"He's starting to move?" When Wang Pu knew the news, he was also a little distracted. In terms of relative time, some of them were too early. After all, from raising funds to now, was it too fast? And what about the investment fields? It also makes people feel that there are so some do not understand!

After all, Wang Pu is not a cadre in the economic field, so what about the cognition of these problems? There are certain limitations, and then in the evening, Wang Pu also called his son-in-law to come over, although he knew that he was a little busy during this period of time. What about calling him home? On the one hand, let him have a rest, on the other hand, he asked about Ding Yu's relevant situation.

What about yuan Chenglin and others after they know the situation? I also thought for a while, "before, there were calls for this aspect from the international side, mainly on the environment and resources. Now the noise is growing. Politics has a considerable impact on the economy, but we can't determine which direction to go in."

"So it's quite purposeful!"

"It's quite purposeful. This is certain!" After thinking for a while, Yuan Chenglin also shook his head, "although it has a certain purpose, what about the profit of capital? It seems that something is wrong! Because there is so much noise now, there are so many people who want to get rich together! "

Yeah? Wang Pu also looked at his son-in-law suspiciously. Yuan Chenglin immediately explained that, "from the information I know, this time the noise is so loud that it is impossible to cover this plate. What's the meaning? It seems that there is no intention to cover the plate, and I don't know what Xiaoyu is doing? But if so many people are involved, it can't be said to be a bad thing! "

In fact, Yuan Chenglin also has some doubts. What is the significance of Ding Yu's doing this? It really makes people feel that they can't understand it. Is there any international concern about this aspect? If that's the case, Ding Yu, the child, is at most earning a shout this time!

Anyway, up to now, I haven't seen that there are too many other conditions, at least some people can't understand, but what about the old lady? Obviously, there are some people who don't care much about this. What I care about now is whether Ding Yu will come back. This is the most important point.

But what about this? I would not take the initiative to mention it. I made a phone call with Taixi earlier and also asked about some conditions. What about Ding Yu? Now life is very flat, and there is no difference with the past. What about what happened before? It seems that there are not too many complaints.

However, she didn't mention the meaning of home. Ah, when she thought of it, the old lady couldn't help sighing.

When talking, Wang Pu also immediately asked what happened earlier, "how is the investigation?"? I've heard that the loss this time is very big. Now, there are complaints all over the place! "

Yuan Chenglin's face was also black. "Now the relevant parties have begun to intervene in the investigation, but how far it will go? The current situation is still unknown. Moreover, from the perspective of the understanding, things are not as simple as imagined, and all forces may be involved in it! "

said a circle of words, indicating the seriousness of the matter, but there is no actual content. Although it is said to be my father-in-law, what should be said can be said, and what should not be said? Still need to put a place, the weight of their own or can distinguish clearly, the monarch is not secret, the minister is not secret is lost!

Wang Pu looked at his son-in-law. Of course, he could understand the meaning of the words. Then he was leaning on crutches with both hands, so he didn't have to continue to ask, "will he delay this matter for a long time?" It is self-evident who he is referring to.

"As far as we know, he generally does not participate in the specific operation, but sets a specific general direction, and then the specific implementation is completed by the people below. From this perspective, he is a very good leader, but from another perspective, he seems to be somewhat irresponsible!"

Hum! Wang Pu is also very disdainful with the nose put out the voice, for such things? I really didn't see it in my eyes, but it was a little boring these two days, so I would ask about the relevant situation.

However, it's also hateful. No matter it's a new year or a birthday, there are many gifts in the courtyard. At least there is no fuss on the etiquette. But the problem is that Ding Yu has never had a phone call. Even if he wants to contact at home, he can't get in touch. This really has some bad taste.

No matter right or wrong, things are over, so we need to turn over a new side. However, it is obvious that Ding Yu does not have such a city government, which makes Wang Pu feel disappointed. At least, the child is not as "excellent" as he imagined. From Wang Pu's point of view, this is how he understands it. It is true that this understanding is somewhat biased.

However, no matter how Wang Pu understands it, Ding Yu has no intention to pay attention to the Wang family. Even though he doesn't even have a telephone call at ordinary times, it seems that he doesn't know Wang's family at all. On the contrary, it's said that he has regular contact with Ding Ding Ding's girl, as well as with his adoptive father and mother.If there is no comparison, even if there is no comparison, the difference is really too obvious. In fact, this is the reason why Wang Pu feels angry. However, the problem is that no one has stood up to maintain the situation. Wang Pu also knows that his previous bold actions have turned many things around.

But this reason can not all be attributed to their own body! Can't Ding Yu's son of a bitch have no responsibility in this respect. When he takes out the money, can't he consult himself? If we can sit down and have a good discussion, the result is certainly not like this.

Now Wang Pu wants to have a good talk with Ding Yu, the great grandson, after the aftermath of the matter has stabilized. What about this time? He is also aware of a lot of problems, and Ding Yu, the child left the Wang family, is not a good thing for the Wang family, let alone for the whole country, it is not a good thing.

I didn't realize the relevant situation before, so I took it for granted. Now? Wang Pu is also aware of the relevant problems. Donating money to the country has supported the construction and development of the country to a certain extent. However, if you have gained something, you will lose something. You may lose more than you get!

In fact, the old lady also saw her wife's repentance, but the question is this? It's not as easy to handle as you think. Why? To some extent, my grandson! Is it a person who seems to have some paranoia, his idea? A little different from ordinary people.

What about the money that's on the surface? What's going on? He is afraid that he will always remember in the heart, for him, is no different from being stabbed in the back, and Ding Yu this child? He was born in the military. To a certain extent, the sand is not allowed in his eyes.

From a political point of view? This is a very normal thing, after all, there are only interests. But from the perspective of Ding Yu, I'm afraid there will be no involvement in the future. This is even certain. What about some things? Is not able to cross the line, as long as the line, there is no way back.

What about things like this? The old lady saw it very clearly, so what happened in her heart? There is no fantasy any more. Why didn't you mention something about it with the old man? It's because it's not yet time. Let's have a while! I need to knock this drum for him, let him know the power of it!

What about Ding Yu's decision on the general direction? There was no other movement, and the whole person completely stopped. All day long, he was in the hospital. Looking at Jin who came in, Ding Yu looked at him with some doubts. Jin stood up on his shoulder and said, "it's found, but they don't sell it!"

Ding Yu is a student of Western medicine, which can not be denied, but with the development of the process? Ding Yu is more and more interested in traditional Chinese medicine, but Ding Yu is very clear that traditional Chinese medicine is too extensive and profound. This is not to say that you can solve all problems by reading two books. This is not the case.

Even the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine is quite big, and now I am interested in acupuncture and moxibustion, so I want to find a so-called copper man. Do you want to know acupuncture bronze man? It's a very important prop. Ding Yu's hand is not short of money, so it's also hoped that Jin can find a prop in this respect for himself.

However, Ding Yu is also very clear that Jin's style of doing things is not so publicized. There should be other reasons for this. Then he heard Jin explain, "I asked for help, but they didn't care about the so-called price, so they gave me a book and let me start. Isn't it fun for me?"

Yeah? Ding Yu is also slightly a Leng, and then seems to understand what, "well, this matter is my abrupt, weekend time, let's go together! But if you go and prepare a gift, it will be used to make amends! "

Jin was a little puzzled, but since he was ordered to do it himself, it was not a big deal for him. When it comes to the weekend, Ding Yu goes there in person. When he reaches the intersection, Jin takes the lead to get out of the car, carefully looks at the surrounding environment, and then follows Ding Yu's position.

Ding Yu is also holding things in person. When he comes to the place, Ding Yu also looks up and down. The curtain is not very large. It looks ordinary, but this time should be very long. After watching for a period of time, Ding Yu enters with his hands holding gifts.

However, recently, there seems to be someone inside. Ding Yu is standing on the side of Ding Yu, and he doesn't mean to look at him. Jin is leaning on the side of Ding Yu, which can protect the back of Ding Yu. At the same time? If someone attacks from the front, he can rush up at the first time, and the selection of position is also quite skillful.

The old man with long beard looked at Ding Yu, and of course he noticed the guy standing behind him. He had been here before. It seems that the Lord has come to visit him today. However, the little guy knows the rules very well. After touching his pulse, he also whispered two sentences and wrote a prescription. After handling it properly, he picked up the tea cup next to him Take a bite."Something?"

"I'm not sensible, so I'm here to make amends." After that, Ding Yu put down the things in his hand. Of course, what about the things in his hands? It's just a sign. There's even a gift list next to it. It's written in it. If you bring all the things, the car won't be enough.

"Happy to hunt?" The old man also said with a smile, and then he made a gesture to Ding Yu. After Ding Yu's thanks, he sat down in the position of the lower hand. "I'm interested in the comparison of traditional Chinese medicine in the past two years, and also have some research on acupuncture and moxibustion. All of them ask for something, but they never want to have such a change!"

"Oh, really?" The old man also smiles and looks at Ding Yu, and then shakes his head, "Chinese medicine is broad and profound! "After a long talk, Jin's face did not change, but what happened in his heart? But it's a little confusing. What does this mean? How did you tear apart all this mess?

Ding Yu listened very carefully. When he met an expert, he would not be guilty! What's more, when I offended people earlier, people would say a lot of wordy things. This is what should be done. This really makes the elderly sitting in the first place feel better, but that's all.

"I've got the stuff!" After that, he also raised the teacup in his hand, and then his eyes fell down! Well, there's nothing difficult to understand about serving tea and seeing off guests. Even he didn't give himself any chance. But what about Ding Yu? Also does not have any angry meaning, the thing took down, before own side disrespectful matter is past.

As for the bronze man? On the other hand, I don't want to hang myself on a tree. In fact, I know how it happened. I can't even smell the medicine on my body. Under such circumstances, I didn't even give a chance to try.

Ding Yu is very clear about what is going on. For this reason, he is really so sad and can't laugh. It is true that he spends almost every day in the hospital, but what about his body? But there is not a trace of hospital flavor, this is a result of self-cultivation, to use a more exaggerated word is to wash away the lead.

Exaggeration? It's because Ding Yu is a little worse from this level, but he has basically touched the edge. Now, even the most sensitive person, I'm afraid he can't smell the bloody smell on his body. When people are dying, the smell is very strange, and it is still transmitted. After being infected, it is difficult to eliminate.

But now, from Ding Yu's body, you can't smell it at all. Let alone human beings, even dogs can't smell it. In the past, although Xiao lazy said that he liked Ding Yu very much, he still had some vigilance for Ding Yu, but now? There is no such problem!

To put it bluntly, when the dog saw Ding Yu's first reaction, it was not barking, but carrying his tail, walking Ashily against the corner of the wall, but now? After seeing Ding Yu, of course, it's not shouting, but it has some intimate flavor. The contrast between the two is not general big!

Don't give yourself any chance. Is this important? It seems to be very important, but for Ding Yu, what about his coming this time? It's just an apology. Since this thing is over, what about the bronze man? Another way to think about it is OK. Ding Yu really doesn't mean to have the potential.

"Is this my fault, sir?"

After getting on the bus, Ding Yu also laughed, "the same thing, if I came by myself at that time, it was almost the same result. I'm afraid he smelled smoke and blood from you, so he used the most basic means to test you. Similarly, although I didn't smell any smell on my body, he declined !”

"I see!" Jin's words are not as much as imagined. Ding Yu also nodded, "what about this serious thing? They are all in the major history museums! I'm only interested in acupuncture, so I don't want to cause troubles and troubles in other aspects! "

This is for Jin. For Ding Yu, he doesn't have to be the bronze man of the Song Dynasty or the Ming and Qing Dynasties. He only needs to know this aspect. He can do it in any era. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, there is also research on this aspect. This thing is not unique in the world.

In other words, can ancient people and modern people be discussed together? So, can the ancient medical theory become axioms even now? What about this problem? To balance to look at, can not be too biased.

This is Ding Yu's way of dealing with people. I'm used to it or not. I don't want to make other changes. Life is like this!

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