Looking at the situation in the courtyard, the army felt somewhat constrained. This constraint is the pressure brought by the service personnel of the quadrangle. Anyway, it is such a feeling. However, the big cousin is quite good for himself, which is also the main reason why he came to the quadrangle.

Otherwise, they will not come to kill themselves. The two little guys are very pleased. Both of them like Qianqian very much. They don't say how proud they are. Maybe it's because they are old! Around oneself and Qian Qian two person's turn leisurely, above this point, pour is very human feeling.

"Brother Seeing Ding Yu, Da Jun and Qian Qian greet each other very cordially. Ding Yu looks at the things on their hands and hums and laughs, "what? I'm still short of you. It's not easy to have a meal with you! " After saying that, Ding Yu also shook his head, "one by one is busier than me!"

The army also laughed, "big brother, it's mainly because you are too busy. What's more, I have to accompany Qianqian in my spare time." After saying that, he also looked at his elder brother with a little provocation and boldness. Ding Yu thought for a moment and nodded, "that's right. I'm not as attractive as your family. Ding Ding Ding is similar to you!" After that, he sighed. Brother

also make complaints about brother brother's automatic speaking and self talk. After he finished speaking, he was also worried. But listening to his brother's words, his heart was also slightly active. "Brother, are you busy lately?" It seems that I've seldom heard of you so leisurely

"I want to go to the United States in two days. There are some difficult things to solve. I have been in China for almost half a year. After the new year, the focus of my work needs to be put on the UK and the US, so that I can not miss my lessons!" Ding Yu also explained, "by the way, how is your work with Qianqian? There's no time to ask about it! "

"Very good!" The army is very sure to say that, and Lin Qian is also satisfied with her work, but the problem is that she can't speak out loud in front of her face, and she seems a little bit less reserved. "It's been nearly half a year, and the leaders take good care of me, so is Qianqian! Don't worry, big brother. "

"Leaders can only take care of this thing for a while." Because they are all people in the family, Ding Yu has no need to put on any high attitude. There is no need to "look at yourself. Anyway, when you are in the future, whether you want to marry Qianqian home with wind and scenery, or plain and light, it depends on your own efforts! That's all I can do for you. "

Hee hee! Seeing that the elder brother didn't look serious, the army also opened up a lot. After several contacts and understanding, he also found that the elder brother was not as cold as he imagined, but on the surface? A little bit of a little bit of pretending, that's all. It's very nice.

"I'm too lazy to educate you. We are of the same generation! By the way, do you two have any plans in this respect! I think Ding Ding Ding's meaning seems to have this plan already! "

"With Cao Zhen?" The army also said it casually, and then his face changed. Then he took a careful look at his cousin. After seeing that he had no reaction, he also joked and said, "I've had dinner together before. I've seen a good person, but I'm a bit stuck!"

"Ha ha, if you let Ding Ding know, it would be strange not to peel off your skin!" Ding Yu was also a little funny and said, "I'm going to the United States in two days. I don't know when to go back for the Chinese New Year. How about you two?"

While Ding Yu was talking to the army, Ding Ding Ding came in with Cao Zhen's arm. She was very generous. She didn't care about other people's eyes. Of course, there were no outsiders here. Someone came to take the coat. Ding Ding Ding also sat down on the chair beside her.

"Brother, isn't the show too big?" Ding Ding took a sip of hot tea, which could be regarded as driving away the cold air on her body. With the addition of Siraitia grosvenorii and honey, the service personnel still knew their own preferences.

This sentence also makes Ding Yu feel puzzled. Then he looks at his sister curiously. The meaning is very clear. What happened to this ancestor? Listen to the meaning of the speech, it is a kind of thorn, think about it, it seems that she did not offend it!

"I heard that you have almost prepared everything for the new year." Then Ding Ding Ding also snorted.

Well, it's hard to support women and villains. It's a good thing to say. Earlier, she was busy, so she asked Anjie to prepare all the things. When she got the things ready, she came to criticize again.

"I didn't say that we should prepare everything. You and the army should also prepare some. Let's gather all the things together. I'll arrange a car to send the things back. Otherwise, if there are too many things, we'll have to go back and take them." Then Ding Yu seemed to remember something and called Anjie over.

Then Ding Yu also handed the paper inside to Ding Ding and the army. "You are responsible for purchasing these things, and then send them to me. If you feel inconvenient, you can take them by yourself. I don't object to that."The army looked at the things above, just wanted to talk, Ding Ding Ding next to her nodded, "it's like a thing!" Then he grabbed the list of the army next to him and took it in his hand and looked at it. "Is this in the army's hand too much? I'm still waiting for some private money to marry my wife."

Ding Yu directly gave a white eye, and the army was laughing. There were a lot of things on it, but after a look at it, it was just one month's salary at most, which was just a variety of things.

On this issue, the elder brother and the second elder sister can be said to have a lot of care for themselves, "if you have this time, you, me and me, it's better to run errands!" Ding Yu also said something wrong, "I don't have this free time at this time, so I have time to arrange this matter today, and I will leave the rest to you."

"Yes Ding Ding Ding also took over the whole thing. His elder brother seemed to be very ordinary, but he could still hear that he cared more about this matter than before. Obviously, what about going to the United States this time? It's not as leisurely as you can imagine!

"Qian Qian, come and help me, and show them a hand today!"

Ding Yu took the army and Cao Zhen to see his collection. There were valuable things, but there were also worthless things. The army was shocked by the valuable things, but the worthless things were also despised by the army.

But Ding Yu did not have any meaning to publicize, that is, a person's hobbies and preferences, each of whom has a love. There is no reason to like it. Dajun and Cao Zhen can't say anything about these collections, so they came. But after reading them, they also felt that they were extraordinary. It was really interesting.

Ding Ding Ding, who is doing things over there, has the time to tell Lin Qian about some things in the family. Although Lin Qian may already know something about it, the problem is that her understanding comes from her brother. Now there is a new channel for information. This situation is not the same.

He took Cao Zhen back with him, and the army with Lin Qian. This is totally two things. My uncle and aunt have great expectations for this matter. It's interesting to think about it.

During the meal, the atmosphere was not dull at all. After everyone let go, they became familiar with each other. The expression on Ding Yu's face was not as cold as usual. This surprised the service staff of siheyuan. It was very rare to see the appearance of big and little.

Usually when I see big and little, they are basically so a face, basically can't see that there are too many changes, but today? The performance of big and small is totally different. From the bottom of my heart, how about the performance of big and little? A bit like a normal person, this is the most intuitive one!

"Army, have I told my family about this? what about you? Did you say that? Don't bring it back, and scare grandma, uncle and aunt again While talking, Ding Ding Ding also put a ball into the plate in front of Cao Zhen, but Cao Zhen looked at the things in the plate, and his face was a little bitter.

I feel that this belly has been a little bit fried, his own belly and brother-in-law have nothing to spell line, brother-in-law alone on top of his four people, and still more than enough posture, if put in the general family, it is completely unable to support the existence, too can eat.

What about yourself? After eating so much, I feel that the food has been piled up in my throat. The food in front of me is really unable to eat. If I eat it again, it will be too humiliating, either my stomach will burst or it will come out of my throat.

The army also didn't care at all and laughed, "my mother already knew that. Now I'm afraid I'm looking forward to waiting for me to take my daughter-in-law back. For my mother, there's nothing more In a moment? The army didn't know what to say.

"Happiness? Or satisfied? Or pride? " Ding Yu is also beside mending the knife. Ding Yu is also holding someone, sipping slightly. He has eaten almost everything. Today, he is very happy to eat. Originally, Ding Ding Ding did not touch the spring water, but after tasting the taste of these dishes today, it's good!

Can feel out, this period of time is quite attentive, at least in Cao Zhen's body, still used the merit, even Ding Yu still found some flavor in the past life, this let Ding Yu some pleasant feeling.

The army blinked his eyes. "I can't say it. It's strange anyway." The army is now completely open. Anyway, there is no other outsider here. It has something to do with drinking wine. However, the problem is not very big. I feel very good about this elder brother now, at least not as cold and popular as before.

After dinner, Ding Yu kicked the army with his feet while he was cleaning up his things. "There is nothing wrong with the things at home, but Qianqian is a girl's family after all. I don't say much about this problem. You should pay attention to deal with it yourself. After all, that is your own parents!"

The army didn't think of it before, and then he scratched his hair. "Big brother, this matter is a bit troublesome. After Qianqian's job changed, their family completely broke off with her. Anyway, it was very stiff! We don't want to be like this, but it's hard to maintain the relationship. "Looking at the army's appearance, Ding Yu seems to have thought about something, "how? And other things? "

After thinking about it, the army was also slightly distressed and said, "Qianqian's mother called earlier and raised her for so many years. She can't be raised in vain for five thousand a month." After saying that, the army also laughed, "brother, how much is the money? It doesn't matter. Qianqian and I can afford the salary, and Qianqian alone can afford it, but it makes people feel speechless! "

"This is quite a wonderful flower, not too many! Is there anything else? "

"I've talked to Qian Qian Qian. Money doesn't matter. It's a little hurtful." The army also took a breath, "but it's OK! Anyway, after the money was given, there was no movement there. This is the biggest comfort for Qianqian and me. But thanks for the elder brother and the second sister. Otherwise, we don't know what will happen now! "

"That's a little bit of nonsense, but your mother-in-law is really wonderful. Although I can't say that she's well-informed, there are still some things I've seen. Such a person really hasn't seen it!"

"Brother, if you know this thing, don't say it. Anyway, it's only 300000 yuan. It's not too difficult for me and Qianqian,. Fortunately, the work is good now. If you can bear it, you will come here! "

Ding Yu understood what the army meant by saying this to himself. He didn't lack the money, but the army was still a strong man. Otherwise, he would not always hide from himself. Previously, he thought that the reason was too serious. Now, he didn't think it would be like this.

"Well, you're the one! You really need to deal with it by yourself. It's not appropriate for other people to deal with it. But what about your second sister and me? If you have anything to do, just call me. Anyway, it's a family. I don't have much time in China when I'm new year. If you have anything, you can come and find housekeeper an! "

The army also nodded hard. After finishing, the two men went back together. After finishing up, everyone went back to their homes and went to find their mothers. Lin Qian still helped the army with her hand. She had read the previous list. For herself, it was really stressful.

What about the usual expenses? It's not big, but I bite a big piece directly from my own home. On this issue, I feel that there are some losses to the army. After all, my living place and work are arranged by the army's family. Will there be any idea in the army's home for such a thing?

"Army, I..."

Looking at Lin Qian's appearance, the army also used their own head to install Qianqian's forehead. One hand was dragged, and the other hand? Holding things, there is no leisure at all, so we can only use this way, "what do you think? I told my elder brother about this. You can rest assured

"Did you talk to big brother?" Lin Qian's heart is also a sudden mention of the voice, the army is also nodding, "it's OK, big brother is a very reasonable person, but his character is a little cold, he let us two people to deal with it by ourselves, what happened to him, he will now give us to hide it!"

"Is that all right?" When saying this, Lin Qian's voice is also a bit choked.

"It's OK, big brother. After you get in touch with more people, you will find that people are very good. There is nothing wrong with people's eyelids. In this way, it's just a little personality. By the way, when you are free these two days, you can go back and have a look! It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong. What do you say? "

Lin Qian thought for a while and sighed, and then she leaned her body against the army.

"I'm not good!"

"Don't talk about it. Say something happy!" Then the army's enthusiasm also suddenly rose, "you also know the situation of elder brother and second sister. What about money? Not very concerned, but they don't care, no more stuffy can not be too shameless, isn't it? I told my second sister about the house

Ah? Lin Qian is also a surprise, and then also very anxious to ask, "what do you say?" After all, it's a place to live! Clothing, food, housing and transportation, this talent in the mind of the people occupy the position is really too important, so Lin Qian inevitably some flustered.

"The second sister said that they are all family members. Half of the price of the house they bought at the time would be fine. Now the house price is too high! I think so! "

After that, he blinked his eyes with pride. "The second sister didn't expect to earn our money. Of course, the one we live in doesn't count. The second sister said that the house is a little small, so it's not suitable to be a wedding room! When are you ready to go to our household register and give us a new house! "

"Beautiful you, who wants to go to your household register?" Lin Qian is also angry.

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