"The manor in France is about to start?" Ding Yu looked at the things on the contract, but also looked at William with some confusion. Then he put his backpack on the sofa.

Of course, William knows what this means. This is not to blame, but to ask himself, such a matter can be handled by himself, what's the use of telling him! When he thought of this, William didn't know what to say. It would not be such a joke? That's a big industry, too!

"It can't be said that the construction is started. It mainly involves some reconstruction. We have already selected the winery industry very early, and the payment has been paid in advance. The construction now is actually starting to enter the specific link. You are the master, so you need to come forward!"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes, then raised the contract in his hand, "is it necessary? Why don't you go there! If it doesn't feel right, I remember that Tai Xi doesn't have anything to do. She seems to like the manor there very much, and she took her two children to play with her! "

William almost rolled his eyes, and then explained, "from the beginning of the manor to now, you have never appeared as the master. I'm afraid this is not appropriate. For the people in the manor, there will be so-called psychological instability, so you need to visit your territory!"

Ding Yu's mouth twitched, and then nodded, "OK! Anyway, there are no other things on the weekend, you can arrange it, but I don't like the lively atmosphere and environment! Please understand it! "

At this point, William is also a great sigh of relief, his master ah! Why don't you like to visit your territory? There are so many differences between people! This problem is really not so easy to say! Anyway, I feel very speechless.

Ding Yu plans to take a private plane to France. Compared with Eurostar, his private plane is more convenient and casual, and the time is also relatively short. However, after arriving in France, it is slightly inappropriate to take a private plane, because France is a little small! Helicopters may be more suitable!

Because of Ding Yu's deliberate request, on the way to the airport, there are not so many people as expected. Because Ding Yu took a private plane, it was slightly special. However, Ding Yu just got off the bus and frowned slightly, because he felt the goose bumps at the back of his neck were about to get up.

But the security guard who has been staying behind Ding Yu for the first time is standing in the position behind Ding Yu, "relax!" Ding Yu also called out, and immediately saw three people in a triangular formation leaning towards themselves, and each person's hands were placed in the inside of their clothes, and their coats were not tied.

"How about a ride, my friend?" Then he took out a cigarette from his arms and lit it with a lighter. It seemed that he didn't care that this was the airport. Ding Yu also looked at it carefully. Then he turned around and nodded to his own security guard. He said a few words in a low voice, and then went to his own plane.

Security has been following Ding Yu's back. However, when he got on the boarding ladder, the security guard also stopped him. "It's OK to get on the plane, but you can't carry contraband, biochemical weapons and ¥ weapons!" After that, I didn't know where to turn out a pocket. After opening it, I also stood in the position of the boarding ladder.

"Oh? What if I don't do it? "

Security doesn't mean much compulsion. "For our own safety and your safety, this is just a suggestion!" The leading middle-aged man also laughed, "you seem to have a gun with you! Isn't this a prohibited item? I don't understand some of it! "

The problem is that the security guard didn't pay any attention to it. The leader also laughed, and then he took out a cigarette box from his arms, which was full of hand rolled cigarettes. After a look at it, the security guard nodded, "I only have contraband on my body, and there are no biochemical weapons or weapons!"

The security guard didn't say much, just stood there with his pocket in his hand, but what about the leader? But I didn't mean to put the cigarette box in my pocket. Instead, I went straight to the plane. The plane was under control. The security guard in front of me said that the other things were useless!

But what about the young people of the past? I feel quite satisfied. I hijack the plane, and it's useless. Maybe I'll be beaten down before I fly to the sky. But taking hostages is another thing.

Looking at Ding Yu who was sitting there honestly, the middle-aged man with a full face and beard also sat in the opposite position of Ding Yu. When he sat down, he patted the table and chair, "sorry! Just want a ride However, as he spoke, the middle-aged man who was always standing at the door seemed to notice something, and then he stretched out his arms and pulled them out.

"Boss, someone is coming!" Ding Yu also looked down the window, but there was no action. What about the leader? Also pay attention to look at the outside, eyebrows are also wrinkled, and this time has been standing below the security is also stepped up, came to Ding Yu side, also ignored the next to the weapon.Ding Yu also nodded, "let them not send!" The security guard took a look, then nodded, and then the security guard also stepped off the plane. After two greetings, the cars in the back didn't react much. After waiting for a short time, the tower informed the plane that it was ready to take off.

The middle-aged man sitting opposite Ding Yu also whistled, and then looked up and down at Ding Yu. He was very satisfied with his performance. "I haven't introduced it yet. My name is buffalo! It's a little offensive, but when you're in France, I can buy you a drink

Ding Yu blinked his eyes, and then he called the security guard over. He nodded his head slightly, and then the security guard left, without any intention of stopping. After waiting for a while, Ding Yucai looked up at the middle-aged man in front of him, and then looked at the man playing with the gun beside him, and then his eyes fell down!

"I don't remember how old bud taught children like that!" After saying that, Ding Yu seems to be thinking about something, "if I remember correctly, you seem to be the person of little bud, and little bud seems to have a favor for you, so he deliberately asked you from old bud's side!"

Originally, the middle-aged man opposite Ding Yu still had two legs, showing a little bit of recklessness. But when Ding Yu said these two names, he also sat up straight and took a look at his accomplice. His eyes were also extremely sharp. The one who was watched slowly put his gun into the holster!

"Who are you?"

Ding Yu did not answer the meaning, "your business has never involved the UK! Why come to England! " After that, I also took a look at the people sitting beside the middle-aged people. Of course, I also looked at the people at the door. My eyes were a little calm, which made the middle-aged people feel scared!

"Old bud has gone to heaven!"

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, Ding Yu changed his posture and looked out of the window. However, there was nothing else out of the clouds. After a while, he asked, "is his pipe still there? The heather pipe he made himself

The middle-aged man sitting in front of Ding Yu is also stunned. Many people know that old bud smokes, but now few people know that he likes to smoke with a pipe, let alone a pipe made of Photinia root! They are almost old-fashioned. I still know something about this history because I have been with old bud for some time! "Not for a long time!"

"I know he's been smoking cigars for a long time, and they've been sealed up when his wife died. What I'm asking is, is that pipe still there?" Ding Yu once again reiterated the previous question!

"I don't know!"

Ding Yu took a glance, and then looked out of the window again. "Although it is excusable, tell little bud to send me his pipe. Old bud once said that if he went to heaven, the pipe was left for me! If his nose doesn't want to be broken by me again! "

"I've never heard my grandfather talk about you!" Originally, it was a conversation between two people, but then a rush of footsteps came from behind. A tall woman with sunglasses also went to Ding Yu's side. The buffalo also stood up and gave up the position to this woman for the first time.

But the problem is that Ding Yu didn't pay attention to this woman's meaning at all. There was a little lack of demeanor. From another perspective, it was a little ignored to do so. The woman with a black scarf on her head also glared at Ding Yu, but the problem is that she still wears sunglasses!

My grandfather's pipe is also very fond of. It's his own toy. It can be said that he played from childhood to big. There are a lot of pipes in the home. But what my grandfather likes most is the Photinia pipe he made. He doesn't know this history, but the guy in front of him can be so relaxed!

"And those pipes, which my grandfather said when he died, will be left to me!"

Ding Yu leaned back, and the middle-aged man had already left the position he had stood before, but the distance was not very far to ensure a safe position, but it would not affect the conversation between the two.

"Lesina?" Ding Yu also asked tentatively, "it seems to be called this name! I didn't pay much attention when old bud said it, but I remember it was the name! He said that he once gave you a pony. You liked it very much at that time! Older people sometimes like to be wordy

Lesina also looks at Ding Yu suspiciously. The person in front of her will not be too old, but in order to give her own feeling, what about her family's abnormal understanding? Even he was very clear about the secrets of his family. The horses that my grandfather gave him didn't even have much impression on him, if he didn't mention it.

Ding Yu thought for a while, but he also said to the middle-aged man over there. "I don't remember you saying that you still hurt your family. Little bud still has this possibility. Because of his lust, he caused a lot of trouble, but old bud's popularity is good.""The British side has restricted her travel. We can only think of other ways to take her back. Today is the day of her burial." The tone of the middle-aged man was a little plaintive. Seeing that the young man in front of him looked at her, he immediately explained, "old bud has more than one son!"

Ding Yu also suddenly realized, "Oh, I know, there is a lame man!" However, he had no impression of this guy. At the beginning, old bud didn't really mention this aspect. "If I remember correctly, it seems that old bud broke the lame leg."

"The lame man seems to have caught up with the borore group! His daughter is very resourceful! Now I seem to be a senior director of one of the media! That's all I know

Ding Yu held his chin in his hand, with his thumb, index finger and middle finger open, while his little finger and ring finger were half closed. Time passed by. After waiting for about five minutes, Ding Yu suddenly woke up. "Leisina is going to take over the work of little bud. If I remember correctly, old bud seems to want his granddaughter."

"I want to be a pharmacist!"

It was a little impolite to talk, but fortunately Ding Yu didn't care much about it. "Since he's back, let's go to the funeral first." Ding Yu doesn't want to say the extra words. Looking at Ding Yu's closed eyes, Lesina doesn't say much. She just looks at Ding Yu, a young man.

The distance between Britain and France is not far away, just over an hour! The plane has already landed. It seems that someone has been waiting outside the airport. The security guard is the first time to stand out. Then Ding Yu slowly steps down from the plane. It seems that nothing else has happened.

However, when getting on the bus, Ding Yu also explained with the security guard, that's all.

It is still sitting in the plane, Lesina looked at Ding Yu who left, and felt very puzzled. However, since she has returned to France, there will be no problem. Even if someone will take them away afterwards, there will not be too much trouble, but obviously, such a thing did not happen!

After getting off the plane, everything went smoothly as if nothing had happened, which surprised Lesina and shocked the middle-aged people who protected her. How could nothing have happened?

Ding Yu stopped the driver in the middle of the car, "let's go and see my old friend!" The security guard in the co pilot's seat also looked back at Ding Yu, and then nodded, "the British side expressed sincere apology for this. I didn't expect such a thing to happen at the airport!"

Ding Yu is also noncommittal smile, did not pay too much attention to such a thing? There will always be people carrying a black pot. It's not strange that such a thing happens. It's unforgivable to have such a thing. The so-called sincere apology has an egg to use! But Ding Yu didn't make a statement. From another point of view, Ding Yu was very angry!

It's not to say that you casually let people back the black pot, and then this thing is all over. You know old bud yourself. It can only be said that it's a coincidence, if you don't know him? So what happened on the plane and whose head should be counted?

In fact, the British side is also quite angry. They did not expect that such a thing would happen at the airport. Someone actually hijacked Ding Yu's plane, and the British side didn't wake up until it happened. What's the final result? There are no other accidents, but some problems can not be ignored.

At the beginning, Ding Yu was granted special immunity mainly because some things were too embarrassing. But what happened today? More people feel intolerable, in their own eyelids, there are people to do this, there are other impossible things?

Carefully tested Ding Yu's attitude? Without any reaction, it can be imagined that Ding Yu will not be particularly happy about this matter. The British side can not think that nothing has happened. Even now some people have begun to discuss this aspect of the matter. There must be a satisfactory result and reply for Ding Yu!

If nothing has happened, then Ding Yu's backhand will be affected too much if something happens. The British side will not sit by and watch such a thing happen, and will never give Ding Yu any chance to get angry.

Looking at the ring of the phone, Ding Yu's face also showed a little smile, but in a flash, "Ding, I just heard about you, sorry! I'm just calling now. I need to make sure you're safe! "

"It's no big deal. I chatted on the plane. It was a good chat. My old friend was just a little fierce about the means." Ding Yu didn't mind to disclose some information, "but did you call? It's not the right time

Charlie on the other side of the phone was also slightly stunned, some unknown. Therefore, Ding Yu sighed, "today's old friend was buried, so I'm on my way to the church at this time! Let's have coffee when we get back! "Ding Yu said this, but also let Charlie give a big breath, it is obvious that Ding Yu did not want to continue to investigate, this matter needs to give him an account, but Charlie also has some doubts, at least in his own information and resume, there is no such situation!

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