saying that, it is also possible to have a look at his uncle and uncle.

"I shouldn't have been on this invitation list. Zeng ran, we had a good relationship with him, and even helped him a lot in the process of his election campaign. But this is not the reason for me to attend. The reason is that my background was exposed."

Yeah? Wang Pu is also slightly a Leng, how to attribute this reason to his body? However, Wang Pu also frowned, "this matter has a certain relationship with me, but is this statement a little far fetched? It doesn't seem to explain the problem! "

"Everyone is in the circle. What's the trend of the market? Sometimes it can explain the problem! " Ding Yu does not want to explain the reasons in this respect carefully. Relative to the overall income, his loss is so some, but it can be ignored.

On the whole, there is no bad thing to see. The United States is dissatisfied with its own behavior, which is absolutely certain. But the problem is that they can't live in the whole process. When did they enter and when did they leave.

Fortunately, Ding Yu was extremely cautious and careful in the whole process. At the same time, he kept a single line contact with sun Yingnan, and even many of them had no way to find out. They were deliberately destroyed by themselves. Now, the original caution is really a blessing.

If we didn't show more prudence at the beginning, we would be really sad if some things were found out. This time to attend the so-called small party before taking office is also a trial for myself.

But the question is, do you dare to say something like this? Previously, I could say that I was sold by my grandfather, but now? He is still not clear about the problems and the situation, and he has no way to talk to him about the problems, so there seems to be some misunderstanding between them.

"So, you child is involved in this subprime crisis!"

What about third uncle? Ding Yu also moved his butt, which was not true, but did not mean to deny it too much. "In the capital market, interests represent everything. Originally, we didn't have such an opportunity, but the problem is that some people are so greedy that they play off and can't finish. In such a situation, all hyenas flock to the market, Therefore, such a situation is inevitable again! "

"What about the attitude of the new government?"

"There are only two things I know, one is withdrawal, and the other? It is the transfer. The primary direction of this transfer is the European Union. As for other countries? It must also be affected. As for how to avoid these influences, I am not so clear about this issue. I am not studying this! "

"Specifically?" This question means to get to the bottom of the matter.

What about Ding Yu? After thinking about it, "in fact, before the party started, the two decisions had already been made. After all, what about the former president? What's left is a mess that the new president can't turn a blind eye to, and what's more? They are of different factions. One Democratic Party and one Republican Party represent completely different interest groups. "

"It seems that your news is not so smart." The third uncle sitting on the opposite side of Ding Yu also looked at Ding Yu playfully. "This time, it's very important for the country. I hope you can take the overall situation into consideration. If you can, I'll pick you up at the airport when you come back!"

Ding Yu bit his teeth, and his body was also involuntarily twisted for two times, "uncle, you are a typical pit for me! Where am I going? We may reach some agreement in this process, but this agreement certainly has scope and limitation! "

"For example?" The speaker is yuan Chenglin. He is very concerned about this issue. Otherwise, even if he has this identity, he will not be allowed to sit here.

"We will not continue to make the situation worse. Even to a certain extent, we have to extend a helping hand. First, we will stabilize some domestic conditions and problems in the United States, and then gradually transfer the contradictions. Of course, we will basically cooperate, because the Democratic Party is the force behind him, and what about the Republican party? I've made a lot of money these years! "

"So it can explain some problems and situations!" After saying that, he also smiles at Ding Yu, "Xiaoyu, I want to discuss some things with Mr. Wang!" Ding Yu is clear to stand up, and then take the lead to go out, looking out of Ding Yu, Wang Pu is also humming.

Ding Yu's step is very calm, there is no sense of any faltering, "Mr. Wang, I think this matter or respect his opinion! This result is likely to be similar to what he expected! Pressure may not make much sense. "Wang Pu was also silent and did not speak. After a long time, he said in a trance, "I'm not sure! I didn't expect such a situation. If I had known that, I would have been... " After that, he sighed heavily. Obviously, what happened before? I was so anxious that I led to such a result.

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