In those guys clamoring a few months ago, Ding Yu had already indicated this aspect matter, now this time wants to pull out Ding Yu again, this how much appears to have so some bad intentions!

What about Ding Yu's performance? Although it is not extreme, but under the misleading of some people, it seems to be passive. But for Ding Yu, what about such a thing? It doesn't seem to have much effect! If you have too much debt, you will not worry if you have more lice.

At least for him personally, there is no influence, let's go! Don't look at today's fun, one day pull list!

I don't pay attention to it. Anyway, I don't mean to shift the focus back to China. Under such circumstances, what kind of people in China can't give themselves? Unless they can reach out, in that case, it depends on their ability.

But obviously, these guys seem to lack this ability. It's not to say that Ding Yu looks down on these guys. He is a good hand in the nest, but when he comes out, he is a worm. Although he said it a little bit exaggeratedly, he would never be too much!

Just like before, Ding Yu made a move to those guys. Now I'm afraid even the ashes can't be found? But did those guys in China make any noise? Not at all, not even a shout.

So Ding Yu is totally indifferent to these guys. I'm too lazy to pay attention to you. In the same way, don't annoy me. Otherwise, what will happen then? Don't blame me. It's not the first time. Do it yourself? There are also some handy meanings.

Ding Yu was once again provoked in China, but the question is the reply given by Ding Yu? It also makes the domestic side feel a little bit crazy, this Ding Yu! I'm not very old either! But why not oil and salt? Encounter such, is really no way out! I want to do it, but I can't find the place to start.

Of course, we can also use some other means, but this one is always in reserve, even if it's the bottom of the box, even if it's mutual tearing skin? It seems that they seldom use such a way to kill snakes and suffer from them even though they are not dead. We have not never seen such a thing, especially this person is Ding Yu.

You should know that without using such means, Ding Yu has been robbing his family and destroying his family. If such means were used on Ding Yu's body, it is hard to imagine what kind of revenge Ding Yu would incur. So what about such a thing? You'd better not even think about it, unless you have a bubble in your head! Or it's really crowded by the door.

When he came to the hospital in the morning, Ding Yu saw the people waiting outside, with two cups of coffee in his hand. Ding Yu also looked up and down, "how? It seems that I feel very clear about my details! Even such a preference is clear! "

What about the good intentions of delivering them to the door? Ding Yu didn't mean to refuse too much. He also smelled the coffee. There was no other smell. It seemed to be quite in line with his own taste, "what did the doctor say?" Along came to Ding Yu's office, the room with other doctors slightly different, clean! neat! At least I think so.

I inquired a little bit in the hospital yesterday. The doctor Ding is really a powerful role. I didn't find out the details. But from the eyes of the doctors, I could feel something more or less. So in the morning, I went out to buy coffee.

"The situation is basically stable. If there is no problem, we will have surgery this morning." Although the doctor in front of him sent out an invitation, he still didn't mean to sit down. Ding Yu put the coffee to one side, and then took up the phone and made two phone calls.

Then he said again, "Professor Al is free. I have made an appointment for you. The operation needs to be observed for about three days. If there is no other situation, you can stay in the hospital for observation. If you feel that the conditions here are not suitable, you can go back to the capital. Now the domestic conditions are also suitable!"

"I'd like to wait until the operation is over and then observe for a while!"

Ding Yu didn't mean to be involved in it. Then he took the coffee cup that he had just sent. OK, everything has been discussed, so there is no need to talk nonsense. The girl standing there also feels a little stuffy. Is this guy too cold? People really feel that there are so many unbearable!

Looking back on the scene when I was on the plane, I seemed to be a little famous under the circumstances at that time? But it seems that he has not received any attention, even now it is the same. The reason why he helped himself may be more because he is Chinese, that's all.

Think about it is very helpless, but from another point of view, I seem to feel a little bit of joy, at least this is not greedy for his appearance, there is no other aspect of the hint, is to regard himself as an ordinary person, although he is a little strange to this feeling, but it is really very good!At the end of the operation, Ding Yu really didn't have the leisure to look at it. He was already too busy to come over. Do you want to know that in addition to completing his own work? He also needs to serve the entire Hopkins team, which is definitely not an easy job. As for the brother and sister who came to visit, Ding Yu just nodded.

"Experts in Beijing, if you don't feel at ease!" Ding Yu gave a phone number? That's all, and then he left quickly. Because his own had been called, he didn't have so much free time to stay in the same place. However, the brother and sister looked at Ding Yu, who was busy, and looked at each other so much!

"Forget it, little sister, people are different, and their pursuit is also different!" A young man of the same age as Ding Yu shakes his head. He can see that he is not only true to himself, but also to others. He has nothing to do with others!

I can see the expression in her sister's eyes. Curiosity is a kind of beginning! What about things like this? Although I said no objection, but the gap between them is some big! They are people who even the counselors of the embassy don't pay attention to! I don't know what's going on in my home?

What's more, one is in the United States, the other is developed in China, basically there is not much intersection. Under such circumstances, each other wants to move forward further. This is not to say that his sister is interested. It is not like this.

Looking at her sister's silent appearance alone, I feel quite helpless, some things? I have given a hint that she is my sister after all, and I don't want her to be hurt in any way, but how will she do it? I really don't have many good ways!

What about Ding Yu? I don't know if it's too slow or because of other reasons? There is no meaning to be contaminated. To put it bluntly, it is not given any chance. In the end, Ding Yu seems to know nothing about it.

In the hospital, although Ding Yu said that work may be a little tired, but the whole person is a little leisurely. What about other aspects of attention? It was placed on Ding Yu's body, but soon everyone gave up. Why? This guy and the others! They are all of the same nature.

Unless there are extremely special circumstances, otherwise, these guys have no difference with ordinary people. They are all rich and can't understand. Why are there so many differences between them? For other rich people, they have been drinking and wanton for a long time. Such things are also common in the United States.

The most obvious example, like those sports stars, it is not too much to describe them as rich? Maybe there is no problem in the year when we play. If we say that once we retire, we don't even need to spend more than three years. Bankruptcy is everywhere. Why? Is it because there are so many different lifestyles?

But the problem is that Ding Yu does not evade taxes and abide by the law. Under such circumstances, to seek trouble from others is simply to make himself uncomfortable. People just want to behave as ordinary people, which does not mean that they are really ordinary people. This must be clarified.

However, even if the work is busy, Ding Yu is not the same as those interns, so how much still can find free time, as for what to do in free time? Of course, I take care of two little guys, but with the growth of age, the two little ghosts seem to be more and more mischievous, especially the girl, crazy.

Even if Ding Yu is a person, in fact, she can take care of her. What's more, there are qualified nannies. She has never intended to change the nanny. Her work still makes her feel very satisfied. Of course, what about the nanny? I don't want to leave. I'm absolutely satisfied with my salary. I'm very comfortable with my present job.

During this period, Tai hee came to visit and stayed for almost a week. What's the feeling? He seems to be a professional wanderer to support his family, but what about Ding Yu? He is in charge of the pots and pans in his home. When talking about this topic, Ding Yu also feels a little funny.

However, neither of them has the intention to care. Everyone has his own career. What's more, after taking over those jobs, it seems that he is not a general laborer. This is definitely harder than being an actor. After all, he didn't want to be regarded as a vase just now! Or rather, I want to prove myself.

But what about this? It's really not a day and a half can be done, a lot of things? It seems to be very simple, but the actual operation is not as easy as imagined. Just like Ding Yu ouba, he studied medicine. Looking at his working condition, he felt that his scalp was numb.

It's absolutely impossible for "normal people" to stick to it. It's true that I feel that I have made great efforts. But if we change places, we can say directly that we will go crazy in three days."By the way, my grandmother called me earlier and asked me something about it!" Taixi also paid attention to Ding Yu's face when he spoke. This is a very cautious and careful remark.

Dingyu smiled. "It's a very troublesome thing, you! It's caught in it, and how many sides get angry, but what about this? Now, it is not suitable to solve it. It is not suitable, whether from time or other aspects, so it can only be put here first! You don't have to worry too much about it. "

If you do anything else, Ding Yu won't explain anything, but Taixi is not the same identity. So Ding Yu can also say two words a little. I believe Taixi can understand. What about some things? Even between two people, it will be fine until the time is finished. If you really say too much, it is not beautiful.

Taixi also hit Dingyu's brain with his head gate. They were slightly intimate. This is the way two people communicate with each other. How about the two people together? It is not to say that there must be so-called * * * * that is just a kind of catharsis on emotion, more life is just plain!

In the morning, Dingyu got up to exercise, and Taixi felt refreshed. She didn't exercise immediately, but went to see two little guys, and looked at two little guys who slept like pigs. There was a smile on her face. She exercised her body a little, and then she began to busy breakfast.

Although there are special service and nanny here, after all, they don't do it themselves. The busy time may be a little longer, but the two little guys get up a little late. After all, it is a very normal condition. Even Ding Yu has gone to work, and two little guys are still blowing bubbles on the bed!

Looking at the appearance of two little guys, Taixi didn't wake them up, but let them sleep to wake up naturally. It doesn't matter how much it is for children to sleep more for a while! It's the time for the body to grow.

What about the time? Taixi also made a phone call with the old lady himself. He simply said the relevant situation, and he didn't add any oil and vinegar. To be honest, he was not good at judging what kind of problems and conditions had happened in this, but only speaking with facts.

The old lady didn't say anything, let herself pay attention to her body, but also let herself pay more attention to Dingyu and the two children's condition. After finishing, she also put down the phone. When Taixi put down the phone, she patted her chest with her hand. In retrospect, her own handling of this matter was quite appropriate?

For a week here, Dingyu even has leisure time to accompany her. They go out and drink coffee together. However, there are no two little guys. They are romantic with their old lady! It's really not beautiful to let them get involved! Moreover, if they are mixed in, the ingredients of the disorder are mostly.

Dingyu has a good life in the United States, but for domestic aspects, the situation is not really the best that is imagined. Europe conveniently unilaterally tore up the contract, lost less than 200 million dollars, and denied a nearly $20 billion transaction. The problems and conditions in this case seem to be worth reflecting.

Dingyu knew the news, that is, he was stunned, and did not respond too much, and then hung up sun Yingnan's phone. This matter had been known by himself in the previous time, but what could it be like? Nothing can be changed, at least not at this time.

Actually from the heart, Dingyu wants to do something, but at this moment is really not able to do, not do it!

What about the moths in this, on the other hand? Is it not a common minority, they are rich, but the kind of pit country, such a person? For Ding Yu, they are really too bad, but it is not to say that they can be pulled out and shot, and all problems can be solved.

Forget it! Now what about this? It is not what I should care about, let alone this? It is not their main industry. It is not good for others to give their face and let themselves know the internal situation. Don't ask too much.

But domestic side can say that this matter can be said to be very angry, because this involves not only 20 billion dollars such simple things, can say this is the most difficult gold opportunity that can get the pricing right in China, in a lifetime!

But what about some people? For their own benefit, ignore the interests of the state, for these people, anyway, there are a lot of meat on the state, cut two pieces and cut two pieces! It is not a big deal to do nothing to hurt your body and move. Besides, you have gained real benefits!

Even if it is for the country to win the interests can be how? The mosquito legs are not even able to catch up with the ones on their own, so it is better to sell the national interests. At least their own interests have been guaranteed. However, in the view of these guys, it is reasonable to do so. Who can't make the country meet us?

The heart is not enough for snakes to swallow elephants. What about these giant rats? I don't know that this time things are going to be a little bit big, but for them, there are tall people standing on top of the sky falling down, and there are big heads on them! Even big head has nothing to do, monkey year horse moon can investigate them? Early! There is no need for any , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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