"Big little, a man from Xiangjiang is visiting you! Accompanied by Master Sheng

Ding Yu also nodded his head, but came fast enough to know that he had not made any preparations here? People from Hong Kong have already arrived, but Ding Yu didn't deliberately pinch them. However, he arranged his clothes and costumes. He was too casual. It was disrespectful to the guests, but also disrespectful to himself.

At this point, Ding Yu really can not do the so-called casual! The reason of personal character!

Soon Ding Yu also came out, looking at the grandfather Sheng and a middle-aged man standing not far away, he also walked two steps faster, "granddad Sheng!" Ding Yu's voice is not high, but it makes people feel comfortable. What about the middle-aged people standing beside Shenghai? He also looked at Ding Yu carefully.

"Big and little!" Sheng Hai is not complacent because of Ding Yu's respect. What he respects is not Ding Yu's identity, but he has really convinced himself. Therefore, Shenghai also slightly let his body go. The action is not very big, but for the middle-aged people around him, his heart is also shocked.

Mr. Sheng has seen him many times. The relationship between his family and the Wang family is quite good. Almost every time he comes to Beijing? Will come to see you, but earlier on, my father deliberately explained to himself that he would come to Beijing alone without any notice.

At the beginning, I thought what had happened! But after I came to Beijing, I found that this was not the case. I went to see Mr. Wang and met other people. What's the specific situation? I also know something about it, but I still don't know who Ding Yu is.

At least it doesn't appear in my own impression. There is a special team at home who is responsible for business intelligence. However, Ding Yu has never appeared in this message. Now such a person suddenly appears, which makes me feel a bit confused.

After nodding each other's heads, Shenghai also introduced Ding Yu. If it was put in a previous life, Ding Yu may have been at a loss now, but now? He is completely calm. After meeting many things, he even feels that he is not strange. The third uncle has already met him. What else is he? Right?

"Hello!" After the introduction of granddad Sheng, Ding Yu was the first to extend his hand. Although Ding Yu made an invitation, Sheng Hai didn't mean to sit down at all. This also made the middle-aged people next to him look at Ding Yu so much again. From this point of view, even if it is a special identity, it seems that it should not be like this.

"Big and little!" Looking at the change of Ding Yu's face, middle-aged people are also a little difficult to do. What about their identity? I want to be a generation older than him, even lianshenghai has such a name, I think I should have no problem! But depending on the situation, the one in front of me is not very happy!

"Granddad Sheng is a family member. Uncle Li can call me Dingyu!" Speaking of this, Ding Yu seems to have remembered something, "it's OK to call me Alan, but no one has mentioned it for a long time!" This name really has not been used for a long time, and even I have almost forgotten it.

Sheng Hai was surprised by this, because he didn't know how many English names he had. From the name, it seemed very common. But according to the information I knew, it seemed that most and little had never used English names, even in the United Kingdom and the United States.

But I also noticed that when big and little said the name, there was some nostalgia in his eyes. Obviously, the name still has some special meaning for big and small. Otherwise, big and small would never be like that. But what kind of thing is it that makes big and little even like this?

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it, it seems that this may be the best appellation. It's not embarrassing. From another perspective, what about the young man in front of him? For oneself how much or so some distance feeling, this kind of situation regarding oneself, is really too unusual.

Sheng Hai didn't stay here for a long time, and Ding Yu didn't mean to send him off. After Sheng's grandfather left, Ding Yu also sat in his previous position again. There were only two people in the room. Although there was a lot of space, the atmosphere between them was somewhat awkward, because Ding Yu kept silent for a long time.

"Uncle Li, I don't have much information and information for you now, but what do I need about this matter? Be prepared for it In fact, Ding Yu is also thinking about how to say this, as for the awkward atmosphere between each other? But it did not affect Ding Yu, "is Uncle Li coming alone?"

The words in front of him are misty, but the words behind are hard to understand. The middle-aged man sitting opposite Ding Yu is also a head of fog. What are these things! Now I have such a dream feeling. I don't even know how to deal with the young man's words."Ellen, I'm not sure!" For middle-aged people, what about calling Alan? Maybe it's better. According to Xiangjiang, you can call him a Yu, but what's the problem? For myself, there are some children's trifles. Although I'm a generation behind, I'm not good at it. My father is almost the same!

Ding Yu also gave a shout, then nodded, "I was invited to attend the inauguration ceremony of the new president of the United States, but it will not appear on the scene. In fact, the inauguration ceremony is a cover. Before this? There's a little party

The eyebrows of middle-aged people also beat for a while. If it is not a good education, maybe they have already jumped up, "it is a little bit heard, but there is no way to prove it!" What about this? I have really heard a few words, but the problem is that what you hear is not necessarily true.

However, the wind will not blow over for no reason. There must be a reason. But I didn't expect that this matter would be answered by the young man in front of him. What about the young man in front of him? That is to say, one round older than one's own daughter. It's amazing. But such a person is invited, my God! I feel like my world view has collapsed.

Although the Li family can't be said to be second to none in the Chinese community, its influence has remained there for so many years. But the problem is that the Li family has only heard a little news, and there is no way to prove it. What about this young man in front of him? Even invited to participate, his head should not be so funny to such a point!

"I'm not sure now, Uncle Li, whether your identity can be defined as a liaison officer!" Looking at the incomprehensible look in front of him, Ding Yu explained with a smile, "on the surface, it's the liaison officer, but what about the actual situation? It's a representative. I wonder if you can represent the whole Xiangjiang River, Li Shu? "

"I'm afraid it's hard! But try it! " This is a little bit arrogant, but it can also be understood that if one is elected, the Li family really has some deserved flavor. It is not really conceited, but the Li family has such strength and confidence.

Otherwise, why would the eldest son of the Li family be found? Is it because his father is famous? That's not the truth.

"I know, I met with President Li of Samsung earlier. His son should not be present because there are too many uncertain factors. But Samsung still wants to seize this opportunity, so the eldest princess of Samsung is most likely to come forward, but she will not be in the capacity of contact, but as an assistant!"

On this issue, Ding Yu still needs to explain. Maybe the explanation is a little obscure and unclear, but Ding Yu has already expressed the meaning clearly, and won't let you be the assistant? There's a reason, because it's too dangerous. Maybe I'll "fly" when I'm young.

"Can I tell you something about it at home?"

Ding Yu looked at the head in front of him. After a while, he laughed again. His smile was more or less intentional. "Uncle Li, do you stand in my personal perspective? Forget it, but this is a consolation, not a warning. I don't want you to go to the United States, or talk about the United States, what happens! It's not up to me to decide! "

Middle aged people feel that their back has begun to get a little chilly. Even when they look at Ding Yu, they are not as calm as they were just now, "it seems that there are not too many choices!" After saying that, he also smiles at Ding Yu, but the smile seems to be forced out, with too much bitterness.

"I will do my job well!" Since there is no choice, then unswervingly go on.

"You need to worry about Uncle Li. You will go to the United States first, and someone will contact you. But it is not the time to start, because the final list has not been determined. It is still unknown whether the Samsung Li family can get this quota. Who knows?"

The middle-aged man's mouth twitches involuntarily. He or she, the Li family of Samsung, and Ding Yu's identity have formed a small system in Asia. However, from the present point of view, whether this system can be successfully constructed is unknown.

What kind of situation and pressure exist in this, which will even make Samsung difficult to self-control. I am a person who has seen the world! But why is it just a few minutes of seeing Ding Yu in front of me, but I feel that the whole world has become different?

"Samsung Li family can not determine this quota?" The middle-aged also asked more.

"I'm not sure whether their family can really stabilize. I withstood a lot of pressure, but fortunately, there are not many people who know the whole situation. I hope we can have a satisfactory result in the end." The meaning of Ding Yu's saying this, there are some exclamations in it. Of course, more is warning.

However, it is obvious that Ding Yu did not finish his words, "when recommending you earlier, the identity given was not a liaison officer, but a certain competition with the Li family of Samsung. However, I can't guarantee that you can go out alive and come back alive, so I gave you this identity. I hope you can understand it!""Never heard of it!"

For this situation, Ding Yu also thought for a while, "it's not the same as business negotiation. This time, there are many things involved. In this process, there will be so-called bloody, and the means will be more primitive!"

Although he will not participate in the negotiation, Ding Yu still explained the situation. It is not that he has not given this opportunity, but many people have expressed their disagreement. Therefore, he will choose the position of liaison officer, whether you understand it or not. Anyway, I have already said it.

When he came out of the courtyard, he still felt a little dizzy. Although he said he had a place in the capital, the problem was that his father had already mentioned that he needed to keep a low profile when he came, so he still didn't make any other noise.

Ding Yu didn't show too much enthusiasm for this visit, nor was he too indifferent. He just talked about some problems and situations in a practical and realistic way. He didn't know whether he understood or did not understand. It was better to understand.

The old man and the old lady quickly knew the specific situation. What about the performance of Ding Yu, the grandson? It's all in the eye. Up to now, it doesn't mean too radical or too publicized. It's also not decadent. If you use a word to describe it, I'm afraid it's stable.

However, I'm afraid this stability is relative, because after he passed the new year's day, he didn't go to the hospital any more. This situation is really abnormal for Ding Yu. Obviously, he is still affected by this incident, and the impact is quite large.

The old man and the old lady know that things may not be easy, but they want to communicate with the grandson? It seems that it is not a simple thing. Grandson's attitude towards this matter is resolute. Even now, he still insists on it. It can even be understood as stubbornness, which makes people really have no way to understand.

"Kim, what's going on in America?" When sitting in the car, Ding Yu also asked casually. There were only Ding Yu and Jin in the car, so Ding Yu's words seemed somewhat casual.

"The surface is calm, but under the calm sea is already rough, all sides are very concerned about this time. From the understanding of the situation, several forces even have the meaning of fighting to death!"

Just came back from the United States, so Jin still has a better grasp of the situation. Ding Yu is holding his chin, and hasn't said a word for a long time, "British men's pressure is very big?"

"The pressure is not small, but our foundation is relatively clean, which also gives us a lot of buffer space!" Speaking of this, Jin also deliberately pauses for a moment, "plus our arrangement over the years, it is already in you and me, and it is impossible to clear us up!"

"Yes! You have me and I have you. Especially at this time, I'm very tired. If you think about doing things to us again, even if we succeed, I'm afraid we will be dragged down or even dragged to death! " Ding Yu seems to have a lot of words today.

"It is obvious that there is a recognition of this problem, so let's take the initiative to join in!"

What about these words? It wasn't Jin who said it, just through Jin's mouth. The main thing was what sun Yingnan wanted to express. Over the past few years, Ding Yu kept a low profile. It was because of the pressure that he didn't expect to be able to hide in the end. There was a sense of failure.

But the good thing is that it shows some signs. What about the back? I'm afraid I won't invite myself to attend the meeting at this time. It's absolutely certain. Since I've invited myself to this meeting, it means that there's nothing wrong.

Of course, doubt is absolutely certain. If you don't doubt it, will you let yourself participate in this meeting? It's even hard to refuse, because what about rejection? To a certain extent, it means standing opposite to many people. Ding Yu has no absolute power to challenge us at this time.

Although Ding Yu has made considerable profits in the past few years, the problem is that compared with those guys, it's really hard to say that they have been powerful consortia for many years. As for those people above Forbes? Ding Yu can only use two words to describe, because that is to show people just.

Only those who can hide behind this can be regarded as the real rich. If we can clear up the so-called property, in a certain sense, it is not even the so-called rich people. This may be a little biased, but it still has a certain representative significance.

Take Ding Yu as an example. Can we investigate Ding Yu's assets? It is really very limited. In addition to the courtyard on this side of the capital, there may be a few houses in foreign countries. There are so many things on the surface, but in fact? I'm afraid Ding Yu himself can't say exactly how much of Ding Yu's assets are.If you look at it from the above, is Ding Yu a rich man? Throw it away! But if you really calculate all Ding Yu's assets, then this amount is afraid to frighten people to death.

"Are you curious about us? Or a little excited? " Ding Yu said this to himself.

Jin, the driver sitting in front of him, didn't mean to speak because he really didn't understand the matter. At least sun Yingnan didn't give him any hints in this respect, so what was the situation like, I don't know!

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