Ding Yu changed a suit of clothes, and then came to the outside of the church. After parking the car, Ding Yu also walked slowly to the church. However, Ding Yu came a little late. Because the church was full of people, the position had long been gone, so Ding Yu also stood behind and watched from a distance.

Listening to the pastor's words, Ding Yu also narrowed his eyes. After waiting for about half an hour, the pastor also finished his reminiscence. The security guard was a little nervous at this time. Why? Because the muscles of these guys around me are slightly tense!

I can even smell that there is no holiness in the whole church, but the smell of gunpowder smoke and even some choking noses. I really doubt whether this is a church or an ammunition depot? However, I have noticed one thing, that is, his muscles are not as tight as expected.

I even have reason to suspect that if I touch my hand, his muscles are absolutely soft, not so-called hard. In such an atmosphere and environment, it's hard for me to maintain a relaxed state, and my nerves are a little nervous, reflecting on my body? It's also muscle preparation.

Although I am very clear, there will not be too many things, but I am in such an environment? Or inevitably there is such a state, or practice is not home, at least not able to change at will, they can only be hard to adapt.

At this time, people came forward to make the final farewell, and then sealed the coffin and went to the cemetery. There were many visitors, old and young, and even many people were not so familiar with each other. However, since they came here, they basically came for old bud and had no relationship with other people.

Old bud has already gone to the kingdom of heaven. Even if there is any dispute, he should be put down. What's more, old bud is just a mercenary. Mercenary is a tool. They are just a knife. As for who the knife is facing, it is not up to them to decide.

So after they give up the career of mercenary, no one will come to their trouble. This is obviously different from that in the movies. Mercenaries are people who pay more attention to principles. Of course, there will be so-called scum, but such people rarely survive, because they are not only excluded by the whole industry!

When Ding Yu came, what about the other people's personnel? They are almost gone. Looking at the old bud lying in it, Ding Yu's heart is filled with emotion. When he remembers the scene of meeting him, he is not very happy because he broke his nose.

Think about that time, I was really young! Fortunately, the old fox stood up and not only solved the dispute perfectly, but also made each other come together. At least at that time, everyone's interests were the same, but never thought about it. Seeing each other again is the eternal separation.

I don't know why, many things in this life? Have become a little different! Such a thing in the past life is really so some can not be imagined, at that time, how did he live, even now, Ding Yu still feel that there is not much clue, or dare not really look back.

Seeing old bud lying here this time, Ding Yu felt that he should look back and see what kind of mood and mentality he had at that time, and what kind of situation is now? It's a big difference.

The pause time was a little longer, and then Ding Yu woke up, took a breath, and then left slowly. However, little Ba De, who was not far away, listened to his daughter's words, and seemed to be remembering something. It seems that there are not many people who have experienced the broken nose!

Is that a little guy? Look at this figure. It's not very similar! And his current identity seems to be really not suitable to mention some things, at least he can not walk to his side, but his nose was broken things? In their own heart left a relatively deep impression.

Looking at Ding Yu, he didn't look at it. Little bade also winked at the buffalo beside him. When he came back, he had already heard about it, but he knew that up to now, the relevant news had not been passed on, which made him feel quite surprised.

As a mercenary, he is still quite smart in terms of news, but after such a long time, no news has been delivered, which seems to be a bit funny. Of course, there is another guess in little bud's heart, that is, the identity of this guy? It's more terrifying than you think.

Even the official people are not willing to intervene. They are mercenaries. I have seen too many such people. But is this young man really like this? It's a little unlikely! If it is true that such a person is, it must be a member of a large family, or the son of a certain family. But if it is such a person, did he take part in such a cruel action at the beginning? I'm absolutely joking about my life!

But the problem is that after such a long time, no news has been sent back, which makes little bud's heart a little bit fluffy. Of course, the expression on the face of the person standing beside him with crutches is not so pleasant, because he has already known that the young man brought her back.Although there are some reasons for being kidnapped, this should not be fundamental. The British side even does not mean to attack. What is the cause of the problem has not been found out. Since we have not made clear the problems and conditions, it is not the best choice.

Although he said that he was relying on the borore consortium behind his back, he still needed to consider how to do it. If he got into trouble with the borore consortium, he would never have a good end!

When going to the cemetery, Ding Yu also stood at a distance, without any intention of going forward. Even when the funeral was over, Ding Yu was standing like that. However, after the follow-up work was completed, someone came over and invited Ding Yu to sit down together. As for the person who sent out the invitation, it was leisina.

But Ding Yu didn't mean to accept the invitation. "I'll go back to England tomorrow and bring me my pipe!" After that, Ding Yu got on the bus and left, but let leisina grow up. This guy was so uninteresting that he even came in person!

After arriving at the manor, Ding Yu was also welcomed in a small range here. He simply said two words and made a certain exposition on the development and future expectation of the manor. After all, he is the master of the manor. He only needs to be at a high altitude. As for the follow-up, other people will be responsible for the follow-up.

Hearing everyone's cheers, Ding Yu knew that the effect was very good. It was practical to promote the development of the manor with interests. The development of the manor is linked to everyone's interests. The better the manor develops, the more interests you will have. Ding Yu will never show any stinginess on this point.

But what about things like this? Ding Yu will not be involved. To put it mildly, he is a black hearted capitalist. What does he value? Interests! Interest is the most fundamental thing. For the sake of long-term interests, giving up short-term interests can still be done.

Feeling a little tired, in the manor room, Ding Yu also stood at the window position, "you said that I worked with them in the afternoon. How about this idea? It seems that I haven't had such exercise for a long time. It's just like a rest. I've been tired for a long time. "

For Ding Yu's request, the assistant behind here also widened his eyes. Are you kidding? Work as rest? Isn't it better to lie down? Listen to music, have a glass of red wine, or a glass of whisky, take a hot bath, of course, if you can, a passionate French girl would be better, at least this is the way to rest yourself!

Although I can't understand, the security didn't mean to refuse. What about the workers in the manor before? I still feel that there are some restrictions. In everyone's opinion, this is a man who is superior to others, but I didn't want to join them in their work very soon. The contrast is a little bit big.

However, we soon found that this one was not as arrogant as imagined, or even a very good one to communicate with. Moreover, it seems that he is not a rich family. He has a lot of strength in his work, and has no patience and impatience. He is very attentive in doing things.

If it's just for fun, it seems that we shouldn't do it like this, and it can't last for such a long time. Soon, everyone began to move closer to Ding Yu and say a few words to get in touch with each other's feelings. What about the relationship? It's also slowly built up.

Especially when Ding Yu invited the people in the manor to have a dinner party, the atmosphere suddenly rose. Ding Yu, wearing a turban, is now more like a farmer than a manor owner. Originally, people still have a sense of fear, but now such a sense of fear is being eliminated.

Of course, we also tentatively want to inquire about the situation with Ding Yu, at least let everyone know what Ding Yu is doing! Are they pure investors? Or what else? Ding Yu does not have to have too much implicit meaning, his main profession is a doctor, sideline? Do something about investment, basically that's it!

In the evening, Ding Yu also reveled with the people in the manor. However, Ding Yu was quite restrained and could eat without any problems. However, he never touched alcohol or alcoholic drinks. This was a little disappointing, but it was still very good on the whole.

Of course, there is also a pity that there is no enthusiastic girl who can hook up with Ding Yu. Even many people have already looked at Ding Yu with hot eyes. The spring feeling in his eyes is beyond the words. However, the problem is that Ding Yu used his hand to describe the ring in his hand, and then turned everything away.

After the carnival, Ding Yu also went to have a rest. However, the next morning, Ding Yu still got up early and walked in the manor for about an hour and a half before turning back to have breakfast. However, relatively speaking, breakfast in France is not particularly rich, and even has not much comparability with Britain.

It is said that the French are romantic, but from another perspective? To Ding Yu, these things are not enough to fill his own taste. Therefore, he cooked some eggs and added some seasoning when eating.The assistant served as a cook very well. At least, the egg was cooked to a very high standard. However, for the people in the manor, haoxuan was not scared to death. Even some people suspected that Ding Yu was the owner of the manor? Or is he a liar and hasn't eaten for several days? As for eating so much at a meal?

In France, they pay attention to sentiment, but what about the manor owner? It was too exaggerated to eat eggs for two weeks, even more than enough. But after eating, she suddenly found that the man's stomach did not seem to be bulging.

Then I remembered that last night, the food seemed to be quite a lot, but the atmosphere was a little bit warm at that time, so I didn't really care! Is it possible that his employer is an alien? If it's not an alien, can you eat so much? That's too much!

But Ding Yu didn't mean to explain. It was someone else's business what others thought of him. However, in the morning, his manor really ushered in guests. Although little bud and his daughter had talked for a little longer, the information that little bud got was still very limited!

But little bud has also seen some things clearly. Some news has already been delivered from Britain. Is it true that this time? Ding Yu didn't mean to investigate, but he still had to pay a price. At least he had to give an account to the British government, otherwise he would get into quite a lot of trouble.

This is also because Ding Yu is standing among them. Otherwise, the consequences are really unpredictable. I have to say that the Buffalo has done a stupid thing, but there is an idiom in China that says that happiness and misfortune depend on each other! Good or bad? There is really no way to make a conclusion!

Ding Yu, looking at the visitor, stood up with the trend, and then slowly walked to the position in front of little bud's body. Then he also stretched out his hand. His attitude was very direct! Even a little bit presumptuous and disrespectful, there is no meaning to put little bud in his eyes!

This action is to let leisina slightly stunned, little bud also did not care too much, took out a bag, Ding Yu also did not have any doubt took over the pocket, immediately also pulled open the rope above.

Inside is a Photinia root pipe, which is not very beautiful. Even when Ding Yu had heard the description before, he really did not see it. After seeing it, he could not say that he was disappointed, but could only say that he had some memories!

After a long time, Ding Yu put his pipe away, and then he also looked at the little bud standing there. He punched him in the chest. Although he wanted to hold his chest, the effect was not obvious. He even stepped back two steps. He was really unable to hold on to his chest and obviously couldn't hold on.

Lesina also patted her head. Her father was so bad. What about this one? It is also undisguised to express her character, but it seems that there are so some generous taste!

Little bade's face was also a little embarrassed, and then he also came over, secretly making a fist at Ding Yu's chest. Listening to the movement was like beating drums, but the problem was that Ding Yu did not change. Not only did his steps not move, but his face did not change.

If this one is punched on the body of ordinary people, this blow can directly cause cardiac arrest. Lexina is also open her mouth, some fear and worry, but also some shock and accident, this guy is really so different from ordinary people, so there is nothing wrong!

"I remember when you were broken nose by me, but we both pushed a step, that is still the consequence of my forbearance, it seems that you have been too romantic these years!"

Ding Yu's words are nothing to little bud, but for Lesina, they are so unacceptable. It's really embarrassing. You should know that it's your father. It's true that he is very playful, but you don't have to mention it in front of yourself! There are some of them who are so ungracious.

"Decadent, I don't know if you believe it? That was the last time that my father and I went to the battlefield. I'm afraid I have forgotten the smell of the battlefield. Although I still run this business, I'm more likely to be in the reception than in the battlefield. In two years, I may not be able to hold a gun.

Ding Yu also made an invitation gesture to little bud, and then they both sat down. However, when they sat down, Ding Yu also made a sign, and then asked people to bring drinks. Little bud looked at Ding Yu and then laughed, "beautiful boy, you seem to have passed the legal age for drinking!"

"I like it, so I don't drink much now. If it was yesterday, I might have another drink!"

Little bud didn't mean to be forced. Then he took up the wine cup in his hand, motioned to Ding Yu, and then drank it out in one gulp, "I'm sorry about this matter!"

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