"Did you hear that?"

Ding Yu really felt a little strange for the third uncle to call him personally. When the people from the embassy came to the door in person and looked at the posture inside and outside, Ding Yu frowned, and then asked Jin to drive all these guys out. What did they think of this place.

What about the Embassy? Just to make a situation, they also knew that this would not have any effect. Ding Yu immediately took out the satellite phone. "I have heard about it earlier, but it will not be much earlier than in China, but it is not unexpected. But sanbo, it seems that this matter has nothing to do with me?"

"Don't talk to me This third uncle's tone is not good!

"Third uncle, I just learned some relevant information through other channels. What if you want to know the whole story? I can have someone send you a memo. I can even give you some inside information. I don't know what you want to know! "

"Do you know how much this will affect the industrial system of the whole country?" What he said was not only simple but also full of grief and indignation, "these moths! Who could have thought that they should have such courage and care for the interests of the country in vain. They are simply traitors in the new century! "

"Third uncle, don't dig a hole for me!" Ding Yu also said straightforwardly, "it's a matter that I can't bear to see. How to deal with that is not what I can decide. I'm not a law. What about this matter? I still have self-knowledge. If you have anything, I can help you, but you also know that I don't have so many forces now. I'm afraid this accumulation can't be completed in a day or two! "

In here? Ding Yu also played a trick. It's not that I don't help, but I don't know how to help in this matter. This is the most important thing. Admittedly, I have some interpersonal relationships, but what about that? The most important thing is that all the assets in my hands have been cleared! There is no confidence.

"You can help to sort out the information! It's as a backup survey material, and I need to know about the people concerned! " When he said this, Ding Yu also felt that there were some hairs on the back of his head.

"Third uncle, is this a little too much? This is not something I can decide. At the beginning, those guys made trouble to me, so I need to give them some color to see. What about this matter? No one can say why, but now the nature of this matter is different! "

Is this really not a bargain, but something involved? It also makes Ding Yu feel a little tricky. What about investigating these people's information? It is bound to add a lot of trouble to yourself, especially at this juncture. You should know that some of your layout has not been completed completely. Under such circumstances, you can't act rashly.

"What do you mean, you want to give up, don't you?" When he spoke, he also patted the table heavily, and it was obvious that he was so angry. Yuan Chenglin, who was sitting beside him, also frowned and showed a helpless smile on his face.

What about this? That's him! What about someone else? Ding Yu is a child who has never been able to answer the phone call. Even if the people from the embassy rush into the house, what can they do? Even if I'm going to kick you out, you don't have any reason to say, but what about Ding Yu in the end? Still answered the phone.

"It's not a matter of abandonment. What about the matter? I can investigate, but so far, I won't do anything else! " Ding Yu also said with a clear attitude, "their affairs should be better investigated, but only within the scope of the United States. In other places, I don't have that spare time. Excuse me, uncle!"

Yeah? Another change of address, middle-aged people are also in the heart of the total, very early? I feel this aspect of the problem, but has not been as a thing, but today it sounds like my heart is really aware.

Why do you say that? When there is nothing else, or when he is in a good mood, he will call himself "third uncle". But if he is not happy, or is involved in a more serious problem, he will call himself "third uncle". This signal seems to be too obvious!

"In detail, I know that there seems to be a dog in your house. It's called lazy! It's a bad name

Well, Ding Yu has already understood what it means. It's just telling himself that he has investigated the eight generations of these guys' ancestors, let alone human beings. Even the dogs in their family need to be recorded clearly. It seems that his monthly bill will be overspent, which is no way to do it.

But for Ding Yu, it's really not difficult. What are those guys who support the US government? Isn't it just for use? What's more, these things? It's just related to the investigation of some information. Of course, the American guys will not be obvious, and even they will not take the initiative to do it.Just some outsiders? Intentionally or unintentionally led to the location of the door, as for the theft of these information? It has nothing to do with us. Even after the information is stolen, these guys will take the initiative to call the police. Anyway, it has nothing to do with the working gang.

What about doing such a thing? Just leave it to an expert to deal with it. There is no need to show up at all. At most, the price is a little expensive, but you can rest assured that it is absolutely safe after the event. So in just two days, Ding Yu packed the information. As for who sent it back, it has nothing to do with himself. Anyway, this person will never be his own.

In fact, in Ding Yu's opinion, the effect is quite limited. What about the bright side? Although it can be said that it can be made, but this matter is not humiliating enough. It can only make you more embarrassed. But from another perspective, what is the treatment behind this? It's going to be bloody!

Since there will not be any movement on the surface, or even the performance of calm, then behind it is absolutely thundering momentum, but in Ding Yu's opinion, it is deserved! Who makes you so greedy? All this is for your own sake!

Now you know the great sacrifice of national interests! Now it's too late to think about repentance, and there won't be any chance. Of course, how to deal with foreign affairs, Ding Yu really doesn't mean to be involved. This matter has nothing to do with himself, and he doesn't want to have any contamination with it.

It doesn't mean to be difficult for Ding Yu. After all, what about Ding Yu's donation? It's a blow to the credibility and influence of China. What's the matter now? It seems that the impact on China is not so great, so what about now? It's better not to irritate Ding Yu.

Do you want to know how the domestic side handled the previous Australian affairs? It is also cautious. After all, it has risen to the level of the state. What is the interest struggle behind this? There will be a lot of things. In such a situation, if we say that Ding Yu makes a little more trouble there? Both front and back are being attacked!

But Ding Yu is still very cautious, very careful, such things? There will not be too many good things to get involved. Maybe one day we will settle accounts after autumn. What about the state this time? The target is mainly placed on the situation of Australia. What will the domestic people do for the time being? But it's early to settle accounts after autumn!

In the past, Ding Yu might have planned to return home in June, but now? He really has no plan in this respect, or Ding Yu doesn't want to mix with the domestic muddy water. Now, I don't know how many people are paying attention to it? Don't get into trouble.

What's more, all kinds of funds have been put in place. Ding Yu still needs to make proper arrangements. You should know that there are many people standing on the top of the pyramid, but what about people like Ding Yu? It's not as much as I imagined, at least at this time? Ding Yu has not shown much real economy.

What about the virtual economy? Looking at the number of faces directly is very much, but it is a beautiful bubble. Once it is cracked, it may disappear, but Ding Yu did not show the real economy. It does not mean that he did not have such a real economy, only because we did not find this aspect.

Or that sentence, you can't see it? It doesn't mean that there is no existence, but what we see? It's just because this is what Ding Yu let you see. Want to lift the curtain? It's not a simple thing. It's much more difficult than you think.

Ding Yu is still working as a doctor in the hospital, but what about the person with a heart? Or did you notice that sun Yingnan ran a little frequently during this period of time, as well as the assistant Jin? It seems that there are so many activities! But one thing? There are still some people who can't understand. Ding Yu's performance in this small half a year is somewhat honest.

Whether it's the stimulus plan of the United States or the trillion dollar plan of the London economic summit to deal with the economic crisis, etc! What about these things? Ding Yu and his team didn't mean to be involved at all. It's true that this is a deliberate risk aversion, but it still makes people feel that they can't understand it!

If we are involved, on the one hand? You can buy the government well. On the other hand, you can also obtain certain benefits. But the problem is that Ding Yu and his team have no intention of this aspect at all. Moreover, this period of time is so terrible that no one knows what they want to do!

"Why does it give me the feeling that there are so many things we do?" Ding Yu looked at the report and destroyed it immediately. If such a thing was disclosed, it would definitely cause a great disturbance. Ding Yu would have to go out with his head in his arms all his life. What about this name? I can't get away from it.

"The president of the virology society, that is, the academician of the Academy of Sciences, has published an article earlier, saying that this time the harm of swine flu will not be particularly serious. I think there is a certain scientific basis for this, but the United States should also work hard behind it!"

Ding Yu also blinked his eyes. "I feel a little heavy in my heart. After all, such things make people feel a little inhumane!" What about this time? Sun Yingnan in this behind is also a hard, not to say let the virus spread, such things really can't do, but let people a little panic, or can.Furthermore, it has led to economic changes. Such a thing is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a business giant like sun Yingnan. What's more, all kinds of funds have been put in place before, but Sun Yingnan did not make any action, which played a very good role in protecting.

"Well, we should be a little bit generous, at least to show our apology." Ding Yu, who is also a cat, tiger and mouse, said hypocritically, "you go to determine the amount of money, and then donate it at an appropriate time. It is also considered that we have made some contributions to medicine, and hope that this matter can be solved completely in the end."

"The problem of global climate and environment, now that the wind has been released, shall we start harvesting?" Now that the swine flu problem has been solved, the next problem will be put on the surface, "but this harvest? Are we going to have to use the money that's above the surface? "

Ding Yu nodded, "the obvious thing, under such propaganda, it is impossible for us to turn a blind eye to environmental problems! Although the economic attribute of Brownian movement is not obvious, and even may not achieve the desired and expected effect, it does not mean that it is really uncontrollable. For example, if we increase the temperature, then the change will be sharp! "

"If the news is released, then our profits will certainly be scattered!" After thinking for a while, sun Yingnan was also worried and said, "at least this profit may be slightly different from our plan!"

"It doesn't matter how much money we've made on the surface. The profit from swine flu has already made up for our losses, so it's good to bring in other aspects this time! At least if you are asked about it in the future, there are also ways to deal with it. What's more, we have no intention of making money through this! "

Sun Yingnan has already understood. In fact, what about the benefits? Now the harvest has begun. Although it is not long, the benefits are rich enough. What is the problem now? Even if we use the money above the surface, it can be regarded as an account for all aspects. At the same time? Bring in other forces and let everyone benefit from it.

At least I'm not the one who eats alone. I'm willing to give you face anyway. If anyone doesn't give me this face, then this matter will be another matter.

And when Ding Yu released the news? It's really surprising to all of you, but the question is, what about such a thing? The income is not as big as you imagine, at least not so popular. What about Ding Yu's actions and reactions? It makes people feel that they can't understand.

But there is no denying that Ding Yu's entry point is quite good, because of the environmental problems? It's getting worse and worse. What about the situation? Ding Yu seems to have made a certain layout before, otherwise the capital market would not have such fluctuations.

We all understand. It's very clear what Ding Yu means by doing this. Although it's economic crisis now, it doesn't mean that there will be no opportunities. Since Ding Yu is willing to stir up the market, no one will miss such an opportunity and the trend of interests? Also let everybody quickly gather together.

What about Ding Yu's choice? Or quite targeted, no matter from what aspects, are worthy of praise, since Ding Yu's Liangshan gate? He has already revealed his own meaning, so all aspects are given this face, regardless of eating meat or soup, at least Ding Yu is not eating alone.

This sharing shows that he is still willing to cooperate in the future. Under such circumstances, no one will deliberately find Ding Yu's trouble, let alone in the meeting? This guy also showed a hand, let a lot of people? There are so many awe inspiring people. This guy is a little mysterious!

In the unknown situation, rashly to Ding Yu, the end is what we have seen, in order to avoid such a situation in the future? So it's better to be reserved, at least to explore the details of Ding Yu, as for the things above the surface? That's a cover up. Everybody knows that.

Since Ding Yu is willing to communicate? So everyone is relieved. Even if Ding Yu joined Calais, it will not have much impact on the whole interests. To put it more directly, what's the details? Or a little lack of some, to know that the existence of other families for a hundred years is quite short.

This point is also fatal to Ding Yu, so there is no intention to deal with Ding Yu in all aspects. Whether Ding Yu can grow up or not is not important. Even if his son grows up, it is not as important as expected. What is the length of the dispute? It's a fool's opinion!

Of course, there is another reason that has not been explained, that is, Ding Yu's power? It seems that it can not be underestimated, which is also a crucial point. If you swallow it, you will be swallowed. No one will be stingy.

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