When talking, Ding Lin and his daughter walked in, behind the face? He also followed Tai Xi. He made it by himself with two lunch boxes in his hand. His daughter and daughter-in-law came. Although he could not eat so much food, he felt his heart.

But what about these things? In the end, there was no left. Zhao Shuying didn't eat much. Ding Yu cleaned it. Looking at the coffee delivered by Taixi, Ding Yu nodded. There were not so many people in the family who had this habit. At least her parents did not have this habit.

"Nothing happened during the day. Go back! Just stay here for your father. Everything can be at ease with him here! "

Then Dinglin coaxed his son and daughter away and left them here? It doesn't seem to make any sense, but when you come out? Ding Yu also told Taixi, "originally I wanted to take my mom and dad to live in the United States for a while, but after thinking about it, the conditions there were not suitable."

Taixi looked at Ding Yu with some puzzlement, and Ding Ding was looking at her brother with a tilt of her head. Then she heard Ding Yu explain that, "previously, Jin had proposed a place for me. I think the conditions there are good, that is, Switzerland, which is quite suitable for recuperation. Let them go there for a period of time."

Yeah? Why mention this to yourself? This is the place where Tai Xi is puzzled. Ding Ding Ding is a little interested. What about a resort like Switzerland? Of course, I've heard about it. I've been to Switzerland, but I don't have much time to hang out. However, after listening to my elder brother's mention, I'm also a little moved.

"I'll take the children with me! There's nothing wrong with the two of them anyway

"It doesn't matter. I heard that your mother's health is not very good, and she's idle anyway! I'll ask Kim to arrange it. When I have free time, I'll go and have a look. Whether it's a vacation or a recuperation, it's very good! "

"Brother! Do you still have property in Switzerland? " Ding Ding also widened her eyes, but the problem is that Ding Yu didn't mean to pay attention to it at all. Instead, Tai Xi sighed, "I'm afraid it won't work for this period of time. My brother is making too much noise. He's being confined by my father. My mother needs to watch it!"

Although Taixi didn't say what specific things were involved, it can be imagined that the conditions at home are very good. What about Taixi now? The identity is different, so some publicity is certain. Seeing Ding Yu's inquiry, Taixi also smiles, "let him stay at home first! Otherwise, the leg will be broken! "

What about this? There are also some disgraceful, his brother made a little out of line, relying on the conditions of the family, even his own identity, some unscrupulous, he also warned, but the effect is not very obvious, or his father was angry, just pressed down the younger brother.

After coming out of the hospital, Ding Yu drove back to the siheyuan, but he didn't mean to rest. He had already had a rest in the hospital at night. There was no big deal. What about the matter of the young and the big coming back? It seems to be very cautious.

Ding Yu didn't mean to enter his study. After all, what was inside? It's all cleaned up, and what happens when you come back? Ding Yu also asked Anjie to close the door, which means very simple. He doesn't want to be disturbed by other things at this time.

What about this? What about the people who know the news? I really feel quite surprised, but what about after I understand the reason? It's also the feeling that this thing can be understood. After all, there is something wrong with the mother's physical condition. What about doing anything else at this time? I'm afraid I won't have a mind.

But for the Wangs, the signals conveyed by this are quite different. What happens when the old lady knows about this? Is also sighed, but did not say what, now this time mentions any matter? It's not appropriate, especially to mention it with Ding Yu.

But Wang Pu how much appears to have so some exasperated meaning, the crutches in the hand? It is also carried in his own hand, because there is no place to vent, and then he is also carrying a crutch to knock a few sticks on the sofa. When he comes back, he wants to be quiet. It doesn't matter, but the door is closed. What does this mean?

Isn't it embarrassing for the Wangs? As for dealing with things?

"Well, what's the use of knocking?" The old lady looked at her wife and said, "I see! What about the second half year? I haven't been able to return to China, so for the time being! What about the relationship? It's hard to ease up. What about this time? Don't make it worse! "

"I'm his grandfather!" Hum, the old lady also slightly disdained to hum a, originally wanted to refute to say a word, but thought about it, or swallow this word, now this time continue to poke the heart nest has an egg use? What's more, tell him that? It can only make each other more angry.Did Ding Yu not go to the study? The old lady also knows that, of course, the service staff will not take the initiative to talk to the old lady about this matter, but it does not mean that the old lady will not take the initiative to ask. It is totally two kinds of things.

For the old lady is also worried, after all, where is the study? To a certain extent, it is the foundation of one's grandson, but now his great grandson has sealed his study. If this can not explain the problem, then what can explain the problem? The old lady is also worried about this!

What about noon? Ding Yu went to the hospital again. The situation of her mother was very stable. But for Ding Yu, there was nothing else. Go to have a look, at least feel at ease. But Zhao Shuying was obviously not satisfied with her son's arrival. What are you doing here!

What about noon? Ding Yu didn't eat much food, which was in sharp contrast to that in the morning. But what about the people in the family? It seems that it's not strange. I'm used to it!

However, when he was ready to leave in the afternoon, Ding Yu saw Wu Mingyu who had been waiting there for a long time at the corner of the hospital corridor, but the problem was that Ding Yu had some meaning of turning a blind eye. Wu Mingyu also sighed deeply, and then quickly met him, "Yu Shao, the chief wants to talk to you! Something about the meeting! "

Ding Yu's feet slightly stopped for a moment, "I know, but my mother is in the hospital this period of time. I'm afraid I don't have much time. Wait for my mother to leave the hospital!" This is also to let Wu Mingyu, who is standing beside Ding Yu, have some grinning teeth, but there is no way.

Obviously, it is not appropriate and also unrealistic to talk about something with Ding Yu at this stage. From inside? It can also be felt that Ding Yu's preconceptions about the previous things are not so big, even in this heart? There has been no change! Trouble!

Ding Yu runs to the hospital almost every day, even several times a day. What about this? Even more than Ding Ding Ding, what about Taixi? Zhao Shuying has also been "banished". It's all good and has already seen it. It's meaningless to stay here.

Ding Yu didn't let the two little guys stay here. He went to Korea with their mother. Of course, the nanny also followed. After all, what about some jobs? Taixi can't do it alone. There are also some problems about Taixi's identity? There's a cover up? It's also better.

After waiting for a few days, Ding Yu also took his mother to the courtyard. The environment here is good. Although it is not suitable for nursing care, it is at least better than that in the hospital. Ding Yu also works in the hospital, and naturally knows all the patients? I don't like to stay in the hospital. I'm so depressed.

It's such a big room. Although the conditions are good, what about the contact? It's all patients. It's strange that you're in a good mood? And the situation of the quadrangle is not the same, after all, it is also a home. But even if it is like this, Ding Yu is still a closed door situation, but on the other hand? I'm also going through the formalities for my parents.

But what about this one? Is also caused to some people's nerve above the beat, Ding Yu now this time to choose to go abroad? He has no intention of staying in China at all. He will never come to work here in Beijing for half a year after the summer vacation, just like he did last year.

After going abroad this time, will Ding Yu come back in the future? This problem really makes people feel worried, so what about this time? Continue to grasp the following Ding Yu's psychological situation. Is it true that he will drive west and never return?

Previously, Ding Yu cleared all the assets above the surface. What are some of the reasons? It shows that Ding Yu can come back in the future, but it doesn't mean that Ding Yu will be in China in the future. This is totally two things!

In fact, the more important point is that some people have realized the importance of Ding Yu. For example, there are some domestic problems in Australia's ore negotiation, but what about this? Another problem is the lack of support from outside forces. Ding Yu is most likely to participate in it, but the problem is that he lacked power at that time!

This is really not a moment and a half can be filled back, two things!

Do you want to know the loss of Ding Yu's face? As high as tens of billions of dollars, this is not the loss of other invisible forces, even if he is in private? There may still be some reservation, but there is no doubt that the power on the surface has been greatly damaged.

What about the Wangs now? It seems that some of them are unreliable. At least one or two of them can be seen from Ding Yu's attitude towards Wang's family when he comes back this time. He doesn't pay any attention at all, even the most basic etiquette! Things are so obvious, do you really need to say this?

"Uncle, do you want me?" Ding Yu also followed Wu Mingyu to his third uncle's office. He came quietly, and there was no special inspection. What happened on the road? However, some people have looked at Ding Yu, and his eyes are full of strange looks."Coming!" Looking at Ding Yu, the middle-aged man nodded his head and finished his work on hand. "I'll see foreign guests in the evening, so I can't have dinner with you. But what about some things? I still need to have a good talk with you. The first thing is about the meeting in the United States. "

Ding Yu also has some puzzled look, this matter seems to have been in the past half a year, now this time to mention with himself, what is the significance? But what about Ding Yu? I don't mean to refute it too much. If you talk about it, you can talk about it. It's not a great thing.

Looking at Ding Yu's expression, the middle-aged man also took out a document. "Previously, someone sent a memo about the meeting. To be exact, it was a memo about your participation in this event. In this process, we learned a lot of information."

Ding Yu looked at the description inside, and then he took a breath. "Uncle, who is going against the world to do such a thing?" After saying that, he also shook his head, "it seems that someone is going to lose his head! I really don't know what the person who makes such a plan thinks in his heart! "

Although the heart is extremely shocked, but from the appearance can not see anything, Ding Yu can not let other people see what they think in the heart.

"I don't care about it. Do I want to know if it's true?"

In this regard, Ding Yu also smiles, "what kind of answer does uncle expect? In fact, it doesn't seem to be a big deal. It's basically true! " It is obvious that Ding Yu and Ding Yu have no intention to hide, and the middle-aged man sitting there also looks at Ding Yu with shocked eyes and has not responded for a long time.

"I've seen your file. There seems to be no record in it!"

Ding Yu certainly knows what is being asked about, but Ding Yu also smiles, "I'm afraid I can't answer this question. When I retire, I'm only retired as a sergeant. What about these things? I'm afraid I'm not so clear about who is going to handle it. What's more, it's taken so long, who knows? "

Actually, Bruno was involved in this matter, which is not really interesting. It is true that we are all of us? Each other is made in mind, but it does not mean that they can be taken to the table. This is totally two things. It seems that it is necessary to explore this issue carefully.

"In this case, there will be a follow-up to this meeting!"

"Maybe?" Ding Yu was not sure about it either. "But what did you hear from the third uncle? I'd like to come up with a possibility. I didn't intend to attend the meeting, but if I had a chance, I would like to have a look. It might be a good opportunity, but who knows? "

"Are you going abroad?"

What about this problem? Ding Yu was also stunned for a moment, and then nodded, "well, let my parents go to Switzerland to have a rest for a period of time and recover. I may stay with me for two days, and then go to the United States. There are still some unfinished work in the hospital, plus other things!"

What about Ding Yu's speech? It doesn't sound like a problem, but what does it feel like? The smell of concealment is more serious. The middle-aged man is also looking at Ding Yu. Then he takes out a box of cigarettes and throws one to Ding Yu. The two men are puffing in the room.

"Is it right or wrong? It's all over. Uncle Wang and his old man? There are also other considerations! " At this time? Middle aged people can only be aware of the emotion, move to reason, "lack of sincere communication with you, this is the key, do you think?"

Ding Yu is also smiling, there is no other response, things have happened, anyway, when the old man collects his things, it can be said that he is very happy, without any hesitation! What about that? It's not easy to say it in front of your face!

Really, if you say it, there are so some tearing face meaning, Ding Yu really don't want to do so, so now this time is also a silence to right, anyway, things have been like this, still need to let oneself say something, if it is his thing, he is willing to talk about it, but what about this matter? I don't have to talk about it for the time being!

Looking at Ding Yu's appearance, the middle-aged man also felt helpless, "what about the Australian iron ore?"? If we announce it unilaterally, it may cause certain disturbance. You should know something about it! "

Ding Yu did not keep silent this time, "I know about this matter. What about the domestic investigation? I was also seen in the eyes by those guys. Although the meat has been eaten in the stomach, what about the face? They will continue to fight. As far as I know, they have put pressure on the Australian government! "

"So fast? The domestic investigation has just been confirmed! It's not even public yet! "

"That's what I know! In any case, preparations have been made for this aspect, and the Australian government departments have also done a good job in dealing with it! " Ding Yu is also not so much polite, know do not know, anyway he has said."You seem to know it well!"

"There is still some basic understanding. After all, what about such things? It's not easy to hide it! " Ding Yu also said faintly, "it's just a kind of response. Is it the end? It's still going to stop! "

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