As for Wang Yang's return to England, Ding Yu didn't take it as a matter of return. He came and came. Could he really turn away the door, but when he came, he came, he was good at eating, drinking and entertaining. As for other things? Forget it!

He didn't have the time and energy, but Wang Yang stayed in his brother's apartment, so he didn't really mean to go out. Although William said he knew the relationship, he still asked Ding Yu for instructions. Then he let Wang Yang let himself go. What do you want? Just like that! After all, it is permitted, otherwise, ha ha!

Wang Yang also looked at his brother's apartment. The layout was very low-key, but he could still feel the luxury. However, the overall situation was a little bit neat, and even there were some places that were not quite like a man's living. Then Wang Yang also went to the attic.

But it's a pity that he didn't find what he wanted in the study in the attic. Besides the medical books, there was no other information in it. It was totally different from the original situation of the quadrangle. Wang Yang was still disappointed with this, but he never avoided his meaning at the original time.

Wang Yang has been waiting for his elder brother to come back in the evening, and Wang Yang has a dinner with his elder brother, "elder brother, if you have time, you'd better go back there! There are some problems in China, you may need your help, and things seem to be more urgent! That's the main reason why I'm here this time. "

Ding Yu also pondered for a while, and then said, "if you ask for information, you can barely do it. If you want to do something, I can't do anything at this time. My family will understand how to do things! That's all I can do When he said this, Wang Yang felt that his elder brother's tone was as cool as ice!

His elder brother is too simple, so that Wang Yang doesn't know what to say. Shouldn't he be reserved at this time? But the problem is that his elder brother really did not do so, which also made Wang Yang feel that he did not know how to accept it.

You can't do things like this! Even if you can't, you should be more tactful? But the problem is that big brother doesn't even have the so-called euphemism. He's straightforward. He doesn't need any excuse.

After dinner, it's really not so appropriate to look at the time, because what about the capital now? Maybe it's about four o'clock in the morning. I haven't got up yet! How about calling at this time? It seems inappropriate. Who knows if you are awake or not?

So wait for an hour or two. What about the family? Basically have already got up, and then their big brother did not see will sleep! Wait until more than ten o'clock in the evening! Wang Yang also made a phone call to his father and said something about it!

After talking to his father, Wang Yang also called his uncle and told him about his elder brother's situation. "Uncle, I've talked with my elder brother. He said that he didn't have any problems in inquiring about some information, but he couldn't do anything about other things at this stage. I don't understand what it means. Anyway, that's what he said!"

"Can he come back?" When he knew the news, Yuan Chenglin's free hand was also clenched into a fist. Although it is important to inquire about the news, the effect will not be very obvious. At this time, it is better to let Ding Yu participate in it. If Ding Yu has no funds, the state is still rich in funds.

So yuan Chenglin also said this, and Wang Yang also looked upstairs for a period of time, "or I'll give the phone to big brother! You'd better consult with elder brother about the specific matters. I can't bear anything with my small and thin physique. Uncle, please forgive me When I speak, I also go upstairs.

When he came upstairs, his elder brother didn't know what he was writing. Obviously, he was so busy. He saw Wang Yang and the phone in his hand. After looking at him for a period of time, his eyes were sharp. Wang Yang covered the phone with his hand and said, "brother, uncle's phone, I stand in the middle position, and the explanation is not so clear! ”

Ding Yu took off his glasses and immediately put out his hand. Wang Yang also subconsciously handed over the phone in his hand. Ding Yu did not mean to stand up at all, so he sat there to answer the phone, "I'm Ding Yu!"

"Xiaoyu, I'm your uncle. If it's convenient, I'd like to tell you something!"

"Is this a safe line?" Ding Yu also asked. After Yuan Chenglin said a phone number, Ding Yu also took out his satellite phone, and then called his uncle, "this line should be safe!"

What about the extra? Ding Yu also did not say, not as in the past, even if he did not see with his own eyes, but at least there was no problem with etiquette, but this time? Nothing, dry, of course, Yuan Chenglin also heard it, but he really can't say it, after all, his heart is still quite uncomfortable, understandable!"Domestic iron ore demand is very large these years, but what about these years? ...。”

This also made Ding Yu fall into a burst of silence, and then he was thinking about something, not to mention that he had the impression of this aspect in his head. Before waiting to speak, Ding Yu directly interrupted the speech, "what kind of information do you want in China?"

Yeah? Yuan Chenglin is also slightly a Leng, his words have not finished it! It was interrupted, but then yuan Chenglin also moved in his heart, "why does every negotiation fail? This

"I've heard some news about this problem, but some consortia are involved behind it. The pricing power is basically in their hands. However, it is not very useful for me to find this matter. I have no contact with them. I have different business scores. If you want to solve external problems, you'd better solve the internal problems first! ”

Ding Yu's sarcastic tone is very strong, "when the internal problems can be solved, and then mention the external things, I will hang up first!" After saying that, also did not wait for there to have any words, Ding Yu directly hung up the phone, not polite at all, is really quite shameless!

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu also looked at Wang Yang, "why? Do you have anything else to do? " There is no emotion in the tone of speaking, just like Wang Yang is not his brother at all, but a stranger!

"Brother, can I sit down?"

Ding Yu also felt a little funny, but did not mean to refuse, "do you want to know what happened to me? I think it's better that you don't know about it. It will change your outlook on life, world outlook and values. My relationship with the Wangs is my relationship. It has nothing to do with you! "

Wang Yang, who sat down, also gave a wry smile, "grandma has lived in the hospital for a period of time. Since I was sensible, she seems to have never been like this before. What about home? There are not many people who know about it. Maybe I'm a special one. If it's hard or not, you can't go back to the previous situation? "

"Childish ideas!" Ding Yu's tone was slightly disdainful, "you have your choice, I have my way. As for how to go down, sometimes we can't even decide by ourselves. If you want to know the inside information, go back and ask. I won't give you the answer!"

After that, Ding Yu also took up his glasses and put them on his nose. He did not want to pay attention to Wang Yang any more. Wang Yang sighed, "brother, that matter is over, but what about domestic affairs? After I go back, I must be asked, at least let me have an account

However, there is no result of the request. Ding Yu is the incarnation of a wooden man. He just ignores his attitude. Wang Yang has no way to deal with it. When he wakes up the next morning, he finds that his elder brother has already left. What's waiting for him is not an empty room. But looking at William, what's his appetite? It's really a bit of a malaise.

Looking at the time, Ding Yu also made a phone call to his father and uncle. If nothing happened, he would not stay here in London. There are many things waiting for him to deal with at home. He is not an idle person at this time, is he? I've done everything I should have done.

After learning the news, Yuan Chenglin and Wang Changlin also understood how to do things. Ding Yu didn't mean to reach out to help, because at this time, he couldn't reach into this hand at all. It's not about the field, but because there is no such force on Ding Yu's hand, which is enough.

All the funds above Ding Yu's face have been taken away. Even if Ding Yu can find the right time, it is of little use. If he has food in his hand, he will not panic. But the problem is that there is no food in Ding Yu's hand. This egg is still playing! Even if the domestic government wants to support it, Ding Yu has made it clear.

Internal things are not clear, do not think about things outside, the possibility of success is too slim. Listen or don't listen. Ding Yu has already said this, as for the rest of the matter? Don't let yourself go with you, and you don't want to get involved.

But from Ding Yu's tone, you can still feel it. For such a thing, Ding Yu's heart is really so hard to let go. It's very difficult for him to say such words. He can't ask for more from a child.

And what about the facts? It's true. It's really difficult for Ding Yu to get involved at this time. But what about the way of expression of Ding Yu? There may be some problems and conditions.

Things have come to such a point. Yuan Chenglin, who put down the phone, lamented that there was such a chance, at least once, but it was destroyed by human beings. What are the reasons? It can be said that Ding Yu was exposed too late. It can also be said that Ding Yu was exposed too early. Anyway, it is OK to understand.Anyway, it is impossible to let Ding Yu go to the top now. The conditions here are not suitable. What about Ding Yu? I don't want to. Let's just say he doesn't want to! But what about his clues? Really can't give up, or need a good investigation, the relevant situation? We also need to report!

However, the people of the Li family in Hong Kong city also arrived in the capital at this time. However, they did not go to the old man directly. Instead, they took the lead to see the old lady. After all, the old lady was ill and transferred to another hospital. What about the people from the Li family? Although the old lady didn't know what she knew, she already had some feelings.

But the old lady didn't mention these things in front of her face. After all, it's not appropriate for the old lady to come here this time? First take a look at the old lady, and then discuss with the old man. After all, the relationship between the two families is still there. What happened to the Wang family? The Li family needs to avoid, but business and feelings are two things.

After meeting the old lady, Li's eldest son also visited the old man, "Uncle Wang, my father asked me to greet you! I wish you good health and long life Then he also gave a pair of hand written words to the old man, which was a manifestation of his attitude.

Wang Pu also slightly nodded his head. After the exchange of greetings, he also said directly, "hurry up to visit at this time. It must be something! Come on! I'll listen! " What about Wang Pu's attitude? But let Li's eldest son have a little bit of an accident, did not expect the old man so direct!

But soon this one also responded, "Uncle Wang, the matter is like this. His family has inquired about some relevant information, which is of great or minor significance. He is now starting to raise funds. We don't know the specific situation very well. However, Samsung's Lee family and the British side have already participated in it, and even an unknown consortium from the United States has also participated in it Go

Well, Wang Pu immediately understood how things happened. The Li family obviously had the meaning and plan in this respect, but the relationship between the Li family and the Wang family is good, and they should have heard about some things, so what about some things? You really can't do it behind the scenes. You need to ask for the advice of the old man.

What's more? What about the relationship between the Li family and this young man? It can be said that it is quite general, even there is not too much contact. In such a case, how much hope the Wang family can come forward, after all, it's the family's business? It's easy to say what to do, isn't it?

For this matter, Wang Pu's mouth is also slightly a little twitch, but he really did not show his attitude on the spot, after all, involving his grandson, and the relationship between each other seems to be incompatible with water and fire, which is not enough to describe, so it can be seen that it is general.

But what about the other meaning of not expressing one's position? It is this matter that the Wangs will not take part in it. As for the attitude of your Li family, it depends on your own operation. Generally speaking, this is the situation. As for the Wang family to say something like this, don't be too hard.

But I didn't think about it. Just after sending the eldest son of the Li family away, Wang Pu welcomed another guest, an old friend of his own. You should know that the old man came to make amends, but what about this time? Why do you give yourself a feeling of schadenfreude.

"What? You old man, you want to take advantage of the fire? " It's impossible to hide such a thing from the old guy. What about letting him speak? It's better to take the lead to speak out, at least to occupy a certain initiative!

The old man of the jade family also shook his head and laughed, "it's all done, so it's a bit late for you to say this now. The Ming people don't do secret things. I bought a lot of previous shares, because they are all high-quality stocks, even blue chips. So I'll throw away this old face, but others give me face! What do you mean by the bowl full of food? To disgust me? " Wang Pu's gas is also so some, do not fight a place to come, how? Run to my house and disgust me? Is not, this thing is what I do, but you do not want to face it like this! And still so hard, don't you know that King Ma has three eyes?

"Brother Wang has misunderstood me. Let alone have the courage, I am a businessman who pursues the idea of having more friends and more roads, and more walls with fewer friends. Why bother to offend you for no reason? Today's door, also have something to ask for! I know that Ding Yu is raising funds now. I want to get involved in it! "

Wang Pu pondered for a while, "your news is much more than mine. I feel a little curious. Even you, the old man, have come forward in person. Other people are not moved by the wind?"

"It's really impossible to say this. There are a lot of people who pay attention to it, but there are not many people who can get into other people's eyes. If we want to get on this ship, I'm afraid it won't be so easy for us to think about it. The price of Samsung's Li family participating in it is not considering any return! I'd like to ignore the return, but even so, I haven't been able to do it! "

After listening to Wang Pu's heart, he couldn't help but move, "Oh? Is it? Do you want to have a try, old man? I've never seen you do a losing business? ""Do you make money on this order? It doesn't matter, even if it's a loss? I agree. As long as I can get on this ship, I will be satisfied! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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