Although Wang Pu said that he had feelings in this respect, he did not say it. In fact, in general? I have so much empiricism. I am too fussy in dealing with my grandson's affairs, so that there is a little estrangement in the relationship between them.

This estrangement can not be eliminated in a day or two. It is not at all like this. Fortunately, what about your grandson? There is no need to investigate the meaning, so the relationship between each other can be maintained, but if we pursue ourselves, can we still maintain the current situation? Wang Pu is not sure.

This grandson is different from other children in the family. What about other children in the family? They were all raised and raised by the Wang family, but what about this grandson? It was raised by other parents. The difference is too big.

So this thing can only be horizontal here, but from Ding Yu's point of view, it seems to be understandable that he has always belonged to a role that has been trapped since he had a relationship with the Wang family. He did not get any benefits and benefits. On the contrary, he was dragged down by the Wang family.

In such a case, whose heart need to weigh a good time, exactly how to stand their own position.

Wang Pu's conversation with his grandson can be described as "breaking up unhappily". Ding Yu did not show any attitude, and this matter was temporarily put there. However, for Wang Pu, there is really no way to explain this matter. After all, the above opinion is to let people go with Ding Yu, and they must be relatively reliable people.

But the problem is that he sold his grandson earlier. It seems that some reliable people made it. Under such circumstances, it is still too much. Wang Pu feels that he is not comfortable and can not always "pit" his old man! Is there any reason?

When Ding Yu knew that his grandfather was ill, he wrinkled his brow. The time of illness was not appropriate. Ding Yu also went to see him with the family. The old man was not lying at home. After all, he needed to go to the hospital.

After seeing the old man, Ding Yu also went back and didn't mean to stay at all. Wang Yang also stood beside Ding Yu and said, "I only saw my grandfather yesterday. There's nothing wrong with it! Why do you feel uncomfortable all of a sudden? " When he spoke, he was full of doubts.

"Are you so leisurely?" Ding Yu also said coldly, "ask less, say less!" Ding Yu is also told to say a sentence, is not important to understand. Anyway, he has said that, Wang Yang is also Leng for a moment, his elder brother's tone of voice how many have so some coldness! And there are other implications.

I want to ask more, but looking at the elder brother who has left the car, I feel that there are so many toothache, how do you mean it! Although said two words, but give Wang Yang the feeling, the words inside have words!

Is there something wrong with my grandfather's condition? Wang Yang also looked back at the hospital, and then scratched his head. His elder brother is a doctor, and his words are somewhat convincing. If it is true, then he really needs to be cautious. After all, this matter is not trivial.

His body is still too weak, or do not mix with, big waves, he simply can not stand it!

Then Wang Yang ran into his car, not to mention the fact that it was so cold. No wonder he felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere when he was in the ward. Previously, he was really different. Is it really related to himself?

At the beginning, my elder brother wanted to take himself to the United States, but my grandfather denied it at the first time. Although it was said that this matter was in the past, it seemed that it was not over. I couldn't say exactly how it happened. Anyway, I didn't allow myself to be involved in the family. What about myself? Although some of them are holding back and bending, they also bear it.

And what about the fermentation of this matter? It seems to be getting bigger and bigger. Even my grandfather has already been admitted to the hospital. No way! I also need to find a place to rely on. After thinking about it, Wang Yang also called his elder brother and said, "brother, I heard that mom has a good secret recipe, which has a very good effect on the elderly. It seems that someone has personally tested it. Otherwise, I'll go back and bring the secret recipe here first!"

Ding Yu also snorted and laughed, "you! Just be honest! Don't worry about it After that, Ding Yu also hung up the phone. He didn't have any meaning to explain, and the explanation didn't have much use. It can be seen that he didn't stay at home in vain, at least he knew how to avoid risks.

However, this matter has nothing to do with him, so evasion or not evasion, without any impact, but my grandfather is now living in the hospital, which is not expected!

The old man of the Wang family was admitted to the hospital. After all, he was too old to bear the heavy burden. This is understandable. What about Ding Yu? For the time being, he can't control it. Since the old man of the Wang family can't manage it, do other people want to reach out?For many people, it is really a headache, mainly with Ding Yu is not familiar with it! And what about Ding Yu's main industry? Basically, they are all abroad. All the things in China are transferred to his sister. They have no intention to pay attention to the domestic ones.

Under such circumstances, what about some means? It's not very easy to use. As for Ming Ming's going to talk to Ding Yu, it's better to forget about it! There won't be any result. If it's who, it won't be admitted at this time. Ding Yu will never tell everyone that he will go back to the party. Don't even think about it.

There are not many people who know about this matter, and the one who is related to Mr. Wang will never discuss it with Ding Yu. What's more, he is not in the capital now. Therefore, it is a rather difficult matter who is going to discuss this matter with Ding Yu.

Want to know that old Wang is his grandfather, even Wang Lao's face Ding Yu is not sold, so other people in front of him can get what so-called benefits? What's more, Ding Yu has no intention of sustainable development in China. What he is engaged in is a doctor's job. Don't try to trap him with this. If he is willing, some foreign hospitals want to invite him.

Maybe his current medical skills have not reached the level of excellence, but the problem is that their teachers and tutors are really extraordinary. I think there will be a lot of people willing to make a good relationship. What's more, their industry is no longer in China, so it's really urgent. It's just a matter of leaving.

Of course, there is another reason. Ding Yu is a member of the military. There is no way to ignore this problem. It is true that Ding Yu and the military do not mean to fight fiercely. But the problem is that the military does not attach great importance to Ding Yu. If there are some problems and situations in Ding Yu, what will the military attitude be? Need to consider!

This is definitely not a haplotype event, and what about Ding Yu? It is also a comparative personality, so after Mr. Wang was lying in the hospital, this thing was really confusing, because everyone suddenly found that they didn't know how to deal with it.

"When your grandfather is ill, you show up. Isn't it a bit too shameful?" The old lady was free today. After coming out of the hospital, she came to the courtyard directly. The road was not hard, and she didn't even walk a few steps. Although she was not young, her body was still flexible.

Generally, people of this age are not very common, because at the age of the old lady, they are basically unable to walk. However, the old lady's steps are relatively flexible, which really makes people feel so unexpected!

Ding Yu brought water to the old lady, and then put it in front of the old lady. By the way, he sat down in the seat opposite the old lady. What about such a thing? I don't speak any words. I just listen to what grandma says.

The inside story of this matter is the most clear to grandma. Although she doesn't mean she doesn't care, it doesn't mean she doesn't understand. It's totally two things. However, Ding Yu doesn't think that grandma will take care of this matter. After all, grandfather has already lived in the hospital, and now it's more important for grandma to take care of him.

It is also because of this, Ding Yu is so confused about the meaning of his grandmother here. At this time, his grandfather is obviously letting go, but when grandma comes here in person, Ding Yu feels a little confused. "Grandma, I've read the report of my grandfather. It's good to have a rest for a while. Take good care of it. There's no big problem!"

"Yang Yang is as honest as quail during this period of time." The old lady took two sips of warm water in front of her, and then she also put the cup down. "Your grandfather has your grandfather's pain, but didn't think of the problem? It's not what you think it is! "

Ding Yu also puffed his mouth. What about his grandfather? It can't be said that he has no opinions and ideas. He is not a saint, but it doesn't mean that Ding Yu wants to show his opinions and ideas. So after his grandmother said it, Ding Yu neither nodded nor shook his head, but still sat there.

At this time, it's not appropriate to nod and shake your head. If your grandmother says something, you can listen to it.

Looking at Ding Yu's grandson, the old lady also sighed, "I know how this happened. What do you plan to do now? I listen to your grandfather. It seems that other people want to join in? What do you think? "

Ding Yu thought for a while and nodded, "some people have the intention of this aspect, but I haven't made a decision on this aspect yet. It depends on the specific situation! Because it involves a lot of interests, not my individual interests. It involves too much. " Ding Yu did not make a decision on this matter.

The old lady looked at her grandson. "I'm afraid no one can explain clearly what the meeting will be like. Many people are very concerned about it. But attention is one thing. How to participate in this event is another. I think it should be like this?""What do you mean, grandma?"

"Is it to be sent or not? I don't think it has any significance and value, so it's OK to find a liaison officer. " After saying that, the old lady also looked at her grandson. "I think it's appropriate to be a liaison officer. I can explain everything with you."

Ding Yu also pondered for a long time, then nodded, "I didn't promise Li Jianxi, but his attitude towards this matter is inevitable. However, the possibility that Mr. Li from Samsung will participate in is not very great, because I have no way to ensure his safety, so Li Jianxi will not let him take risks!"

"It's true

What about this? The old lady had heard about it, but she always had some doubts. But now after hearing about it, she found that the situation was really in doubt. But if that was the case, why did Ding Yu insist on Taking Wang Yang in the past? Wang Yang is his brother. Can you protect Wang Yang, but you can't protect others?

Ding Yu obviously recognized the other flavor of this discourse, so he also looked at his grandmother with a smile, "does grandma think I have something wrong with Wang Yang?" Seeing that the old lady didn't mean to speak, Ding Yu also said, "I take Wang Yang with me. Just because he is my brother, other people won't dare to fight him. As for other people? We need to see if the price is appropriate, that's all! "

"You are confident enough The old lady's heart knot in her heart was somewhat untied. "If it comes to Samsung, the liaison officer can arrange it. It should not be too difficult! But what do you think of the person your grandfather gave you earlier? Speaking of, the relationship with the family is OK! "

"I don't know very well!" Ding Yu's answer seems to have no questions, but there are still some other accidents revealed in it. The old lady also laughed. "In two days, you may come to Beijing, and then you will be responsible for the reception. Although there is some difference in age, there should be a common language! What about the arrangements in South Korea? "

"The South Korean side has not decided, because I don't know if anyone will come to visit. I just reached an oral agreement with Li Jianxi. The priority will be him, and the risk is very high. If I don't get this benefit, it will also be very big. I have to bear a lot of responsibility!"

"I don't understand!" The old lady felt that she couldn't understand. She had already set down the so-called candidates, but what about her grandson? It's still tardy. How much does this make the old lady feel a little uncomfortable. It shouldn't be such a procrastination!

"Granny, I'm afraid it's really urgent. I'm not bad about what kind of conditions Samsung will give me, but I need to do some response and preparation. Is SamSung the best candidate? It may be like this at this time of the day, but it will not be at that time? Say something else

According to the news that sun Yingnan has delivered to himself, many people are already watching the wind and want to participate in the meeting. What about the people who will attend the meeting? There will still be so many, but a secretary and an assistant, really count up, the number seems to be quite a lot.

In a certain sense, everyone can bring two people, but the problem is that unless all the information can be recorded in his head, otherwise, there may be deviation, and the gain will not be worth the loss. In other words, what about everyone? You can only bring one person.

Who knows if Samsung can participate in it? Li Jianxi's attitude is very firm, but whether he has this luck, I'm afraid he can only be ha ha, because he is not sure.

But Ding Yu does not deny that Li Jianxi is more sensitive and resolute than others on this issue. However, no wonder, after all, when he was in Korea, some things happened in front of his eyes. It is difficult for him to hide from many people. It is impossible to hide from everyone.

However, at present, there seems to be no one else to find himself except for the Li family of Samsung. For Ding Yu, it is also one of the few good news. Sometimes there is no bad news, that is, good news.

In fact, the real situation is not so beautiful as imagined, but someone has found sun Yingnan's head, but the problem is that sun Yingnan is totally unable to make decisions on this matter, or from the perspective of the master and himself, he has not achieved the conditions in his heart, at least not moved.

Of course, there are also reasons, mainly because this time the income is too big, so what about Ding Yu for others? Basically, it doesn't mean to look in the eye. It's almost like this.

In this case, it's safer and safer to choose an understanding partner than to choose a pure interest partner. At least Li Fuzhen stands by his side and can control himself! Ding Yu still has this point to grasp. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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