The city is not very big, but a different flavor of freedom, Cao Zhen is such a feeling.

However, after seeing Ding Yu, the waiter called the boss's wife at the first time. I met him last year. I don't know what identity he is. But the boss's attitude is enough to explain everything.

Originally lazy at home, Gao Li jumped out of the bed at the first time after receiving the call, simply cleaned it up, and then dragged her son out of the house. Zhang junnan looked at her mother, a little puzzled. After knowing the whole story, she also called her father for the first time.

Then he followed his mother to his own teahouse. Although his mother said that she was the owner's wife here, how to say it? What about the legal representative? It's really not my mother. There are policies at the top and Countermeasures at the bottom, especially in such a small city.

The teahouse was renovated in the summer. Zhang junnan really didn't know about it. He had been waiting for himself to come back and suddenly found out. I merged the two stores nearby before, and the front door became bigger. Listening to my mother's introduction, I seemed to invite some tea maids to come here.

When Gao Li came, she found that Ding Yu didn't come alone. There was a young man of his age. He was not very old, but sitting there was very calm. He didn't mean to publicize at all. He even had some unclear temperament on his body. Although it was not so obvious, she could feel it.

However, if you think about it, it doesn't seem to be a strange thing. Although I don't know who Dr. Ding is, he knows more or less some relevant information, at least not comparable to his family. So when he came to the store, he took a look at Ding Yu's position, and his face was suddenly pulled down.

"Little sue, how can things happen?" Xiao Su is the old man under his hand. Now he is the manager here. He called just now. But why not arrange to go to the box instead? This is more or less indecent!

"Elder sister, I just intended to open all the rooms on the top floor, but Dr. Ding didn't mean to. I gave the best tea to us, and Mr. Yu personally served it!" The so-called general manager Yu is the head of Cha Niang. After hearing Xiao Su's explanation, Gao Li is also relaxed. It's better not to neglect them.

Then Gao Li asked her son to hold the tray, and then they came to Ding Yu's table. Ding Yu and Cao Zhen played chess and Weiqi. They didn't have a high level of performance. However, when they were idle, they had nothing to do. What's more, they played chess? You can also talk about things at home.

However, he did not go up to a few children, Cao Zhen noticed that someone was coming nearby, "Dr. Ding, you're welcome, and you are very bright!" Gaoli is also very warm to greet Ding Yu, and then Li junnan also put the tray next to him, and then honestly put the things in the hands of two people.

Ding Yu put all the pieces in his hand into the chess jar and looked at it with a smile. "It's very good to clean up here, but it's a bit of a taste!" This time, the change was a little bit big. Ding Yu didn't expect that it would be changed here. However, he just came to sit around and didn't mean anything else.

"Miss Ding!" Next to Li junnan in the mother's sign, also called a, he has now begun to contact some of the hospital, did not eat pork, have not seen pigs run? For this situation, their own inquiry is also a lot of that kind, not much understanding, but impressed.

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "but I came back to hide myself. It was not easy to find such a place!" When she said this, Ding Yu also had a smile on her face, but Koryo understood it. After working outside for such a long time, she finally got home. She couldn't work too hard, did she?

Just like my husband, sometimes I'm really tired. I really want to find a corner and have a good rest. I don't want to be disturbed by anyone else. I can understand this mood.

"Our grandson has said that you are a noble person in our family. The VIP room upstairs has always been reserved for you! I'm looking forward to your coming! " Hearing this, Ding Yu just smiles and doesn't have much words. After Gao Li says two words, she also walks away.

However, Li junnan is standing at the counter side of the position, pay attention to see if there is any need for Ding Yuding teacher there, he is good at the first time to go forward, Koryo looking at her son, is also very satisfied, his son is very sensible.

"Big brother, the difference between the reality seems to be too big!" After saying that, he also put a piece in the chessboard and looked at Ding Yu's puzzled appearance. He also explained, "Ding Ding Ding never said that. After I knew the situation, I felt a little uneasy in my heart, but after I came here, it seemed that I had made an airplane again!"

In this way, Ding Yu also understood, "the contrast is too big? Is it? " After that, Ding Yu also began to laugh. "My father and mother don't care much about the industry. I once discussed to let them go to the capital city. Now it's time to enjoy Qingfu, but the two old people refused!"Cao Zhen was also a little puzzled, but then he seemed to understand something, "is it a little too..."

"Ding Ding and I respect the choice of our parents. They have lived and worked here for a lifetime, not to mention receiving the capital. Even if it is anywhere in the world, I think we can afford to live, but both of them don't like it. It's not good for us children to ask for anything! No one has a way of life. "

"Uncle's work is too busy, so is aunt. Both of them are so dedicated." Cao's two parents are deeply impressed by the fact that they are not so obsessed with their own life.

"They are dedicated, as long as they are happy!" Ding Yu also explained the situation of her parents, and then transferred the topic to Ding Ding's body, "what about Ding Ding? A little girl, what about her character? Because there are so many spoiled meaning at home, it may be a little personality, you need to be more tolerant!

What about this problem? It's hard for parents to say too much. After all, I left home for a long time, and she was the only child in the family. What's more, because of me? She was under a lot of pressure at a young age! "

When he heard his brother-in-law say so, Cao Zhen felt that there were some things that were not very interesting. On this issue, it might be better to say the opposite, because Ding Ding Ding was in front of him? It is true that she has never had such a performance. In her own opinion, she can understand people, tolerate herself, and has no other bad habits.

The time we get along with each other is not short, even if there are any small problems, we all look at it almost. I don't deny that Ding Ding Ding has some small problems, but it's quite normal. I'm not a perfect person. I seem to have a lot of problems in her body, and Ding Ding is tolerant to herself.

"Originally, I worried that Ding Ding Ding would have a burden, but now I feel a little bit burdened!"

"Come on, don't get involved with me. I don't intend to put any pressure on you. Even if I really want to, I don't think Ding Ding Ding will spare me. I really have no idea about this sister. What's more, the meaning of my family and I are very clear. It's ok if you two agree with each other. It has nothing to do with others. I'm only worried It's the situation in your home. I don't want to make too much fun on this issue. I hope you can do some work in this area. "

Speaking of it, Cao Zhen was really worried about the Ding family, because he had already felt the position of the elder brother-in-law in the family. But he did not think that his trial was such a result. It really made him feel so incredible. Did the pie fall from the sky?

"I still feel a little sad!"

"That's your business. What about your family? I don't care much about it. Anyway, Ding Ding Ding is basically in charge of it. However, because of the relationship with you today, it seems that some of them are lost and lost! " This remark has some criticism meaning, but it is in line with Cao Zhen's mind.

While Ding Yu and Cao Zhen were talking, Ding Yu's mobile phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu shook his head, "I'm playing chess with Cao Zhen in the teahouse. Are you so worried? I can't eat him again

Listening to the whining voice of the phone, Ding Yu also hung up the phone, "well, your maids are here. You should take care of this problem!" After saying that, he put the pieces into the chess jar, and then he said hello to Li junnan not far away.

Li junnan also came to Ding Yu's side for the first time, and Li Dewei, who just walked in from the back door, stopped his own pace when he saw this situation. Now he doesn't want to go forward. For his son, it may be very important, and he really doesn't want to delay.

What about yourself? Already how old head, in the future still need to see their own son, that is the right way.

"Sit down and say it!" Ding Yu asked Li junnan to sit down next to him. Cao Zhen took a look, nodded his head and said hello. Then he put his eyes on the tea. After Li junnan sat down, Ding Yu slowly said, "what are your plans in the future?"

"At home, I hope I can go back to the province, which is more convenient. I want to stay in Beijing for further study."

It's not difficult to stay in Beijing for further study. In Beijing Medical College, it's just an application. Even looking for a job is not particularly difficult. Ding Yu invited him here, obviously not for such a thing.

"I don't attach much importance to the achievements on paper, because they are not enough to prove all the problems. Do you want to prove yourself? In addition to the things on paper, you need to have life in your hands, and you need to be calm in your mind. I don't mind giving you such a chance! "

Hearing his brother-in-law saying this, Cao Zhen also subconsciously looked at Li junnan, and then put his attention on the chessboard. Then he heard Ding Yu continue to say, "I have a good relationship with brother Yang Bo. He is my father's student. I hope you don't miss such an opportunity!"Li junnan, who was sitting there, also stood up and bowed to Ding Yu, "thank you, Mr. Ding! I will strive for it and live up to the expectations of Mr. Ding and the wishes of my second brother. " Looking at the people who have come to their side, Li junnan also let a body position, and then also turned away.

Cao Zhen looked at his brother-in-law and looked up and down, "how? Is it too warm? "

Cao Zhen also nodded to his brother-in-law's condition. "He can be involved in a certain relationship with my father's successor. It's his successor at the hospital. What about me? He only wants me to follow the doctor's road, but to take his shift, let's forget the problem! "

"Is it possible for you, elder brother, to be a Buddha?"

Ding Yu said with a smile, "when I came back, I had to go to the hospital to be busy for a period of time." After that, Ding Yu seems to have thought of something, and Tai Xi and Ding Ding Ding have already sat down. Ding Yu looks at him and laughs, "you abduct Tai Xi out, and then you ignore it?"

Ding Ding also snorted, completely did not want to pay attention to the meaning, Ding Yu is also shaking his head, drinking tea with Cao Zhen may be nothing, but with Tai Xi tea, this more or less appears to have no sentiment.

Therefore, they separated from Ding Ding Ding for the first time, but it was a pity that the car key in his hand was robbed. Looking at Ding Ding Ding's jumping, Tai Xi also helped Ding Yu's arm, and they were ready to leave. When they saw Li Dewei, Ding Yu also said hello and said two words, and did not stay for too long.

"Dad Li junnan is also honest and upright standing beside Li Dewei. He has been watching Ding Yu leave. Li Dewei also patted his son on the shoulder and stood at the door to mention this matter? Not very convenient, and then also went to the office there, just his wife is also in.

"I saw you and Dr. Ding talking about something?"

Li junnan did not hesitate, but also said the situation at that time, "Mr. Ding's meaning is very simple. If I can pass the examination, I may stay in the capital. This is not a problem!"

Looking at his son, Li Dewei also looked at Gao Li. What about his son's work? For myself, it's not particularly difficult to arrange, but to be settled in the province and follow Ding Yu's side is totally two times. The question is whether his son can seize this opportunity?

Director Ding lintin doesn't want to talk about it. He has a good reputation in the whole city. He is decent, and his medical skills can be regarded as one of the best. But what is Ding Yu's name in the city? It can be said that it is widely spread. How many people want to come to our door! But it just couldn't be found.

I didn't imagine that his son would be like Dr. Ding Yuding in the future, even if it was only half of it. As a father, he was also dutiful. So Li Dewei also licked his lips, then took out a cigarette and lit one for himself, "you are not too young. What are some things? You can make your own decisions. I won't tell you. You just need to rush forward. I'll deal with other things with your mother! It's the same with Yang Bo, your second brother! "

Because the teahouse is in the city, so you don't have to walk too far to find the cafe recommended by Ding Ding Ding. Ding Yu asked for two cups of coffee to take out, and then went to see a movie with Tai Xi with coffee. After all, the city is not as big as expected, and some cars have been robbed.

"When I was a child, watching movies was a collective nature. The whole school watched movies in the cinema. For us, this was the happiest time!"

Taixi didn't feel able to understand, so he asked a few more questions. After all, the cultural differences between the two countries were quite large. Ding Yu also explained in detail, which was very interesting. The two people had a sweet and greasy afternoon. However, they may know that after a day's sightseeing today, Taixi was a little tired, so he went back at night Good morning!

When she came back, Ding Ding Ding had not come back yet. Looking at her mother's eyes, Ding Yu also deliberately picked her eyebrows at Taixi. Taixi also felt a little funny. She soon changed her clothes and took an apron to help. What about this help? Mainly to do some special Korean food, to taste fresh.

When Tai HSI came out again, he saw that "father-in-law" was holding his grandson and oba was holding his daughter. They were sitting on the sofa watching TV. From time to time, they would tease two little guys. The big white dog lying on the ground was staring at Tai Xi with his big head askew for a period of time, and then he was lying there again.

There is a sentence how to say, the baby cried in his heart, but the baby did not say, originally he was quite a position and position in the home, but how to come back after a large group of people, his position began to decline, has fallen to the bottom of the position, this let the lazy feel extremely depressed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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