The old lady was also stunned. What about Wang Yang? He really did not expect that Ding Yu, the child, even took the initiative to call his mother. It was an unexpected choice! I didn't even think of it.

But will he mention it on the phone? After thinking about it, the old lady still thinks that Ding Yu should be trusted! This is also a kind of tacit understanding! In other words, he has confidence in Ding Yu.

"What's your brother's attitude towards you?" The old lady seemed to have asked casually.

Wang Yang is also a Leng, immediately also is the situation of last night? After Wang Yang said this in detail, the old lady immediately understood that Ding Yu made a phone call to Su Yuan, which was just an article on the surface. In the past, we may still have some family ties, but after this time, what happened? It's just a superficial relationship.

I try my best to avoid such a thing, but obviously there is no effect. The grandson will not be surnamed Wang in this life, or even will never admit that he is a descendant of the Wang family. For the old lady, he is really unable to accept such a situation.

After putting down the phone, the old lady also seemed to be a little depressed, and then sat there alone. It was Wang Pu who saw his wife's appearance, and felt that there were some unpleasant things in his heart. Although his wife didn't say it, his heart was very clear about what kind of a thing it was!

In fact, I didn't think it would be such a result. I wanted to force Ding Yu, the great grandson, to put some pressure on him. But I didn't expect that the result would be like this. Do you regret it? There are so many, but relatively speaking, the state has received such a large amount of funds for the construction and development of the country. I feel it is worth it.

The old lady felt that her mood was a little depressed, and the whole person was not energetic. The health care doctor in the family saw that the situation was not quite right. She sent her to the hospital for the first time. Compared with the hospital, the conditions at home were still somewhat different. The corners of Wang Pu's mouth were twitching, and her mood was also a little agitated 。

The old lady's health has always been good, and now she has been admitted to the hospital, which makes her feel a little bit out of control. It seems that there is no problem in the Spring Festival! How could something go wrong all of a sudden?

Yuan Chenglin arrived at the hospital at dinner time, not to say that he didn't want to come earlier, but that his work was not allowed. Of course, he knew exactly what the reason was. But what about this? I really can't say it. Can't I blame my father-in-law?

The physical examination of the old lady has come out. Although there are not too many problems, this one is old after all. If there is any mental problem, it will lead to other situations. The hospital also exhorts and instructs. The family and the staff also listen very carefully.

Looking at the old Mount Tai sitting there, Yuan Chenglin is also very careful. His work in these two days is very busy, and he doesn't even have much time. Of course, Wang Pu saw yuan Chenglin. What about Wang Hui? When her wife was admitted to the hospital, she had already come. Wang Pu now feels a little congested.

How can I do this? Wang Pu didn't feel much, but her wife was admitted to the hospital all of a sudden. For Wang Pu, she couldn't accept it. At this time, she was afraid of other problems and situations. She knew how to solve the problem, but she couldn't.

All the assets have been sold, let alone call Ding Yu not to answer, even if it is to receive what? It's nothing if you lose your face, but the problem is that you can't take anything out of your hands. Of course, there is another reason, Wang Pu never feel that he did something wrong, you do not understand this is your problem!

"Dad, you go back first! We're watching here Other people really did not dare to persuade him, so yuan Chenglin also said that there was no way out. What about the old man's character? It's the most appropriate person for yourself, others? There's something wrong with identity.

The important thing is that we don't know the inside story! I know something about it, but I can't say it too deeply. What about this matter? From their own point of view, both sides have certain responsibilities, not to say how about donating money? If you care about money, Ding Yu, the child, will not take out all the money directly.

In fact, in Yuan Chenglin's opinion, his father-in-law is a bit bent on this matter. If we can communicate with Ding Yu in advance, we may not have such a result. But what about his father-in-law? Did not do so, and even blocked the way back.

Do you think it's a big deal? However, Yuan Chenglin understood these words in his heart, but could he say them in front of his father-in-law? It's impossible. I'm not stupid. I didn't see the situation of the old lady. Why does the old lady look like this? It's not because it's too sad.Ding Yu is the eldest grandson of his family. It is not many years to find him back. However, in the limited time, Ding Yu's contribution to the family is still quite huge. When he looks back, he finds that he has been "sold", which is called "clean"! Placed on whose body, will not let go.

Since the Wangs can do this, then we can split up once and for all. Can't I hide if I can't afford it? So Ding Yu left, and the old lady was depressed for this reason, because there were some people who couldn't think of it. In this case, was it her husband or her grandson?

Because there is no way to say that, so the old lady is depressed, this is also lying in the hospital. Wang Yang knew the news, but also the first time to go back? But there is no plane! So can only go to find their own big brother, received the housekeeper's call Ding Yu is also Leng some time.

"I'll send you on the plane to say hello to grandma for me!" Ding Yu didn't say much about it. Then he hung up and put down the phone. When he put it down, Wang Yang felt a little bit cold. What happened at home? What happened to him! This is not normal!

Grandma has been sick and lying in the hospital. At her age, if something happens, it's not a joke, but the problem is that even if it is like this, the elder brother doesn't have to ask the meaning of a sentence, and he is too cold and heartless.

After getting on the plane, Wang Yang sighed at the things delivered by the housekeeper William. The things were good, but the problem was that his eldest brother didn't mean to send them off, even the phone didn't, so it can be seen that it's general.

When getting off the plane in the capital city, Anjie also personally picked up Wang Yang. Looking at him, Wang Yang also felt that he had a feeling of being out of breath. "What are you doing here?" When speaking, this tone is also a little wrong! It's obvious that you're looking for trouble on purpose. Don't you feel angry? Don't you bite me? Dare to prick, cut you directly, can't move big brother, still can't move you?

"Sir, let me see the old lady!"

Hearing this, Wang Yang's face is also mutated. You should know that in the past, it was not called like this. In the past, when he called his elder brother, he used to use both big and small. But now? Wang Yang also took a deep look at Anjie.

Anjie also slightly nodded his head, and then said in a low voice, "Er Shao, standing in my position, I can only do this, please understand!" Now Anjie's address to Wang Yang is not three less, but changed the original two Shao's address. Whether you are willing or not has nothing to do with me. I can only do this! After all, it's Ding Yu who gives me dinner!

"Ah! What's wrong with TM? " Wang Yang also scolded, and then got into the car next to him. At this time, the other people's staff had packed up their things and brought them to the old lady. After Wang Yang and Anjie went out from the airport, they also went straight to the hospital.

When he came to the hospital, Wang Yang also hesitated for a moment, and looked at the position behind him. Now, it is a good thing or a bad thing for him to let him in. He needs to think about it carefully! However, when I was wondering, I saw a familiar voice at the door of the hospital, my mother!

"Mom, why are you here?"

Su Yuan looked at his son who came by, slapped him, and then took a look like complaining, "what do you say?" Then he said in a low voice, "your grandmother just lay down. I came in advance after knowing the news. Your father will come here in the next two days." After saying that, he also looked at Jack in the back.

Anjie also bowed to show his respect. Looking at the things in his hand, Su Yuan also nodded, "come on, what else do you want! Your elder brother has gone to England. He will not go there sooner or later, but he will go back at this time! "

Wang Yang also felt that there were some tangles in Wang Yang's heart, but in front of his mother, there was no way to mention it. Fortunately, Su Yuan didn't hold his son for too long. Wang Yang went in to see his grandmother. After putting things down, he was ready to go out.

But just turned around, there was also a burst of cough on the other side of the bed. Wang Yang was also frightened. The old lady also whispered, "are you back?" Wang Yang looked at the door, and then nodded, "well, back, big brother brought you a lot of things back, but also let me greet you!"

The old lady also said, obviously don't want to say too much. Wang Yang also looked at his grandmother at this time, and then shook the bed to the head of the bed, so that his grandmother half lay there. Then he also asked the attendants to go outside. It was obvious that his grandmother had something to tell him.

"Your brother didn't say anything else?"

Wang Yang hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "I didn't say anything. When I came back that night, I was invited to have a meal with me. After knowing the news of your illness, he deliberately sent me back by private plane and brought you some things! This is the general situation! "The old lady also sighed, and then looked at the direction of the door. Wang Yang deliberately went out and explained it, and then came back again. Then he heard his grandmother say, "I didn't intend to tell you, but the only one in the family who can still have a relationship with your elder brother is you! So don't hide it from you. "

Wang Yang's scalp was not only numb, but also goose bumps all over his body. However, the old lady did not look at her grandson, but put her eyes out of the window. "What about this time? The treatment at home remains to be discussed, so it is at this point today! "

"Granny, can't I get it back?" Wang Yang sat there with some worries and said, "although elder brother said that his temperament is not obvious, but we all know that he is just cold outside and hot inside, there is no problem!" What about talking like that? There are also some meanings to be lenient with your grandmother.

The old lady gave a bitter smile, "ah, Yang Yang! You don't know the inside information, so you can say that if you know the inside information, I'm afraid you won't think like this. This time, the matter is that the family didn't communicate well with your elder brother. Any decision he made is understandable! The responsibility is not entirely on him! "

Wang Yang is also silent, grandma has said so, how can he still? Some things? I can't ask, but there are some who dare not ask. However, although grandma did not explain the matter too clearly, but now Wang Yang has basically made clear the general situation of the matter.

Obviously, where's grandfather? The elder brother of his own is provoked, how to provoke? I don't know, but it is definitely provoking. What are the consequences? The elder brother left in a rage, even left the Wang family, and had no intention of staying. And grandma seems to be deeply wrong about this, but there is no way to recover, so she fell down.

But want to understand this matter, does not mean that Wang Yang really dare to mention it! You should know that the other party involved is his grandfather. What else can he do when it comes to this problem? But what kind of things did his grandfather do that made his brother so determined?

"Grandma, is it really possible that there is no such thing as that?" The old lady closed her eyes and didn't speak, but Wang Yang already understood. The meaning of his grandmother was quite clear. This time, there was no chance. Obviously, his grandfather hurt his elder brother too much. When he saw his grandmother, Wang Yang hesitated.

However, the old lady seemed to feel something. Although she closed her eyes, she still insisted on saying, "your father knows something about the situation. I'm more worried about your mother. The things that happened in those years had a great impact on her. Now it's better to keep it from me. Do you understand?"

Wang Yang also nodded solemnly, "grandma, don't worry! I know the importance of this matter, and there will never be any problem! " That's my mother! I can't make my mother bad at what I say! No matter who is not, even including their own big brother!

"Ah! The next thing may depend on you! " The old lady still felt a little uneasy, "it's not just your big brother's problem, but also some things at home? You should also take up the responsibility. In the past, this responsibility was not shouldered on your shoulders, but now you need to stand up! "

This is the first time that Wang Yangtou heard his grandmother say so. Then Wang Yang took a deep breath and nodded to his grandmother. Although he said that the responsibility was very heavy, there was no choice, but Wang Yang did not think that he would carry the responsibility on his shoulders so quickly.

From another point of view, the family is completely divorced from the elder brother. However, if there is still a trace of relationship, it is not enough for me to shoulder the responsibility now. To know that I can get to this point mainly because of the support and help of the elder brother, I am still far away.

Now these external conditions are no longer available. Everything depends on himself. But even in this way, Wang Yang doesn't mean to resent his elder brother. On the contrary, he is quite grateful, because at the beginning, the elder brother didn't mean to reach out, and all he had was allowed to wander.

Because of this, I have put a lot of effort into the industry. At least I know how to operate and how to avoid risks. I will not give examples one by one. If the elder brother mixed his hand in this at the beginning, I am afraid I will be numb now!

He mentioned a few words to his grandmother. Seeing that his grandmother's spirit was a little weak, Wang Yang also put the bed flat and let his grandmother have a good rest. However, Wang Yang also knew that it was not easy for her grandmother to recover from the past. The heart disease still needs cardiomedicine, and the antidote is still in his elder brother's place!

But if you want to seek the antidote from your elder brother, it seems easier than learning from the West. You can see from the attitude of you when you go to England. It may be OK to do superficial articles, but what about the actual things? Elder brother has no intention to pay attention to it. How about your Wang family! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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