"It seems that this trip is very smooth!" Previously, the Li family of Xiangjiang had sent all the relevant information. The eldest son of the Li family made the details of the incident very clear. However, the problem is that he was just involved. As for what happened and what happened during the period, he had no idea. After all, he was a liaison officer.

There are some news from Samsung's Li family, but there is really no meaning to mention about the core aspects. After all, although Samsung said it was involved, the leader was Ding Yu. And Ding Yu did not speak, Samsung will never disclose relevant information, even if Ding Yu spoke, Samsung did not know what to say.

Therefore, we still need to open the gap from Ding Yu's body. As long as we can open this gap from his body, the rest of the matter is really easier to handle.

But what about things? It's not as simple as you can imagine. What about the airport? On the way to here, two people have also discussed it. The matter was arranged by the master, and it was deliberately arranged. What is the implication? Naturally, two people are very clear, but is it appropriate or not? It really needs to be discussed!

Ding Yu nodded a little hesitantly, then shrunk his body into the sofa, "everything is expected! There was no unexpected situation, but we had a few business deals. This is almost the case! "

"So all the previous predictions have already been implemented!" What about the others? It's not very good, so yuan Changlin also talked about this topic, "let's talk about the specific situation!"

Ding Yu pondered for a while, "the matter of withdrawing troops is imminent. Although there is no specific discussion, what about the people attending this meeting? Basically, there are no representatives of military industrial groups. This is a legacy problem, I believe it will be implemented in the shortest possible time! But this one's mind will not be too calm! "

"Confirmed?" The middle-aged people also have some accidents, especially the following sentence! Let oneself associate with a lot of things, but did not say it face to face.

In the face of the third uncle's question, Ding Yu also nodded, "I asked some people from the military industry consortia that it's time to stop their efforts. Otherwise, they would not give the black president face, even the face of the forces behind them. They have already changed their terms, and some things should be changed! But what about some people? I'm interested in this one

Looking at Ding Yu and looking at himself, the middle-aged man also laughed for a while, and he really heard it. There are words in this bastard's words! However, the problem is that this matter belongs to two different natures, and it is impossible to compare them at all.

"Economic policy?"

"The impact of the subprime mortgage crisis is relatively serious. We will deal with this problem and take measures against Europe. The so-called European integration has seriously affected the United States, especially the outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis. The United States will not watch the investment transferred back to Europe again!"

"Destroy the economic environment?" After all, such a thing happened once at the beginning. Although we have never experienced the problem of Yugoslavia, we have heard of it. There is no denying that there are other problems involved in Yugoslavia. However, European investment and hot money have basically been transferred to the United States, which is an indisputable fact.

"The European community is too big, and it is very difficult to achieve reunification, especially in the UK. So what about this problem? It will be implemented in a few years, and I have the intention of this aspect! " After saying that, Ding Yu also blinked his eyes. "After all, he gave the military industry group a slap in the face, so we still need to give a sweet jujube."

What happened in the meeting? Ding Yu didn't really mean to mention it. But what was the theme of the meeting? Ding Yu really didn't have much reservation. Basically, he had already said it, and the time of this conversation was a little bit too long.

During this period, the old lady went out to have a physical examination, and the health care doctor was also very attentive. The old lady was very satisfied with the performance of her grandson. Although it was a little awkward, it did not affect the main body. This was ok, even better than what she imagined.

In my own expectation, I really worried that there would be other problems and situations, but they did not happen, and I also noticed that although the old man didn't mean to speak, he listened attentively, and the expression on his face was also quite pleasant. This was enough, and there was not too much extravagance.

After the old lady checked her body and came back, she took a look at her old man. However, Wang Pu turned a blind eye on her. The middle-aged man next to her also touched yuan Changlin with her toes. Yuan Changlin woke up suddenly, and then she set her eyes on her father-in-law and mother-in-law, and then suddenly realized.

"Mom and Dad, why don't you take a breath first! The documents here need to be sorted out! " That's what it means, but what's the actual meaning? It is to let the old man have a physical examination. After all, the old man is a pillar stone in his home. He can't have any trouble. Except for the problem, it's great.The old man obviously knew the situation. He snorted and went out on crutches in her hands. The old lady picked up the fruit on the table and shared it with everyone. Except Ding Yu, other people didn't eat so much. What about Ding Yu's eating method? Also let envy, but also feel fear.

Because he was like a bottomless pit, he didn't respond to how much he poured in. It was not clear how much he had eaten for dinner. However, the fruits on the table had been served twice in a short time, but when he came, Yuan Changlin closed his eyes and couldn't bear to look directly.

I don't know. I thought I hadn't eaten it for many years. But the problem is Ding Yu's family conditions. Don't mention eating this. Even if he is eating gold, there is no problem. Do you think he is impolite? It seems that it is not true, but you say he is childless! Looking at his father-in-law's jumping eyebrows, we can see that it is not such a thing.

This is not the problem that you should intervene in, so forget it! Out of sight and out of mind, I don't want to manage it, but I really can't do it. I've been waiting to see Ding Yu wipe the corners of his mouth with a paper towel. Yuan Chenglin also raised his eyelids. It's really not easy!

The middle-aged people next to him also feel funny and funny. After a look at Yuan Chenglin, the fruit basket on the table has been for the third time. Even if it is to squeeze juice, I'm afraid it will have to have a basin. It's so terrible to eat into the stomach.

Wang Pu also felt a little angry on his psychological side. Looking at the fruit that was put up again on the table, he immediately picked up one of the fruits and ate it without saying anything. Ding Yu was really surprised. He watched his grandfather finish eating the fruit. Two people looked at each other, and Ding Yu also shifted his eyes.

For the performance of the grandson, Wang Pu also snorted, you can eat, Laozi can't eat? Isn't it just youth? At his age, not to mention eating two plates of fruit, even if eating two baskets of fruit, there would not be too many problems.

The old lady also looked back. She couldn't help it. The old man in her family was so old that she even came out like this. Like a child, she was angry with her grandson, and because of eating fruit, she really didn't know what to say.

Now that we have checked our bodies, we should continue to do well. The old man seems to be very energetic, but the old lady next to him is squinting her eyes and half awake. Obviously, he is not so concerned about this thing as he imagined. In fact, what about anything? It's not as important as your grandson.

The time of the negotiation was really too late. It was not until midnight that the negotiation came to an end. Everyone had some unfinished ideas, but it was already so late. But tomorrow Ding Yu, the bastard, is going to leave. One of them doesn't know when to come back. The other is that he will go abroad, so we must pay close attention to it!

"Go home tomorrow, isn't it early?"

When he came out, Yuan Changlin also said one more sentence, which was really not said in front of the old man. If he said it in front of the old man, if the old man really stayed, who knows whether Ding Yu, the child, agrees or disagrees? If you don't agree, you'll turn the pot over.

"I haven't been back for a period of time, and this year I'm going home with my mouth. Maybe things will be more!" Ding Yu refused this trial at the first time. This cooperation has already shown his attitude. He is not a civil servant and has no obligation.

Yuan Changlin also shakes his head. What about this? It's just a click. It's really hard to say what kind of consequences will happen if you piss off your nephew. I don't know what I thought of the airport before. After I know it, I'm not only crying and laughing, but also feeling helpless! Oh!

Ding Yu came back a little late, but Taixi didn't sleep. He had been waiting for Ding Yu to come back. Seeing Ding Yu's expression, he didn't want to ask about the meaning. He helped to change his coat and lay down after washing. It was quite late.

Although he said that he would go home today, when he got up in the morning, Ding Yu was still exercising without any delay. As for those trivial things, he was handled by the people below. Taixi got up earlier. After seeing the two little guys, he was also responsible for making breakfast for Ding Yu, at least to make a contribution.

Before dinner, he received a phone call from his mother. He spoke in a high voice. He didn't care much about Ding Yu. However, he urged Ding Yu to take good care of Taixi and his two children. This is the most important thing. He can't be careless.

Tai Xi is also leaning on Ding Yu's side, listening to the nagging phone, but also secretly laughing. Ding Yu is also white his eyes, quite feel so helpless feeling, as for this appearance? Can't I be such a incompetent father? Anyway, my mother knocked her confidence to pieces.In fact, there is no need to worry about the whole trip. Taking a private plane from the capital and getting off the plane to go home is also a nanny car, which is very comfortable. There is no so-called delay during the period. Even at noon, Ding Yu has arrived at the door of his house, and the speed is very ordinary.

Seeing Ding Yu, my mother didn't have much reaction. She took the lead to let Taixi enter the door, and then carefully carried the two little guys in. As for Ding Yu, she just looked at her eldest son, but she was also a little helpless to stir her own shoulder. There was no way to do it.

If put in the original home, Ding Ding Ding and her boyfriend, plus Ding Yu's family of four are really quite inconvenient, but now the situation is not the same, the home is really not generally large, all kinds of facilities are also very complete and advanced, if placed on the Dinglin couple, they do not care, but need for the new home son-in-law and son-in-law My daughter-in-law thinks about it, doesn't she?

After everyone came in, Taixi saluted Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying in accordance with Korean etiquette. This is absolutely a rule for him. However, Cao Zhen beside him opened his eyes and poked Ding Ding Ding with his little finger. Ding Ding Ding nodded slightly, which was a response to him.

What about Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying? Although the two children didn't mean to marry, they already had them. At least two people have already recognized the identity of Tai Xi. Otherwise, what about the two people? I would not have accepted the etiquette.

"All right Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying also let the children up, "since they came to the home, there is no need to be so unfamiliar!" It's already noon. Lunch is ready. The sky is big and the earth is big. Ding Yu and Tai Xi go to their room with things. Ding Yu is really back to this new home for the first time.

When decorating, Ding Yu also found other people. No matter in terms of quality or other aspects, he didn't let the two parents at home worry about it. What about it? Ding Ding Ding has contributed a lot to her work. Whether it is more or less, this problem can not be denied.

The whole room is not a very luxurious one, but it gives people a feeling of comfort and elegance, as well as a sense of family warmth. Ding Yu also indicated to Taixi that Taixi liked it very much. The room was not very large, mainly because it was separated by a suite.

The room of the two little guys is next door. It has been cleaned up for a long time. It can be seen that the preparation in the home is quite attentive. Ding Yu and Jin Taixi simply cleaned up their things. After changing their clothes, they were also ready to come out for dinner. Originally, Taixi was still busy, but there was no need for them.

In Chinese families, the position of the daughter-in-law is totally different from that in South Korea, and Taixi finally felt it. But what about Taixi's attitude? Still humble as always.

What about the preparation? Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying feel full of happiness when they look at the people sitting around the table. They have both children and grandchildren. Basically, there is no more happy thing than this. However, because it is noon, everyone does not drink.

Ding Lin has other things in the afternoon. He can't drink, but Ding Yu has no love for wine. Cao Zhen himself does not seem to have much interest in it. But whether there is wine does not affect everyone's mood. The atmosphere is very warm.

Kim Tae hee really did not know that the original Europa language is so rich, but he also noticed that Europa for food? It seems that because of the reason of noon, the food is not much, which is better than the two children, but the family seems to have been used to it.

Originally, Kim Tae hee still felt that there were some restrictions. Although he had met before, and it was also common in the video, but he was the first time to come here, but after a little contact, he found that he really wanted more, the atmosphere was really good, and he couldn't help falling in love with it.

After eating dinner, sitting for a while, Ding Lin went to the hospital. The two little guys didn't have a journey all the way. They were very tired and noisy. Ding Yu didn't have so much to pay attention to. Let's make a fuss! It's normal for children to make a lot of noise!

Ding Ding is leaning on the side of tehsioni. The relationship between the two is very good. As for Cao Zhen, he is thrown to Ding Yu. As for how they want to be agitated, no one will pay attention to it. Ding Yu blinks his own eyes, and it seems that there is no matter for them to stay at home.

"Come on, let's have tea together! It's nothing to stay at home! "

With her mother's car key, Ding Yu also took Cao Zhen out for a stroll. She stayed at home and did not have anything to do. Nobody would pay any attention to the two of them. Everyone's goal was on the two little guys. Moreover, they were familiar with each other. They didn't have any so-called strangeness and didn't need to worry.

What about Cao Zhen? Although after a few days of adaptation, but to see the brother-in-law back, still feel so embarrassed, especially the one he brought back, to give his own pressure is really a little bit big! Now my uncle is really relieved!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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