Looking at the time, it seems that it is almost the same. Wang Pu personally called Ding Yu, the great grandson, and asked him to come home for dinner in the evening, because he was still a little worried about this matter.

Because up to now, the information that I have received is very limited, and even a lot of it is hearsay. On the premise of knowing the meeting, I can't get any news. For Wang Pu, it's really hard to imagine. Although I'm abroad, it shouldn't be like this.

After so many years in the position, Wang Pu also has some insight. He seems to realize that this problem is not simple. It's already at this time. He can't collect any information. He knows that this thing will happen and even knows the exact time, but he can't find out.

It can be seen that what kind of power is behind this.

Looking at the grandson sitting opposite to him, Wang Pu wanted to say something, but for a moment he didn't know where to start. If he didn't care too much, he would never drag his grandson into the water this time. This is a big mistake for him.

There is nothing hard to admit. It is mainly because I have not been able to put my position right after I stepped down from my position. In addition, the grandson suddenly came out of the house? Some of them are tired and need a long time to alleviate. But since this help, I still have some imbalances in my heart. However, I admit that I have to admit it and mention this issue in front of Ding Yu's grandson? There is still some embarrassment and embarrassment.

"Are you ready?" After quite a long time, Wang Pu finally asked a question. Ding Yu didn't mean to nod his head. After thinking for a long time, he also said, "it's almost ready, but I don't know what will happen at that time. Let's have a look."

"So it could be very dangerous?"

"There is a certain danger!" Although it is so said, but when talking, Ding Yu's tone slightly shows that some do not care, "but the problem should not be particularly big, pay attention to a point that is!"

Wang Pu's mouth is also slightly so some twitch, why do you say so, because you really can't hear such words from his mouth. Previously, his emotion was a little bit excited, so he really didn't think about what he said.

But now think about it carefully, Ding Yu, the child, can be said to have come out of the sea of corpses and blood. His nerves have been trained to be extremely tough. Under such circumstances, he can also say that there is a certain danger, which also makes Wang Pu feel that he is a little restless. His estimation seems to have some deviation before.

"In the past, you wanted to use the name of Wang family?"

Ding Yu was stunned when his grandfather suddenly said this thing. However, the expression on his face did not change too much. He was still the same as before. "I have the idea of this aspect. Although I say that I have this blood relationship, but after all, it has not been recognized, but Wang Yang is different. This is something that many people need to worry about!"

Since the old man has already said this, Ding Yu has no intention to deny. Wang Pu's mouth is slightly upturned. After getting the affirmative answer from his grandson, Wang Pu is also thinking about it. Now, if Wang Yang is put on the top, what will happen?

"How about replacing Samsung with Wang Yang?"

"No chance!" When Ding Yu said this, his tone was flat, but his attitude was firm. Previously, I wanted to push Wang Yang to the top. As long as the domestic government could support him, I could withstand the pressure. But the problem is that no one supports me, so I need to find other partners.

Wang Pu's face can be said to be quite ugly, "the so-called no chance, it means that people from Samsung are more powerful than Wang Yang? Or do you get more benefits? "

In the face of the old man's question, Ding Yu did not mean to be angry. Instead, he explained patiently, "it has something to do with obtaining benefits, but this relationship is not very big. When I wanted Wang Yangding to be in this position, what I needed was not only the support of the forces behind, but also the integration of certain forces. At this point, Samsung has already finished Yes, they have received considerable support, and this support is what I need! "

Ding Yu's explanation is quite clear, of course, Wang Pu also understood. Wang Yang is recommended not only because Wang Yang is a member of the Wang family, but also because he hopes to use Wang Yang's identity? The problem is that Wang Yang was taken down at the first time.

Or at that time, we didn't realize that there was such a complicated situation behind it. It was also because we didn't know much about the situation. There was a big gap between Samsung and Samsung in this regard. This gap refers to the acquisition of intelligence and information, and even the importance of information, which are quite different.After realizing this problem, Ding Yu made a decision in an instant. At that time, Samsung also leaned over. President Li knew that if it was involved, the risk would be very great. But how about using a daughter to make this bet? It's worth it?!

Although there is only one son, the problem is that there are more than one daughter. What's more, it is not his own daughter who inherits Samsung in the future. Even if he sacrificed his daughter for the sake of Samsung, it's no big deal. So after getting Ding Yu's verbal assurance, Samsung also began to operate actively.

At this time, when Samsung is pushed away and Wang Yang is allowed to take the top, the domestic forces are not integrated at all. There is no support behind Wang Yang. What about Samsung's support? Although can't, also dare not have any statement, but this heart's complaint still has.

In this contrast, Ding Yu's choice is self-evident, so when his grandfather asked about this matter, Ding Yu also expressed his attitude. This is the case. It can't be changed in one sentence or two, which is absolutely not the case.

The opportunity was put in front of him, but the problem was that he didn't cherish it. This made Wang Pu feel very angry, especially the grandson sitting in front of him, to remind him whether he could die? What's more, what's more, what's behind this is the interests of the country. The child's thought seems to have some problems!

"Is that how you value interests in this matter?" Wang Pu is also forced to suppress his anger, "do not deny that you may have lost some interests in it, but it does not mean that you can ignore the national interests!"

Ding Yu really didn't know what to say because it had nothing to do with the national interests. However, he had no way to distinguish himself from the old man. It was meaningless, but it could only make the relationship more embarrassing.

From another point of view, the reason why I gave up Wang Yang is because I have no trust in some aspects. This is the key to the problem. Since there is no foundation for trust, there will be no platform for cooperation between them, and everything will disappear.

Wang Pu's heart can not have a little feeling, but now it is impossible to think about saving this relationship. At least in this matter, it is impossible. But the question is, what about the person in front of him? He is his grandson. This blood relationship can not be erased.

"This time, things are very important. Your uncle Li has already gone to the United States, and the specific situation is not very clear!" Since there is no way to deal with Wang Yang, don't linger on this matter, because Wang Pu has seen that his grandson has made his attitude clear.

Don't have any expectations on this matter. It's useless. So it's better to open this breakthrough from other places! But how to open this breakthrough, this problem? Still need to find out from Ding Yu's body, other people have so many a white meaning.

Sun Yingnan can't find any relationship at all. What's the attitude of Samsung's Li family on this matter? It's also taboo. As for the boy who came to the Li family, he couldn't get in touch with the core, so we still focused on Ding Yu's body. What about this job? We still need Wang Pu to do it.

Even if Wang Pu was lying in the hospital before, he couldn't avoid the past. As for what happened, Ding Yu really didn't know, and he didn't mean to ask. But Ding Yu didn't mean to let go. Indeed, he felt the pressure from his grandfather.

Looking at Ding Yu's grandson, he still didn't mean to speak. Wang Pu also watched him for a period of time, then picked up the tea on the table and took a sip of it. "I know this thing has a great impact on you, but you should also know what kind of effect this event will have on the development of the whole country's economy."

"Do you hear what I'm saying?" Seeing that Ding Yu didn't have any reaction, Wang Pu asked again. The voice of this sentence was a little loud, and even there was a smell of scolding.

Ding Yu still didn't mean to speak, but just leaned back on his body. Looking at this, he wanted to keep this distance on purpose. I just listen to what you said. Since you are here, you should expect the result now. At this time, you should not say anything.

How to do it? I'm very clear in my heart. I'm Chinese, and I'm also trained in the army. What's the so-called loyalty? It's not what you say with your mouth, it's about how you do it. What's the effect of granddad yelling at yourself now?

It's not that I'm really indifferent to this matter, but I can't speak at this time. If I do, can I guarantee that the news will not be disclosed after I go to the United States? Ding Yu is really not sure about this.If you are in a passive position at the beginning, then in the following process, even if you are not by other Mermaid meat, it seems that it will not be better. Therefore, it is better to cut off this problem from the root at this time. The specific situation is still to wait until you come back!

This is Ding Yu's current idea, but what about this idea? Ding Yu really didn't mean to communicate with his grandfather. After thinking about it carefully, he didn't communicate with his grandfather carefully after he knew his identity. There was a lack of communication and understanding between them.

So at this time, Ding Yu did not give his grandfather any reply. It was not that I didn't want to say it, but what I said was too dangerous. It was impossible for me to let myself in danger before I went to the battlefield again. So I just kept silent now. Anyway, my grandfather would not give me anything.

Wang Pu felt that he had been so angry that he had wasted a long time's saliva. However, the problem was that the grandson in front of him even made himself feel embarrassed than squeezing toothpaste. There was a word without a word. Although he said that he wanted to calm down, the problem was that he could not do it at all!

At a time when the atmosphere was a little awkward, the old lady slowly walked in from the outside, looked at her wife and grandson, and then sat down in the side seat. The old lady didn't want to come, but the problem was that she had already seen the situation in her eyes, and the two people broke down again.

This is not the first time that such a thing has happened, and the old lady is quite helpless. However, more often than not, it is her old man who picks up a war and then puts out the fire by himself. In the process, his grandson seems to have given in, but in fact, what happened is very clear in his heart.

"Xiaoyu, do you have great concerns?"

Ding Yu looked at her grandmother and nodded her head slightly. She didn't need to explain anything because she didn't really want to explain it. The old lady nodded when she looked at her grandson.

Then he was also concerned and said, "your grandfather's temperament is a little too anxious, especially in this matter. Originally, he was lying in the hospital well, but he couldn't hold two good words." After saying that, he also took a look at the past and said, "how about this thing? Just make sure you pay attention. Pay attention to your own safety

Ding Yu also thought for a little time, then slowly stood up, bowed down, and then left without saying anything. The old lady looked at her grandson and wanted to ask him to stay for a meal, but the words didn't really come out, and Wang Pu's mouth was still twitching.

After waiting for Ding Yu to leave, the old lady sighed, "I think Ding Yu is a very good child, you! I'm too anxious. I can't worry about it. If Ding Yu doesn't really mean anything in this respect, he won't show any performance at the beginning! "

Wang Pu sipped her mouth, but then she let go. "It seems that this matter is definitely more complicated than what I imagined. When I tried to test him, or even irritated him, he didn't have any reaction, which was enough to explain a lot of problems." After that, Wang Pu also sighed.

"In this case, he has confirmed the Li family of Samsung, but I have not inquired into the specific situation. At least there is no feedback from Samsung. Even everything is very normal!"

Wang Pu also snorted, "Samsung is relatively close to us, even they don't show much sign, let alone other people. What's more, you haven't found that Xiaoyu and his assistant have been out for a little longer in recent days? It seems that they are all careful

The old lady knows about this, but she doesn't care much about it. What she worries about is how dangerous it will be after her grandson goes out. It's not long before this grandson is found back!

"Will something else happen?" The old lady can't help it.

Wang Pu is also shaking his head. He attaches great importance to this issue in China, but the United States also attaches great importance to it. This matter is really not clear in one sentence or two sentences, and now he has left his position. If it is not because Ding Yu is his grandson, he should not think about contacting this issue.

Or that sentence, if not because of their own words, their grandson will come up with this problem? It's really questionable. On this point, it can't be denied. Admittedly, this is not the original intention of Wang Pu, but sometimes the reality is so cruel.

There's a lot of help in this, but what about that? If there is no beginning, will there be a continuation now? Wang Pu did not want to solve this problem!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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