"All in a hurry to do this business? Why? " Wang Pu also felt puzzled, so deliberately changed a posture, may make himself more comfortable!

Yu Fengchun thought about it and said, "what's next? You may feel defensive, but as an old friend? I still want to say a few words. He came out of the army only a few years ago. It seems that it is not too much to say that he created an empire. If we let it continue to develop, it will make me feel ashamed! In fact, even if we don't have sustainable development, we can't afford to look at the past achievements. "

"Just take good care of him?"

"Doing business is the same as being an official, but there are also differences. As the saying goes, every other line is like a mountain. He has the ability. The foundation has been laid and he is waiting for the blowout. Of course, he may choose another unknown way. From my personal understanding, he will do this, but he has not yet started to implement. Some people have built infrastructure It's torn down! "

After saying that, Yu Fengchun also deliberately took a look at Wang Pu, Wang Pu's face also changed, this word is really a little bit poked into his heart, he is now more and more feeling, at the beginning of what he did looked like wise God Wu, but in fact it was extremely stupid.

"For example! The boy used to be the landlord, but now? Basically, I'm a long-term worker. What do you want? You need to look at the face of others to act, the original time quietly rose, but now? If he wants to stand up again, it is difficult for him, because everyone will suppress him. If he becomes a landlord, it means that other people's interests will be damaged! "

Speaking of this, Yu Fengchun also took a breath of relief. "He has this ability, and his interpersonal and interpersonal relations are pretty good, so many people are still optimistic about him. That is to say, if you gamble, if you fail, there is no big deal. When you succeed in business, there will be failures. Of course, if you succeed, you will have the capital of the child. Although you haven't made much money, you will have friendship, and sometimes it will be enough! "

"You old fellow is here to be a lobbyist

"Whatever your brother can understand, I've done what I should do anyway!" Yu Fengchun also laughed, "I will go to England personally. If I succeed or not, I always need to work hard, because the rewards are rich!"

After that, Yu Fengchun didn't stay too much, and soon left the Wang family. Instead, Wang Pu sat there, thinking a little. Why did the Li family and the Yu family come to find themselves? It's very simple. It's just a matter of face for the Wangs. If you agree or disagree, it doesn't matter. It doesn't even work.

What's more, Ding Yu's child is there. Will he respect his opinions? Don't even think about it. In the past, why did he take the money out to avoid the restriction in this respect? So after he took the money out, he had a good deal with the Wangs. To put it mildly, there is no big difference between talking by himself and farting.

Without the constraints of the Wang family, Ding Yu may have developed better. But the Wang family lacks Ding Yu. When he thought of this place, Wang Pu shook his head and was shrewd all his life. However, on this great grandson, he has suffered repeated setbacks, and even the opportunity to save is now lost.

Depressed! Chagrin, these circumstances also let Wang Pu feel so depressed, a person is bored in the home? It doesn't seem like a good thing, but where can I go now? Think about it, Wang Pu also drove to the hospital, at least to see the old lady, his mood can be better!

It's really a big failure that I didn't discuss with her at the beginning. If two people can discuss it carefully, and then ask the old lady to communicate with her grandson, it may be another situation now.

Instead of having to feel remorseful in this place like now, how about the old lady? He lay helpless in the hospital, and the grandson of the family completely paid homage to the Wang family, and did not leave any chance to save. How did this happen! Is it true that they are inflated?

Looking at his old man, the old lady didn't mean to talk, so they sat there. Although Wang Pu didn't speak, he sat with his wife at least? I can feel a lot more comfortable in my heart.

But his wife has not said, but also let Wang Pu feel so embarrassed, "what about this time? It was me who had a problem. The consideration at that time was too one-sided and too casual! "

The old lady, too, sighed with some exclamations. Things have passed. What's the use of saying these words now? Can it be retrieved? However, it is also a rare thing for the old guy to realize his own problems. If we put it in the past, it is hard to imagine that he would think like this.

"Is it so bad?" Because I have been lying here in the hospital all the time, what about the external affairs? I don't know, and I don't want to know, but my old man has already run over in person. If it's not to a certain extent, he won't do it!Wang Pu also nods in embarrassment. "Previously, Cheng Lin looked for Ding Yu and wanted him to get involved in some things, but Ding Yu couldn't do it. What's more, he is now raising funds. He doesn't know about the situation abroad, but both the Yu family and the Li family have already come to him! "

The old lady was silent for a while, and then looked out of the window, her eyes shining on her face. The old lady sighed, "children and grandchildren have their own happiness. Even if we want to interfere in such things, we can't interfere. That's it I don't care what happens. Let's go!

What about the others? It's hard to say, but what about yourself? I'm afraid this little life will be tossed away. I'm not so loveless as to live. It's good to live. But after listening to his wife's words, Wang Pu's face was also dark, and then he sighed.

I still have this idea in my heart, but the problem is that Ding Yu, the great grandson, does not sell his face at all. What about the only person in the family who may have some face now? Is his wife, but his wife has already revealed the meaning is very clear, some of his words is really no way to speak.

Want to save this situation, but did not think that his wife has completely cut off this aspect of the mind, Ding Yu, after all, he is the kind of Wang family, even if he did something wrong, but then what? On this point, Ding Yu is a little bit unfilial. In the old saying, it is disobedience!

In addition to his wife's prestige, there is really no suitable person in the family. No matter it's a sophomore or Chenglin, at least this talk has no weight in front of Ding Yu. So now, it can only be like this. Don't have any other ideas, which will further slide the whole thing down the abyss.

What about your old man's thoughts? The old lady can't do without knowing, but it is precisely because she knows that she can completely nip this idea. Even when the sign just shows up, she pinches it and can't let the idea continue to grow.

The relationship with Ding Yu, the eldest grandson, had already fallen to the freezing point, and even the superficial relationship was so difficult to sustain. Under such a situation, what other ideas emerged? Isn't this a typical death?

In the past, grandson has done so many things, at least secretly, he has admitted his identity. But now? The eldest grandson has completely abandoned the identity of the Wang family. What do you use to influence him? Just like a joke, people may feel disgusted even if they look at you, so don't be obnoxious.

People have already broken away from the shackles of the identity of the Wang family, so they will never tie the chain around their necks.

It's just that the old lady didn't make it too obvious. Now you can't suppress Ding Yu in any name. Even if you don't have the ties to maintain the relationship, if you do this again, it will really look shameless. What's more, is the present Wang family not embarrassed enough?

What do other people think of the Wang family? Don't the old guys really know? It's just not expressed.

The head of Hong Kong city also went to England in person. Of course, what about the face? I just went to the UK to talk about some things. The previous exchanges with the British side were quite good. We cooperated with each other. What is the actual purpose? Is to make friends with Ding Yu, is it possible to make a profit this time? I really didn't pay attention to it.

However, although he said that he was talking about things with the British side, he asked the following people to take the initiative to deliver an invitation. The visit could not be too abrupt. William also received the invitation, and did not show excessive surprise. Ding Yu still knew the news after he came out of the operating room.

However, after knowing the news, he didn't show how abnormal he was. When he came back, Ding Yu didn't expect that when he came back by bike at night, he saw a car stop at his door, and what about his housekeeper? Also standing not far away, Ding Yu also stopped his bicycle.

The driver who had been following Ding Yu stopped his car, and the security on the car was the first to catch up and take over Ding Yu's bicycle. Then the car parked at the door was opened. A visitor came down from the car, not tall, with a big glasses!

Ding Yu is also standing two steps away from the distance, slightly bow salute, regardless of their own identity, in front of this? They are all elders, so they should be polite. This is also a kind of etiquette. "It's abrupt! Although I have never met, your name is a thunderbolt to my ears. "

"See you, grandfather Li!" Ding Yu did not show any formality, just a very indifferent attitude, and then made an invitation gesture. He knew that this one was coming, but he didn't expect that he should come so suddenly. He really made himself unprepared! "Please!"

"I owe you a lot of care when I was in America!" As he stepped into the stairs, Li Sheng said suddenly, and Ding Yu gave up half of his body. "I'm sorry, boy. You're a leader in business and an elder. If I'm mentioned in the future, I'm afraid it's hard for me to have a foothold.""Then I'll call you a-yu!" In fact, what about this name? When I came here, I also considered a lot. Relatively speaking, I was familiar with his grandfather. Almost every time I went to Beijing? Old friends will sit down, but I never thought that Wang's child would grow to such a degree!

Ding Yu is a little cold in speaking, but he is still polite. He is not reckless or incoherent because of his wealth and other reasons. From his attitude of bowing when he saw his first face, he gave himself a very unusual feeling!

How about two-phase contact? There is no so-called enthusiasm for giving yourself a feeling. On the contrary, it is a little bit cold. I don't feel too much warmth on Ding Yu's body. Of course, this really needs to be distinguished from indifference. It can only be said that the child is a little too introverted, which is a bit like his old friend.

"Grandfather Li, please!" When Li Sheng entered Ding Yu's apartment, he also took a look at the layout of the apartment? There are some cold tones. Although it seems luxurious, it doesn't have the taste of jumping. From this, it can be seen that the taste of this child is quite different from that of others.

Although he is not married yet, what about his private life? It seems to be much better than the two kids in my family. Of course? Most of the time, it's just a play on the spot, and it's not true.

"If grandfather Li doesn't mind, please!"

Looking at the things on the table, Li Sheng was also a little surprised. Ding Yu was just alone. Even if he invited himself, it seemed that he was not really extravagant! However, it seems that it is not a strange thing to think about it. He did it happily, and soon the housekeeper came with the wine.

He poured a cup for himself, and then he also gave Ding Yu a cup. "Excuse me, grandfather Li. I don't like drinking, so please forgive me if I don't go there." It's strange that young people don't like drinking. This is really not common, at least in their own information? There is no collection of this situation.

Seeing him sipping, he also took a sip. "A Yu, let's say it boldly. Should I pay attention to it, because I really don't know much about it!"

"No, I went to the service after graduating from high school. Because I am a combat readiness unit, I need to be vigilant all the time, so I can't drink, even smoke occasionally. Later, I went to work as a doctor after I retired. I need to keep my nerves stable and can't have numbness, so I will drink less as much as possible!"

Ding Yu's explanation also made Li Sheng feel relieved. It was not a taboo. But he also deeply sighed that the child was younger than his son. There was no need to tell any lies in front of him. After a little inquiry, he could know the rest. However, this truth also made him feel his success today It should be.

But when Ding Yu began to eat, Li Shengfa found that although he said he was a visitor today, what about these things on the table? It's really not a decoration. The children in front of him are like a glutton. Then Li Sheng seems to think of something, "a Yu, you are a martial arts practitioner!"

Ding Yu wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin and nodded. There are more traditional cultures inherited from the port city. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, many strange people also live here. Therefore, it's not surprising that this grandfather Li has such insight. This is the real king without crown in Hong Kong City!

"Well, you can build up your body and your mind at the same time!" What about Ding Yu and this grandfather Li? The difference in age is too big. Although we try our best to be around each other, it is inevitable that there will be some deviation, which is also an inevitable situation.

"I've heard about strengthening one's health. I've heard of putting an end to war, even for the country and the people, but I seldom hear of such a statement as exercising one's mind!" After saying that, also showed a little interest.

"Stop fighting the enemy is too high-end for me personally. I am still too young. I have some experience, but it is not enough to carry." When I asked about the old man, she said, "well, it's true that I heard the old man's words."

Ding Yu also stopped the meaning of this speech, but obviously, what about the conversation between them? Has also been from the previous indifference? It starts to heat up, and warming up also means that the relationship between each other has begun to get familiar. This is an essential process. Without this program, the next thing is not easy to handle.

As for why he came here in person, Li Sheng was very clear that his son would not have too much influence if he came. It is true that his two sons seem to be very good, but that is in the eyes of outsiders, which does not mean that it is the same in Ding Yu's eyes.

Moreover, it is a little disrespectful to let his son come here. There is still a gap between the relationship between his family and Ding Yu and the relationship between Samsung and Ding Yu. Ding Yu and Li Jianxi met more than once, so there is no need to go in person, but their own situation is not the same!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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