I came here and said two things. At the first time, my elder brother didn't give any response. As for the second thing? I can say that what I'm listening to is clouded with mist. There are even some big brothers who can't understand what they are talking about. But obviously, the elder brother doesn't mean to talk to himself any more.

Lying on the bed, Wang Yang is also lamenting, but there is no way, who let himself in such a position, the role of this microphone is like this, ah! Clearly make a phone call can solve the matter, as for let oneself back and forth so toss? It's true that you don't treat yourself as a thing!

But what's the good news? When I go back, I don't have to do business class. My elder brother sent me back with his private plane. At least, I didn't have to be so tired as when I had to catch the plane. If I had no way, I would let myself do business class, even if I didn't pay for the first class. It was extremely sad.

After returning to the capital, Wang Yang was also the first to meet the third uncle, "third uncle, elder brother said that he said that he knew everything already!" Sitting there, the middle-aged man was also slightly stunned, "just said such a sentence!" Then he also laughed, "this guy! It's really the same as before. OK, I know. Go back and have a good rest! "

Get it! Anyway, Wang Yang felt confused, but I didn't understand. Anyway, this matter has been dealt with almost by himself. But the problem is that Wang Yang was called back home by a phone call when he came out from the third uncle. Fortunately, his elder brother sent a plane to send him back. Otherwise, the whole person would be abandoned!

He didn't give himself any breathing space at all. When he got home, he looked at the three old people sitting there. Wang Yang also rushed forward to greet him. This time, Wang Yang went to the United States, and there were some small worries at home, as well as some small expectations. Although he knew that the result might be somewhat dim, it was not a bad thing to have a little expectation!

"Have you met your brother? Come back so soon? " Wang Pu is a pioneer.

"Well, I've met my elder brother. Because things seem urgent, I'll come back by plane after talking about it. Elder brother asked me to greet your body, especially to let grandfather pay attention to your rest!" Regardless of whether his elder brother said it or not, Wang Yang had the right to say it. Anyway, when he said it, he didn't have any hesitation. The whole process was very natural.

After listening to this, Su bochen's expression on his face was a little looser, and then he also said, "what do you think of this greeting?"? Wang Pu's mouth is slightly pulled down. When he mentions himself, he brings it directly. When he mentions the old man Su, he points it out deliberately.

Wang Pu really felt a little unhappy about this, so he ignored his grandson and said, "what did you talk about with your elder brother? Come and see Wang Yang didn't hide anything about it. He quickly said it again. In fact, it was just a simple sentence.

After listening to Wang Yang's words, the old lady was the first to stand up. What is the meaning of this word? I already understand. What about some people in China? It's too small for a gentleman to treat a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain. At the same time? It is also a great admiration for the great grandson's practice.

I know it clearly, but what's the meaning of it? It is the disdain to other people, and even has the smell of scorn, which is to look down on your small family. It's true that I have taken out everything above my face, but what about that?

For grandson's backbone, the old lady is still very appreciative. Do you know this? That's enough. What about other problems and situations? I don't have much interest to know. In other words, there is still a trace of fantasy in the old lady's mind. She doesn't want to destroy her at this time.

After Wang Yang went, he immediately came back. If Ding Yu had really said anything, Wang Yang would have already displayed himself at this time, and would not have behaved so indifferent. What about this matter? The old lady really didn't want to continue to think about it. Let's see the further development!

The old lady did not want to investigate the meaning, Wang Pu also not good to ask what, asked about some business? This can, although said that he has left the position, even early has retired, but this does not prevent him to listen to it! What's more, some of these things? I was involved in it.

When Wang Yang came back from the United States, he still attracted some people's attention. Soon? We also know Ding Yu's attitude. What about the irony? It's really not a common slap in the face. Don't treat a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain. People don't have any interest in it. Don't add luster to your face!

This thing stopped at the first time. What about Ding Yu? Although it seems a little cold, but what about this? It's still reassuring. Since he has said so, it shows that he really won't be involved in it. What's more, the above has indicated this attitude. If Ding Yu is still involved, ha ha!Don't say you didn't say anything in advance. It has been said that if you still do it like this, it is not a question of provocation. The consequences will be very verified. It is true that your industry is basically no longer in China, but it does not mean that there is no way to sanction in China. This is totally two things!

Of course. What about these things? In fact, the reason why Ding Yu should be excluded is that most people are afraid and worried, mainly because they are facing the world economic crisis. The consequences of the subprime mortgage crisis are really far-reaching.

In order to cope with this situation, China has adopted a series of economic stimulus plans, including improving the internal and external economy, attracting external funds and so on. If Ding Yu returned home with money at other times, everyone would warmly welcome him, but this is not the right time. The loss outweighs the gain.

is just because Wang has just put the money in the feather hand to the light. The Ding Yu hand has raised such a large sum of money. If it does not stimulate the real economy, it will feel colorful for a short time, but it will still need to pay for China's bad results.

And what about Ding Yu's start? Although the knowledge is not very clear, but should be inseparable from this, he is one of the masters.

Of course, most people are worried about Ding Yu because they don't know about Ding Yu, but there are still very few of them? It's not such an idea. As for what they are worried about, this is really not enough for outsiders to come, because they have too much selfishness in this matter.

For Ding Yu, there is really no intention of getting involved in China now. No matter how much he earns, he will incur a bad reputation, even if he doesn't get a cent. This may also lead to such consequences, all because of his special identity? It is true that there are so many unavoidable, it is true that they have been separated from!

Ding Yu's willingness to go home is very simple. He and his wife can be unscrupulous on the outside. Why should he go back to China and be bound by that, and it's not flattering, or even quite unpleasant?

Some people say it's too difficult to make money. For Ding Yu, if he can make money by himself, what about being a doctor? He really does not have too many ways, but the problem is that Ding Yu knows better ways and methods.

For example, if you want to move the earth, the stick in your hand can't be infinitely long. It should conform to certain basis, that is, the rules of business. If you want to play the game, you must abide by the rules of the game. The stick is limited in length, and the remaining important question is how much the earth is, and where is the fulcrum?

Because of his special experience, Ding Yu not only knows the weight of the earth, but also knows where the fulcrum is. In such a situation, pry the earth, simply don't want it. Of course, Ding Yu's role in the whole process is to be strategic. What about other things? Basically, the people below are in charge.

Left sun Yingnan? Ding Yu may be nothing, because of his own business operation? He is not very proficient. Even for things like how to buy and sell stocks, Ding Yu has a little knowledge, but this does not prevent Ding Yu from becoming the leader.

Since there is such an advantage, Ding Yu is in front of the vast sea, why go back to grab food to eat? He suffered too much, at the same time, it also makes other people feel abnormal uncomfortable!

With the rapid development of domestic economy, I am happy to see that everyone hopes that their home can develop well and become more beautiful and beautiful. No one wants their home to be more and more broken, unless it is said that their head is not normal, then there is really no way!

No matter what happens in China, after all, it is our motherland. What about this problem? Ding Yu never denied it! And in the heart is also more persistent.

Ding Yu is concerned about domestic affairs, but he doesn't care much about it. Now people in China have some abnormal views on themselves, so don't be obnoxious. As for the problem of the originator? Also had better not have the other aspect to discuss, has no any significance and the value!

But what about this problem? The domestic side really felt a little regret. What about Ding Yu's fund-raising? I still know it in China. After all, the person from Hong Kong city didn't mean to hide it. But the problem is that if the domestic side wants to get involved, it really feels a little tricky!

In addition to stimulating its own economy, China also needs to deal with the economic crisis abroad. What about domestic affairs? Although it is said that the stall is very large, after all, it is on one mu and three parts of the land. It is relatively simple to deal with it. However, due to the economic crisis abroad, there is a lack of talents in China!

After all, there are two different economic systems, and some problems can not be discussed together. What about the doctrine of bringing? It's not entirely appropriate. At this time, there are very few people who can stand on the top of the pyramid, such as Ding Yu? It's rare!But the problem is the relationship between Ding Yu and China. Let's talk about it! It seems that there is no so-called contact, even if there is work contact, it seems to be medical, there is no commercial touch at all. I don't know! It seems that we can't say so. At least it is biased. It's hard to describe it anyway.

Plus? Ding Yu and some people at the top of the top can be said to be quite awkward. If it was not at that time that both sides stopped in time, it would be more than a simple fight. At that time, Ding Yu made many people disappear. Even today, there is no news.

This guy is really able to do it. At the same time, he really dares to do it. If he places it on other people, he will never be so rash and hasty. But the problem is that Ding Yu has done so. What can other people do? In the end, I didn't hold my nose, but it's because of this that some people have a bad sense of Ding Yu!

That's America! You said that if you want to copy your family, you'll even have to weed out the roots? That is a free country! How can a man like you be allowed to run wild? Is there any reason in the world?

Although this can only be said in the heart shouting, but we still feel that there are some anger, and the most direct expression of anger? Is to find a chance to Ding Yu, if you can dig a hole better, of course, there is a premise, it is best not to expose yourself!

Ding Yu is such a brute. It's just like the guy who stayed in the United States at the beginning. If you say it's destroyed, it will be destroyed for you. There will be no future trouble. Even now, there is no clue and trace in this aspect. Do you understand that Ding Yu did it? But do you have evidence? What if there is evidence? It's hard to let the American side stand up. Forget it! It's like nothing happened.

Although stabbing in the back is OK, but if Ding Yu is caught, what will be the consequence? It's really not something that a handful of people can bear. There are still some fears in our hearts. In front of other people, we can at least talk about the so-called truth in front of Ding Yu? There is no such opportunity at all!

You should know that no one is in vain. Since you can't give Ding Yu any more, you'll do something bad to Wang Laoshi behind his back. I believe Ding Yu will not give him anything to him! We should know that Wang Pu is also a man who has gone through the wind and rain. It is true that Wang Pu has his own expansion, but it is not as big as this.

It's not because of these guys? But now, even if Wang Pu realizes this problem, it is already too late. Things have already happened. What about this hatred? It can only be remembered in the heart, at least for the time being, there is no way to do too much action at this time, but it will make you fall into the passive.

Both Ding Yu and the Wang family seem to have swallowed this tone. It is not unexpected that the Wangs could swallow it. Mr. Wang is also a veteran. He has experienced countless ups and downs in the official circles. Such things will not be too much for him.

What people didn't think of was Ding Yu. He chose forbearance. He swallowed the tone and took out all the things on his face. He did nothing left. Then Ding Yu left without any hesitation and fully admitted his failure.

For Ding Yu, there is no big deal. What about failure? It's not the first time I've met him. I won't be beaten down by this. Summing up the reasons for my failure is the problem that I need to face. As for whether I lose face or not, is it really so important?

And what did Ding Yu do? It's also true that the bad guys feel muddled and even feel that they can't hold back their crotch. On the one hand, the reason is that Ding Yu's money is so shocking. We should know that Ding Yu doesn't rely on domestic wealth. He has been fighting abroad for so many years.

What's more, he is determined to take out the money. It's very rare for him to be so cruel to himself. Similarly, he is cruel to himself and even more cruel to his enemies. I took out the money and I recognized it, but this matter has been crossed here. Let's make it! See who can endure who!

This time the failure I think! Isn't it a loss? Nothing? But this failure does not mean that you will fail the same in the future, and you will not fail? It means that some people will fail.

For Ding Yu, he is still very young and has the capital to endure, but for others, the situation is really not like this. At the beginning, if the foundation of the country is really unstable, then the foreign countries can also get natural and unrestrained.

But the problem is that Ding Yu has been completely offended and killed. Ding Yu is watching from outside, which makes many people feel numb. This is not the result that we want. The typical result is that both sides are hurt. If Ding Yu is injured, he will have a chance to make a comeback. But what about the people here? If really hurt, Ding Yu can around them, just strange!According to Ding Yu's style of doing things in the past, he directly cut off all the heads of these guys. Of course, if you run back to China, I can't help it, but as long as you are still outside, ha ha, so many examples have been put there, just look at their fate!

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