What is the situation of Ding Yu in London? It can be said that there is no news about the Wang family. When he had a good relationship with the Wang family, Ding Yu did not disclose the details of the relevant aspects, not to mention the current bad relationship. What's more, Ding Yu has no intention of contacting the Wang family, so he should be regarded as the king family.

Wang Pu, who is sitting at home, is also feeling a little bit stuffy. If he doesn't come back at this time, he may feel better. But when he comes back to attend the meeting, how can he not go home? But after returning home is really so some speechless, father and son at this time really do not know what to say is good!

And now the old lady is not at home. What about each other? There is really a lack of a buffer link, not to mention there is a transverse Ding Yu in the middle, which is also a topic that can not be bypassed. Wang Changlin is still quite awkward at home now, and I don't know what to say!

But if you don't come back, it seems that there are some problems. After all, he is his old father. However, the situation of my mother in these two days is OK. It's not as bad as I imagined. I went to the hospital to see it, that is, I feel a little depressed. Maybe I can slow down a little in these two days.

Wang Pu discussed the content of the meeting with his son, and then he took a rest on the pretext that he was so tired that Wang Changlin didn't know what to say. He came back to see you. Now that you have gone to rest and left me as a son here, what should I do?

Fortunately, the embarrassment did not last too long. Yuan Chenglin also came to see his father-in-law. In fact, he was afraid of embarrassment. So he deliberately came to have a look. He didn't expect that he would come so late. Looking at the second brother sitting there, he felt so funny.

"Coming?" Wang Changlin nodded, and then he took a breath of relief. After his brother-in-law arrived, he sat at home without too much embarrassment. Yuan Chenglin nodded, then looked at the door over there, and then sat down, "I went to see mom before, and the situation is quite good!"

Yuan Chenglin looked at the second brother-in-law who was sitting there and said tentatively, "he didn't call back?"

Wang Chenglin also laughed bitterly, "yes, I called earlier, but it seems that there are some routine meanings. This time the old lady is ill, just let the housekeeper of the courtyard come and have a look, that's all!" After saying that, Wang Changlin also sighed a sigh, more or less appears some melancholy.

"He may still have some things that he can't understand! Still a child after all! But it's all a family! " In fact, when talking about this, Yuan Chenglin didn't know how to go on with the words, "don't say this, I heard that Xiaoyu cleared all the things in the courtyard?"

In a simple sentence, Wang Changlin was alerted, and then he looked at Yuan Chenglin. "I'm not so clear about the specific situation. It seems that the situation in the quadrangle has been handed over to the child of Anjie. I don't know whether he will come back in the future! Yes? Something's wrong

After thinking about it, Yuan Chenglin also nodded, "there is something wrong with it. Does the second brother know about the recent acquisition? Is that the foreign acquisition of mining? Now this matter has been delayed, and the situation is getting worse from now on. The Ministry of Commerce has been devolving the power in the Ministry of commerce very early, but these people in China are not doing a good job! "

"What does it have to do with him?" Wang Changlin is also alert.

"There are some consortia behind Australia, but the question is, what do we do with these consortia? I can't get too many connections. At this point, Xiaoyu should have some skills. At this time, I need to use this way to do some things, but now there is too little information in my hand! " After that, Yuan Chenglin also looked at the direction of the door. "This matter will have a considerable impact on the country!"

As he spoke, the door over there was also opened. Wang Pu came out again with a crutch. Seeing yuan Chenglin, he nodded, and then he did it, "what do you say? So loud? "

Yuan Chenglin took a look at his second brother, and then he told the story again, "if we can't talk about this matter, then for the whole country, it will bear huge losses! We have always been pinched by others, and we have no way to be independent, so we need people who are in favor to come forward. "

If placed in the past, Wang Pu may directly take the phone, and then personally call Ding Yu, but today heard his son-in-law mentioned this matter, Wang Pu really did not have any meaning to speak, because he is very clear, now talking is useless! At least for Ding Yu, it's no different from farting.

In the past, when he talked to that son of a bitch, he needed to think about it. Now, after a complete fall out with each other, how much influence does his speech have? This problem is really worth discussing, so Wang Pu has no meaning to say at this time."Dad, second brother, I want to talk to Ding Yu, the child!"

Wang Changlin took a look at his father, his father is not very easy to say, or let himself say it! But this call can be called, but there will be no answer to this is another thing, now this time want to contact him is really a very difficult thing! This is a different time.

But what about Wang Changlin? He didn't have his son's phone in his hand. He also called Wang Yang immediately. Similarly, he didn't have his big brother's phone in his hand. This has cast a shadow over this matter. Wang Changlin thought for a while, and then also called Anjie.

"I don't have a phone call from my husband. The only contact I have in my hand is the phone number of housekeeper William!" After saying that, Anjie also said the phone call of William over there. When Wang Changlin put down the phone, he didn't mean to speak, but Wang Pu's face over there was already quite ugly.

What about calling William? If you don't get the result you want, William will not care who you are. For William, he is more pure than Anjie, whether you are the father or the grandfather of your husband? I don't know any of them. I only know Mr. Zhang. What else? Stand aside!

After a series of actions, Wang Pu's Qi was also smoky. Wang Changlin also scratched his head. It is obvious that Ding Yu, the child, has completely cleared the relationship with Wang's family. He really doesn't believe it. As a housekeeper, he dares to talk to himself like this, knowing that he is Ding Yu's father!

If there is no Ding Yu's inspiration, is this possible? But even if you know it, what can you do? Run over here and slap the child to make him wake up! But the problem is that people have never said their surname is Wang, and their name is Ding Yu, which has nothing to do with your Wang family!

There are not too many ways, but also called Wang Yang. After all, he just came back from England. At least he has some contact with Ding Yu. If he can't, let him go again!

Wang Yang was also a little tired when he was called back. Previously, he ran to England for two days and didn't have a good rest. What happened after he came back? Grandma fell ill, he also need to be busy with the company's affairs, all the pressure is concentrated on their own body, there are really so some breathless feeling ah!

Even in the evening, before he could wait to return to his residence, he was called by his father. Looking at the grandfather, father and uncle who were sitting there, Wang Yang also said hello, and then stood there respectfully. Wang Yang was also very clear. What about here? There's no place to sit down.

"You went to England earlier!"

Wang Yang, who was asked, was stunned, and then nodded at the first time, "well, grandma, let me have a look at big brother and tell him something! Other people at home are not so convenient, the same identity may be so some not suitable, so I personally went to a trip! I just came back, I don't have two days! "

"Can I have your brother back?" Yuan Chenglin also made a tentative remark.

Ah? Wang Yang directly on the silly eye, this is not in a joke with himself? Even Wang Yang subconsciously turned his mouth, this is not a joke with himself! There's no such playful. Now that you know that you can't play without your brother at home, don't piss him off.

Wang Yangxin still has some details about his identity and position in front of his elder brother. If he really goes there again, it doesn't matter to him. But I'm afraid his position in the big brother's mind is really very few, but I can't object to it.

"It's OK for me to go to England again, but let me bring my big brother back. This..." After saying that, Wang Yang is also laughing at the people, you can not do things, I put out more show. Earlier, my grandmother let me go in person, even my grandmother was lying in the hospital, did not see the meaning of big brother to come back!

"Surely your elder brother will not come back?"

"I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. My brother's work seems to be very busy. Sooner or later, there are some people who are not seen. I went to have a meal with my elder brother that night, and then I didn't see him again!" Said that has said so bare bones, do not need any more to show it!

It's true that Wang Yang can go to England, and even dare to face his own face. Anyway, big brother won't shut himself out, but the problem is that it can't play any role! What's more, there's a stall of things waiting to be handled by Norda. I'm just two shoulders and one head. I can't support too many things!

"No one else but him?" Wang Pu also has some gnashing teeth said.

Yuan Chenglin also laughed bitterly, "there are many candidates, but there are not many people who can achieve such influence. There are only a few of them. The jade family has also found it. But the influence in China is still OK. If you go abroad, it will be worse. What's more, there are many interests involved here!"Wang Yang stood aside as if he hadn't heard, "what about the Li family? They should do their part! "

"It's not about this business." Yuan Chenglin also explained that his father-in-law also had a number of emergency medical treatment. Of course, he also knew how things happened. He just didn't want to lose face in front of his grandson, so that he could get rid of him. Now he has to ask for help? It's a shame.

Now there is a word that may be the best way to describe it. It is that both sides are hurt. Ding Yu took out all the things on the surface. Even if he could toss things over the years, how much money could he make? But under the strong pressure of the old man, Ding Yu really has no other choice.

Under the circumstances at that time, it was not that Ding Yu could solve all the problems without leaving the royal family, but if Ding Yu didn't take out this part of the money, people's impression of him might be that he betrayed the whole country, and the old man directly killed Ding Yu with one move of chess. There was no other way to choose.

Of course, the old man still holds the solution in his hand, but he needs to make Ding Yu bow his head. Aren't you far away from the Wang family? So this time, one step at a time, you can't make any choice. But what Wang Pu didn't expect was that Ding Yu, the grandson, was so strong that he didn't get what he wanted.

He took out all the money to get rid of his embarrassing identity. All the voices disappeared after Ding Yu took the money out. Wang Pu didn't achieve his ultimate goal, but let the relationship between them be frozen completely.

Originally, Ding Yu didn't have much sense of belonging to the Wangs. Now? I'm afraid that even the name of Wang's family will not want to mention it. How come all the things have come, and there is no room for any buffer. Wang Pu also feels his temper? Some of them are out of control.

And the only one in the family who can appease himself? Still lying in the hospital there, want to have vent, but do not know how to vent, so Wang Pu feel some bitterness in his mouth, to know this, he should slow down, should not make things to such a point! Now I think it's too much!

But anyway, he still wanted to have a try. Wang Yang could only go to England again. Although he knew that there would be no result, how could he get rid of it if he let himself deal with this matter at home?

"This matter has a big impact?"

"It's not only big, but also very bad. We are the world's largest consumer of iron ore, but the problem is that we haven't got the pricing right of this ore so far. Our throat is always stuck by others. What about this time? Now the situation seems to have changed! "

Maybe I feel that this statement is too light, and then yuan Chenglin also said, "let's describe it like this! Our extra expenditure in these years is twice as much as that of Ding Yu! This problem must be solved, but we lack powerful people to come forward, and before this, Ding Yu is the best choice! "

Now yuan Chenglin has also said this, which he didn't want to mention before, because the matter is confidential, but now that the matter has passed, there is no value of confidentiality. Now, if you want to bring Ding Yu back again, it is not even more difficult.

"If Ding Yu doesn't come back, there's no way to talk about it?"

"Other people don't have such influence. At least they should be plutocrats. At least everyone can sit on the same table. What about Ding Yu's going to the United States? It shows that he has this ability, and now he can make his own voice! " Yuan Chenglin also explained to his father-in-law.

Wang Pu felt that it was too late to repent at this time. Let Ding Yu, the child, take out the money. It seemed that it had played a considerable role in the construction and development of the country. But what about the money? Hold in Ding Yu's hand, the effect will be greater! It's even more broadcast, but the opportunity has been missed.

In this matter, I had some mistakes in the past, but in the process of going forward, I was misled by some people and made myself think that Ding Yu's taking out the money was important to the country. What's the use of letting yourself out of a state of being hoodwinked and waiting for myself to wake up now?

The money that Ding Yu got back has been used for their own purposes. Moreover, the money is still donated freely. There is no place to argue. His son-in-law mentioned the matter to himself today? Or because really need Ding Yu this child's help, otherwise will have been hiding oneself.

Because it doesn't make any sense to tell yourself that I always think about my country, but I do bad things with good intentions. It seems that I have done pretty well. But what about the actual situation? I'm afraid many people are raising their glasses to celebrate now! Because Ding Yu is really a great threat to a certain extent, but what about this threat? It's so easy to be flattened. It's worth drinking!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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