Not long ago, Xiaobao also pursed his mouth and came in, "where is Miao Miao working as a nurse? She told me about the situation, as if it was big or small!" After saying that, he also nodded heavily, very sure.

When hearing the news, Xiaobao also felt some numbness in his scalp. The main reason is that he didn't hear any news before. This is really not good! Big brother came back, but no one knows. Although it's not a big thing, if it's really serious, it's really amazing.

Even to their own feelings, the Wangs do not know the news now! Even the old man and the old lady didn't get the news. Is this a deliberate concealment? Or is there any other problem, some can't imagine! So when he came in to see Wang Yang, his expression was a little surprised.

Wang Yang also took a long breath. Wu Mingyu called himself. This news should not be for himself, but for his grandfather and grandmother, the "grandson"! To put it straight, that is to say, as for such a roundabout way?

After thinking about it, Wang Yang also took a look at Xiaobao, "let's go to the hospital together! I'll make a phone call to my home, and this matter, don't make any noise for the time being! Who knows what big brother thinks in his heart Hearing this news, Wang Yang's heart still had some small shocks.

Well, understand what it means, Xiaobao is not a fool, although he said that he did not know the accurate information, but the news of Xiaodao? I have heard of some of them and believe in Wang Yang? I should have heard of it, but what about such a thing? No one will say it unless they want to die.

Here in the hospital, Zhao Shuying has taken a rest. Previously, she needs to stay awake, but after this time, she doesn't need to pay much attention to it. The effect of the operation is still very good. Ding Lin and Ding Yu can't see it. Both of them are doctors. This is their job. If you don't understand this point, you should be a doctor.

However, Ding Lin still stayed in the room, worried that other people would not take good care of his wife. After all, he and Zhao Shuying had lived together for so many years, and the old husband and wife were more convenient. As for Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding, they were all "kicked out" and they were not suitable to stay here.

The meaning of being expelled is very simple. These two days, they are also affected. Especially Ding Yu, the child, deliberately ran all the way back from the United States. Even after he came back, he didn't even go back home. He has been running back and forth in the hospital. If it wasn't for Ding Yu, there would have been surgery so quickly, and he was still in such a special ward?

I haven't had a good rest all the time. Now there's no problem. I don't need to suffer with him. Let him go out and have a good rest. What the son has not said has reached the limit of being a son.

After receiving the phone call from the service personnel, the old lady also felt a little puzzled. What's the matter with Wang Yang? Even let himself answer the phone, "grandma, are you at home?" The old lady also said, isn't that nonsense? Where else can I go if I'm not at home? I'm so old. I don't like activities.

"Well, I just got a message that my brother seems to be back!" Yeah? The old lady is also a Leng, and then also wake up to come over, Wang Yang is not to play such a joke with himself, "did not hear! When did it happen? There is no letter in the courtyard

If Ding Yu comes back, it is impossible for the siheyuan not to give him news, but there is no news from the courtyard. It should not be that the news has been blocked. Is it possible that he did not go back to the courtyard? If there is no return to the quadrangle, then how does Wang Yang know?

"My brother didn't go home. He has been in the hospital all the time. I heard that it seems that the aunt had some problems. She had an operation in the morning. One of Xiaobao's girlfriends was working as a nurse in the hospital. She heard that the operation was going well. The pathological section might come out in the afternoon. Xiaobao and I are preparing to go and have a look at it now."

Wang Yang's speaking speed is more urgent, not too much to panic, but the old lady stopped in the ear is very strange, Xiaobao's girlfriend in the hospital as a nurse, should not be this situation! If Ding Yu really has the idea of this aspect, will he let the nurse know? So what about what Wang Yang said? The old lady was very suspicious.

"She shouldn't have known the news, did she? Is your brother famous here in the hospital? "

Hearing the voice of her grandmother's reproach, Wang Yang also bit his teeth. "Previously, Wu Mingyu called me, so I knew the news. It happened that Xiaobao had a girlfriend working as a nurse over there. I checked it to know that the elder brother had already come back earlier, but he never came back to the courtyard house!"

The old lady also said, well, if that's the case, it's kind of understandable. Wu Mingyu called to explain that it was the third person who delivered the message. Obviously? Although the third old man also has some opinions on the old man's affairs, he still stands together after all, so it is good to adopt such a way."Bring me and your grandfather a bunch of flowers. How about you? You can't go empty handed After thinking about it, the old lady seemed to remember something, "just your big brother came back alone?" This question seems to have some urgent taste!

Why do you ask? What is the importance of your grandson's selfishness? This is also related to the next thing? How to deal with it.

"I don't know about this yet. I'll call you when I know the situation. BMW and I will go to the hospital!"

After Wang Yang and Xiao Bao came to the place, they found their big brother sitting in the suite outside. Although the suite was not very big, it was a little empty! What about the table? But there are some things, all of which are fruits. There are some things on the sofa on the elder brother's body, like documents and so on!

"I heard that my aunt is ill. Xiaobao and I came here to have a look. Are you better?" When Xiaobao put the fruit down, Wang Yang also took the flower and said, "this is what my grandfather and grandmother asked me to bring here. I hope my aunt can recover soon! I didn't expect it to be so sudden in the past

"Yes What about Ding Yu's attitude? It doesn't seem to be ordinary indifference. Xiaobao looks at Ding Yu with a smile, and then pulls Wang Yang. Two people sit down on the sofa opposite. At this time, they talk about other things? It's not suitable. It's a hospital after all.

After more than ten minutes, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao left together. Ding Yu got up to see him off, but it was just to the door. But just as they opened the door, a man came in from the outside with a baseball cap and big glasses on his face!

When I pushed the door, I didn't expect to encounter such an accident, so there were some stupefied spirits. However, the people who came in from the outside quickly responded, and they quickly stepped back two steps, and then bowed.

Xiaobao is a little strange, but Wang Yang recognized it all of a sudden. This one is fast enough! It's necessary for my grandmother to worry. Of course, from another perspective, is this one at home? It seems that Wang Yang is not generally favored. Wang Yang also bows down to salute. Although she is not the sister-in-law in name, she is now the only one beside her elder brother.

"Hello!" Wang Yang was also the first to say a word, which made Xiaobao feel very curious. Then he saw two little guys standing in the position behind him. They were definitely not nannies. Then Xiaobao looked at them carefully. Although he was surprised, he didn't say anything.

After two simple sentences, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao also left. Xiaobao also looked at Wang Yang. When they were on the car, they were two people, so what about Xiaobao? After hesitating for a long time, he said in a low voice, "I don't know if you have heard about it. Anyway, I heard something about big brother! It's not only popular, but there are some statements about it. "

Yeah! What about this sentence? After a long time, Wang Yangcai sighed, "don't talk about this matter later. We can't tell you how it happened! What do we hear? It's just hearsay. What's more, if we mess up, we'll make trouble. "

"Brother! I've been holding this in my mind for a long time. I said it today, and that's it! " Xiaobao found a location and stopped the car, "how is it? I'm afraid no one can tell you clearly. I don't want to know how it happened. I'm afraid you are also confused. What's important is how to deal with it? "

Immediately saw Wang Yang stretch out his hand, Xiaobao also took out a box of cigarettes, two people each light up, "the home does not know this matter!" What about that? It shows the truth of the matter, "at least my mother doesn't know about it. You also know that big brother lost it at the beginning."

"I know!" Although not experienced, but what happened afterwards? Xiaobao still has some understanding, "at the beginning, aunt Su seems to have been quite hit, for a long time did not come back to God!"

"What about this? It was a great blow to my father and my mother, and even had a turbulent impact on the whole Wang family. If the news of the current incident is transmitted to my mother's ears, she can't bear it. As for why this incident has reached you, I don't think I need to say more! "

"Of course I know these grandchildren are evil, so I always want to tell you, but I don't know where to start!" After saying that, Xiaobao was also a little annoyed, "Damn it, I haven't found out yet, but there are some clues in this aspect, but I dare not move any more!"

Because the person who can deliver the message to Xiaobao will never be a mediocre person. What about such a person? It will not leave such a big handle for Xiaobao, let alone Wang Yang, who met. This is certain. So what about two people? This is the best way to deal with things.You know, comfort doesn't mean counseling, it's things at this moment? It's very subtle. If you do something, it will let others seize the opportunity.

The two men hid in the roadside position to smoke. When Wang Yang's phone rang, they took a look at it, and then connected to his grandmother's call, "grandma, I went to see Xiaobao! I talked with my elder brother for a while While talking, Xiaobao got out of the car to buy water, because he was also very clear that it was not very good to stay in the car at this time.

"When I came, I just saw her coming with her two children. It seems that she just came here. How can I know something about it?" Wang Yang also explained what happened in the hospital, and the old lady also said, of course, Wang Yang did not forget to say that he had sent flowers before.

"What's your brother's mood like?" Since she has come with her children, her position in her grandson's mind is far from ordinary. What's more, she still comes with two children. By contrast, the gap is slightly larger. But at this time, the old lady will not compare anything.

"It doesn't look good!" Wang Yang also said cautiously, "what about the pathology now? Not yet out, not to mention aunt Zhao's tumor? The preliminary judgment may be benign, but what about the specific situation? It's hard to say, in the future, no one knows whether it will transform to malignant! My brother seems to have some worries

"I see! You should pay more attention to it. When your brother has nothing to do, you can go home to eat. " What about the old lady's words? It's very gentle. Obviously, I don't have much confidence. But what about Wang Yang? It also has other meanings. It depends on the understanding of my grandson.

Put down the phone, Wang Yang is also a sigh, things really have no other way, it is true that their own words in the past, but their big brother can go back? It's really unknown. At least, I'm not optimistic about this matter, but I'm not optimistic about it. What about some things? You really need to do it yourself.

In the afternoon, when the pathology came out, we mentioned that the heart in the throat was finally put down. It belongs to benign tumor and does not need a second operation. The same thing needs good maintenance and regular review in the future. Looking at Ding Ding Ding's appearance, Ding Yu also touched her head with her hand. Now don't worry, just hold back the tears. It's a big person.

Ding Ding also took a look at her elder brother. When she turned her back, she also wiped her eyes. Previously, she was really excited. When the pathology didn't come out, her heart really mentioned her voice, for fear that something might happen to her mother.

When other people are sick, I really don't have this feeling, but when my mother is sick, I'm going to be silly and feel like I'm not myself. If there is no big brother, I don't even know how to deal with it!

So when I looked at my elder brother just now, it was not very nice. On the one hand, it was because I didn't contribute much to this matter. What's more, what's more? His performance is very bad, too humiliating. But looking at the elder brother's appearance, the ding ding ding that turns round is also aimed at own big brother to smile.

And what about the two little guys? However, she seems to be curious. Zhao Shuying, who wakes up, is also dissatisfied. The family, large and small, has come, and even the army and Qianqian are here. It's not a big deal. As for this? So Zhao Shuying is a little bit dissatisfied! It's not really what happened to me.

However, just after the operation, the room is not suitable for too many people. Ding Yu can feel it. His mother has such a strong smell. So he asked Taixi to take everyone out and let his mother have a good rest. After all, after experiencing such a thing, he still needs calm in his heart.

"Dad, I'll stay here at night! You haven't had a good rest during this period. What's the situation with mom? It's stable, there won't be too many situations! I'm young and have no problem. " Whether his father is willing or not, Ding Yu let his father go back, forced Ding Ding and Cao Zhen to take his father back.

In the evening, Ding Yu stayed here to take care of her mother. While her mother was resting, she also came to the living room outside. There was also an escort in the room. This was not to say that she was worried about other conditions, but the patient? If the sudden wake-up in the middle of the night, the need for psychological security.

If there is no one in the room, then it is bound to make his mother feel a little guilty, and Ding Yu is also outside. What about this sense of security? Also let Zhao Shuying sleep well, after all, what about this operation? It's not very big, and it's much better than expected.

In the morning, Zhao Shuying looked at her son who had been tidied up. Zhao Shuying also looked at her son with complaining eyes, "why don't you have to rest for a while, you don't have to stay here at night. I'm not without someone to accompany me here. What's more, you don't have anything to do with the old guy anyway. Let him come over at night!"Ding Yu also smiles at the nurse who draws blood. When the work is finished, Ding Yu says with a smile, "my dad, he! I'm afraid I don't know what kind of urgency has become during this period of time. At least he is a big doctor! I think it's better to let him have a rest for two days , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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