Ding Yu's cat is now in the United States, so he doesn't mean to enter the country at all. Instead, it makes the domestic side sigh and has a bit of toothache. At this time, there are a few people who really expect Ding Yu to enter the country. As long as the money comes in, it's another thing to want to go out again.

Ding Yu can be stuck at that time, but the problem is that Ding Yu has no meaning in this aspect at all, and even doesn't need to warn. There is no expression in this aspect. This is really disappointing.

However, he is still disappointed. Ding Yu seems to be very comfortable in the United States now, and there is no action in other aspects. Moreover, he seems to be fully devoted to the hospital. What about other things? I don't know how much I can't understand!

In the afternoon, Hopkins took the lead to walk out of the operating room and took off his hat. From eight o'clock in the morning to three o'clock in the afternoon, he and the whole team stayed in the operating room, nearly exhausted. For himself, it was a major operation.

If you just stand there, there is no problem, but your nerves need to be tightened all the time. This will make you quickly consume your physical strength and spirit, and feel that you are really a little old. When you come out, you also look back. Ding Yu, a student, seems to have not changed much, and there is not much difference when you follow in No.

"Ding, I have some doubts now. Are you a human being?" While speaking, Hopkins and other members of the team also sat down to have a rest. We didn't mean to pay attention to posture. Although there were some follow-up problems, we also took advantage of this free time to have a rest!

Ding Yu took a sip of coffee cup and then ate two mouthfuls of cake. That's all. For Professor Hopkins, other people in the office kept nodding, and even the people lying on the floor also expressed support. However, Ding Yu turned his eyes, "I learned some acupuncture of traditional Chinese medicine before. Who wants to try it?" For a second

In a word, we all know the magic of traditional Chinese medicine, but the problem is that Ding Yu is a monk on the way out. He mainly studies western medicine, especially the traditional Chinese medicine. Such a long needle makes people feel unimaginable. Forget it, it's better to change the topic directly!

Ding Yu also deliberately raised the coffee cup in his hand. As for the old guy lying on the floor giving himself two dark feet in the dark, he didn't see it. However, when he left, he accidentally stepped on their stomachs!

However, just after walking out of the room, Ding Yu was hit by two people running towards him. One of them was full of it. However, Ding Yu did not have any problems. He stood very straight, and even the coffee in his hands did not spill. However, the two people who ran over were hit by the collision, and they were a little dizzy.

Ding Yu immediately stretched out his hand and pulled it. However, when he saw the two people in front of him, he was slightly stunned. One of them still had some impression, but what about the other young man? At this time, I was glaring at each other. Obviously, I was hit? A little bit discontented.

After the two people on the ground stood up, Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, "are you ok?" Then Ding Yu also blinked his eyes, "if you remember correctly, your surname is Gao!"

"Hello!" The girl also said sorry to Ding Yu. After all, she and her brother ran into someone else in a hurry just now. Although she had an impression on Ding Yu, what was his name? I really forgot about it. I really can't remember it.

Ding Yu also let his body, and this time someone also ran to Ding Yu's side position, whispered with Ding Yu what, attitude is really not the general respectful, this action is also let the two people next to see so some gaping, you know this is not domestic, but in the United States!

But then two people seem to remember something, and then fight up the spirit, but this time did not run fast, just hit people, until this time, two people suddenly remember, as if just now did not say sorry! It's really forgotten! What a rush!

When I came to the ward, I saw the old man lying there. My brother and sister were surrounded for the first time. There were many people around. After seeing the situation, they all sighed. They came to do academic exchange, but they didn't think that such an unexpected situation happened.

Now the children come, but this can not solve all the problems and situations. There are not too many problems in the negotiation with the United States, but people who are not familiar with the place of life. It is true that some people from the embassy have come forward, but they can not solve too many problems. After all, the situation is very complicated!

"Sister, do you know the doctor?" After seeing his little sister nodding, she immediately took out a bank card from the words, "you go to him. We are not familiar here. Now we need a decision! There are a lot of people here, but who do not particularly understand these issues! We need someone who understands the situation. ""I don't know him very well, or I've seen two sides of the plane!" Looking at his brother's insistence, he nodded and even nodded. Then he picked up the envelope on the table and inquired with the doctor in the hospital for a while. Soon, he also inquired into Ding Yu's office.

"Hello, Dr. Ding!" When he came in, Ding Yu was sorting out the pathology. He nodded at the visitor. He was familiar with himself in the impression, but what about the actual situation? There wasn't much communication, "what's up?" Then he brought a bottle of water.

"I'm sorry to bump into you just now! ....。”

But before he finished, Ding Yu also knocked on the table with his hand. Although the expression on his face did not change, what was the behavior of knocking on the table? How much appears to be so impatient, but also let the girl standing in front of Ding Yu also startled, "my mother came from China to participate in scientific research work, never thought of sudden illness!"

I see. Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head. Then he opened his computer and asked about the time and name of the patient. Then he transferred out the patient's files and said, "holly, come here to me!" Ding Yu made a phone call to his assistant. After all, what is the identity of Ding Yu in this hospital? It's also very special.

Since it is special, it means that there is privilege. This is inevitable in any place. After a short time, a black man came in from the outside, which made the girl standing beside him startled. Ding Yu pointed to the file on the computer, "go to find out the specific situation, and I have sorted out the files!" After that, Ding Yu seemed to remember something, "I heard you want to participate in the audit?"

"Yes, I think I'm ready. Thank you for your recommendation!"

Ding Yu is still expressionless. "It has nothing to do with me, but Russell thinks you have great potential." Ding Yu really didn't want to be greedy for Tiangong. On this issue, he just played a role of introduction. When Holly went out, Ding Yu looked at the bank card placed on the table by the girl, and knocked on the table with his hand.

"If you don't want to be extradited and don't use it for the rest of your life! Better put it away. " After that, Ding Yu also stood up, which scared the girl like a quail. Originally, she felt a little scared of Ding Yu. Now she said these words, which made her unable to control herself.

After a short time, Holly came back and took a look at the girl standing next to her. Then she whispered two words in Ding Yu's ear. Ding Yu's brow was also slightly frowned, "I know! Go ahead with what you are doing! I'll go and have a look! " Then Ding Yu also went out quickly.

When I came to the ward, it seemed that there were many people around there, but what about the people at the door? He also stood up, but Ding Yu didn't pay any attention at all. But when Ding Yu was ready to walk into the ward, what about the people who were surrounded before? As if suddenly saw something, then also stopped talking, and then squeezed out their own body.

"Hello, Dr. Ding!"

Ding Yu took a look at this man's dress, then nodded. The people in the embassy, however, didn't mean to pay much attention to it. All of a sudden, the people next to him looked at him with such dullness. Who is this young man! This is the attitude towards the embassy.

When the counselor of the embassy looked at Ding Yu, he was also smiling. However, the identity of this one was so bad that even the embassy could not touch him too much. What about other people? Basically, they are true colors. When you see your head nodding, you are actually very happy.

After going in, Ding Yu cleared all the other people in the room, and then there were other doctors coming. After waiting for about half an hour, someone called in the brother and sister who had run into him before. Ding Yu looked at the two men and said that they were explaining.

"The situation has been generally understood. What is her condition now? It is beginning to stabilize. The hospital is making further observation. If conditions permit, the operation will be carried out immediately. This is the best way. However, if the operation is carried out, it will be quite dangerous! "

Ding Yu can explain the patient's condition very well and communicate with the patient's family members. The hospital also has an interpreter. But at this time, the brother and sister still choose to believe in Ding Yu. What's more, when he was outside the door just now, he looked at the Counselor's attitude of the embassy? Also let them have some feelings in their hearts!

After Ding Yu explained, he didn't stay in the room for a long time. When he came out, there were not many people at the door, but the people in the embassy didn't mean to leave. Looking at the brother and sister beside Ding Yu, he also looked at Ding Yu, "doctor Ding!"

Ding Yu turned his head and nodded to the brother and sister, declined the two people's intention to send him off. Then he hesitated to take a look at the counsellor over there, and then he took the lead to walk to his office. The counselor also said something to the brother and sister, turned around and quickly ran after Ding Yu. Look at this meaning, there should be something important!"Sister, it seems that he has a lot of background!"

"I had contact with him twice, when he was on the plane, he said he was a doctor!" Recall, suddenly found that the impression is really so deep, "I am not so clear about the specific situation, there are so some frightful, not dummy color at all!"

The two brothers and sisters were also sighing. It was not long before the counsellor came back with his face blackened. It was obvious that he had just had a conversation with Ding Yu? I didn't get the result I wanted. When I came back, I said something to the brother and sister, but some of them were absent-minded.

Ding Yu really didn't expect to meet people from the Embassy here. They did meet with them. However, he was not so interested in these things. He had already revealed that he would not be involved in domestic affairs. Could he not express himself clearly enough?

So I don't have any good face at all. How much embarrasses the embassy staff, but is it from another angle? Expressed their own attitude, although said the opportunity is very accidental, but so what? I believe that soon, the domestic side will receive this news.

In fact, when the embassy received the news, it also felt helpless. What about ordinary times? It's really not very good to find this relationship. The domestic side has already informed it. If you can, try to establish a certain relationship with Ding Yu. After all, it is not far away from home, at least compared with China.

Some things? When people come from China, it's really too late and inconvenient. If people from the embassy come forward, their efficiency will be greatly improved. But the problem is that Ding Yu is not very cold to the people in the embassy!

However, the embassy also noticed that Ding Yu's attitude? Not only for his own side, even for the official staff of the United States, Ding Yu also does not catch a cold. When he is happy, he hums twice. That's all. When he is not happy, he has to kick his foot. No matter who you are, I just don't pee you.

Although it is said that such a thing has not happened, but the attitude has been highlighted. What about the United States? I know the rules. What about the Lord? Although it is not easy to serve, but the same, there is no thing to cause trouble, ordinary, ordinary.

This is also very good, everyone's well water does not offend the river, and no one will tear this cheek. Ding Yu doesn't like people to follow him, but what about himself? There are no other conditions and problems, so the United States naturally has one eye open and one eye closed.

But the domestic side is not very happy about this, because Ding Yu refused to be too casual, and even his attitude was too fierce. Even when the counsellor of the embassy came forward, he did not give any good face. Do you think that Ding Yu is too cautious about his identity?

In fact, there are also reasons for domestic anxiety. What about domestic stimulus? We will be able to complete it well by then, but it does not mean that we will be able to deal with foreign affairs. We have also made a lot of investment in the past, but we can basically describe it as a total annihilation.

Although we know that there are reasons for the subprime crisis, but it will not end up with such a bleak result! The upper class can be said to be quite angry about such things. What about Ding Yu these years? Alone? Storming through the wind and rain, and then earning a huge family property, and you? So many people, such favorable support, have achieved such a result?

Moreover, the head-on attack has not been completed, and the Australian affairs have been put on the desk. It is obvious that the possibility of breaking the contract in terms of iron ore is very large. You should know that this involves nearly 20 billion US dollars of transaction! It even involves some national layout.

For the country, such consequences are really hard to accept. At this time, we also want to contact Ding Yu. If we can, let him come back as soon as possible. At least he has some influence in this respect, and see if the situation is still possible to be recovered.

But it occurred to me that Ding Yu was such a situation, which made people feel a little intolerable. However, Ding Yu's third uncle sighed about it, and even yuan Chenglin sighed about it, because at the beginning, they had already started to do something about it.

But with the deepening of the investigation? The things inside really make them feel so sad, for the sake of personal interests, in vain for the interests of the country! Are they still cadres under the leadership of the party? As for Ding Yu, why didn't he get involved? It's hard for these guys to be so cheeky and say such shameless things now.

Ding Yu has no capital in his hand. How can he do it? What's more, the layout of this matter has already been completed. Even if Ding Yu wants to get involved, he can't save it.

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