"I'm afraid this thing will really be similar to what Xiaoyu expected, but I can be sure that there are some things that Xiaoyu is hiding in his heart and has not revealed it!"

Wang Pu also wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand, and then put the handkerchief to the position of his hand. After Ding Yu indicated that the details were disclosed, he had already had a guess in this respect. However, if you ask Ding Yu, the grandson, he will not say it any more.

In the same sentence, his performance was too hasty and urgent. No wonder he was so fierce. The original reason was that he should have felt something at that time. Wang Pu was not a stubborn old man. He just felt embarrassed and embarrassed to admit such a mistake, so he didn't show it very well.

Other people in the family will not mention this matter to themselves. Even Ding Yu, the great grandson, will not mention this matter if it is not special. But now that the matter has been mentioned, it depends on his attitude. Wang Pu feels that his mood is not as good as he imagined.

"This son of a bitch always looks like this when I know it. He's mysterious!" Wang Pu is also rare to say a, the two next to each other looked at each other, the heart is also so some funny.

"Dad, I think it's better for Xiaoyu to handle this matter by himself! If Wang Yang is willing, let him see the world, which is not necessarily a bad thing. What's more, isn't Xiaoyu a guaranteed child? "

"Let Xiaoyu go alone!" Wang Pu thought for a long time, but he also refused. Of course, in front of his son-in-law and his third son, he would never say anything if there were other people present. He was really not so relieved, although Ding Yu, the great grandson, assured himself.

But who knows if there will be any other unexpected situation, it may be because of too old! So I am quite worried, this is a psychological role.

Since the old man has said such things, it is difficult for other people in the family to express their opposition in this respect. The matter has been decided in this way. When Ding Yu knew the news, he didn't have any other expression. When he left, he took the two little guys away at the same time. They were a little crazy these two days!

"I don't think Xiaoyu was so happy when he left."

At night, the old lady was also a little worried and said, "I think you are a little bit bold in dealing with Ding Yu's problem! What about Ding Yu? He is also very sensitive. He is just unwilling to express himself, which does not mean that he has no idea in his heart! "

The expression on Wang Pu's face is also slightly stagnant. After a long time, he slowly said, "I've done this too carefully. I always feel that I'm getting older. What about some things? Too anxious

"How to deal with Ding Yu's affairs?" It can be said that the old lady is very worried about this. "Xiaoyu, the child, has not been in contact for a short time. His character is also not a good role to want to play. If such a thing happens again now, it is bound to give him an account! What's more, you have your ideas about Wang Yang, but I don't think it's so appropriate! "

Heard the boss say so, Wang Pu is also Yi Yi, "Why say so?"

"Has Xiaoyu asked for anything since he was found back? It seems that there is no at all, at least not in my impression. He brought up with Wang Yang, and this matter was rejected! "

Wang Pu was stunned by the old lady's words. What about this problem? I really didn't think about it. Listening to my wife didn't mean to talk, and the old lady didn't have any other words. Anyway, things have been like this. It seems that other things are useless. Let's see the further development!

Ding Yu made a phone call to sun Yingnan, and he has accepted the invitation. If there is no special thing, he will have a dinner party. The content of the phone is so simple. Sun Yingnan has no other expression, that is to say, that's all. But for two people, the inner meaning is not so simple.

This so-called tacit understanding still exists. Ding Yu told sun Yingnan that the purpose was a kind of trial. He was going to the United States. Did you really not show any so-called horse feet? This is the real purpose of Ding Yu. But Sun Yingnan did not make any representations, which shows that this matter is still certain.

It is not to say that Ding Yu is really afraid of the US side. What will the US side do to itself? At least this time is absolutely the case, as for the future situation? should be regarded as a different matter.

They don't rush to do it themselves, and do they? The interest in the United States is not as big as you think. I just steal chicken while everyone is not paying attention. But I'm afraid no one can tell how big the chicken is. The chips are not just on the table!What about the chips on the table? It's just for you to see. If anyone reaches for those things, they are just looking for the so-called uneasiness with themselves. It's true that when the lights are turned off, no one can see them. However, those people who have a little bit of status will not do it, because the real big head is off-site gambling.

What about the amount on the floor? Everyone can see, but I'm afraid no one has much to estimate, because there is no way to estimate, and many things will not be expressed in the field, so even if the United States is aware of it, it can only stare at it, that's all.

Because off the court gambling? We can't find any real evidence. Even who are these people off the field? The U.S. has no way to inquire, because what's going on inside? They are almost in a state of uncertainty. Under such circumstances, they can only settle down in a stable place. This is the most important thing.

But it's not so easy to settle down in your own field. First of all, what about the people outside? Can't continue to make trouble, what's more? It is the need for capital injection, but also to let these off-site people go to other venues to make trouble.

What about metaphors? Basically, this is the situation. Ding Yu and other people don't want to fall out with the United States. We have reached a certain agreement. Hello, everyone. No one wants to suffer too much in this agreement. So we need to sit down and have a good talk.

What about the United States? They are not willing to offend these guys, because the United States is also very clear about the interests of the alliance? It's not so easy to break. This is not a matter for children to live in. If they can't, they can start again.

"Brother, how can it happen?" When Wang Yang came, he was also quite dissatisfied and depressed. His family told him that he could not go to the United States with him, but he did not tell himself the reason for this. We should know that Wang Yang has made preparations for this aspect.

"Are you looking for me to fight?" Ding Yu looked at Wang Yang, but also skimmed his mouth, "you want me to give you a reason, so who am I going to talk to?" For Wang Yang, Ding Yu is not polite at all.

"Brother, I don't understand!" After saying that, Wang Yang also sat heavily on the chair, obviously also used this to express his dissatisfaction, "by what! It's not that I haven't been to the United States, but why don't I go to such a thing? At least give me a reasonable reason

"Things have always been like this, just be used to it!" Ding Yu didn't want to explain the reasons. There were too many aspects involved, and if it was really said, Wang Yang might also involve some responsibilities, so there was no need for him to bear the pressure in this respect.

"I don't like it!" Sitting on the chair, Wang Yang also looked like he was a bit decadent, because things were what he didn't expect. "I just don't understand. Why should I be under such pressure?"

Ding Yu pondered for a while, and then he also snorted, "it's not to give you pressure. You think something is a little wrong. My grandfather may have many ideas, but one of them is for your safety. He didn't know the danger before. Now that he knows it, he needs to weigh it carefully!"

"Danger?" Wang Yang is also a little puzzled, looking at his big brother!

"Yes! Anyway, the old man thinks so. What about my identity? Up to now, it has not been made public. It will not have too much influence, and the people there will not do anything to me, but you are not the same! " Speaking of this, Ding Yu also changed a sitting posture, "there are some problems in the explanation is not clear, anyway, the old man has this aspect of concern!"

"Can't you?" Wang Yang had some doubts, "isn't it just a dinner party? What's the big deal

"I take it for granted, but I don't want to explain too much to you. If you have the courage, you can ask the old man's attitude, but before that? There is still time But after Ding Yu finished this speech, he also laughed, "but I don't think much of your action, personal opinion!"

"Brother, aren't you provoking?" Wang Yang was also quite dissatisfied. He said that he was very clear in his heart that he could not talk to his grandfather and grandmother. This has nothing to do with courage. Anyway, he has no confidence in this aspect. The gap between himself and his brother is a little bit big!

Big brother on this issue, cold and unconcerned, but does not mean that he can be unscrupulous! It's just two things! It's better not to play such a joke!

"So you came to me, hoping I could show up?" Ding Yu also said Wang yanglai's purpose directly, "don't even think about it. I indicated this aspect of meaning earlier, but if the family disagrees, I won't ask for anything. I just want to make myself uncomfortable. Why should I

Wang Yang is also very depressed to vomit a breath, "Hey, I can see, really depressed!"

"Depressed or not depressed, I have some responsibility for this matter, but can not put all the responsibility? It all boils down to me. There are still some unfair things about this, so why do you come to me? I don't have any burden! ""Dad called me last night, which put pressure on me. When you have time, you can call him. I don't know when you have time."

Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to this matter. He couldn't do his own work, so he dragged his father in. What about this behavior? It's really to make yourself feel a little greasy and crooked, but if you feel uncomfortable, Ding Yu really won't say anything, at least won't have too many expressions on his words.

Looking at his brother's appearance, Wang Yang also knew that his words were in vain. Asking his brother to call his father was basically impossible. What about the family? Want to pass this to give oneself big brother pressure, it is not feasible thing at all, his elder brother just won't eat this set!

Wang Yang is really a little envious of this, but it is just envy. He really can't do it. Of course, he doesn't want to do it. In his own mind, this is a problem of two concepts, which can't be confused into a discussion, "brother, what about my side? It doesn't matter, but what about dad? It's also hard work! "

"I know, but it's more embarrassing to make this call, so let's do it first." Ding Yu obviously does not want to continue to discuss the relevant issues, so it is also a final conclusion. I am not embarrassed, but you should not say too much about this matter, which is meaningless.

When talking, Anjie also came over with his mobile phone and said two words in Ding Yu's ear. Ding Yu also took the mobile phone and walked away. Wang Yang was stunned and avoided himself directly. This situation seems to be so abnormal?

As for it? However, when Wang Yang woke up, his elder brother had left the courtyard and said that he had gone to the hospital. Wang Yang didn't want to ask what was the matter. When he returned home, Wang Yang looked at the grandfather and grandmother standing there watering flowers, and stood respectfully on one side.

After waiting for a long time, he saw that his grandfather had almost watered the flowers. Wang Yang also took over the watering pot and put it on one side. Then he helped his grandfather to sit down on the sofa. "Did you go to your brother?"

Wang Yang also nodded, "there is no result, my brother did not give any reply, said more dangerous, home is also for my safety considerations, so made such a decision!" Wang Yang was very calm when he spoke. He didn't carry any emotion. He was completely different from that in the courtyard before.

"Ah! This bastard Wang Pu also sighed, and then looked at Wang Yang, "this decision is made by me. I originally planned to take you down and arrange for others to go, but I didn't think there were other ways in it, so there are so many ways to steal chicken and not erode rice!"

Wang Yang's eyes almost fell off. It took a long time for Wang Yang to recollect, and then he stood there solemnly. There was no problem for his grandfather to say so, but he did not have to pick up the stubble. He was better to be a good grandson, at least in line with his current identity and position.

"Hehe, if your brother is here, he will sit there!" Looking at Wang Yang's appearance, the old man also has so some to find fault to say, so also said such words, hope Wang Yang can give oneself a little reaction!

"Grandfather, my brother is my brother, I am I, we are a little different!" Speaking of this, Wang Yang's painting style also changed, "but I admire my brother very much."

"There are thorns in this word! Is it obviously something done to me? There are some who are not satisfied with it! " Wang Pu is not so concerned about this, "what about this matter in my previous time? Wrong estimate, but what about your brother? Although it didn't mean to guide me, it also blinded me to the past! "

"Because the cards have never been opened?"

"You can say that!" What about Wang Pu's voice? It is also a little helpless and empty, "I have never seen your brother's cards clearly. This is a big problem! He's hiding himself so well

"Has my brother's card been revealed now?" What about this problem? Wang Yang is also lack of certain judgment. In his own opinion, whether the exposed things are real or unreal, he has no way to judge, so he threw this question to his grandfather, hoping that you can get some answers.

"I didn't see the so-called cards, because all I saw was what your brother wanted me to see. That's all. Maybe in politics? He's a little shallow, but in other ways? He is really outstanding, but he is more low-key, which is worth learning for you

"It's really quite different. I'll be honest and honest." What about this? It shows Wang Yang's own attitude. This time, I will obey the arrangement of the family and will never have any other actions. Therefore, I can rest assured at home.

For Wang Yang's answer, Wang Pu can be said to be satisfied or rather dissatisfied. This is not a result he wants. It seems that both of his grandchildren have given in, but what about the actual situation? No matter which one it is, I'm afraid it's just not expressed.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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