In my own understanding, this aunt yuan should not be like this. In other words, the Cao family disliked their own high-level. This is the reason.

For this situation, Ding Ding Ding does not have any intention to argue. The argument is meaningless, and the same can not play any role. From the actual situation, this is the matter between Cao Zhen and herself. To be big, it is between the two families. After all, aunt yuan is Cao Zhen's mother.

"Aunt yuan, I'll go back first. I have other things to do there!" Ding Yu didn't have any intention to quarrel, and then he also stood up in an orderly manner, without a trace of disorder or any unbearable, and showed outstanding performance. From this, it can be seen that Ding Ding Ding is not an ordinary atmosphere.

If you were someone else, I'm afraid it would have started at this time, but Ding Ding didn't do it. The truth doesn't make sense at this time, so it's better not to say anything, give everyone a space and time to calm down, and this one will be better to deal with this matter.

Cao Zhen felt very satisfied with this. Whether it was right or wrong, it was his mother. It was unnecessary to argue with the old man about such a thing, and it would make him feel very difficult. Watching Ding Ding stand up, Cao Zhen also followed him, "Mom, I'm going to send Ding Ding Ding off. I won't come back for dinner in the evening."

Yuan Mei hesitated for a moment, but her son and Ding Ding Ding had already gone out. After thinking for a while, they didn't open their mouth and didn't care how to deal with this matter? How much or feel so some are not satisfied, because did not get their desired results, little girl film is very scheming! There is no room for you to play!

"Ding Ding, wait for me!"

Looking at Cao Zhen standing beside him, Ding Ding Ding also stopped his own steps, "maybe it is the reason why I am too strong! I'm sorry for this. But what about this? I think you should think about it carefully. After all, it's very difficult to be in the middle, and I understand it! "

When talking about this, Ding Ding Ding seemed to remember something, "what about your family? I know something about it, but I value you personally. It has nothing to do with your family. For eight generations, everyone is a farmer. Even now, no one is worse than the other. That's the case! "

"Ding Ding, don't be angry!" Cao Zhen also said in a deep voice, "I know you just suffered a lot of grievances, but she is my mother after all. I will have a good communication with her when I go back in the evening, but this needs time, isn't it?"

"I don't want to force you to make any choice. There's no need. Now I'm reluctant to be together. In the future, it will be very bad. I don't mean to be willful. I don't think you are accompanying me at this time. I went to my brother's place. He is having a good rest these two days."

After that, Ding Ding Ding left in a taxi and sighed at Cao Zhen. As for how Cao Zhen would solve this problem, Ding Ding didn't have much to ask. Instead, Ding Yu shook her head and brought a cup of hot drink.

"In my impression, you haven't been so unhappy for many years!" Having said that, Ding Yu also carries some tea and places them in Ding Ding's side position. Do you want to eat? It's all her favorite things. "If other people are not happy, I'm a little angry if you're not too happy."

Ding Ding was also direct, and gave Ding Yu a white eye, more or less some complaining meaning, but also breathed a breath, "forget it, brother, you'd better not do it, originally this situation is quite embarrassing, if you do it, you really don't have any spare land!"

As for her elder brother, Ding Ding Ding didn't know as much as she imagined, but she still knew something. Her time in the capital was not short. Basically, she was able to walk freely. Although she never showed her performance, she should know something about the situation in these years.

Oneself is a little girl just, who can give oneself this face, why can so? Isn't it because of my big brother? It's just that big brother doesn't say it, and he doesn't want to investigate the reason behind it. Ding Ding Ding is very clear, if the elder brother hands, the Cao family is not good.

How about yourself and Cao Zhen? It's just a matter of feelings, and it doesn't involve anything else. If my big brother makes a move, it's not only a matter of emotion, but also a struggle. How can I not be clear about such a problem? So Ding Ding is also very uncomfortable looking at his big brother!

"Brother, do you look down on Cao Zhen

"Not yet, but what about the future? Another word Ding Yu was not polite at all, "but what about this problem? I still want to talk about you, material? It is also a foundation of life. Although it is very realistic, it can not be denied that you are hiding! It's a bit over the top! "

A listen to his elder brother so say, Ding Ding's eyebrows also stand up, "elder brother!" The voice of this speech was a little bit loud, "I just want to see what kind of attitude Cao Zhen is, and what kind of attitude the Cao family is. Now I have seen how much, I should not be wrong in choosing Cao Zhen!""Just feel good about yourself." Ding Yu inadvertently gave a heavy hammer, "I'm afraid we don't know what kind of consequences it will be, but after all, what's the matter? Let it ferment naturally! If anyone bullies our Ding Ding Ding, I will let them know what is the price

Sitting there Ding Ding could not help but shiver. Although he said that his elder brother loved him very much, if he really started, he would never be merciful. This is certain. But from another point of view, his position in the eyes of my brother is still very important? I am very happy about this!

Cao Zhen also sat with his mother at this time, "Mom, I'm not a child in my family. I have brothers and sisters on top of me, and I don't mean to enter the official career. Why lock me up with a chain? I know that the conditions in Ding Ding's family may be average, but what does it mean? "

"Are you questioning me?"

Seeing that her son didn't mean to speak, Yuan Mei also took a breath of relief, "you and Ding Ding make friends, I don't object to this problem, but if you talk about marriage, this matter I, the mother, need to say a good, she is not suitable for you, the same is not suitable for our family!"

"Your elder brother can marry a professor's daughter, but you can't!"

"Sacrifice my happiness for the so-called family?" Cao Zhen's tone of voice is also a little cold, "so to say, this matter you and my father jointly made the decision, if I do not comply with it, do you want to tie me back?"

"I've already contacted Ding Ding Ding. I'll have a good talk with his brother tomorrow." Yuan Mei is not a fake color. "There are two candidates for you at home. I think Xiao Cheng with your sister-in-law is good. The conditions at home are more suitable. You two have met before!"

When Ding Yu saw the text message, she was also a little surprised and funny, "I said, she is a mother, but she is dedicated enough!" And Ding Ding this time is carefully looking at his brother, the mobile phone is the elder brother robbed in the past, also blame oneself at that time did not prepare well, let elder brother see.

"Brother, just talk about it. It's nothing!" When talking, Ding Ding is also accompanied by careful.

"It's nothing." Although Ding Yu's face still shows a smile, Ding Ding Ding obviously has already felt the power of it. His elder brother seldom loses his temper. But once he gets angry, it really makes him feel scared in his heart! Don't make a big noise!

The next morning, Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding also took a taxi to the location. What about their clothes? They all show a little bit of simplicity, especially Ding Yu, a little bloated down jacket, jeans, and even a pair of sports shoes. It seems that they are not sloppy, but they are somewhat secular.

"Brother, you don't have to do this, do you?" Ding Ding is also feeling so funny. What is good about her brother's dressing up? What's your usual image? be quite different.

"Why not? It's very casual! " Ding Yu didn't have so many ideas. Of course, it can be said that Ding Yu was on purpose. He seldom saw Ding Yu dressed like this. So Ding Ding Ding didn't know what to say at this time. Neither of them meant to drive, nor did he let the driver see him off. He just took a taxi.

After arriving at the place, Ding Yu also paid, and then walked into the teahouse with his sister one after another. Looking at Cao Zhen standing there, Ding Yu also walked quickly past, but Yuan Mei didn't mean to stand up at all. What about Ding Yu's dress? Also slightly shakes his head, too conventional.

"Hello, aunt yuan!" Although Ding Yu said that she was dressed in a common way, she still had some etiquette. After greeting Cao Zhen, she immediately sat in the opposite position between Yuan Mei and Cao Zhen.

"I'm still in a hurry. Let's get to the point." After that, he also took an envelope out of his handbag and said, "before, their two children were not very sensible. What about our family? If you don't agree with the things between them, it's OK to make friends, but it's too early to talk about marriage! "

Looking at the meaning of Cao Zhen and ding ding ding to talk, Ding Yu also shook his head, and then said in a voice, "aunt yuan, you are an elder, Cao Zhen is your son, and Ding Ding is my sister, and my parents are not around, so I am the elder brother to decide, but what about this matter? Do you respect their choices? "

"Mom, you said you came to talk about it!"

"Sit down!" Yuan Mei also said rudely, "if you don't want to, you can leave!" Then he also looked at Ding Yu, "what's inside? Two million, and a car! "

Looking at Ding Ding Ding, Ding Yu coughed slightly, "Cao Zhen, you and Ding Ding Ding go and sit for a while!" When talking, Ding Yu's voice is very soft, Ding Ding is looking at her brother in horror, and even whispers some pleading, "brother!" But the problem is that Ding Yu's expression is relatively cold, and Ding Ding's small face also has some convulsions.After Ding Ding Ding and Cao Zhen left, Ding Yu also looked at the envelope on the table, even deliberately opened it, and then nodded, "two million, a car, a lot of money!" After saying that, Ding Yu is also something to throw on the table, the expression how much appears to have so some disdain appearance.

"Not enough?" Yuan Mei also snorted coldly, "I heard that you are also a doctor. It's not easy to work! If you don't feel satisfied, I can give you a better job! "

Ding Yu also slightly smile, "Ding Ding Ding and Cao Zhen fall in love with this matter? Although I knew it afterwards, I didn't mean to oppose it. It's not that I don't know about your Cao family, but I think that since Ding Ding Ding likes it, then everything else doesn't matter. I respect her choice! "

"Since you know it, you should know that the Cao family is not something your family can climb up to!"

Ding Yu also sighed, "you are Cao Zhen's mother, so I respect you and call you aunt Cao. If you don't respect me, call you madam Cao, it's just for Cao Baoguo. Even if Cao Baoguo came, I dare to say this in front of him. Two million yuan is not enough for Ding Ding Ding's monthly expenses! "

After saying that, Ding Yu also hit a finger ring, and then saw an Jie slowly come over, "Yu Shao!" Ding Yu also waved his hand, "give her a 100 million bank note, this is our family gift! No one paid attention to the success or failure. And say hello to the hospital and ask them to wait for a week. You can't die anyway! "

Then Ding Yu also stood up, in a somewhat disdainful tone. Yuan Mei, who was sitting there, said, "is our family high? You don't say that. Ding Ding likes it. I don't want to be embarrassed. That's all!" After saying that, Ding Yu also tidied up his clothes and bowed slightly, "I have something else to do, go first! I'm sorry to say something vulgar! "

When passing by Ding Ding and Cao Zhen, Ding Yu also looked up and down Cao Zhen, "you boy, you see our baby bumps. It's your two people's business. There won't be any opinions in the family. We don't have any son-in-law to say that. We also respect your own choice. After all, it's you two who live together in the future."

After saying that, Ding Yu also snorted, "Ding Ding Ding chooses you to be your wife, not to be your doormat, and Ding Ding, you are going to be a daughter-in-law, not to be a mother-in-law, and come home to eat together in the evening!"

And the Anjie over there put a bank note on the table, "Mrs. Cao, please take it. Don't embarrass me! And I'm sorry, most of them are not in a good mood these days, so this talk is a little too much, please forgive me! At noon, I made a reservation at the State Guesthouse, and I'd like to invite you all to come! "

There is no matter whether Yuan Mei agrees or disagrees. Anjie bows down and then walks away. The etiquette is impeccable. When passing by Ding Ding Ding and Cao Zhen, he also smiles slightly, "Miss, Yu Shao is not in a good mood these two days. I'll go back first. I don't know what you like to eat in the evening, so I'll arrange it at will!"

"Ding Ding, what does your brother do?" Cao Zhen is totally stupid. He doesn't really know much about Ding Ding Ding. On the one hand? I didn't have this interest. Moreover, I didn't take it as a thing. But today, after my brother-in-law came, I was totally dizzy.

Ding Ding is a drum of their own mouth, "don't say, all blame you!" After saying that, he also looked at Cao Zhen with complaint, "I'll take you to dinner in the evening. You'll be more energetic. I'll go back first, and I won't say hello to my aunt!"

Yuan Mei, who was sitting there for a long time, didn't react. The whole person seemed to be struck by thunder. How could things be like this? Isn't it just a little doctor's child? Now put 100 million bank notes in front of their own position, this can't be fake?

But soon Yuan Mei also sobered up. She was more and more suspicious. This must be false. But she had no way to doubt what had happened in front of her and what she was doing. If she was really a liar, it was hard to escape her own eyes. It was certain. How was it?

"Did Ding Ding tell you about her family?"

"Said some, but I didn't ask in detail!" Cao Zhen also told the truth. Yuan Mei immediately cleaned up the things on the table, and then went straight to the bank. She wanted to confirm it. If it was false, she would completely cut off their thoughts. No one is vegetarian.

When she got to the bank and looked at the cashier's note presented by Yuan Mei, the bank respectfully invited Yuan Mei to the VIP room. Looking at the treatment, Yuan Mei felt her heart began to sink. A hundred million bank note was placed in front of her. This is not a dollar, but the two million yuan presented by herself is totally a number of two concepts Words! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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