Li Jianxi felt it necessary to make a decision at this time, but the question is who is more suitable? There are some uncertainties about this issue. What about your son? He is pro European and American, and the location is in the United States. In principle, he is the most suitable.

But his son and Ding Yu do not have any contact, so let alone what so-called friendship, and the family with Ding Yu have contact with people? But her eldest daughter can feel it. Fu Zhen is very interested in Ding Yu.

What about this? There is another reason why I don't want my son to participate. That is the risk behind this incident. I need to worry about it. We should know that we never take a plane with our son. We have many daughters, but the problem is that there is only one son!

But if you put the matter in your daughter's hands, will there be any other problems and situations? Do you want to know about the affairs of Samsung? Basically, my son is in charge of it. Will this become the fuse between the daughter and the son? It is very necessary to mention this matter to my son.

It's not that he didn't recommend his son, but his son needs to inherit the whole three-star empire. He should appear as a handsome talent, not as a general? He still don't do it. The danger is too high.

After learning Li Jianxi's attitude, Ding Yu also stopped for a moment, "I may be going to South Korea to transfer flights, but the stay time will not be very long!" What about Li Jianxi? It also received Ding Yu's goodwill. After all, he did not fly directly to the United States, but went to South Korea for transfer. To a certain extent, it was also a manifestation of his attitude.

To be sure, Ding Yu will not stay in Korea for too long. In fact, the purpose of going to Korea is very simple. What about some things? It's better to have face-to-face discussion, otherwise, it's hard to let go of any situation and problems! You must pay a certain price. Otherwise, why would others help you?

Ding Yu didn't mean to take the domestic personnel, because the things in it were very simple. It was the best guarantee to take Wang Yang with him, but the old man didn't agree! I have no way to do it. I can't go back and choose other people, let alone the official people.

I didn't mean to aim at the official officials, but I have made it very clear. I have revealed some details of myself. If I take the official people, I can come back. As for the official people? He'll really disappear in the world.

Knowing that we can't do it is not brave, but stupid. And at this time, President Li also took the initiative to come to the door. If so, why refuse? Relatively speaking, this president Li is a good candidate. Of course, this president Li will not go in person, but his son and daughter are all suitable.

From Ding Yu's point of view, it is not very likely that President Li will let the future president Li participate in this event? It's too dangerous. If there is any mistake of President Li in the future, it will be a major blow to Samsung, which is absolutely not acceptable to Samsung.

So it's natural for the eldest princess of the Li family to come forward, but Ding Yu didn't mean to talk to the eldest princess of the Li family. It's true that he has already made a guess, but after all, this matter involves some internal problems of the Li family of Samsung, and he still doesn't want to find this trouble for himself.

I'm not idle and have nothing to do. Why should I make myself disliked?

Ding Yu has a certain arrangement for this matter, but the question is what about Wang Pu? There are still other ideas. Not long after Ding Yu hung up the call from Chairman Li of Samsung, he called and asked Ding Yu to go to his place tomorrow morning and find him if he had something to do.

Ding Yu, who put down the phone, also felt a little funny. He didn't even need to speculate about what his grandfather was looking for. There was no need for him to guess. There was no need for him. Now, besides that thing, what else could he have? He didn't think that he had really become a hot cake.

The next morning, Ding Yu also went to his grandfather's side alone. He didn't take the children with him. He was too wordy with them. However, he saw the grandson coming alone. The old lady was somewhat dissatisfied. Last night, she really forgot to say a word. But how could this grandson be unconscious?

I came alone. Why don't you bring the children with you? It's more convenient to have a car, so what about the grandson? The nose is not the nose, the eyes are not the eyes, Ding Yu is smiling, he is not particularly like to take the children, casual stroll.

If you go out to play, it's OK. But to come to my grandfather and grandma to discuss things. If you still take children at this time, it's a little bit out of the ordinary. At least Ding Yu doesn't like it so much! What about things you don't like? Ding Yu generally doesn't force himself, so for his grandmother to look at his eyes, Ding Yu also has some pretentious meaning.As for Wang Pu, looking at his grandson, he also took off his flower glasses, put the newspaper in his hand to one side, took a look at his wife, and then motioned to Ding Yu. "The previous thing, I thought, Wang Yang is absolutely not suitable, but I think carefully, this matter still can't give up, so I found a candidate for you!"

Ding Yu did not immediately take over the topic, but thought for a while, "yesterday, someone also found me and mentioned this problem with me?" After saying that, also deliberately looked at his grandfather, "don't know grandfather, who are you looking for?"

"Someone found you, didn't you say it was a secret thing?"

Ding Yu also smiles, "this person's identity is very unusual, and his influence is quite great. I have had certain contact and cooperation with him. Although it is not deep, my friendship is still there." Ding Yu did not disclose the identity of President Li of Samsung, because he has not yet determined who the identity given by his grandfather is. He is better to be more leisurely.

Wang Pu is also hesitant to look at his grandson, although the information has been prepared, but now? But I don't want to give it to my grandson. There are many problems in it. My grandson even contacted other people. This is a very important situation. I really let my nerves beat a few times.

"Xiaoyu, have you ever thought about what is involved in this matter? You're in touch with other people now. Do you know what it's like? " Wang Pu's voice is also very cold, grandson too consider their own interests, and did not pay attention to the interests of the country. It is true that he said such words before, but at that time, the main reason was that the information was incomplete, so he made a wrong judgment.

Ding Yu raised his eyebrows twice. "It's not that I contacted other people, but someone came to me. This person has a small background, but his influence is not small. The important thing is that I have some contact with him, and this is the situation."

Listening to grandson's account, the old man is also considering this problem, "this is also considering the situation you said. Domestic people are not suitable to participate in it, but it does not mean that other people are also not suitable. What about looking for an influential person among them? It's not that there isn't? "

Ding Yu is holding his chin with his hand. He has already guessed that, "it would be a good choice to say so, but the problem is that I am not familiar with the people in Xiangjiang. It can be said that there is no one familiar with me. There is no connection between them. Even there is no hanging edge on the industry. Under such circumstances, it is difficult!"

Why can you guess that it's the other side of the Xiangjiang River? As long as he is not a fool, he can guess that Xiangjiang is also a part of China, but for historical reasons, he can play an edge ball.

But what about what Ding Yu said? Also let Wang Pu into a burst of thinking, "looking for your people is Samsung?" However, this statement is somewhat vague and can not be very sure, after all, the information between each other is not equal.

Ding Yu was able to guess the old man's idea because the choice was too narrow, while the old man guessed that Ding Yu's choice was too wide, so he only asked tentatively, but the problem was that he didn't get any results he wanted from the expression on his grandson's face.

"What do you think?"

"It's appropriate or not. I don't know if it's appropriate or not!" Ding Yu was very indifferent, "I still said that, in this issue, I can only try to protect my own integrity, as for the integrity of other people, I have nothing to do with me, and I am not responsible for anything."

"Is this a threat?" The expression on Wang Pu's face is also quite unhappy. When he wants to come, his grandson shows that he is playing his temper. Now he is talking about important things, not children's family!

"Maybe grandfather, the way you look at problems is a little different from my way of looking at problems!" Ding Yu was also very calm and said, "I have always been the worst plan, the best preparation. If there is no preparation, I will not act rashly. I never make fun of myself and other people's lives!"

After all, sitting opposite to him is his grandfather, so Ding Yu patiently explained that whether you listen or not is your old man's business. Anyway, I have already said all the things that should be said.

Wang Pu also sipped his mouth. Previously, he really had some feelings. Was the grandson perfunctory in some aspects? But judging from his speech now, the situation seems to be different from what he imagined. This is not a very good news and situation for himself.

If the situation is really serious with him, it is really a rather troublesome thing. Then Wang Pu seemed to think of something, "you have reached an agreement with that side?"

"Not yet, because things have not been finalized. I don't guarantee that there will be other situations at this time. I need to leave some room for myself!" Ding Yu behaved very naturally, as if chatting with his grandfather, but for Wang Pu, this situation is not what he expected.This is not a decision made by myself, but I have already thought about it. But judging from the meaning of my grandson, it seems that there are some objections! This situation is not very friendly, and what did he say? It seems to be a rather difficult problem.

Think about the long time since his grandson was found back. Although he is a little introverted and a little dull, since he has said this, it is quite guaranteed. On this issue, Wang Pu also has some headache. How can he look like this? Shouldn't be? There must be something wrong with it.

Can it be your grandson? After thinking about it, Wang Pu also shakes his head, which should not be the reason for the great grandson, but if it is not the reason for the great grandson, then what is the reason? Is it because of your own body? Think of here, Wang Pu is also scared a big jump.

"This is the object of choice. There are some information about him in it!" Looking at the information pushed by his grandfather, Ding Yu didn't have any expression on his face. He even put the information on his hand. After looking at it for two times, he also nodded, "do you want me to contact him?" Ding Yu's question is very interesting.

Wang Pu also looked back coldly, "this matter has not been contacted there. From my point of view, it is most appropriate to contact him, but similarly, I hope that this time there will be no situation!"

It can't be Ding Yu retorted at the first time, "I don't have this obligation, and I won't take the responsibility. We can sit down and talk about something. Now it's still unknown. Under such circumstances, I can't make the so-called promise."

"This can't be done, that can't be done, so what did you do?" Since the literature is not good, so go straight to the martial arts. Ding Yu is quite surprised to see his grandfather, and then put the information inside on the table, and then the old God is sitting there.

Since there is no way to answer, then don't answer. Your father can't give me anything. Seeing that Ding Yu's dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, Wang Pu really has the feeling that he doesn't feel angry at once. How can this child be so meat? Does he know what is involved in this? How could it be so heavy and heavy?

If we let him go alone, we will not rest assured, because in a certain sense, he is the winner of interests. Under such circumstances, if he participates in it alone, it will make many people feel that there are some biases. This also makes me feel a little headache.

But the problem is that I have already made it clear, but what about this grandson? There is no meaning to listen to, this is also quite let yourself feel so helpless, you say what you want! But the problem is that he did it himself, but he did not have any reaction, just like Maitreya sitting there.

Wang Pu can see clearly that he and his wife are all doing useless work. The child is not very old. How can he be so calm that he doesn't even have a slight expression change on his face. He is just like a robot. What did the child learn when he was in the military?

"If you go alone, or you go with other people, then people will have an opinion about it!"

Ding Yu is more or less disdainful, "grandfather, who is the so-called everybody referring to? I really want to know, and I live for myself, not for other people. If they feel that they can, let them participate by themselves, and no one will stop them! "

"Don't you make a strong argument?"

"Granddad, do you mean that I deliberately make trouble without reason?" Ding Yu also said jokingly, "I feel that everyone in this matter lacks mutual communication and understanding. I don't deny that there are my problems, but there are things I need to avoid. I can't show all the things!"

Ding Yu didn't say it too clearly, but Wang Pu obviously understood. Previously, the child showed some things, but the problem is that he was not satisfied with the result. He was quite angry about this, but he didn't think the consequences would be so serious.

His grandson's dissatisfaction is not only aimed at some people, but also has his own share. Obviously, he didn't mean to say it, which can be regarded as a bit of his own face. But the same bastard is also a kind of withered one. If he doesn't say it, he just can't say anything!

Because I have said some words before, which leads to the present result, that is to say, the bridge between them? Basically, it is out of a broken situation. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to have an equal dialogue.

The rest of the family did not dare to do so, but Ding Yu did so. To a certain extent, Ding Yu put his position in a seemingly special way! Or to put it another way, Ding Yu never put the Wang family in the first place, that is to say, he never had to admit it from his , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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