In the room, Ding Yu and Li Jianxi discussed for a little longer time. Both of them need to make certain preparations for this meeting. It is not to say that it's impossible to meet each other simply. On this issue, both of them need physical strength. Even some decisions can only be made between two people! No one else should be involved.

After a period of time, Ding Yu can still be better. After all, he is young, and he has never relaxed his exercise. However, for Li Jianxi, his body can't hold on.

Ding Yu took a look, and then cast a look of inquiry. Seeing Li Jianxi nodding, he also went to the position of the door. Looking at the two people standing outside the door, he also slightly nodded his head and let the Li brothers and sisters in. It was a short break time for himself and Li Jianxi!

Looking at the tea, Ding Yu also felt some taste, and then tasted it. But when Ding Yu was watching the scenery, Taixi didn't know where to come from and handed over a bottle of water. Ding Yu hit her with his head.

Two people stand together, "I will not go to the United States for a long time. Do you want to go back with me for the Chinese new year? Or should I go back first? " What about this problem? Ding Yu really didn't have too many mandatory requirements, and Taixi didn't think much about it, "go back together! Things on my side are almost settled! "

Kim Tae hee didn't ask what happened inside. Even in the middle of being invited, he withdrew himself. Some things can be concerned about, but some things? Or do not care too much, should recognize their own identity and position, do not make other problems and situations, it is not beautiful.

"So you've been busy with those little girls?" After Taixi explained, Ding Yu also had some coke feeling, "as for? It's just a small accident, it's not a big deal! I don't have much, but two of them fell down. Don't let them break it

"I have prepared two small gifts for them, and at the same time, I said hello to them at the TV station!" What about these? They are small things in the family, but they are a way to communicate with each other. The time of being bored is not very long. Then I saw Li Fu Zhen come over again.

It seems that President Li recovered well. How he recovered from it has something to do with ginseng tea. Ding Yu had tasted it before, and the taste is still good. However, this president Li is really bold. From a short period of time, the effect is very long, but it can't be used frequently. The burden of the body is too heavy!

At noon, the two people also simply ate a little food. They really didn't want to pay too much attention to each other. Without that time, Li Jianxi was very appreciative of Ding Yu's actions. At the same time, he was very pragmatic!

To their own level, what to eat is not a burden for themselves, and it is the same for Ding Yu. However, at this time, neither of them is interested in this aspect. We'd better put the problems in front of us after we've finished our work! This is the most important thing.

In the afternoon, the two people were busy at last, while the Li brothers and sisters stayed outside all the time without any movement. The same was true for the bodyguards. "President Li, I flew directly to the United States in the evening, so I won't stay. Please forgive me!"

"Please!" President Li of Samsung was also very aware of the problems and conditions. He immediately stood up and showed great respect. He did not look arrogant because of his age and career. At least in front of Ding Yu, he really didn't mean to hold on to it. "I wish everything is done! Everything goes well. "

Ding Yu also laughed and declined to see him off. After all, if President Li showed up, the noise would be very big. What about himself about such a thing? I really didn't have much interest, so I went back to my plane as soon as I said hello to Tai Xi.

As for Li Fu Zhen, he did not fly with Ding Yu, but took another private plane. Li Jianxi and his son have been watching the two planes set sail together, "father!" Looking at his son and the bodyguard in the distance, Li Jianxi also seemed to sigh.

"For you, this is an opportunity, but this test is too big, I can not make this determination, because I am afraid, so I can only let Fu Zhen try water. What is the process is not important, what is important is the result!"

"Father, I heard about it, but I didn't expect that the family could participate in it!"

"If I can come back together, I will separate the hotel and other matters and hand them over to her. This is a commendation to her, because she has paid too much price. This is a risk with her own life!" At this time, Li Jianxi had made it very clear that the province had caused misunderstandings in other aspects.

"Yes The reason why he agreed really happily is that Li zaireng knew very well that he didn't get anything. However, for himself, Samsung's overall promotion is a kind of capital expansion. From a practical point of view, he has got more things. People can't be too greedy. At the same time, he needs to give up and give up to get something."Father, I still don't get much information, this man is too mysterious!"

Li Jianxi laughed. "What about our history? It's too short to be seen at a glance. What about the history of China? It's too long. As for the history of Europe and the United States, it's not short. It needs details. Efforts are just one aspect of it. It's not true what you see. "

"Just like these people at this meeting?"

"Who are the participants? I can count all the hands I know. Mr. Ding told me a lot. I vaguely know some relevant information, but I think I understand it?" When talking about this, Li Jianxi also shook his head, "but I am sure that they control the shares of Samsung, absolutely not a minority!"

"The pursuit of interests is always for this reason?"

"You need to understand this question by yourself. No one will give you the answer. It's the most tasteless thing to eat what others chew!" After that, looking at the sky, the plane had already flown away. Li Jianxi also looked back and left. He stayed here a little longer.

On the plane, Li Fuzhen didn't have much contact with Ding Yu. However, before getting on the plane, Ding Yu handed him a lot of information, which he had to deal with. After all, from this moment on, he should take the post of assistant.

In the whole process of the plane, Ding Yu seems more or less quiet, even quieter than the security personnel. For the security personnel, Ding Yu really does not have too many constraints. Similarly, Jin does not make too many restrictions on this point. There is a sense of indifference to these guys.

I'm afraid these six people can't make clear what the reason is. Because the plane is also within the scope of security, so Jin has no so-called constraints on the six people. They can patrol the plane back and forth, so they have a detailed understanding of the situation on the plane.

In addition to the six security guards, there are basically no security personnel on the plane. I'm afraid that Ding Yu and Jin are the two of the crew members. There are some people who really don't understand. As for such a big heart? No sense of precaution at all? Or in the United States, they are ready.

Before getting off the plane, Jin also called the six security personnel together, "after arriving in the United States, the security measures will be changed, and other security personnel will join in, but you only need to be responsible for the situation of Mr. Zhang, which is divided into three classes with two people in each shift. In the process, you may cooperate with other parties, and hope you are prepared!"

This is not really to frighten them, but Ding Yu, sun Yingnan, Li Fuzhen, including the Li family in Hong Kong, will all need to be integrated. The relationship needs to be well coordinated, while Jin needs full control. Therefore, we should take preventive measures in this regard at this time.

When we arrived at the airport, there was only one liaison officer. Sun Yingnan didn't show up. Ding Yu didn't mean to be unhappy, but he introduced him to the Li family, although he said that they had already contacted before.

"The situation is very anxious?" Ding Yu, who was sitting in the car, also said in a light breeze. The liaison officer of the Li family also took a long breath, "the situation is a little complicated recently! There's a lot of pressure! "

This is not exaggeration. In fact, he has not had a rest for more than 60 hours because he is a liaison officer and needs to communicate with other people all the time. Not only himself, but also sun Yingnan is the same. We are all supporting strongly now. We don't want to rest. But before we close our eyes, a new situation will come.

Fortunately, Ding Yu's arrival was more timely, which also let everyone give a breath, because the backbone came.

However, Ding Yu received a phone call from an old friend before he got to the place where he stayed. When he heard the voice of his old friend, Ding Yu's words also contained a little laughter, "Charlie, is it too late for you to call at this time? And it doesn't seem to be your style

"Come on, I just got to know the news in this respect. I really didn't think of it!" Charlie said with a sigh.

"I didn't expect you to take part in it. It seems that I don't know enough about you!" Ding Yu said this also has some funny meaning. However, the assistant and the liaison officer nearby looked at each other in a slightly shocked way. They didn't know who Charlie was, but those who could participate in it were definitely not simple people.

"Should I say that?" Charlie was also quite dissatisfied and said, "I'm only responsible for some external problems and situations. I don't mean to be involved in them. What about such a thing? If you participate too deeply, you will easily get yourself killed! " This is quite straightforward.

"I know you're a bad guy. When did you start to be so smooth?""There's no way!" Charlie sighed, "since someone says hello, then you can't pretend to be unheard of! So I can only call myself. I think my luck is still very good. What do you mean? "

"I came to the meeting, understood from a certain angle, or came to make friends!" After finishing, Ding Yu also focused on his assistant and liaison officer. After a while, he said, "I will let the contact officer contact you!"

After putting down the phone, Dingyu thought for a while, but then Ding Yu seemed to hear something, and then he looked out of the window. While the gold sitting in the corner slightly pointed at Dingyu. Although he didn't mean to speak, this attitude had been revealed.

Ding Yu's arrival will obviously make some nervous nervous. It is not about worrying about what Ding Yu will make, but that something will be found, whether it is in the sky or underground, all of which have protective measures, not for monitoring, but for being able to control within an effective range.

There is no problem with internal mutual tearing. We are basically facing each other directly, but what about the outside? There is absolutely no hand. Anyone who dare to do it is the bottom line of provocation to all. I'm afraid that the bones will be light and it is not impossible to kill the nine ethnic groups.

Ding Yu found out the information of a pharmaceutical company and then passed it to the contact officer sitting in front of him. "Charlie is my friend, but in school, we are recognized rivals, even now there is a spread of this aspect, and his family reputation is not obvious!"

Ding Yu is a reward for handing the information to his liaison officer. After all, he plays a very important role as a liaison officer. He is never a mean person. And as far as he knows the news, Li family seems to be interested in the UK. He is regarded as a lead for them.

As for lifuzhen, is this way? Dingyu has not shown much so far, because it is simple. Samsung has not put into practice the price of satisfying himself. At least, Li Fuzhen has made efforts that are not enough, and he is not stingy, but it doesn't mean that he is really a bad man.

When he arrived at the place where he stayed, Dingyu also took a small rest. When he heard the door ringing, Dingyu opened her eyes, and then the security standing in the corner opened the door. Sun yingmen also looked at the security, and then went to Dingyu and went, "sir!"

"It's hard!" Dingyu also stood up, even nodded. Sun yingmen's eyes looked at Dingyu, which was also slightly bright. Then he followed Dingyu. They entered the room together. The security in the corner did not have any action. Only when the door was closed, his eyes flashed through a light, which seemed to be the ripples on the surface of the lake Like that, it is clear that his heart is not as calm as he thought.

Sun yingmen stayed here for about an hour in Dingyu. Even two people had dinner. They didn't mean anything elegant. Buffet and coffee. Just that, they both carried a plate. As for the dishes, they were also placed on the table full of dense documents. It seemed that there was so much confusion.

The security in the corner is also a little twittering, because Dingyu, the big and small food, like them, has the most real life status in front of them. In front of them, there is no meaning of making a work, nor does it show any discomfort. In their understanding, the big and small is a strange person.

The core six security, gold has not meant to replace, and they also abide by the principle of three shifts, the conditions of treatment is very good, but after a communication, it was found that, for a whole day, except for them, it seems that no one else has been given rest.

Dingyu's range of activities is not very large, but it seems very busy, but he doesn't see what is called fatigue from his eyes. Instead, it reveals a little excitement. I don't know what it is, even the people around him are also like this, are these guys crazy?

But the question is that security can't give any opinions and ideas. They are only responsible for security, but only relative to outer security? They may need to be more cautious and careful, but from the perspective of Kim's attitude towards them, the demands really seem too lax.

But what about these security? There is no cross-border meaning. Although the conditions are very convenient for them, they still remember their responsibilities at this time. They are responsible for protecting the safety of large and small numbers. As for other issues and conditions, we will talk about it after going back! They work with their eyes, not their mouths.

"The liaison officer and Charlie seem to have been playing a little hot!" When he was ready to leave, sun also mentioned a sentence, and after that, he also slightly expressed the meaning of inquiry.

Dingyu also did not pause for too long, and then asked again, "your opinion is that you should give Samsung some fruit to eat, is that so?" Sun didn't nod, but he didn't ask. He was only responsible for mentioning opinions. As for the final decision? Or need to make decisions by their own , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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