"He talked to me, admitted his fault, and the executives of borore group came to me and talked to me about something! I never thought that even with such a face, bolore group would take the initiative to find a door, although there are more business cooperation, but this situation is finished, Ding Yu also raised the water cup on the table, "to that proud old guy!"

After coming out of Ding Yu's manor, leisina also looked at her father with some incomprehension, "father, I don't feel how fierce this guy is, but it makes people feel that there are so many thousands of miles away! I really doubt how this origin existed in the beginning? Is the relationship between grandfather and him really so good? "

"That's because you haven't seen his real face. Old bud was very good-looking at him at the beginning. Although I don't know the specific situation, I heard that at that time. I will spend ten years cultivating him and becoming the successor of old bud! But the result is a pity! Old bud didn't succeed

After that, little bud also stood up on his shoulder. Old bud was his father. He could not make up such a thing. Although he said it was just news, it was more or less true. His father was very optimistic about him, even when he left at last, he was very sorry.

"Would grandfather value him? I've read his information. How old is he now? When did he go to war? At what age did I never hear about it from my grandfather? "

"It's not something you should know about!" "Remember, don't mention this at any time except today in this car, because it may be related to your life. I don't guarantee, but I need to be prepared in this aspect."

I know, but Lesina murmured, "but I always feel that he is a strange man!"

"It's a very strange person. The conditions that old bud offered him were millions of dollars, even the money had already been put in front of him, but there was no temptation. I need to admire these Chinese soldiers on this point!" After that, little bud also raised his thumb! Is the sincere admiration!

"Who on earth is he that makes the people of bolore group have to give up three points?" I am also a Frenchman. Naturally, I am not very strange to the Colossus like bolore group. Even to a certain extent, they are also very yearning for it.

"I don't know who it is. I don't have much contact with him. The only thing that impresses me is that this guy broke my nose. He didn't investigate the matter this time. More importantly, he looked at the face of your grandfather and old bud. I have a little friendship with him, but I don't know how big it is!"

"What a freak this guy is!" Lesina's tone is slightly ironic, because her father is engaged in a special business, so what about the information channel? It is also quite special, but according to the investigation, this guy is simply a monster, a monster that people can't understand.

"You know, I already knew that at that time, but no one can afford to offend him. However, in the words of old bud, there is a piece of incense in the end. Otherwise, it will be difficult to handle this time, but you will have a guarantee for your questions in the UK in the future."

Some words? Little bud really can't mention it to his daughter. Yesterday, the people of borore group not only came so simply, but also put an anonymous bank note in front of him. At that time, he was also a little confused about what this meant.

When he understood the problem and the crux of the problem, little bud also shook his head. "Sir, I know you may get some information from other places. Although there were not many people at that time, it seemed that there were many people, but in my impression, most of the people who knew about this matter were not alive. Among them, old bud was the main one."

"So those things are true!"

"I won't admit it!" Little bud naturally understood the trap in the words, "I really can't tell you what the situation was like at that time, because almost all the things were handled by old bud." Anyway, his father has already flown to heaven, and all the things are almost gone.

"I see! Thank you After saying that, he also took up the promissory note, "his business is actually a little angry, and has no other plans, so I hope you can understand!" How about this time? It is on one hand to inquire about Ding Yu, and on the other hand? It is also to resolve some problems and embarrassment between each other.

Little bud is not a tough guy. In fact, the matter itself is no big deal. The lame man just wants to feel sick and disgusted, or to vent his anger. In those days, if his father didn't break his leg, he might be the one standing in that position.

It involves things about the family, but it doesn't need to be so detailed. In fact, I understand my father's practice very well. If he goes to the battlefield, he may not be lame now, but a dead man. He is not suitable for this profession. This is a matter of casting ingots. How about proving himself? It doesn't mean we have to be on the battlefield.Forget about it, I don't have any trouble now. The company's business is doing well, and my daughter seems to have another guarantee. Ding Yu not only took the pipe, but also took the badge, which is a guarantee!

And I also used this security for my daughter. For little bud, except for Lesina, I really don't have any other worries. I hope that she can have a better job and even set up a happy family in the future. It's better not to have too much involvement and involvement with myself.

He is a hyena of war and eats the food of the dead, which is not very auspicious. However, after getting close to Ding Yu, his daughter's future really has no problem. Little Ba De also breathed a long breath. Now, he has so many memories of his father. That old man is much better than himself.

At that time, although he said that he cooperated with Ding Yu, he still had some resentment in his heart. And old bud? He turned a blind eye to it and listened to it, as if he were not his son. He looked at Ding Yu differently. By the way, he didn't call him that name at that time. He seemed to call it feather! What a strange code name!

Although there was nothing to pay at that time, but from today's point of view, the reward is really not so big. The power behind him is absolutely beyond imagination. It is true for himself. Even the people of borore group need to be careful with their wings. Thus, we can see that it is ordinary!

In the afternoon, Ding Yu also drove to the airport, and there were a group of people waiting there! Although the French say that they are romantic and even casual, it does not mean that they are really worthless. They can not say so. Even the consortium behind France is impressive! Underestimate that they are easy to suffer big losses.

"Mr. Ding!" The visitor spoke fluent Chinese, "I'm sorry I didn't invite you!"

Ding Yu also nodded with a smile, "it's just that I was abrupt!" It's certain that you don't put your hand in a smile. "Some of you came in a hurry, so you didn't have much preparation. But our family has opened a new coffee shop on the street. If you are interested, let's have a cup of coffee." Ding Yu also expressed a certain response!

We don't have much friendship with each other. What about the memories of the United States? I have a nodding acquaintance with the one from bolore group, and I don't have much contact with him. But the problem is that he is sitting on the main table and he is standing at the back. What is the difference in this position? Also let bolore Lei group side expresses particularly cautious some!

"Do visit!"

Ding Yu immediately also stretched out his hand, "then I'll wait!" Then they shook hands with each other, then turned around and got on the plane. People from bolore group came to the airport in person and explained the previous things. What about Ding Yu? There was no overt or even an invitation to coffee.

Although it is said that the place is in Britain, Ding Yu's kind expression still makes the people of boluolei group feel relieved. This is a good talker, and from the understanding, he seems to rarely do this, because his life is really so monotonous. Sun Yingnan has heard of such things as inviting people to drink coffee, but Ding Yu is really not very often See you!

When Ding Yu's plane left, he almost had to pick up. It's true that drinking a cup of coffee is a small thing, but the meaning of this one is different. This time, people can really make a lot of money.

Everyone knows that the master has been too plain and low-key. Now he lives in a hospital and works as a so-called doctor. Of course, we don't want to deny the doctor's intention, but what about your identity? Even if not luxurious villa, flowers angry horse, also should have some color! But what about this one? It's not like that at all.

Therefore, after receiving the invitation, everyone felt that it was hard to hold on to themselves. Moreover, it seems that some things have spread in the circle recently. Of course, the borore group has also heard about this news. If it is possible, it is also possible to take part in it. It is more important to make a good friendship than anything else.

When Ding Yu's plane landed at the airport, although it seemed calm around, the nerves in the airport were actually extremely tense. After all, what happened two days ago was in front of us. Although nothing else happened in the process, the airport was a shame.

Even if those guys are mercenaries, even if they have other means, but the airport has been broken through so easily. Should we review the reasons for this? If we say it is replaced by other people? What if the subway explosion happened again? What will the UK do then?

Therefore, the British side began to clean up the defense work of the airport, especially in the aspect of security, to work for you, instead of letting you wear uniforms and sitting there watching the monitors drinking coffee. This is not the case.

In less than two days, the security of the whole airport has been changed. Many people have been dismissed. What's the use of these bags? It's better to give it to other people who are prepared. At least they can do a good job in this aspect.Ding Yu, of course, also felt the sincerity of the British side. Since he felt the sincerity, Ding Yu also expressed his intention. He asked his assistant to help him buy a cup of coffee at the airport. Even Ding Yu took a drink in person, and then left by bus. Seeing Ding Yu's action, the senior staff in the airport felt relieved!

The implication of this move for the airport's high-level is really obvious. At least now, you can have a cup of coffee at ease. However, there are still some warning signs. This time, I can have a safe coffee. I don't put things in my mind, but it's better not to have another time, otherwise the bill will be calculated together!

When the British side knew the news, it was also a great relief. Although it was said that the situation was over, what should be done afterwards? After all, the responsibility for this time is not Ding Yu, but Britain itself. Who made their defense so big a basket?

When he returned to his residence, housekeeper William also stood outside the door. After seeing Ding Yu, his face was also a little ashamed. When Ding Yu came over, he patted him on the shoulder, "I want to have a fried steak in the evening! You cook yourself! I don't want to eat anything else! "

As soon as Ding Yu said this, William also felt a shock from his body. Then he looked at Ding Yu with great gratitude, "I cook personally. There will be no such thing happening again, I promise!"

Ding Yu opened the door of the room. After all of them came in, he also laughed, "such things can't be guaranteed. There will always be some accidents in life. If everything is planned, I'm afraid it will be boring. It has nothing to do with who, just do your own thing well! "After that, I also patted William on the shoulder.

William was very grateful. This time, he asked for it on his own initiative. He didn't expect that there was such a deviation. There was absolutely his own responsibility, even unshirkable responsibility. However, the master didn't mean to blame, which made his heart feel so uneasy!

Kim glared at him fiercely, apparently venting his dissatisfaction. "I want a large one, medium rare, and I need a bottle of red wine. It's your treat! Otherwise I won't bypass you

If King's request had been placed in the past, wouldn't it have been placed today? The situation is quite special. Although the wine is very expensive, there are really not many problems for his own conditions. Then William started to do it. What about all these things at home? All of them are not fake hands. One is not at ease. Is the other? This is my responsibility!

After eating, Ding Yu left the table without any intention of staying. William and Kim didn't mean to disturb them. However, they didn't go far. They went to William's house opposite and had a good drink. It happened that there was no other work today, and the mood was relaxed. So naturally, they were in a good mood!

Two days later, Ding Yu invited people from boluolei group to drink coffee in the cafe downstairs. It was a common move. In the process, everyone also talked about the past and did not involve other topics. Of course, at the end of the day, borolei also proposed an intention!

When Ding Yu put down his coffee cup, he hesitated for a moment. "I'm glad to have friends who are willing to participate. I hope you can become friends, but!" Speaking of this, the old man sitting opposite Ding Yu is also slightly tight.

"Speak up, please!"

"But your entry time is a little late, and all aspects have been integrated. I need to control the whole fund within a certain range. I do not refuse your help, but I hope you can understand my difficulties!"

"What if we are willing to take on these responsibilities?"

Ding Yu stretched out his palm and said, "I believe you understand what this means. I still need to predict about 5% of the activity space, so the rest will never exceed 5%. I can't decide this matter alone, but you may need to bear the pressure from Europe!"

The people of bolore group also took a breath. Instead of saying that they were involved in too little capital, Ding Yu said that they were under pressure from Europe. This made them feel a little shocked. So, when we say that the United States and Asia have basically integrated their forces, is this too terrible? "

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