"What did Yang Yang not say?" The old lady looked at her wife sitting there, and asked subconsciously.

Wang Pu shook his head. "Well, I have taken this matter for granted from the beginning. But now, if you look back, do you think it's all? A little bit more? Too deliberate

"Are you saying that grandson deliberately tricked you?" At this time, the old lady also sat down beside Wang Pu and looked very kind, "what do I think of this matter? At the beginning, it should not be like this, but after the follow-up fermentation, our grandson has a little bit of a temper! "

Hum! Wang Pu also used his own nasal voice to express his serious dissatisfaction. "Even if there are some mistakes in this matter, he can't tolerate it a little bit. He forgets who trained him and is the country behind him. If it's not the country, he doesn't know where it is."

"What are you talking about?" The old lady was also quite dissatisfied, "don't say this in front of your grandson. If he hears this, he doesn't know what he will think in his heart." After saying that, he also took a look of complaint, "you also said old man Su, I think you take it for granted sometimes!"

Wang Pu didn't think much of the old lady's words, but he didn't mean to refute it. If the eldest grandson knew about it, it would be so wonderful. Whether he would visit the house again or not is all about two things.

In addition, the sophomore hasn't called all the time. Obviously, the eldest grandson didn't call the sophomore. This is also a very bad situation. In terms of empathy, if you change it to someone else, I'm afraid there will be a lot of dissatisfaction and opinions in this heart, but the grandson is so different from others.

You should know that the relationship between each other has just warmed up for a short time, and now it has fallen into the freezing point again. It is not only Ding Yu who is unhappy, but also the master who feels quite depressed. In his opinion, his starting point is not wrong, but there is a deviation in the process.

Ding Yu looked at Ding Ding Ding who was running by. He also blinked his eyes. Then he rubbed his eyes again. Then he turned his head and looked at Anjie next to him. "Anjie, is the sun coming out from the West today?"

Anjie also felt a little funny, but Ding Ding, standing on one side, was very serious to express his dissatisfaction. He also picked up a wooden stick. Seeing the scene, Anjie also quickly walked to one side. Although he didn't understand the young lady, he still felt that his head was not It's made of iron.

Ding Ding is not proficient in this way. She can see the sweat on her forehead when she shakes it in confusion. She also has no scruples about the image. She pinches her waist and gasps. She looks at the towel that Anjie handed over, and drags it on her own hand.

Looking at Anjie's cautious appearance, Ding Yu also tidied up some of the equipment beside him, and did not mean to borrow a hand. When he was cleaning up, Ding Yu also said carelessly, "what? What's wrong with Cao Zhen's family? "

Ding Ding is also a towel pulled off the face, "how do you know?"

"You come to me early in the morning and do something wrong. If it's your own business, you don't need to come here. Besides Cao Zhen's, I really can't think of anything else. Let's talk about it! What's going on? That made you so angry? "

"Cao Zhen's mother." Just half of what he said, Ding Yu took a look at it with dissatisfaction, and then she coughed slightly. Ding Ding also responded quickly and spat out her little tongue. "Aunt yuan seems to fly straight here today. Cao Zhen mentioned this matter earlier, and his family is very dissatisfied!"

"You still did not mention the specific situation with Cao Zhen!" After that, Ding Yu also sighed, "I said how do you like this idiot? Besides his academic comparison, is it true in other aspects? Is this a good thing to say?"

When Anjie, who is not far away, hears this, his heart is also shocked. He knows something about Ding Ding Ding himself, but what is the specific situation? I don't know, but what about the conversation between brother and sister? I can judge some things by myself!

"Brother, I don't want to affect the relationship between Cao Zhen and me for this reason!"

"Forget it, I don't want to evaluate it!" Ding Yu is also quite helpless. He has investigated Cao Zhen's home. However, the problem is that Cao Zhen's family doesn't know much about Ding Ding Ding's situation. He has met his parents, but what do you see? It's just the surface. "What do you want me to do?""Would you like to talk to Aunt yuan?" After saying that, she also looked at her elder brother with a slight worry. Although the words are like this, it is obvious that Ding Ding Ding hopes her brother can carry the thunder. "This time, there are many people coming. You know, I'm relatively timid!"

"You're going to be quick." Ding Yu was also very dissatisfied and said, "who are their families? I'm afraid it's rare for you to feel scared! "

"It seems that the old father-in-law of Cao Zhen's brother-in-law came to the capital for physical examination, but he didn't say anything wrong. Cao Zhen didn't ask, and I don't know very well. Aunt yuan came to see Cao Zhen and solved our problems by the way. Their family seemed to disagree very much!"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes and then went to the dining table in the room, "Cao Zhen, what does he mean? What about the others? But we need to respect Cao Zhen's attitude and ideas. After all, he is the party, and that is his mother, too? You can't be too strong, can you? "

"Brother, when am I strong?" Ding Ding Ding was also quite dissatisfied and said, "Cao Zhen's meaning is very clear, this year will follow me back, that's it!"

"Well, this is not strong yet." Ding Yu almost fainted, and then he also looked at Anjie next to him. But the problem is that Anjie didn't mean to look at it at all. It's better to be less involved in such housework! "I said Ding Ding! You can't be like this! You are getting married, not a daughter-in-law! "

"Brother, are you going to help me or her?"

"Don't mess around!" Ding Yu also blamed him and said, "I am helping the parents or not. I am afraid they have already seen your strength. Why should the son born by others be bullied by you? Do you think so? I know you two will live together in the future, but sometimes you should learn to be tolerant

Listen to big brother's words, Ding Ding Ding this time did not force to defend what, "OK, I listen to big brother's!" But when talking, Ding Ding also pursed her mouth. Obviously, she said to her elder brother that she felt so dissatisfied. What about this dissatisfaction? It can be regarded as coquetry. Who let Ding Yu be the elder brother!

"Let me see Aunt yuan, or do you have any other ideas?" After that, Ding Yu also comforted him and said, "in the end, we still need to let Cao Zhen know something, sooner or later. Our family is not greedy for their family, but we always hide from him what is not good, isn't it?"

"Brother, in fact, I have revealed some hints in this respect to Cao Zhen, but his elm head doesn't care about it at all. I don't have many ways to tell him all the things in person! So I think we should wait until we get home! What do you mean? "

"But the problem is that he is not allowed to go back now! This is the problem! " Ding Yu also warned and said, "you asked me to come forward. Of course, I am duty bound, but how can I come forward? I think this matter should be considered carefully. Of course, sometimes, aunt yuan's conjecture still needs to be dispelled! We're not climbing

"Well? At last, I'm satisfied with it! " Ding Ding is also proud to lift up her chin. She is not a high-ranking person. To put it mildly, she doesn't look up to the power of the Cao family. She doesn't run to that place. Her elder brother is not bad at all. Who is afraid of whom?

"I'll go! I'm just talking to you Ding Yu white one eye, and then also began to eat breakfast, the two little guys next to staring at aunt for a while, it is obvious that play for them more interested in some, as for eating? It's not the most important, but obviously, Ding Ding is in a weak mood at this time.

"Brother, don't you go to work?" After having breakfast, looking at her elder brother didn't mean to move, Ding Ding Ding was also very curious and said, "it seems that there is something different from usual time!"

"I have already said hello to the hospital. In two days' time, I will go to the United States for a meeting. I need to do some preparation in this respect, so the things in the hospital are also put aside!" Ding Yu didn't explain the situation. After all, it involved some inside information. Ding Ding Ding still didn't know!

"Going to America, it's going to be Chinese New Year in a while?" Ding Ding Ding is also casually asked, see the elder brother did not want to answer the meaning, but also stood up his shoulder, "since elder brother you are at home, then I can give you a call at any time, if there is nothing, I go to meet people with Cao Zhen together!"

"By the way, how's the army? I didn't pay attention to him for a period of time. I had other things on New Year's day, and I didn't care about it. What about you? Don't tell me you didn't care? This is a little bit unforgivable. Although I didn't care about it, I arranged a dinner party at least! They're a couple together

Ding Ding is also regarded as blind and deaf. It is obvious that she was mixed up with Cao Zhen before. For such a thing, she has long been regarded as a wind in the wind. If it is not mentioned by elder brother, I really can't remember some of them. For this, there is a little unforgivable!"Well! I know that I was wrong. I contacted the army a few years ago. The couple were very happy, so I didn't mean to disturb them. If we did, wouldn't it be too bad? "

"Come on! You're going to argue with me Ding Yu also said with a smile, "I'm not as free as I imagined these two days, but if you look for me, you basically have time! Have you got all the presents for home? Forget it, it's no use asking. I'd better ask anjedo to prepare one for you

Ding Ding is also a smile, and then jump away from his brother, Ding Yu is shaking his head, his sister is this age, but also so naive, relative to the maturity of previous life, there is really no way to compare with each other, but Ding Yu would rather see her so happy now!

She has nothing to do with herself, but for other people, the situation is not like this, especially Ding Ding Ding. Yuan Mei didn't give too much good face all the way. It's not that she looks down on Ding Ding, but that her son will go to Ding Ding Ding's home on New Year's day? I really feel that I can't get over it.

That is his own son after all! If we take girls home for the Spring Festival, it's another thing to say, but now? Actually is own son initiative door, this how many let oneself feel so some can not tolerate, two people together? Oneself already felt improper, now also appeared such matter, is lets oneself annoy!

So after my son and Ding Ding came, I didn't give them any good looks. In fact, I came for my son this time. What about my family? Just by the way.

What about the one at home? Although I didn't say that he was a great minister, he was also a big family in the province! Where's your little girl's home? It can only be said that it is a family of little comfort. Of course, my family doesn't attach great importance to this, but my son can't let him bully at will!

It's a matter of finding someone to do something with your family. Otherwise, it's a lot of trouble to register. It's also an expert. However, when the experts go to the clinic, they may not be able to come back until tomorrow. After all, it's the capital city. Patients are always waiting for doctors, and doctors rarely wait for patients. After all, what's the power in the family? It's still a little bit worse in Beijing.

When the family affairs are settled down, Yuan Mei goes to his son's residence with her son and Ding Ding Ding. It can be seen that the two still don't live together, but what about the son? It is much cleaner and tidier than before, but that's all!

Did not see, this little girl still has so some means, at least her own son? Now this time she was pinched in her hand, which made Yuan Mei feel a little gas blocked. You cao Zhen is also a man? Why is it a rake ear?

"Your father doesn't agree with you about not going back to the Spring Festival!" After sitting down, Yuan Mei also came to the point. Some of them were not given face. "Are you still young now? How about some things? Maybe it's not so comprehensive, so the family makes such a decision for you! "

Ding Ding did not have any other expression, that is, her brow slightly frowned. That's all. But after listening to Cao Zhen, there were some hair exploding, and her emotion was slightly excited. "Mom, I've grown up, and I can make certain decisions about my own affairs."

"Growing up is just a child." What about Yuan Mei's attention? It was not on her son, but on Ding Ding's body. The little girl was quite calm. She had already said so. She didn't show any excitement. It seems that the little girl pulled her son to death!

"Mom, I respect you, but I hope you can respect my choice!" What does Cao Zhen know about his parents? It's more profound. It's just because of the conditions in Ding Ding's family? It's not so appropriate, so there are other views and ideas in the family, which have been expressed at the beginning.

Yuan Mei's face was a little embarrassed, "Ding Ding, what about our family? I don't know if you understand that Cao Zhen is not the only child in the family, but I don't want to have other situations! "

Seeing Cao Zhen want to talk, Ding Ding Ding shakes her head and says quietly, "Auntie yuan, I like Cao Zhen mainly because I value his personality and has nothing to do with other people. Similarly, our family has a crush on Cao Zhen because of this!"

"Is it? I heard that the dowry in the North has always been quite large? "

The irony in this speech is very strong. Ding Ding Ding also took a look at Cao Zhen, and Cao Zhen also stood up directly, "Mom, we are all young, and such things as dowry are not the most important thing!"

But the problem is that Yuan Mei didn't pay attention to her at all. Instead, she looked at Ding Ding. "There won't be too many betrothal gifts in our family, but there are still two houses and two cars, a house in the capital, a 500000 car!"www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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