It's really not very long to talk about for a long time. It's only an hour. But what about short talk? It seems that it is not short. After all, one hour is really the time for such leading cadres.

After returning to the quadrangle, Ding Yu also asked about his mother's situation. Since there is no situation, he should fly to Switzerland. Anyway, all the related matters have been handled. Now he doesn't want to continue to stay in China. He has no interest in it.

What's more, the matter disclosed in the meeting memorandum is really not general weird. It also makes Ding Yu feel something. Some people can't sit still behind this, or they want to test themselves. But how can we say such a trial method? It seems to be playing with fire!

What about the problems involved? It's not only himself, but also other people. However, Ding Yu doesn't have much clue now. He doesn't even know where to start. If he really starts to investigate, how deep the pit is, there are some things that can't be said well.

Because it is their own private plane, so there is no need to have too much anxiety at home, or deliberately wait. In the morning, the family ate and drove to the airport. When the old lady got the news, the plane had already taken off. Previously, we didn't expect to go back to the airport!

You think you should take it to the hospital for review? After all, he didn't bring anything, but when he got to know the news, it was already late. Ding Yu didn't stop at all and left directly. For the old lady, this is a little bit of a blow. After the grandson comes back, let alone make a face-to-face call, even without a phone call.

Wang Yang has been to the hospital, that is to say, it is impossible for the family not to know about this matter, but even so, Ding Yu did not mean to take the initiative to make a phone call. Can't this explain the problem?

But are you going? It seems that it can not be said that it is a bad thing, after all, what is the knot between each other? There are so many difficult to understand, even if it is to meet, it will also appear that some embarrassment, so do not meet? What you don't see is a bad thing!

But for Wang Pu, the spirit of the whole person is really a little bit depressed, because Ding Yu is so different from other opponents that he has met. In the past, no matter whether he has succeeded or failed, everyone can not see his head down. What he sees is that his ideas are not in line with others and has nothing to do with others.

But Ding Yu, the great grandson, gave himself such a hand, Wang Pu really didn't know how to deal with it, because after the last thing, Ding Yu, the grandson, did not sit with him at all and was played a hand, so I won't continue to play with you. Since I can't sit together, what's the meaning of other things.

If it is the opponent, it may be better, but the problem is that Ding Yu has another layer of identity! That's my grandson. What's going on outside? It's easy to handle everything, but what about the family? No matter how to deal with it, it is a little bit obvious that there are some disputes! So Wang Pu felt that some of them could not be accepted.

What's more, his adoptive mother had a small operation, but what about him? The first time to rush back, busy, even if the son seems to do this step? But what about your wife? When she was in hospital, where was this jerk? This difference is too big!

But what's the good news? What about Ding Yu's return? The people who knew it were not as many as they thought, so they didn't make any other noise. Wang Yang didn't dare to tell his mother about this. However, he took advantage of his father's lunch break to make a phone call to the past and told him about the specific situation.

"Dad, my elder brother may not return to China this summer vacation. In addition, aunt Zhao had an operation in the capital two days ago, and the operation was taken away by the elder brother within two days. It seems that she has gone to some place to recuperate!"

The truth is like this. Wang Yang thinks it's better to tell his father about it. If his mother asks about it, he may be exposed. Wang Yang doesn't want to bear this responsibility. There are also some who can't afford it. That's his own mother!

"I know. Your brother called your mother earlier. I don't know the specific situation. It seems that he mentioned something that he can't come back. I didn't ask in detail! Let this be the case for the time being. " What about Wang Changlin? I feel a little embarrassed.

Although the parents did not call, but they also know what kind of situation it will be, absolutely not particularly good, but how can it be? Since things have come to such a point, or need to be recovered step by step, but this also needs to have a premise! That is Ding Yu, the child must come back!

If he doesn't come back and don't contact with him, this matter will always be there. There is also the problem of that money! That is definitely not a small amount. If it is converted into RMB, hundreds of billions! What about money? Although I said a little bit weak, but also understand, too frightening to death.When putting down the phone, Wang Changlin also rubbed his head. What about the work? Already let oneself have so a few exhausted, now make such a thing again, fortunately own eldest son? Now only for their own father, but there is no other expression, otherwise they do not know how to deal with it.

But what about Ding Yu now? He stayed with his parents for a period of time. After they got used to the life here, he also returned to the United States. Ding Yu felt a little shocked by the news of the past. He needed to discuss with sun Yingnan about the relevant matters!

Although he had contacted by telephone earlier, there were still some problems. However, on the way back, Ding Yu first called Li Jianxi, "I have encountered some problems, problems related to the meeting!"

When receiving Ding Yu, Li Jianxi was also stunned, but then he understood, "I don't have any problems here!" This seems to be very stiff, but it is very firm, "Fu Zhen there will not be any problems, I can use Samsung shares as a guarantee!"

"I see!" Then Ding Yu also hung up the phone. What about this problem? Li Jianxi is really confidential, absolutely no one has disclosed, because he is very clear about the seriousness of this, want to know the structure between each other? Now a little bit of power is beginning to show up.

At such a time, even in the face of other huge interests, then they can not choose to betray. The price of betrayal is too high, involving China and Ding Yu. This kind of power can't be borne at all. You should know that your country is South Korea. To say a little hard words, it's a small place.

But from another perspective? For himself, regardless of Ding Yu's situation, his influence will not be as big as imagined, but for Ding Yu himself, this is a test, relatively speaking, his rise time is too short, at least can not see his own too much details, this is a considerable trouble!

Back in the United States, Ding Yu also met sun Yingnan. Sun Yingnan picked up Ding Yu at the airport in person. "Master, who is so bold that he dares to joke with such a thing?" When sun Yingnan knew about this matter, he was also a little unbelievable. He could not even describe it as playing with fire. He was simply challenging Lucifer in the middle of hell.

"It doesn't really matter who it is, but what's important is the significance behind it, which is very interesting." Ding Yu's voice is not as impatient as you can imagine. It is true that Ding Yu came at the fastest speed, but what happened after that? Treat sun Yingnan is another attitude!

"Is it a continued trial? Or do you want to do it? "

"It's a balance!" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "it should be that they are worried about my action on Australia." After saying that, Ding Yu also slightly disdained to smile, "since there is some worry, then take the lead in the move, and now I have been implicated, so I really lack of skills."

Sun Yingnan's expression is also a little surprised, "just because of Australia, and then you sold the master? Is this kind of behavior a little bit inappropriate? It looks like you're the target, but everyone at the meeting seems to have been offended. "

"This is a dangerous move. The problem is that no one can find the answer now. At least, the domestic authorities have not given me any answers. However, if we check it out, it can not be regarded as a bad thing. We should be able to find out!" After that, Ding Yu also looked at Sun Yingnan and shook his head at her. "You don't need to get involved in this matter, and you don't need to come forward. If you do, you will make the whole thing fall into a passive position."

"Do we need to show that?"

"No need. For us, this is a kind of implicative and indifferent thing, but what about the first provocation? This kind of behavior is not very good. It's not convenient for me to show up on this issue in Australia, but it doesn't mean that this time it will pass. Time will test it! "

Ding Yu didn't care about it. "I came back and came back. I recuperated with my father and mother. It seems that I suffered a little, but I really can't afford to offend. So it's good to find a reason to come back." Ding Yu is also forced to explain to himself a wave.

The next day after returning, Ding Yu went to the hospital. However, Professor Hopkins was not there. The whole medical team went to India. Ding Yu was not very clear about what to do and did not mean to ask. But for some people, what did Ding Yu do? It's really just a breath of air.

Ding Yu came back from Switzerland in a hurry. It looked like he had to dig three feet into the ground and dig people out. But the problem is that after he came back, Ding Yu seemed to have changed immediately. Bird quietly returned to the hospital as if nothing had happened. This made some people feel that their scalp was numb.

Not afraid of Ding Yu's actions, but afraid of Ding Yu's doing nothing, just like the actions in the previous meeting, Ding Yu folded a paper crane, a black paper crane, and then sat down and waited for things to happen. Now, we still feel cold on our back!And now? Ding Yu did this again. It is obvious that Ding Yu has seen through the problems in this, and even for the people behind the attack? There is also a certain estimate, but Ding Yu has no room for action, especially at this time, when the Australian affairs are over!

However, when things began to ferment in Australia, Ding Yu welcomed a very special person here, Wang Yang! What about Wang Yang coming here at this time? Ding Yu is also a little puzzled, "how did you come here?"

However, Wang Yang looked at his brother's expression, and was also a little surprised, "some things can't be held back. It's really hard to be at home, so come and ask elder brother about you!" When talking, Wang Yang's face was also pulled down, and it was obvious that he was dissatisfied, but Ding Yu didn't have so many ideas.

He opened the door and let Wang Yang enter his residence. He motioned to Wang Yang and then sat down in front of the dining table with Wang Yang. "Just running here alone, you can't hold back any more. I really have some curiosity and even some expectations!"

When he spoke, Ding Yu showed some indifference and even some jokes.

"Brother, you broke up with grandfather!"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes, and then he also laughed, "I know this thing!" The voice of speaking is very casual. You can feel it from the posture. What about Ding Yu? Not very put on the heart, this is also let Wang Yang see after feeling so angry!

"Because of the money?"

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "is this questioning me? Forget it, I asked. It's no big deal. From your point of view, what do you think is the reason for me? "

What he said also made Wang Yang feel that he was a little tongue tied, but then he said with great sincerity, "brother, I know that my grandfather has done so biased in some aspects. That is not a small sum of money, even tens of billions. But after all, they are all a family. Why should we make such a fuss?"

"Well, you still don't understand what this is about!" The smile on Ding Yu's face also closed up, "and what you said is tens of billions, which is US dollars. To be exact, if it is converted into RMB, it is more than 300 billion. What do you want to say to me at this time?"

Wang Yang felt his head was so congested that he knew it was a large sum of money. However, when his elder brother said the specific amount, Wang Yang still felt that he could not accept it. This is not only a large sum of money, but also an astronomical number, even a totally unimaginable number.

"This, this..." For a while, Wang Yang didn't know what to say. He came here by himself? I want to ask about some reasons. I also know that the elder brother paid a considerable price. But after knowing the real amount today, Wang Yang was a little silly. He didn't even know what to say, because the amount was too large.

"Well! What do you think happened between me and grandfather? "

For half a day, Wang Yang also said in a low voice, "I don't know, so I want to ask elder brother, what do I think about this time? It seems that elder brother's work is not very authentic. After he went back, he didn't even meet with his grandfather and grandmother. I know things may be urgent, but it's not so bad! "

"This is accusing me Ding Yu also laughs, "but I want to ask a question about my grandfather's affairs. Why should I blame me! Is it possible that I have committed a terrible disaster, or an unforgivable fault? "

"That's not the reason! No one wants to blame big brother! " Wang Yang also immediately explained that this matter must be made clear, "I just feel that there is something wrong with my grandfather. After all, my grandfather is an elder, and he is old. We are younger generation, and sometimes we need to be considerate."

Say the last words, Wang Yang even have so many dare not to see his big brother, because he can not say this words, what kind of mood he is!

Ding Yu shook his head and did not answer the topic. Instead, he asked, "look at me. I fell out with my grandfather because of money. Is that right?" Looking up, Ding Yu also shook his head. "On the surface, it seems like this, but I tell you, in fact, it's not so. It has nothing to do with money."

"I don't believe some of them!"

Hum! Ding Yu also took a glance, "I'm just a poor boy who retired in those years. I grew up in an ordinary family. What's your education? It's not as perfect as you are. It's basically a process of self-development. In this process, my parents have given me considerable help. I don't deny that the army has given me another layer of life. Do you understand what I mean? "

"I don't know much!"

"We are two kinds of people. Where are you standing? There is Wang's family behind me. Where am I standing? Just myself Ding Yu was also very patient and said, "this is the answer you want to find. Or more frankly, the contradiction between me and my grandfather is here. What should my grandfather first consider? It's the interests of the Wang family, but I'm not. This is the main reason why I took the money and completely fell out with my grandfather. I think I've made it very clear! "Wang Yang, sitting there, was shocked and suddenly realized! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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