Ding Yu heard that Ding Ding Ding invited Cao Zhen's mother alone. After that, Ding Ding came to look for her. Although she didn't say anything, Ding Yu understood what she meant. Looking at her glare at her eyes, she knew what was going on.

But Ding Yu doesn't have much to care about. He has already done everything. What's the use of staring at him now? Ding Ding is just venting her discontent, which Ding Yu can understand. But she is the way to deal with things in this way, at least it can solve the problem as quickly as possible, and there will be no so-called aftereffects.

As for whether the Cao family is very satisfied, Ding Yu admits that he did not consider the problems and ideas of the Cao family at all. Perhaps it is because of the change of his identity that his temper seems to have some advantages! I should take a good look at my own problems.

Of course, Ding Yu has been a bad man in this matter, but he doesn't believe that Ding Ding Ding is a good man. Ding Ding Ding doesn't understand this, but they both show a little "reserved". If we put it in the past, I'm afraid that old boxing has already come, but Ding Ding Ding doesn't do it at the moment.

"Well, I'm going to the hospital. I don't deny that I was a bad man, but you can be a good man!" Looking at Dingding, who glared at himself and even wanted to eat himself, Ding Yu also said, "look at me, I'm also trying to give up. Let me go, OK?"

Looking at Ding Ding Ding's still a little difficult to let go, Ding Yu also expressed it in a more direct way.

"Don't tell mom and dad about this, I'll think about it!" Looking at his brother's responsibility, Ding Ding Ding is also reluctant to nod. Hum, I'll spare you this time.

Ding Yu is also a white eye, and then pack up their own things to the hospital. Previously, the chief executive called him and asked him to go to the hospital. He didn't know what it was. Although he said that he had other things, it seemed good to change the environment, at least let his head clean.

However, before the car arrived at the hospital, Ding Yu's phone rang suddenly. Looking at the number on the mobile phone, Ding Yu hesitated for a moment, and then pressed the answer button, "doctor Ding, do you know if you are free?"

"President Li, I'm not very convenient now. I'll call you in person at night!" The reason why Ding Yu didn't keep on talking is very simple. The line of this phone can be said to be quite unsafe. He needs to take into account other aspects. It doesn't matter whether he is too careful or what other reasons are.

When hanging up the phone, Ding Yu was also wondering why the president Li of Samsung wanted to call himself. In his understanding of the situation, Samsung was not within the scope of the invitation this time. Since there was no invitation, the call made by President Li to himself was more interesting.

After coming to the hospital, Ding Yu went to see the chief director. After understanding the meaning of the chief director, Ding Yu also felt that he couldn't laugh or cry. "Director, don't drag me about this matter. I've only worked for less than half a year. It's not easy to be able to barely be late and leave early, not to mention the frequent shift Skipping!"

"You! Sometimes it's too modest! "

In fact, what about this matter in the hospital? He also respects Ding Yu's opinions, otherwise he won't let himself mention it to Ding Yu in person. In fact, the selection is still not selected, which will not have any impact on Ding Yu's reputation. Now Ding Yu has won everyone's respect.

"It's not self humility, but self-knowledge. I've got a lot of things in my stomach. I won't talk about it in other places. Even in our hospital, I'm afraid it can't be counted. I won't be disgraced!" For the year-end selection of such things, Ding Yu is also trying to get rid of.

"I'm going back to America in the next year?"

Ding Yu also nodded, "I want to go to the UK for a period of time. My tutor is still satisfied with my work, but I'm not very specific about this matter personally? I have some ideas, so I need to go back and communicate with them! " Speaking of this, Ding Yu also laughed, "and then I will go to Professor Hopkins."

The two people did not talk for a long time, but before leaving, Ding Yu seemed to remember something, "director, is their training coming back soon?" When mentioning this word, the chief director was also stunned for a moment, and then nodded.

After Ding Yu left, this one also slowly came back to his senses, and then with a smile, Ding Yu was still quite smart. After he came here? They didn't mention the topic that they wanted to say in their hearts, but what about the words when they left? But it is more or less a problem.

Then the chief director also shook his head. This is not a denial, but a sigh. Ding Yu can achieve today's results, medical skills do not occupy the most important reason, at least now he is still a lot worse, but the problem is that he has power behind him, and this conduct of people really makes people feel impeccable!After leaving the hospital, Ding Yu did not immediately return to the courtyard, but went to Yu Lan's father. Judging from the time, he should be in the hospital at this time.

The purpose of Ding Yu's coming here is very simple. Since you have softened up, Ding Yu won't be stuck. What's more, from the perspective of a medical practitioner, it seems that there are many problems. However, before, Ding Yu really read this information. The reason why he stuck for two days is because he was too anxious.

I'm afraid this is also a common problem of many patients. When they come, they need the doctor to solve the problem immediately. No matter what the so-called "three seven twenty-one", as long as they don't solve it, they start to make mischief. People who regard doctors as their profession will solve problems for patients, because this is their own work. Moreover, patients and doctors have no grudges.

But the problem is that there may be communication problems in mutual understanding, which also leads to a lot of contradictions.

When Ding Yu came, Yuan Mei was not there, but Yu Lan was accompanying her father. Looking at the two people who came in with a fruit basket, Yu Lan was also a bit surprised. Because the young man himself didn't know him, did he go to the wrong room and said, "who are you looking for?"

"Is Professor Yutian Songyu here?" Although it was a question, I didn't know why Yu Lan felt very sure. Then Ding Yu put the fruit basket in his hand to the side. After a look at the layout of the ward, he also gave a slight smile. It was not a special ward!

"What are you, please?"

"I'm Ding Ding Ding's brother. I met aunt yuan earlier!" Just as he was talking, he heard a burst of footsteps. Then he saw several people coming in from the outside. Yu Lan was also shocked. It seemed that he was a senior leader of the hospital! "Dr. Ding, if you'd like to come here, you'd better welcome me far away." When you speak, you also extend your hand enthusiastically.

"It was I who took the liberty of it!" Ding Yu also stretched out his hand. He was one of the people in the system, and his relationship with everyone was relatively familiar, so they both showed great courtesy. Ding Yu stayed in the room for more than ten minutes, and then he said goodbye to Yu Tiansong and his daughter.

Their own coming is a manifestation of their attitude. Their father and daughter understand or don't understand. This is no problem, as long as Yuan Mei over there understands it. After Ding Yu leaves, Yu Tiansong is also changed, and he is busy for a while. When he is busy, Yu Lan also calls his mother-in-law.

After hearing about the incident, Yuan Mei paid attention to her family's health and didn't say anything else. Now she really doesn't feel like this. Ding Ding talked to herself. After that, Ding Yu also appeared in the hospital and was heavily crushed? Yuan Mei, who didn't have much experience in this aspect, felt a little angry!

But what about Yuan Mei? I can only recognize it by holding my nose. What about the 100 million bank note in my hand? He can only be pinched in the hand, Ding Jiagen did not take a thing.

This money for their own side, it is difficult to refuse the temptation, but for the Ding family, there is no meaning in the eye, this is the difference. The purpose of the Ding family can be said to be quite clear, as long as Cao Zhen this person, other? Ding Yu didn't mean to care.

As for the status and position of your Cao family, it has no influence on the Ding family. This makes Yuan Mei feel a little angry. Why do you feel like you sold your son? Although the price is very good, but this thing is always to make oneself feel uncomfortable.

But the problem is that his son does not have the idea of this aspect at all, so it is! Since it is his own choice of road, then let him go! She explained it to her daughter-in-law, and then Yuan Mei also reserved a ticket to go back, because it was too uncomfortable to stay here.

When Ding Yu came home in the evening, he also took out the satellite phone and personally called President Li of Samsung. However, President Li of Samsung has been waiting. Ding Yu did not answer the phone before. He also understood what it meant. The line is not very safe. It seems that Ding Yu should know what he is going to mention.

"Mr. Ding, I'm sorry to disturb you."

"President Li, many things have been delayed before." Ding Yu also gave a little explanation. From Ding Yu's point of view, explanation is not necessary, but Ding Yu still does so, which is to give each other some respect. Of course, there is another meaning in it, that is, the so-called opening remarks!

"Originally, I prepared some new year's gifts. I wanted to send them to them. But I heard that Taixi might have to go in two days, so I asked her to do it for her. I don't know if you like it or not?"

What about the conversation between the two? Let's start with this closer relationship. After all, what's the relationship between them? There is not too much. It is just a Thai hee. We still need to start with her. Now, Taixi's career is not small in Korea. Of course, relatively speaking, it is not worth mentioning for Samsung, a giant.Now that there is a so-called common language, then the rest of the matter is natural.

"It is said that Mr. Ding is invited to attend the reception dinner before the inauguration ceremony in the United States!" When mentioning this matter with Ding Yu, Li Jianxi also considered what kind of way to mention it to Ding Yu. After all, this matter is very important. As far as he knows, he is the only one in Asia.

"Ha ha, how to give people the feeling, this thing seems to be known to all, yes!" Ding Yu doesn't think it's the information leaked from his side. All channels are available. The people who know it are not as many as you think. The president Li of Samsung is not a fool. He naturally understands the truth.

"Mr. Ding, if you don't have a good news, it will be very difficult for us to do business in modern society. Samsung's investment in this is still very large."

The words didn't explain too clearly. They were both smart people. Ding Yu naturally understood the relationship between Samsung and the United States? It's not for nothing, but to be able to find out such news still makes Ding Yu feel a little surprised. But from another perspective, the power behind Samsung is really extraordinary.

"So, President Li wants to join us? I'm feeling a little lonely! "

"Joking, I'd like to have this opportunity, but I'm still one level behind!" In fact, Li Jianxi's heart is also a little worried. He has not received much information and information. However, he was shocked to be able to attend such a party.

Although he mentioned the subprime mortgage crisis to himself earlier, he did not expect that the subprime mortgage crisis would be so fierce at that time. There were too many aspects affected. What about the turmoil on Wall Street? It also directly led to some problems and conditions of Samsung.

I want to know some news about Wall Street, but I also need to control some news within the government, but how difficult is it? What I heard at this time naturally made me feel overjoyed. But what I am hesitating about is that Ding Yu is on the other side. This is a question.

After all, the information I got was only relative. I only knew that Ding Yu would attend the party. However, I didn't know exactly what it was because of the party. But because the time was really too urgent, I could only take the liberty to make this call.

"I don't quite understand what you mean, President Li!" Ding Yu also revealed his attitude more clearly. You know this matter, which means you are well-informed. There is nothing to say about this matter, but for yourself, it seems that there is not much significance and value. If there are any things and situations, please speak up!

"As far as I know, the invitation can bring one more person!"

Ding Yu was also silent for a little time, "President Li, I have a quota here. Although some people are interested in it, there is still no suitable candidate. If there are no other changes, I can make this quota. There are some problems and situations in this. I don't guarantee personal safety. If something happens, I will be responsible for it. "

A word is also let Li Jianxi slightly a Leng, "this thing I have not heard of!"

"I also do a preparation, because I am also the first time to participate, so I need to have my own preparation for such a thing. If I am the only one, then everything will be decided by me personally. However, if I join other people, things may change, which is exactly what I don't want to see!"

What about Ding Yu's words? Half true and half false, but also revealed their own potential meaning, why say so? Ding Yu is telling this president Li what happened this time? It may be an opportunity, but there is a saying that danger and opportunity coexist. There is no guarantee that there will be no danger.

Li Jianxi thought for a long time, then slowly said, "it seems that this time, Mr. Ding has gained a lot."

"I'm glad to see you, President Li!" Ding Yu also said it was plain. Since Samsung could get the news that it had participated in the meeting, it would certainly have a judgment. What about such a thing? Each other's hearts are made in the heart of the tacit, not to mention the previous time they were deliberately to Korea.

At the beginning, such a problem could be concealed from President Li, but now? I'm afraid he can't hide it. He must know, but he still doesn't know. It's already late and the matter is over.

If we had known that this was the case, President Li would definitely have been involved in it. After all, it involved huge interests. Now, President Li felt regret. At the beginning, he didn't make it clear why Ding Yu came to Korea under the circumstances. Indeed, Kim Tae hee was a good excuse.

But now I fully understand that when Ding Yu came to Korea, it was clearly the reason for Kim Tae hee, but what happened secretly? It's because sun Yingnan is too obvious, but this performance hides other people from the past. He felt at that time, but his feeling was not strong.Because things happen under their own noses, so that they can see all the situation clearly, but it is also because of the black light, so that they do not have any defense! Oh, sorry!

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