The two men walked into the living room, still the same as before, and did not appear to have too many changes because of the arrival of Cao Zhen and Ding Ding. Ding Yu is very clear that his third uncle is not invited to come, there must be something important.

"Third uncle comes so late?"

Ding Yu is now more or less familiar with this third uncle, so this speech is a little relaxed, basically has eliminated the tension, but even in this way, Ding Yu still maintains a considerable awe, for Ding Yu, his heart has always had a considerable sense of awe.

It's not a deliberate aim at his third uncle, but Ding Yu's attitude is always like this from the beginning to the end. He always lets himself have a heart of awe, and only in this way can he not let himself expand too much. So even now, Ding Yu can still be calm to deal with other aspects of the matter, and deal with it? I feel pretty good about myself.

"To investigate some situations, it is not convenient for other people to come forward to this matter. What's more, you are going to the United States soon. If you intervene in this matter, people will not feel too abrupt!"

Ding Yu's mouth slightly twitched, but did not let the atmosphere sink into depression and embarrassment. "Third uncle, what's the nature of this matter? Making a little temper may be ignored, but is it really necessary to raise it to a higher level? Such a thing is not something that ordinary people like me can get involved in

Although Ding Yu is not sure about his words, his attitude is firm. If he says it means the above, he can do it himself. But if he doesn't mean the above, don't embarrass me. I'm a man who lives by himself. Let's forget such a difficult thing!

Anyway, everyone is still a family! You can't do this to your nephew?

"You are careful enough, boy!" The middle-aged man also showed a simple and honest smile, but his expression was also very serious. He said, "this matter may have a very big relationship, even to many aspects. It is not convenient for me to say anything to you. I have already mentioned the main thing with your grandfather and Mr. Wang!"

Ding Yu did not speak, just nodded, and then Ding Yu's voice also changed. "Third uncle is worried about my going to the United States?" This remark is not modest at all. Of course, it also has a little tentative meaning. The middle-aged people also smile, and then they pick up Ding Yu's topic, "I heard about it!"

As soon as the words were finished, Ding Yu's face was a little bleak, but he soon recovered. "Uncle, this matter has made me have a lot of pressure, and even paid a considerable price and loss!"

"I don't believe you're unprepared at all!" Middle aged people don't eat Ding Yu. Up to now, they still don't have decent information on their hands. Within the scope of the whole country's ability, they still can't find too many useful clues and information. This matter is somewhat confusing.

"There is preparation, but it is not in the plan! I paid a fair price for it! " Ding Yu did not deny that he had made profits because of the subprime mortgage crisis, but he did not mean to admit how much profit he made. But what about this? We can not avoid the problem is that Ding Yu is still suspected.

Is this suspected? It refers to being suspected by the United States, which makes Ding Yu feel unhappy, even quite unhappy, because he has confirmed some news, but the more confirmed, the more difficult Ding Yu feels. This matter is not as good as he imagined!

"So you should have something to do with it?"

Ding Yu's expression is also slightly dull for a while, and then also a smile, "third uncle, I haven't finished dealing with the things in front of me? I'm afraid I don't have much time to think about things so far away! " When talking, Ding Yu's mouth is also slightly tilted up, how much appears to be so proud.

"You boy, take it easy. The United States won't give up easily this time. It's true that they played it off by themselves. But your behavior is behind the scenes, and you even have the posture of adding fuel to the fire. I'm afraid it won't be too comfortable to put it on someone else's body!"

Ding Yu also nodded, "the United States still has this kind of mind. Of course, to beautify it, it's mainly about themselves now? There are so many problems that we can't take into account. What's more, for the EU, we are still needed. We all keep this balance. "

"Are you sure you want to get involved?" Middle aged people are still quite concerned about this.

"It depends on the situation, and the British side has contacted me earlier. They also know that I will participate in this banquet. What's the idea of the United States? They also know that under such circumstances, the British side hopes that I can stay among them. What is useful is useless, and there is still a little chance! "

What should be said and what should not be said? Anyway, Ding Yu has expressed it well. These should be the results that his third uncle wants. As for the things mentioned earlier? It seems to have been covered up in the past, anyway, no one will mention it in the future.After talking with the third uncle, Ding Yu also personally sent out the house. However, when the middle-aged man left the study, he looked at the layout of Ding Yu's yard, and also slightly side his head, "Xiaoyu, in winter, you are still green trees here!" After that, he nodded his head deliberately.

Well, Ding Yu has already understood what it means, "uncle, I cleaned the food in the evening!" After finishing this sentence, looking at the third uncle who still hasn't moved, Ding Yu sighed, "uncle, I know how to do it. Is this the head office?"

When Ding Yu comes back, he also smiles helplessly. Of course, he knows what the third uncle means. His actions are also good intentions. He really can't live up to him. How about money? It's just a number. I feel like spring all the year round here, but what about many families? At this time, it's still poor!

Ding Yu has no idea about how to do it. He is really not a God, so what kind of thing? Let's leave it to professionals! When I went to the United States, I mentioned this with Yingnan. I think she should have good opinions and opinions on this.

There is no situation for Ding Yu, but the problem is that there are really some people who can't sit still. It seems that there are needle felt on her buttocks. In the evening, Cao Zhen goes to Ding's house to have a meal. She doesn't know exactly where it is. But the more like this, the more worried she feels. 1

"sister-in-law!" When Cao Zhen got off at the gate of the community, he happened to meet his sister-in-law getting off, but his car was a special car, and what about his sister-in-law's car? Even ordinary taxis have their own cars, but my sister-in-law doesn't mean to drive. It's not that she doesn't have a driver's license, but she's not familiar with the roads in Beijing. In addition, the cars inside are a little congested!

Yu Lan, who came down from the taxi, looked at Cao Zhen and was stunned. He didn't expect to meet his brother at the door. "Third brother, are you out?" When talking, I also took a look at Cao Zhen's car.

"Well, I went out in the evening!" Then he went to his residence with his sister-in-law, "by the way, how's your uncle?" What about that? It's all about caring.

But when Yuan Mei opened the door, she was stunned to see her eldest daughter-in-law and her younger son who came in together. How did they come back together? "I met my sister-in-law at the gate of the community." Cao Zhen did not feel uncomfortable, and then took off his coat. When he took off his coat, he seemed to remember something.

Then she took out the string of hands in her pocket and put it on her hands. Yuan Mei's eyebrows also jumped twice. "How come you came back and had dinner?"

After listening to that, Yu Lan is also slightly stunned. Listening to the meaning of her mother-in-law, she seems to be angry! Then she hesitated for a moment, and when she poured a cup of warm water, she sat beside her under her mother-in-law's fierce eyes, and then looked at the third with curious eyes.

"What we eat at home is Ding Ding Ding and his brother. They are very harmonious people." After that, Cao Zhen also talked about Ding Yu's residence. When he heard about the residence, the expressions on the faces of Yuan Mei and Yu Lan, who are not living in the capital city, were distorted. Don't say that you can buy the place with money.

"Where does your little girl friend live?"

Cao Zhen shook his head. "I didn't know it before, but today I know that she doesn't like the atmosphere of quadrangle. She has her own residence. I didn't ask about the specific place! It seems that there is more than one house! It has nothing to do with me, and it's not very convenient today! "

There is more than one house on Chang'an Street. If the houses there are better, they are thousands. Of course, compared with the quadrangle in that special position, it is another thing. The quadrangle in that place is about 10000, and this is only the superficial value, because even if you are rich, you have never been able to start a set in that place Accommodation.

Yu Lan actually understood some things. Why did she come this time? She really knew something. Before that, her mother-in-law deliberately asked her to invite a girl, but now she lives in the hotel! But deliberately come to blind date!

Isn't Cao Zhenxian's girlfriend a normal girl? This is a quadrangle and a mansion. How can it be a matter of fact! Yu Lan felt that she was a little confused, so she also looked at her mother-in-law. This matter always needs to be explained. Can't you be so confused?

Yuan Mei also bit her teeth a little. When she came, she brought people over, but her son completely disagreed. But after she adopted the high-pressure method, she found that the so-called high-pressure was nothing in other people's eyes, and they just disdained to follow her.

"Have you decided to go to their home for the Spring Festival with Ding Ding Ding today?" When she said this, Yuan Mei also hated her son and said, "if you know that this matter has been decided, there is no way to regret it! They are not very like our familyA hint was quite strong, and even Yu Lan nearby understood it. But the problem was that Cao Zhen was originally a man of a relatively wooden mind. At least, he didn't care too much about it, so he said carelessly, "I want to have a look. It's not clear what will happen in the future, but I should get in touch with it."

Yuan Mei didn't seem to come up at one breath. She was also very angry and angry. She turned her eyes helplessly. She had already said so clearly. Why can't her son understand? It's not so easy to be a son-in-law! There is no comparability between one's own family and another's family. If the situation is reversed, this is similar.

Don't worry about the problem that you didn't know gold inlaid jade at the beginning. If your son really went to the Ding family, would there be any other problems in the future! What about in the afternoon? The husband also called himself and heard some news, but the more he listened, the more frightened he felt, and even the whole heart was cold.

I don't know much about it, but it's enough. I don't realize the problems and conditions in it by looking at my son's meaning! Also a package of joy, there is the bank note in your hand, 100 million! How to deal with this problem is to make yourself feel headache.

If you go back, there are some things that are too shameful, but if you don't change back, it's not that kind of a thing. So this problem also makes me feel very embarrassed. What's the matter? There is no way to mention it with my son. If I do, I'll definitely smash the pot.

"Have you considered some of the problems and situations in the future?" Since the positive way can't go, think about other ways. Yuan Mei also tentatively asked her son, "what kind of work will Ding Ding Ding do in the future? Between you two."

"Mom, are you thinking too far away? I and Ding Ding Ding are very compatible in character and temperament. What about these problems? I don't feel very useful! " Cao Zhen also said this without too much hesitation. It's not that he really doesn't understand human feelings. It's also a small struggle!

Previously, my mother made such a fuss that she could not say anything about it. Fortunately, ding ding or herself had withstood the test. Of course, the performance of the uncle also made me feel very comfortable. At least, he did not "look at him differently"!

Although I said that for this aspect is not as cold as I imagined, it does not mean that I have no idea and opinions at all. This is basically two things, but the problem is that my brother-in-law is not poor in identity! But it's no different from ordinary people.

Two people sit together and say not a lot of words, but get along very happily, each other's character? There are so many introverts, may not be very good at expressing what, but there are no problems in communication. You know, the less good at communicating? The more sensitive this heart is, but in the body of this brother-in-law, I really don't have this feeling.

In addition, the parents who had been in contact with Ding Ding Ding before felt very good to give themselves. They did not have the so-called sense of restraint at home, and the kind of care made them yearn for it. It's not that their parents don't care about themselves. It's not about this aspect, but about their parents' expression? Make yourself feel a little hard to accept.

"Mom, I feel that Ding Ding Ding is still very good. You always look at it with different eyes. I think it's not right!" After thinking about it, Cao Zhen also comforted him and said, "why don't I find a chance to sit down together and talk about it? In fact, there is no problem. Do you think so?" This word also has a certain flattering taste.

Yuan Mei really felt that she had some heart block. It was not that Ding Ding Ding was really bad. But the problem is that her current position is quite embarrassing. This meeting is not, nor is it not meeting. What's more, her son said this thing.

Then Yuan Mei also stood up and did not pay attention to her son's meaning at all. When she was ready to go back to her room, she seemed to remember something, but after thinking about it, she still didn't say it. People said this before, and in front of their own face, that is, to let themselves know the weight.

What's more, his eldest daughter-in-law is still here, so I have no way to say it. After all, this time? Mainly for the illness of her father, that is, her own family. What about some inside information? If you know it, don't make a fuss about it. If something goes wrong, the responsibility is still your own. After that, the mother-in-law really can't be.

However, Yu Lan watched her mother-in-law return to the room, shaking her head at Cao Zhen, and then went into the room with water. This is what she needs to do when she is a daughter-in-law. She has no interest in listening to the story, and she has no idea about that aspect. However, there is one thing that needs to be asked clearly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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