What about Ding Yu's words? It can't be regarded as preaching, but for Wang Yang, it's like poking through this layer of window paper. He really didn't think about it. At the beginning, he thought it was a matter of money, but from now on, it's not like this at all.

Money is just something that is revealed on the surface, and it is also the most attractive thing. But what about the actual situation? Money is just for everyone to see, but what about the hidden money? It is the most practical and fundamental thing.

Wang Yang doesn't know how to come from the place now. It's because of his grandfather or because of his big brother. From his grandfather's point of view, Ding Yu is a child of the Wang family, so we need to focus on the Wang family, and other things are put behind this. As for elder brother, he was not raised by Wang family. How real is the blood on his body? It's another matter, so I don't need to look at the Wangs to act.

What about contradictions? This conflict is becoming more and more fierce. There is no intention of compromise between each other. What about your big brother? Is also the performance is very resolute, once understood with the Wang family's gratitude and resentment, completely broke free from this whirlpool, I will not blame you Wang family's rice bowl, and I will be very moist.

But on the contrary, what about the Wangs? For Ding Yu, the great grandson, there is something to ask for. Although the Wangs now say that they are not walking on one leg, the problem is, what about the new leg? Or a little bit so thin and weak, unbearable ah! Under such circumstances, if Ding Yu had no other indication, the Wangs might have broken their halberds.

But it is also because Wang Yang wants to understand the relevant things, so now it is more and more embarrassing, especially his elder brother is still sitting in his opposite position, and he runs to interrogate his elder brother, but when all of them are put in front of him, he is stupid again.

"I didn't think so much about it when I used to!" Although the current delicious food, but Wang Yang did not have any appetite, as if now sitting there, out of a sigh, there is no way. "I felt that this incident was against the norm, and I didn't expect that there would be such a situation in it! It's my fault. It's not well thought out. "

"It's against ethics. This is my problem, but you haven't considered them? It's your problem. I'm afraid it's also the reason why you're not allowed to take an official career at home. " Ding Yu also smiles, "OK, what should I say? I've already said it, and I've said what I shouldn't have said. What else do you want to know? "

"That grandmother is a little worried about your situation, and what about dad? It seems to be very angry. I don't know where to start. Mom doesn't know about it all the time When Wang Yang said this, he also looked up at his big brother, "I hope this bowl of water can be more flat."

Ding Yu said with a smile, "a bowl of water is flat? Ha ha Ding Yu now also put down the knife and fork in his hand, because he was about to stop his smile, "you said Duanping is Duanping! Why? " When he said this, Ding Yu's tone was not only sarcastic, but also scornful.

"You are the eldest grandson of a long house in the family. This is the responsibility that you must undertake!"

"I don't know if you feel it. The reason why you say this is because you think about the problem from the perspective of the Wang family, and have not thought about other aspects at all, but what about me? Can not stand in the angle of Wang family to consider the problem, you! When can you stand on a certain height, and then tell me about the matter of a bowl of water level! "

After a short pause, Ding Yu seems to remember something again, "I'd like to advise you to speed up. As you said just now, the old man seems to be old, and what about me for him? It is true that there are so many loveless, as for the parents there how to deal with this, you don't have to worry about it! I have my own way and method. "

Wang Yang, who has been toppled completely, also has some speechless meaning. What can I say at this time? I want to tell elder brother that a bowl of water is level. But the problem is that I don't have the confidence to stand in front of the elder brother to face the pit with each other. What can I say without confidence?

Now it's not the time to say two hard words to solve everything, nor to say two soft words. I came to question my elder brother, and then he asked himself what he should do!

Looking at Wang Yang's dispirited appearance, Ding Yu also picked up the knife and fork again, "be careful! Don't think that if you have made some achievements, you can be arrogant. If you don't, it's not because you don't have other opinions. You! It's too far off

"Hum!" Wang Yang is also slightly dissatisfied with a hum, although he himself also knows how to do things, but the problem is to give people the feeling, the obvious is the lack of confidence, "I know how to do, things that violate the law and discipline, I will avoid, will not give other people what handle!"

"To say you are stupid, you are really so silly and cute!" Ding Yu slightly sighed, "if you do something against the law and discipline, and you don't even need other relevant parties to do it, my grandfather will directly kill you. Do you believe it? Even if you are a grandson, you can't let this sign of the Wang family be contaminated with any dust! "Well! For this problem, Wang Yang really did not think about it, but after listening to big brother's words? Wang Yang thought it over carefully. It seems that it is really such a thing. If he said that he really did something disorderly and didn't even need to do anything else, his grandfather would destroy himself.

It's absolutely certain. It has nothing to do with anything else. "What else? It seems that no one will do anything to me It's not that I don't believe in my brother's words, but I don't think it's possible in this respect. "It's all people in a small circle. We all know the rules."

"Small circles are the most disciplined, but they are also the most unruly!" Ding Yu also forced a wave of explanation, "what is the most disciplined, this problem? I won't tell you, because I don't know as well as you, but what is the most unruly? You may not understand this. When you have the power to sit firmly in this circle, talk about it! I'm not in the same circle as you, but is it? It's all one time. "

"I don't know what you mean, big brother!"

"The meaning is very simple. Your identity is extraordinary, and you are one of the best in the circle. But what you don't see is the person who can sit down. Now you are! At most, even if it's a standing character outside, whether you can enter the field or even sit down in the field, then you can really step into the circle and take care of yourself

After finishing these words, Ding Yu has no other words. Instead, he is dedicated to dealing with the food in front of him. These are what Ding Yu is most interested in. Wang Yang tentatively said two sentences, but without any response, he was also bored with the food in front of his eyes! But interest is weak.

Because of the jet lag, Wang Yang has never meant to go to bed. When he saw his elder brother get up, Wang Yang also looked at his watch. It's only four o'clock in the morning! Big brother! Do you want to be so desperate, you give everyone a little bit of pressure, you know?

Wang Yang also looked at his elder brother with a displeased look, but he Dingyu didn't pay attention to Wang Yang's meaning at all. He took exercise by himself. After breakfast, he also went to the hospital. Everything was the same as usual. Wang Yang didn't stay here for long, so he went back by plane.

Looking at my elder brother, I feel very angry. Of course, there is another reason. That is, I need to go back and discuss some things with my grandmother. What's your mood now? It's still a little bit urgent.

What about Wang Yang's visit to Ding Yu at this time? There are still some interests. In everyone's opinion, it may be that China may not be able to withstand the pressure of the outside world. Therefore, I hope Ding Yu can come forward to solve some problems and situations, at least not to make the relationship between each other continue to be tense.

But what about the results of the survey? It also makes people feel disappointed because Wang Yang is not here for this reason at all, and the Chinese side has no intention to look for Ding Yu. This time Wang Yang came to see Ding Yu is completely private behavior, which also makes some people feel that their noses are a little crooked and angry.

But from another point of view, there are still some shocks in this heart. It's already this time. Ding Yu can still calm down. This guy's measurement is extraordinary!

After returning to the capital, Wang Yang did not go back to his grandfather and grandmother at the first time, but let the people below drive to see his father, although the journey was a little long. Time is also more clever, how about your father? I haven't finished work yet, but it seems that I'm ready for this.

Wang Changlin was surprised to see his son come in, because his son seldom came here. There were his own requirements. He didn't hear anything about him for two days. How could he suddenly come out? It really scared me a lot.

What about Sheng Jun? Also standing outside, Wang Yang also found himself a bottle of mineral water, "I just went back from the United States. Earlier, I went to see my elder brother alone and asked about some things! I didn't stay in the capital after I came back. I came back to see my father first. "

Yeah? Wang Changlin looked at his son with some doubts. He didn't really hear about it. But what about the tone of his son? It doesn't seem to involve other aspects of the matter, as if it is his private affairs, "to see your brother? At this time? " Then Wang Changlin also looked at Wang Yang.

"Yes, some news was deliberately passed to my ears earlier. This time, the attitude of my elder brother after he came back also made me feel so angry. So I went to see him deliberately and asked him about the relevant matters." After that, Wang Yang also looked at his father.

Wang Changlin hesitated for a moment, but also sighed. Then he opened a drawer, took out a box of cigarettes from it, pulled out a cigarette and lit it, "so you have found the answer!" After saying that, Wang Changlin also gave a bitter smile, "I said how did you come back? I went straight to my place. I haven't told your grandfather and grandmother! Otherwise you won't be here. ""I haven't seen my grandparents yet!" Looking at his father's expression, Wang Yang also affirmed some things, "originally, I was going to question my elder brother, but later I was well educated. At that time, I even felt that I should find a gap so that I could get into it! At least you can take shelter

"What about this? It's not for you to decide, nor for me to decide. I've been prepared for this since I found your brother back at the beginning and didn't make the matter public! " When he said this, the expression on Wang Changlin's face was very plain, which could be described as calm.

Wang Yang was also quite shocked to see his father. At that time, he was ready. Wang Changlin also gave a wry smile, "this is no big deal. What about your brother? Is a very sensitive person, of course, can also be said to be a genius, this is all the children in the family can not match

"Grandfather discovered it very early, too?" Wang Yang seems to have found something.

"Yes, it has been discovered at a very early time. You have already noticed that you didn't get his complete information from home. Your grandfather is a family of generals, but what about the information? Bland, which is enough to explain a lot of problems. At that time, the family was very dissatisfied with some people, because if your elder brother continued to stay in the army, he might be carrying Venus on his shoulder in the future

Wang Yang subconsciously also made the reaction of toothache. Of course, he knew his grandfather's military complex. What about the children at home? If there is one, it's her second sister? May be a little bit of this style, as for other children? If it's not too small, what if it's not? I just don't have this interest.

"In here? I want to warn you, even so far, what is the relationship between your brother and the military? There is still no broken chain, just no disclosure. Even if something happened, your brother didn't ask for help from the military. What about the military? I don't mean to reach out. Do you understand what it means

"Big brother is not as poor as the water is. At the same time, the military doesn't want to expose this relationship on the surface. Sometimes it hides in the dark, which makes people feel more cautious and afraid."

"Yes, it's improved a little. How about the military? The relationship between your brother and the military has not been exposed, which makes many people feel a little afraid, because we are so confused. What kind of relationship is between your brother and the military, even now, no one can say too clearly! Including your grandfather and me, and even your grandfather and your third uncle, there are some doubts about this in the family

"Is it possible that this is the reason for the doubt?"

"So you underestimate your brother, and you underestimate the military. For the military, what happens? They are happy to see it! " Wang Changlin was also very patient and said to his son, "although your elder brother said that he was separated from the army, his feelings for the military have always existed! And what about the military to your brother? It means never giving up. Otherwise, what do you think Tao Jin does? "

"But the elder brother didn't take her with him when he went to America!" For Tao Jin, Wang Yang is also very familiar with it. How about the girl film? Also feel that there are some toothache, because she has never given himself any good face.

"What you see is only superficial. As far as I know, Tao Jin can directly contact your elder brother!"

Ah? Wang Yang's eyes almost fell from the eyes. This NIMA, that girl film should have such a right. I really didn't think of it. In order to get in touch with his elder brother at home, it can be said that he had a lot of trouble. But what about Tao Jin? It is easy to do so.

But from inside? It can also be seen that the relationship between big brother and the military? It's absolutely beyond imagination. It's just that it hasn't been exposed all the time. What about big brother's talent? He is really not jealous, but there are some feelings, but how does his father know the news?

"What should I do with my grandfather? Just watching? "

This is Wang Changlin to the south wall, because for a while Wang Changlin did not know what to say. He was also a member of the Wang family. What about this problem? I don't have much voice. I can't talk to my father about this because I'm a beneficiary of the Wang family.

Of course, I have no way to mention this matter with my eldest son. What about the relationship with my eldest son? It seems to be a broken hair. If there is any carelessness, all previous efforts may be wasted. In addition, I feel guilty about the eldest son himself.

So I can only look at it, there is no other way, I am the father of it! A little bit less competent, at least did not give the eldest son should have the care!

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