Ding Yu has left everything else behind. Now that his wife and children are hot on the Kang, some people in the capital feel a little resentful. But resentment can't solve any problems. Samsung has also sent some information, which can complement Ding Yu's introduction.

Now we are also aware of some problems, but recognizing the problems does not mean that we can solve them. Ding Yu will go abroad in the new year. When will he come back? It is not sure. If Ding Yu really leaves, there will be a lot of delays. But how can we get Ding Yu back?

This is not to say that if you make a phone call, Ding Yu will come back. It is impossible at all. In addition, Ding Yu expressed his dissatisfaction with some people on some matters. In fact, he did not need to attend such a meeting. This was the result of a series of events, and to be exact, it was the result of some people's deliberate guidance.

In the case that the problem has not been solved, then let Ding Yu stand up to the top of the beam. Ding Yu is too lazy to pay attention to such a thing. He or she should first review his own problems and then speak. This may be better. Otherwise, everyone's face may be very embarrassed.

But the matter of self-examination of their own mistakes is not as simple as imagined. There is a very vulgar saying. How to say it, you can't see the dust behind your ears! It's not a simple thing to know one's own mistakes. What's more, it's even more difficult to understand Ding Yu's mistakes.

"Uncle Wang, the details of the matter have been summed up. The general situation is like this, but it is obvious that there are some concealments in it!" Middle aged people do not have vague meaning, after all, this involves some problems and conditions of the country, absolutely can not be careless.

"Hold him down for a while?" Wang Pu also murmured that this thing is simple, but if it is really done, it is really a little difficult. It is not so simple as imagined. What is the actual identity of Ding Yu? He's just a doctor. He's not a civil servant.

What's more, if he's not allowed to go abroad, who knows what kind of things this bastard will make? I'm afraid he will turn the third uncle into the third uncle, or the third uncle into the third uncle! The back and forth conversion between appellation also makes me have some headache.

What about the original time? I really didn't pay attention to this problem, whether it's the third uncle or the third uncle? It's OK to call him whatever he likes, but later he found out that it's not the case. If he calls himself third uncle, it means he has a bad temper. If he calls himself third uncle, he is in a good mood.

"Xiaoyu is a child who knows the general situation, but there may be some problems in some aspects of cognition!" The middle-aged didn't go too deep into this matter. After all, Uncle Wang, who was sitting in front of him, was also a comrade in arms fighting with his father at the beginning. Although he is old now, Yu Wei is still there.

Wang Pu looked at the middleman, but also coldly hummed, "third, you talk about this, ha ha!" What about Wang Pu's words? How much of it means something else, not criticism, but feeling? But there are some who are not willing to, because of this? It's a little bit of a blush.

At this time, the old lady hobbled in. After she came in, she also stayed beside her for a while. That's all. There was no other action. What happened this time? The father and the grandson are better than each other. The old man thinks that he has made mistakes while Ding Yu, the child, feels that he has been exposed too quickly, so his heart is estranged.

If we don't eliminate this estrangement, the contradiction will become more and more serious. Ding Yu doesn't trust the master, but what about his grandson? There are also some opinions. More and more of them are bullies. This will not do us any good. It will also bring quite a lot of trouble.

It's just like what Ding Yu was exposed. It's mainly because there is no good communication between the two. It can't be said that the old man is wrong, or Ding Yu is wrong. Because the two people stand at different angles. If we can have a good communication with each other before this, there may not be so many problems.

With so many years of experience, the old man is mature and prudent. What about Ding Yu? With such resources in hand, if we can really merge them together, there will definitely be one plus one or two results. However, such a result is not only that simple, but also contrary.

What about persuading Ding Ding Yu now? What's more, what's more? There is also a reason why we are not willing to go deep into it. That is, Ding Yu, who looks like a dull little guy, has an ability beyond imagination. There is a word to describe it. It is rich and generous!

Now Ding Yu definitely has this capital to sway. Although he did not do so, now everyone has found the head of the old man. You are all aware that your old man is dedicated to the country, and he has worked hard on this matter. But the problem is that there is no other choice now!The old man also thought for a period of time, and then he closed his eyes and let himself bow his head in front of Ding Yu? I really don't want to do it, but what about Ding Yu when he comes back? Also came to their own side, also is quite gives oneself this old man's face.

But even if it was like this, Wang Pu still felt that there was fire in his stomach, not to mention Ding Yu's grandson. Even in his son's generation, which one dared to stare and gasp in front of him? But now comes such a, let oneself have no any way.

But Ding Yu doesn't have any feeling at this time. Looking at it, Taixi also makes a look in the past. Taixi also spits out his little tongue at Ding Yu and goes to the kitchen to help. It is really limited. He is really not good at it.

However, it doesn't have to be a modern metropolis at all. You can find all kinds of high-end electrification and kitchenware here. It's hard to imagine that my mother-in-law has such skills. This is also the reason why I feel so ashamed? One is to take something, the other is to ask for help.

Ding Yu looked at Tai Xi with a slightly expectant look in his eyes. He also "threw" the little guy in his arms to his father. Ding Lin didn't feel in a hurry at all. He was even very happy. Two little guys were on his left and right sides. One hand on his own. Two little guys wanted to run. How could it be possible?

Ding Yu looks at her busy mother in the kitchen, and also comes in with Taixi to help her mother. Anyway, she has already come to the house. It doesn't matter what kind of affectation, there is no need. However, after Ding Ding Ding comes back, she looks at the situation in the kitchen and stealthily pushes her elder brother and taixioni out.

I was crazy in the afternoon, so I came back late. At this time, if I don't hurry up to make up for it, my mother will tear her own. It's not what I expected to see, but before this? It's also about taking the time to show yourself.

When Zhao Shuying looked back and saw her daughter, she was also stunned. However, she looked back. Her son and daughter-in-law were not there. Then the spoon in her hand was also raised. Ding Ding Ding looked pitifully at her mother. She was looking forward to her eyes. Zhao Shuying sighed, but she knocked on her forehead with another free hand once.

Then Zhao Shuying also lowered her voice, "you dead girl, I think you are wild crazy!"

Hee hee, Ding Ding also smiles at her mother, and then quickly starts to fight with her mother. Soon, the table is full of food, which is almost the same as that at noon. Taixi also feels a little fried.

Although my family is quite rich in South Korea, it seems that the food in the family is not so rich. The main reason is that South Korea is too small, and many things need to be imported. There is no way to achieve the so-called self supply. This is also reflected on the table.

Ding Lin took out a bottle of unopened wine and motioned to Ding Yu. Ding Yu did not hesitate to take up a cup and put it in front of him. This also made Taixi's eyes stare so big. In his impression, Europa didn't drink much. Even if President Li of Samsung was in front of him, Europa didn't have such magnanimity.

But what about dining in China? It is quite different from South Korea. It has no problem for Kim Tae hee. He has been used to it for a long time. Moreover, Tai hee also noticed that half a cup of wine was almost drunk by Europa without any hesitation or perfunctory. This is just a fantasy.

Not long after dinner, Cao Zhen was pulled away by Ding Ding Ding. Tai Xi sipped and laughed as they ran away. The rest of them sat in the hall. Originally, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying would go out for a stroll. Anyway, there was not much to do at night.

But the eldest son's family has come back. At this time, they don't have much to wander about. They are also enjoying their grandchildren at home, while Ding Yu talks with his parents for a while, "are you free tomorrow? Go to the hospital for two operations! I made an appointment a long time ago! "

Hearing this, Zhao Shuying's eyes are horizontal. Taixi is also cutting fruit. When looking at this situation, she lowers her head and leans to Ding Yu's side. Such scenes can be said to be rare!

Ding Lin also leaned back to his body, and his mouth was full of laughter. After all, the so-called daughter-in-law was also present. Even if his wife was not satisfied, he would not give him anything.

But Ding Yu looked at the corner of his mother's twitching mouth and said with a smile, "OK, I'll have a look tomorrow." For his father's words, Ding Yu really didn't mean to refuse. He just went to have two surgeries. It's not a big deal, so there won't be any trouble.

After a while, Ding Yu sent two little guys to have a rest. They didn't have any strange feeling. They had been sleeping on the bed for a short time. When Ding Yu and Taixi came out, their father and mother had already gone out and said, "have you gone out for a stroll? Do you want to have a rest first? "Ding Yu has a leisurely life at home. Taixi is also familiar here. He also told his parents about the situation here. It is really very good. It is not like that in the TV series. Those are really nonsense ideas. At least in this family, he did not feel those messy things.

In the evening, after washing, Ding Yu and Tai Xi went back to their room. Things were getting dark faster. Ding Yu was lying on the bed, talking about the things at home with Taixi. Taixi also went to sleep. Ding Yu pulled it and then closed his eyes.

In the morning, Ding Yu wakes up very early and goes to see the two little guys. He sleeps soundly. At night, there is no other situation. After reading the nanny's diary report, Ding Yu can generally master the work and rest time of the two little guys, and there is no problem.

Looking at the energetic little lazy standing beside him, Ding Yu also touched his head with his hand. It was a little bit excited. Before long, his father changed his clothes and walked out. When he saw Ding Yu, he also slightly nodded his head. Two people went out with a little lazy.

Along the way, Xiao lazy was as excited as usual. Ding Yu was walking with his father, talking about his own things, listening to his father's nagging, and talking about the arrangements for the new year. When I came back, mom and Tai Xi both woke up, but there were not many busy things.

Mother cooks, and Tai hee takes care of the two children, which is very harmonious. Ding Yu and his father changed their clothes. After all, they just came back from the outside and could not immediately carry the children. Of course, they still need to be responsible for the complex work of xiaolazy.

However, the two kids are not so fond of their father as they think, but they are quite interested in him. But the problem is that the two kids are interested in him, which does not mean that he is also interested in them. Who knows what kind of flowers the two bear children will make?

After dinner, Ding Yu did not immediately go to the hospital, but stayed at home. When Ding Lin left, he also explained some things to Ding Yu. Then he drove to the hospital without paying attention to his wife's face. Just like a joke, he cleaned himself up very much last night.

In fact, Taixi asked about Europa at breakfast. After all, Ding Ding and his boyfriend didn't come back. He didn't even dare to ask about this. Ding Yu also frowned. Let's forget it! I don't want to mention that it's better, just look at my mother's eyes.

After breakfast, Ding Yu didn't mean to help clean up the house. She didn't have to do it at all. Zhao Shuying could handle the work on her own. However, there might be some trouble in cleaning the room, but she didn't have any other things to do at home.

Ding Yu dealt with some things in his room, not that he didn't really have to do anything when he came back home. It's not like this. There are some things that need to be decided by ourselves, but this thing is not as long as expected.

When his work was almost finished, Ding Yu also explained to his mother. Then he took a taxi to the hospital. His mother's car was driven away. Last night, Ding Ding Ding drove away, but there was a nanny car. But Ding Yu really didn't have interest in this aspect. Just take a taxi. It's not a trouble.

In fact, if Ding Yu asked, it would not be difficult to borrow a car, but what about Ding Yu? It's really not necessary. It's not a bad thing. When he came to the hospital, Ding Yu first went to see his father. On this side of the corridor, he also saw Yang Bo and said hello.

When he saw Ding Yu, Yang Bo's eyes lit up. Then he handed the medical records to the doctor next to him, and then he came to Ding Yu's body, "I heard you came back yesterday." After that, he shook hands with Ding Yu warmly. The relationship between them is really good.

"Well, I came back at noon yesterday!" Ding Yu also shook hands with Yang Bo and looked at the notice board in the corridor. Ding Yu also pointed with his finger, "I can't see it! Promotion When speaking, it is also slightly casual.

Then they went to the office. Their father seemed to be consulting on it, so it might take some time to come back. Ding Yu also went to the doctor's office to say hello and have a chat.

But Ding Yu really saw a special person here, Li junnan. Ding Yu also looked at Yang Bo. Yang Bo also laughed. He didn't explain too much in front of him, but he also pointed up with his hand. The meaning is very clear. What about this matter? It's up to you.

My little doctor really doesn't have too many rights, and with you, the big and little pearl jade in front, now Li junnan is here, it's just an inheritance. Although the words did not say, but each other understand how a thing, so did not continue to talk about this topic.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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