Chen Feng stared at Ding Yu for a long time, then shook his head, "I can't make this decision personally!"

"Is it?" Ding Yu was also quite disappointed, and then recovered. "Originally I planned to take three days, but I decided to fly to Korea tomorrow. There seems to be some situation in the United States that needs me to deal with! The plan can't keep up with the change Ding Yu also gave this matter an ultimatum. Since you can't do it, don't linger.

Chen Feng, who was holding a coffee cup, was a fool all of a sudden. Ding Yu had given him three days, but after one day, he repented. Do you think that Ding Yu doesn't take what he said as a thing, and he doesn't take his side as one thing?

Excited, the coffee cup in Chen Feng's hand also shivered slightly. The brown liquid also flowed out along the coffee cup. Then Chen Feng's spirit was also a whole, "Xiaoding, is it a little too hasty?" The reason for this is also a change of attitude.

In the past, there was some coercion and threat, but now? It is a tone of discussion, there is no way to do things, tomorrow Ding Yu will leave, time is really so some too hasty.

What's more, the conditions put forward by Ding Yu earlier were really too much. After consulting several candidates on his side, they couldn't meet the so-called standards. After going there, they couldn't help at all, not to mention Ding Yu's side.

And now what about Ding Yu? It's also a way to cut off everyone's idea directly and leave tomorrow. Things shouldn't be like this. In this way, we can't get any benefits. After working hard for such a long time, we can't get anything. This is not just a simple matter of not being willing to do so.

When Chen Feng woke up, Ding Yu had already left. Chen Feng felt that there had been too many changes in this matter, so he left at the first time. He told the people about the matter, and the news was passed on in a flash. Even the Wang family also knew the news. He didn't expect that the change of things was so fast!

Wang Pu hasn't had a rest, so does the old lady. Under such circumstances, the two old people have come together. Does this matter need to be mixed up? If necessary, you can call to ask about the situation. After all, it happened so suddenly.

Is it that the grandson can't bear the pressure, so he came here? Wang Pu really wants to know about these problems. Looking at the time, it seems that it is not too late. The old lady looks at her old man and thinks for a while, "Xiaoyu, the child going to the United States, should not take two children with him or take them over?"

Wang Pu was slightly stunned, and then he nodded happily. This is a good excuse, and then he arranged the matter. Shenghai was the first to rush to the courtyard.

The reason why Sheng Hai was allowed to go instead of other people was to worry about whether other people would go and see Ding Yu. This is really what the two said. If the grandson really didn't give face, he really needed to suffer, but Shenghai still had some weight and information, and Ding Yu needed to take care of this face.

When he came, Ding Yu didn't have a rest. He was sorting out what was going on. For the purpose of Sheng Haisheng's grandfather, Ding Yu was very clear, so he also explained two sentences. The explanation was not clear, but it was quite face saving. If it was changed to other people, Ding Yu would not meet with him, so there was no need.

As for the two children? They have already gone to bed. It seems that it is not suitable for them to make trouble at this time. However, Ding Yu has no intention to object to this matter. He is not at home. Let's see what the two little guys like! If they like, they can play with their grandparents for two days.

Although Ding Yu insisted on seeing him off, Shenghai refused, and Ding Yu didn't insist on anything too much. However, Shenghai noticed that Jin, the assistant of Dashao, was still in the quadrangle. Seeing this situation, he didn't mean to leave at all.

When he was about to go out, what about Sheng Hai's mind? It's also a sudden thought, "big or little, you're alone, isn't it a little inconvenient? Go out in the outside, sometimes still need to pay attention to safety issues! If it's just an assistant, it may not be recalled in other aspects. "

Ding Yu is also slightly stunned, carefully pondering over Sheng Haisheng's grandfather's words, and Shenghai over there also stops his own pace. After thinking for a while, Ding Yu looks at the side position. Standing there, Jin sees Ding Yu, and he also bows to Ding Yu. Ding Yu also nods, "let Jin be responsible for it."

Sheng Hai was also greatly relieved. Even before he went back, he told the news to his elder sister and his husband. I can't tell you how much effect this matter can play. But in my opinion, it's very important to relax at this time.Wang Pu and the old lady are also summed up, this thing is not as simple as imagined, grandson let go, there should be other meanings in it! Fortunately, Shenghai was allowed to go. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to open this mouth. However, it relieved a lot of pressure at home.

After Sheng Hai came back, two people also asked about the situation. They didn't worry that it was absolutely false. After asking about the situation, they also released the news. One of six people, Shenghai had contacted Jin, and even the personnel were in place at the first time. As for how to arrange the situation, Ding Yu really didn't mean to ask about it.

Kim met these people at the airport. It was already early in the morning, but Jin didn't mean to rest at all. Looking at the six people who came over, Jin also looked at them, "I don't care who you are. I need you to obey my orders in the whole process. I'm not sure that during the whole process, your life safety has not been handled by me If you have this problem, please leave by yourself

After listening to these words, others feel a little bit harsh. Every time they emphasize this situation, their ears seem to have cocoons. Can't we change some new topics? But Jin looked at the six people in front of him and nodded.

"I'd like to say something important. You can carry weapons and equipment on your own, or you can supplement it by me. You can clarify what you need, but you are not allowed to carry any communication equipment. This is a hard and fast rule! I'll give you two hours to prepare. I'll be here at six o'clock. "

After Jin finished, he also went to the plane for inspection. He didn't pay attention to the meaning of the six people below. Instead, the six people standing there, you look at me and I see you, are not at a loss, but they feel extremely uncomfortable. They have never met such a situation in the past.

In the morning, Ding Yu talked to Samsung on the phone, and then he rushed to the airport. The whole process can be described as extremely smooth without any pause. Originally, he was worried about whether there would be other situations in the process, but from now on, there is no such concern.

Previously, I threatened myself, but from now on, it seems that it is just a threat.

After Ding Yu arrived at the airport, he got on the plane at the first time. There was a little space on the plane, mainly because the plane was relatively large. When Ding Yu came to his own place, he didn't mean to have a rest. Instead, he picked up the documents and carefully looked at them.

From the capital to South Korea, the time is not very long, which is less than two hours. When he came, Taixi had arrived, and the weather was a little bit cold. However, Ding Yu did not hide in the plane, but got off the plane. He accompanied Tai Xi at the airport side, and two people walked around.

"I feel a little thin recently!" Ding Yu is also concerned about Jin Taixi, who is holding his arm. "Is it because of too much pressure?"

"There are some, but now the process is basically familiar with! There are no problems and conditions! " Kim Tae hee is also happy to smile, but his identity? In this country, there are still some inconveniences, so we can't dress up in the appearance, too fresh and straightforward.

This also led to the hat, scarf and overcoat on the body wrapped up very tightly, although I also want to show the best side, but the problem is that there are so many inappropriate occasions.

After two rounds of walking, Ding Yu has a lot of things in his hands, but most of them are food. After all, Ding Yu is going to the United States. What about other things? It's not very suitable, and Jin takes two bodyguards to set up the control in the hall of the airport, which can ensure that he can not be separated from the line of sight, nor closely follow his side.

When Ding Yu and Jin Taixi sat down for five minutes, they could see that someone came to their table with swaying posture and said, "Welcome Kim Tae hee stood up at the first time and saluted! And Ding Yu nodded his head slightly, that's all.

Li Fu Zhen looked at Ding Yu's movement and expression, and was also very respectful. Looking at her attitude, Ding Yu already understood, "I'm going to see President Li, don't know if it's convenient or not?"

At this time, Ding Yu goes to see his father, which is a reasonable thing. Even his father has been waiting for a long time. It's just because the place is not very suitable. In addition, Taixi has come again, so it's delayed for a while. Ding Yu said that, but it's very worldly!

Looking at Li Fuzhen walking in front of him, Ding Yu is also holding Taixi. As for the shopping, someone has already sent it to the plane. But just as she was just passing the corner, a few girls bumped into her without noticing. Everyone didn't notice. Ding Yu didn't have anything. She even helped Taixi's waist with her hand, so that she couldn't get there In the fall.

But a few girls are not so lucky, don't pretend to be swayed, it seems that is also very poor.It was not intentional. Some girls were very happy. Then someone also stood up and bowed to apologize. Ding Yu also supported Tai Xi. Li Fu Zhen in front of her changed her face. Then she saw the bodyguards around her and shook her head slightly.

A few girls were talking about something happily, so they didn't pay much attention when walking. After bumping into people, they apologized in a hurry, mainly because they didn't pay much attention to it before. However, the situation immediately made them worried, even afraid.

Because some of the surrounding black super fast to gather over, a few little girls are also the first time to close together, continue to bow and apologize, Ding Yu looked at Tai Xi, looked at her shaking head, is also smiling, he is not what tyrant, for such things, but also not so concerned.

Looking at some little girls, Jin Taixi seemed to recognize something. He nodded to Ding Yu, but he didn't mean to blame him too much. Soon, the two people also continued to move forward. At this time, Li Fu Zhen also expressed his sincere apology. He didn't expect that there would be such a special situation in a corner.

Jin has been watching the situation happen, but there is not too much reaction. However, the bodyguard behind him looks at the director in a strange way. If such a thing is placed on them, it can be said that it is quite a serious mistake, but what is the attitude of the supervisor? Even chose to ignore, people feel incomprehensible.

The bodyguard thinks it necessary to talk about Jin's failure to deal with such a matter. But what about Jin? After a look at the two people behind him, he also snorted, "I said, since you have made a choice, you need to obey orders absolutely. It has nothing to do with other things. I don't need you to have any ideas, just follow orders!"

Jin can't explain to these security guards in detail. There's no need. These guys are moving shields in their own eyes. That's all. If they really do it, they may play a certain role, but how much of this role is really unknown.

What's more, he is very clear that these people are around, and there are so many other aspects of meaning, so Jin did not give them too much good face, as for the previous thing, why he did not go forward, not to say that he did not have a little feeling, but such a thing, no one has paid attention to.

We are all human beings. Although there are some special features, we should not separate ourselves from the category of ordinary people. Otherwise, we will not have too much flavor. What about this problem? In fact, Jin had already discussed with Ding Yu a long time ago. Both of them had their own views and opinions, but they finally reached an agreement.

Looking at Li Jianxi waiting at the door, Ding Yu bowed slightly, and Li Jianxi also made a gesture of invitation. Ding Yu also noticed that there was a man beside Li Jianxi, who was older than himself, and looked at the two faces. It seems that there are still some small similarities.

However, this is not the best place. Soon Ding Yu and Li Jianxi entered the room together, but it was just the two of them. There was no one else in the room. Li Fuzhen looked at his brother and Li zaireng looked at his sister. The two looked at each other, and then both stood at the door.

Of course, the airport leaders also know this situation. Although all the monitoring has been turned off, they still know that the president Li of Samsung has come, and it seems that this is also for the purpose of meeting guests. This kind of courtesy is really unusual.

The previous situation also made the airport a big surprise, but the matter quickly subsided. As for a few girls were also sent to a room, several girls seemed to be afraid. The airport did not mean to blame, but the problem is that the guests have not left.

At this time, I left a few little girls here, mainly worried about other conditions and problems, as for the details of a few little girls? As early as the first time was investigated clearly, there is no problem, but a few girls sitting in the corner of the room, you see me, I look at you.

They were asked to come here today? It's just doing activities, but I didn't think that there were such situations and problems. The two people standing at the door of the room stood there, just like robots. This also made a lot of girls feel that things were so different.

Originally, they wanted to resist. If they had bumped into people, they had already apologized. Why did they still lock them up here? But no one wanted to stand out and say, "I thought I saw..."

Although the voice of speaking is so small, how many little girls are there? I seem to have heard it, and we are also talking in a low voice, mainly in order to eliminate the fear in our hearts, because the unknown situation is really so painful for us.

However, when everyone was slightly nervous, there was a sound at the door, and then a man and a woman came in from the outside. The girls who had been sitting there stood up for the first , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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