In the most intuitive way, things have come back to the origin again. It is not to say that people have not exerted pressure on Ding Yu in some aspects. The connected ones have exerted pressure on Ding Yu from two aspects, even quite a lot of pressure. However, it seems that the role played is really too limited, which can be said to be ignored.

"Do you want coffee, Dr. Ding?" Ding Yu, sitting at home, didn't show too much opinions about the visitor. The man in front of him seemed to be very powerful. Some even didn't regard himself as an outsider. But what was Ding Yu's performance? It was silence.

What do you want? It's your business. It has nothing to do with me. Looking at Ding Yu's Old God, the middle-aged man sitting in front of Ding Yu's body also frowned slightly. He was really afraid to encounter such a situation. Ding Yu didn't give you any response. What about his situation? It's true that there are some helpless.

Move him! If you can't move it, if you don't move him, things will always be stuck there. How do you want to deal with this problem? In fact, there is a key problem. Although his identity has not been released, he is the eldest grandson of the Wang family.

It seems that this is a simple question, but what is the actual situation? It's true that there are so many thorny problems. The pressure here is still resisted by Mr. Wang. Although he said that he was prepared for this time, he didn't have any scruples at all. Otherwise, why do you still stay here.

"Xiaoding! I'm a generation older than you, isn't it a problem to call you like that

Ding Yu looks at the tea delivered here? Although I said I didn't have the habit of drinking tea, I still know this kind of human nature and I think it's very suitable. After pouring a cup of tea, Ding Yu thought about it and then put the teapot aside. As for him, there was still a cup of coffee in front of him.

They didn't talk, but it was just a case of drinking tea and coffee, which was enough to explain the problem between each other. If people can't eat together or drink together, they want to talk about it together. It's really not so difficult! The middle-aged man sitting in front of Ding Yu obviously felt this situation.

But he can't point out this point. Ding Yu is a typical needle in Mianli. What about his own affairs? I also have a lot of understanding. What about all the time? He encountered any thing is so some of the meaning of not being surprised, even a lot of times, are to suffer losses.

It's like dough. It's always bullied. It seems that everyone can step on their feet. But if we look at the coherence of things, what is the final result? Ding Yu may have lost some of his face, but the result he got above is absolutely beyond imagination.

There is a problem reflected in this, that is Ding Yu, who is similar to his son's age, is an undisclosed master. He doesn't care what the so-called process is. As long as he has the final result, this is the most direct one for him.

"I hear you've identified specific assistant candidates!"

Ding Yu picked up the coffee and sipped it, then nodded her head slightly, "there is a plan for this aspect!" After that, the coffee is good! Then he slowly put the coffee down. "With the liaison officer over there, you can basically take charge of some affairs in East Asia and even the whole Asia."

What about the middle-aged people in front of Ding Yu? It is really quite a test, and even some of their own did not expect, "how long is there?"

"No more than three days. Of course, if someone can let this meeting play for a few days and hold it again, I don't have any opinions, but I'm afraid it will be so difficult to do!"

The reason why Ding Yu said this is that it seems that he has not sealed the hole, but what about the actual situation? It is also a direct hit on the key, all the problems and conditions have been described very clearly, do not take you to play, not to say that you have an opinion, but there are too many outside factors.

At least the topic on the surface is like this, but in reality? Ding Yu also refused. It's just that Ding Yu didn't make this statement too clear. It may be due to Ding Yu's personality. Although his speech is not very direct, it should not be said that he is unprepared. I have already said that.

"Three days, and then fly straight to America?"

"I want to go to South Korea. I have a lot of preparation, and the Korean side has no final choice." After that, Ding Yu looks at his hand. Under the sunlight, his fingers feel transparent. He doesn't pay attention to the middle-aged people nearby. Ding Yu looks at it for a while and then smiles.

"Xiaoding, it seems that there is a story in it!"

"I can go out, but I can't come back. I won't make any guarantee on this issue, so I need to talk about it in the past!" After that, Ding Yu put his eyes on the middle-aged man's body. After a period of time, Ding Yu moved away from his eyes and his eyes were slightly lax.Of course, the middle-aged people also noticed Ding Yu's eyes and gave them a very special feeling, because Ding Yu's eyes did not have any sharpness, even worse than ordinary people. But I don't know why, I always feel that this is not the most real Ding Yu. There is something hidden behind his eyes, just that he has not found anything.

If Ding Yu is an unbearable person, his eyes are lax, this is nothing, but since he can make such great achievements, he should see some ambition, desire and so on in his eyes, but the problem is that he did not find any in Ding Yu's eyes. For himself, this is quite a setback.

To be sure, it's not that Ding Yu has no ambition and desire, but that he hid it so well that he didn't find it. I didn't know how to deal with it, but now I can't find the weakness of Ding Yu, so I don't know how to deal with it.

"Three days is not long, but it seems that it is not short either." After saying that, he also looked at Ding Yu, "and, Xiao Ding, are you so sure? You should know that the plan does not change rapidly. Sometimes other situations occur, which is inevitable. What do you say? "

"Yes! The plan is not changing fast It seems that Ding Yu sighed, but it was just a sigh. There was no other action or expression. After being threatened, Ding Yu didn't react at all. This was in line with his previous temperament.

Yeah? What's the meaning? Do you understand or pretend to be unable to understand? I think the latter should be more. In fact, he has already made his words very clear. If Ding Yu says that he continues to be obsessed, he may hold you back and not let you go out. After all, what about such a problem? It's not particularly difficult.

But Ding Yu doesn't seem to care about it at all, which makes people feel scratching their heads. In fact, the smell of intimidation is the most common. The hope is that Ding Yu can be touched. However, he thinks that the three sticks will not play any role. On the contrary, he gives himself a lot of gas.

What's more, Ding Yu gave him a certain reply, but he felt extremely uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Looking at Ding Yu sitting in front of him, he really wanted to stretch out his hand and directly knock him to the ground.

Maybe this way, my mind will be accessible, but I really can't do it. Let's not say whether I can do it, the important thing is that there is no significance and value. What's more, if you really do it yourself, I'm afraid you can't do it. Ding Yu was born in the military, and his attack was black! Don't hurt the tiger, and then fill in yourself!

"I'll probably call again tomorrow!"

Ding Yu nodded, but immediately followed the topic and said, "I'm naturally happy when director Chen visits. I don't know if I'm free or something else when I'm not tomorrow! Please forgive me, director Chen! "

I can't stop you from coming or not, but I can't leave and you can't stop it. It's all relative things. If I'm at home, I'll receive them naturally. But if I'm not at home, I'm really sorry.

At first, the atmosphere between each other was still harmonious, but at the end of the day, Ding Yu said this, and the atmosphere between them was immediately embarrassed. Obviously, Ding Yu did this on purpose. This also made director Chen feel that his teeth are really itching. Few people dare to talk to themselves like this.

In particular, this person is still a young man like Ding Yu. He is definitely trying to annoy himself. But now he has no way to get angry. His heart is very oppressive, but his face still shows the so-called smile. He really has a sense of crying and laughing. He has tasted this taste.

Looking at director Chen getting up, Ding Yu didn't mean to pinch it on purpose, and even personally sent it out of the door. Although director Chen tried to persuade him, Ding Yu had been waiting for director Chen to get on the bus and leave. He had been standing outside the gate, so he didn't mean to leave at all.

"Did he pout Chen Feng?" When Wang Pu knew about this, she also asked a question that she didn't believe. The old lady also nodded her head slightly, "I'm not very clear about the specific situation, but looking at the appearance of Chen Feng, it doesn't seem to be so happy as expected. Obviously, there is a deviation in this matter!"

"Chen Feng represents the will of some people. For Ding Yu, this is the last chance. It depends on whether he can withstand the pressure." After that, Wang Pu also sighed.

However, the next day, when he knew that Ding Yu and his two children were going out for a sightseeing trip, he took a breath and didn't hold it back. Did he spray it out directly? Is this too playful? Is it true that Chen Feng is not regarded as a thing, or is there any other way that he has in this, it is already at this time, shouldn't it?

Ding Yu with two little guys, leisurely look, two little guys wear the same as little bear, or even a little inattention, may fall down, but the problem is that Ding Yu's skill is too good, even a casual help can make two little guys stand up their bodies, so as not to appear other problems and conditions.The two little guys are also having a good time. Ding Yu is just stretching his feet, so that they can restore their balance. They don't need to start deliberately. The two little guys don't feel much about it. Anyway, they have never fallen down, but the nanny in the back has already seen the action, and the eyes are already starry!

For lunch and dinner, Ding Yu didn't eat in the courtyard, but ate outside. After eating, Ding Yu still didn't mean to go back. Even in the afternoon, Ding Yu deliberately let the two kids have a little rest in the nanny car for a while. This made the person who knew the news feel a little angry.

Originally thought that at night, Ding Yu would go back, after all, with the children! But he never thought that Ding Yu didn't mean to go back at all. He just sent two little guys back, and then he walked around alone. He didn't know what he wanted to do. At least in our opinion, Ding Yu was like a headless fly, and he was wearing everywhere.

Chen Feng is very clear, now this time can only personally block Ding Yu, otherwise he can be sure, one night time Ding Yu may not return to the courtyard, as for where he will go, this question is not very easy to say, after all, he really wants to hide, to find it will be very headache.

"Get Ding Yu back, I want to talk to him!" Chen Feng also said a word with the secretary next to him, as for the Secretary to deal with this matter in this way, this is not what he needs to care about.

Secretary is also a big headache, for Ding Yu himself is not strange, but the problem is to want to block him, this problem is really there are so some difficulties, after all, it is not very easy to handle this, but since the matter has been explained down, I really need to deal with it with heart.

However, there were some unexpected results. Ding Yu didn't mean to escape. When he received the news, Ding Yu was sitting in a coffee shop drinking coffee. He didn't know why he was so leisurely. When Chen Feng knew the news, he turned his head and looked at his secretary. He didn't believe it.

"Ding Yu is drinking coffee. Is he hiding?" When asked about this, Chen Feng's face was also a little red, he really can't believe this is true, because for himself, it is no less than an insult.

When he wanted to come, he looked for Ding Yu for a day. He was like a dog who had been chased out. But now, it is not the case. Ding Yu played for a whole day, and now he sits in the coffee shop, waiting for Chen Feng to come.

At this time, Chen Feng is to come, not to come also to come, this has nothing to do with face, but can not deny that in this matter, Chen Feng has no face, Ding Yu can be said to have played a good trick, which makes Chen Feng's mind quite angry.

When he came to the cafe, Ding Yu didn't know what he was looking at. He seemed to have some heart. As for the coffee in front of him, he didn't drink much. It seemed that some of them didn't like Ding Yu's taste. The waiter came over with a glass of water on the tray and placed it carefully in front of Chen Feng with a respectful attitude.

After a short time, a cup of ready-made coffee was also sent to Chen Feng's front, and then the waiter left quickly. Until then, Chen Feng tapped the table with his fingers, "Xiaoding, is it too much for you to do this? It seems that this is not a gentleman's way!"

"Is it?" Ding Yu also looked up. The expression on his face did not change much, but he took a look at the steaming coffee in front of him. "The taste is good. The freshly ground coffee, if I feel right, should be transported from Brazil, and it's very fresh!"

Resisting his anger, Chen Fengqiang also took a sip of coffee without adding sugar. However, after tasting it, he also stirred his eyebrows. The taste was really quite good. However, he came here not to drink coffee, but to talk with Ding Yu.

"Is that a refusal?"

Ding Yu smile slightly, "this depends on how director Chen wants to understand! I'm afraid you have already felt my attitude. "

"My understanding is that you refused this matter!" Chen Feng's attitude is not very good, Ding Yu is staring at a look, "so to say, director Chen is prepared to come!" After saying that, he also raised his arm, "if director Chen has this free time, I don't mind listening to it!"

"After all, there is still some time to go before the meeting!"

Ding Yu shakes his head and smiles. Although he doesn't mean to be contemptuous, this attitude is enough to explain everything. "Director Chen, this is a refusal. You should know that this is not a negotiation. You can bargain. What I want is a result. If it is OK or not, put the things on the table for me to see. If not, let's shake hands. What do you think? ”

after that, Ding Yu also deliberately leaned his body against the back of the chair, which seemed a little leisurely. Of course, from another point of view, Ding Yu was a little bit presumptuous! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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