"Xiaoyu, this thing can not be too impulsive!" The middle-aged people also comforted to say, "many people can not see the problems and conditions among them, and what about their understanding of the whole problem? It's too one-sided! We need to understand, even need some explanation. There is a so-called passive way to make myself more passive! "

Can Ding Yu still be calm at this time? I still feel very happy, and it is not because of their arrival, and the actual situation changes, it seems uneasy. Although this talk is not proper, but can see, he is still very calm, this is quite difficult!

"Sanbo, this problem is not impulsive and impulsive. For me, it will not have too much influence. The earth will leave my same rotation, and even reduce certain burden!" When he finished this, Dingyu looked at his third uncle, and said, "three, the affected people will never be me!"

"You'll give up on the domestic one?" Looking at Ding Yu's smile, the middle-aged also sighed. He knew why Ding Yu laughed. Dingyu has no industry in China, even now he is still away from the king's family. Therefore, to fight Dingyu, the king is the only way.

"I'll go and talk to Wang Lao!" Without Ding Yu speaking, the middle-aged people have understood what it means. This is to make a choice between Dingyu and the royal family, either Ding Yu or the royal family. If it is to sacrifice Dingyu, then nothing can be obtained at last. For the benefit of the whole country, the loss is too great.

But choosing the king's family is only a face problem, and will not be affected by any other. On the contrary, from the perspective of national interests, the income is really too big. But there is no problem and condition in this, to know that Wang Lao is generally in general, after all, he is not young.

If there are any problems and conditions in the process, no one can bear the burden and nobody can say bad things. So after hearing his third uncle said so, Ding Yu also looked at it, but he didn't have the meaning of making a sound.

After a long time, looking at him, Ding Yu said slowly, "three Bo, I will go to the UK and the United States to continue my study in the next year. It is not clear when I will come back. It is not important for me to have this pressure personally."

"I want to hear your real ideas and opinions!"

"There's no idea!" Dingyu's tone and voice can not hear any fluctuation. "It is just to hold a meeting. There is no big deal. We will reach a certain agreement on the whole. There will be some changes in the process, but it will not affect anything. Some people in our country will take it for granted!"

"You are part of them too!"

Ding Yu pondered for a while, then shook his head. "Am I one of them? I'm afraid I can't make it clear, because I don't really understand this. Although I know some of them, they are a little real. It's not very good! "

"How about the jade family?"

Asked suddenly, Dingyu also did not have too much consideration, "I have met with the jade family's old man, Grandpa Yu is very insightful!" That is to say, but what is the potential meaning of this discourse? Is to tell his three uncle, I think the jade family of this old man is good, as for other? ha-ha!

The middle-aged people's mouth also slightly moved, on their own information, sunyingmen under the company is not so huge, but these two years is a wind, but do things high-profile, do people seem to have so low-key.

From the perspective of understanding, although there are certain capital, it is relatively speaking, it is to control the operation of some capital. It seems that the power behind it is not as big as it is supposed to be, but the problem is that Samsung really gives this face, even now Dingyu, a mischievous boy, has a lot of disdain for Yujia.

This disdain refers to the jade industry is not put in the eye by Dingyu, the mischievous boy. It can be seen that there is no need to say more. As for whether he is making a fool of the problem? There are still some judgments in my heart. After all, there are some special channels in this position.

"We chose two people. The jade family didn't want to be involved in this time. I don't believe that Yu family has not received the news in this respect! Whether they have not received more in-depth information or do not mean this, it is still a little unknown! "

Let the relevant information be disclosed to Dingyu. This is to hope to filter it on Dingyu's side, and then feed back to himself. In a process of mutual, we can get some useful things! "It's enough to worry, uncle, what kind of name do you want them to attend this meeting?"

When saying this, Dingyu also showed some interest. The middle-aged people asked were also cold and cold. He looked at Dingyu in a bad look. The question was a bit headache. In what name to attend the meeting, the decision power was still in Dingyu's hand.People just invited Ding Yu to attend the meeting, but did not invite other people to attend the meeting. After Ding Yu went there, he could walk into the door and go to the negotiation table. What about other people? It's strange that people can let you into that gate!

Talk about conditions with Samsung? It doesn't matter whether Samsung agrees or disagrees. What matters is whether Ding Yu will make this call and mention the matter to Samsung. If Ding Yu doesn't want to, it's all nonsense.

But what about the problem that Ding Yu said earlier? It is also quite reasonable. If other forces are allowed to go, Ding Yu will lose a lot of support. For Ding Yu, it is not only that he can not stand firm, but also involves other problems and situations.

But if you don't let other people follow Ding Yu, the family is really not at ease, at least in Ding Yu's problem, after all, Ding Yu is the party, whose interests are the parties? It must be Ding Yu's own interests. On this issue, everyone seems to have some consensus.

To be sure, a small number of people have the same understanding of this issue, and the vast majority of people still hold a wait-and-see attitude. After all, the waves caused by the subprime mortgage crisis are still so big. Now it is a little early to make the so-called decision!

In fact, the situation has been very clear, but the problem is that some people just can't see the form and situation clearly. They want to let Ding Yu fight, but they still cling to their rights. A series of problems have also led to the consequences of today. Now they come to force Ding Yu. This problem! I really don't like it.

Do you really think that Ding Yu can be bullied at will when he is young? How huge is Ding Yu's influence? I'm afraid no one can say too clearly, even if Wang Laozhen to his grandson, I'm afraid all need to let three points.

There are some historical reasons. After all, the child was once lost, but this is not the main reason. It is mainly because Ding Yu has the strength and strength in this respect, which is the most important.

I don't understand the overall problem and situation, but I have to get involved in it. I don't know what to say. Moreover, Ding Yu's attitude is very ambiguous. He has his own ideas about this matter. How you do it is your own business. It has nothing to do with me. How I deal with it has nothing to do with you!

What's more, for Ding Yu, I can't afford to be provoked? Anyway, after the lunar new year, I'm going to England and America. Since some people don't like it, I'm too lazy to take care of you and treat each other as guests. OK, I won't annoy you, but you don't want to come and annoy me.

"Your performance makes me feel a little disappointed!" The middle-aged man looked at Ding Yu and said with great sincerity, "I know you have your own plans, and you also understand that you have your own difficulties, but this does not mean that you can take off your responsibilities! These are not reasons, they are rejections. "

Ding Yu also opened his mouth, and then he also laughed, "third uncle, can this be regarded as an exciting general?" What's the title of Ding Yu? All of a sudden, there was a change, and the previous three uncle changed the title of third uncle!

"You wear a uniform on your body. I don't think it's necessary to repeat the meaning and nature of it!" The tone of the middle-aged man was a little heavy, but Ding Yu didn't have any intention to refute, but he nodded.

"What the third uncle said is reasonable!" It's just such a sentence. Anyway, from the beginning to the end, Ding Yu didn't have any intention to make a statement, because it's really not easy to say! Not to say that their psychological side really have no idea, but the problem is that they dare to say the details of it? I really don't dare.

"What do you want to say?" Maybe it was something I felt. The middle-aged man also asked.

Ding Yu looked around and said slowly, "San Bo, there are some things you haven't seen that can withstand the pressure behind you. I'm going to tell you now, not to help you, but to add a lot of trouble to you. I don't deny that I have some selfishness in this case, but I believe that I will be given a fair evaluation in the end! "

"So sure?" The middle-aged man was also worried and said that he certainly knew the weight of this discourse. After all, I had seen it before. Although there was no sword on the surface, what was behind it? All of them can see the bayonet twinkle, which is just behind Ding Yu's head.

"If you are sure, I'm afraid no one can say clearly about it!" Ding Yu's tone is still very calm, "but judging from the current situation, no matter how big the noise is, for me personally, there should be no too many problems and situations. Basically, I can face them!"

"Including the domestic situation?" When talking, the middle-aged man also laughed, "you! I'm very worried about whether you can bear the pressure. What's more, Mr. Wang's situation is not as optimistic as expected? You want to fight all over your shoulders? ""It's not that I don't have consciousness, but I have such a big shoulder. If I can carry it, if I can't, then I can't do anything about it." Having said that, Ding Yu also deliberately tilted back his body. In any case, what should be said should not be said. The situation is already like this.

The middle-aged people's attitude towards Ding Yu is also a lot of crying and laughing. What about the previous things? I can also say a few words, but when it comes to family affairs, I can't say anything. It's true that there won't be too much fuss about the relationship between myself and the Wang family, but I still can't get involved in this matter.

"It's a little bad for you to do this! And it's still wilting The middle-aged man also said with a smile, "I don't know if I can pass this hurdle when I wait to see Mr. Wang!"

The conversation between the two people seems to have some meaning so far. Although many things have not been discussed and the final result has come, it is no longer necessary to understand Ding Yu's ideas. He has also made efforts. Specific things still need to see the development of the situation.

As for the pressure from other aspects, since Ding Yu can carry the burden, there is no need to worry about anything. Now it's time to meet Mr. Wang, at least to say hello to him in this respect, so as not to let Lao Wang have no preparation in this respect.

But before leaving, the middle-aged man also looked at Jin standing in the shadow of the corner, Ding Yu's assistant. I've heard a lot of news about this assistant himself, but I haven't met him very much. Moreover, he seems to have the meaning that he can't see the end of the dragon. I didn't expect to meet him here today.

From another point of view, Ding Yu is probably under a lot of pressure! If there is nothing, two people will never be together. What about the pressure here? It is absolutely not imposed by the domestic side. This pressure should come from the international level. If you can't see it, it doesn't mean there is no!

But until he came out, Ding Yu didn't express anything in this respect. When he thought of this, the middle-aged man sighed. Everyone doubted Ding Yu's attitude and position, but he didn't think about his position carefully. This is biased, and there are still some too afraid and one-sided.

But what about some things? Just as Ding Yu said, telling himself is not to help himself, but to make himself more difficult. After all, he is not involved in such a thing, and it is not even if he does not. Therefore, he patted Ding Yu on the shoulder before leaving.

Ding Yu also gave a slight smile, which was obviously very grateful for it, or had already understood the meaning of this, and the best way was to create a secret mind. If the words were put on the surface, it would not look good.

What about the third uncle's meeting with his grandfather? Ding Yu doesn't want to ask, and Wang Pu doesn't mean to call his grandson. Things seem to be stuck here. It's obvious that the grandson has to bear the pressure alone? Wang Pu's psychological side has some ideas and opinions.

Although I said that I was also under a certain pressure, but this pressure is not big, at least can not give myself how, but my grandson? Wang Pu didn't know that he was under a lot of pressure when he mentioned this situation.

He is really not very clear and understand, his psychological side is also carrying other aspects of pressure, the shadow of this aspect can not be found, but he has never expressed this aspect, nor any emotional catharsis, as if these things have never happened.

If the grandson mentioned it to himself, then he would consider other aspects, which is certain. But the problem is that Ding Yu, the child, has not disclosed any information to him from the beginning to the end. Since he exposed the relevant matters, the relationship between them seems to have cooled down at once.

Today, after the third son told himself something, he felt a little sad. This had nothing to do with politics, but what about his impulse? As a result, the relationship which had been slightly embarrassed was once again trapped in a stalemate and even regressed.

These situations are not what I hope to see. Although I have experienced the ups and downs in my official career, I have seen too many scenes. What seems to be a big move in my mind can't make much waves, but after all, he is my grandson! For this situation, the old man's heart is still quite concerned.

But I still don't care. At this time, I really can't make this call. My grandson didn't give me the olive branch, but the problem is that I didn't realize that I would call my grandson in turn. There are many problems. I still need to bear the pressure.

It's true that I came back from the hospital, but that was just a kind of trial. Some conditions are what I want to see, but what about some conditions? It's not what you want to see, ah! Life is helpless with this.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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