"Wang Xiaoer has been so good at kicking these two years!" In a guild hall in the capital, two young people were also puffing in the air. "I investigated the relevant situation, but what about the hiding behind it? It's a little bit fierce. I heard you know something about it! "

Jin Mingsheng looked at his little hair and shook his head. "This thing can't be said to be Wang Xiaoer's, but you have a big appetite. Business is business. What about white wolf? It's not impossible, but you've stepped on the line! It doesn't conform to the rules of the small circle. "

"What? Not even you? " The young people who spoke were more or less open-minded, and their tone of voice was too strong.

"It's nothing to do with me. You know I don't have much interest in it. I don't follow the same path with Wang Xiaoer. We don't have water from wells. Moreover, we have cooperated with each other to a certain extent. This boy has been so unusual in the past two years. Its growth is absolutely unimaginable, but it's a pity!"

What about the so-called pity? It means that Wang Xiaoer did not take an official career, but a business career. This has a considerable impact on his future. Even if he steps into the official career in the future, he will fall behind too much from the pace, and the gain is not worth the loss.

"Well, it's up to you to say that Wang Xiaoer's father obviously came to the capital, not to mention Wang Yeh. He's very old and strong. What's more, although grandfather Su doesn't show up, he's still alive in spirit." When he spoke, Zhu mingguan also felt some toothache.

What about the older generation? What should wither has already withered, even if it is not withered? It's also half dead lying in 301 or 306! But what about the Wang family and the Su family? Live well, even when you have leisure, you can go to the supermarket to buy vegetables. Do you think there is any reason for this?

You know your grandfather is a little smaller than the king's father! Now it's long gone. It really can't be compared! The old man sits on the top. What about the bottom? Wang Xiaoer's father is also thriving. What about such a person? It's not as easy to handle as you imagine. It's very difficult!

What about these? It's very important in the small circle. What's more important about Wang Yang? To be able to take out the so-called real gold and silver, this slightly shows that there are some things that can be photographed. You know, in the first two years, the Wangs even needed to borrow money to make ends meet! And now? Although it's not fat, it seems that it's not as bad as that.

This makes us feel very surprised. There is also Wang Yang's decisiveness and executive power. This guy is not a novice at all, but is somewhat unimaginable calm. We have verified some information, and there is no problem with the source of money.

Wang family is very clean, so want to look for problems in the relevant aspects, it is really not very simple. What about the top people? Naturally, it is clear where the Wang family's money comes from. If the Wang family has Ding Yu, the eldest grandson of the family, do you still need to worry about money?

We should know that Ding Yu has put forward nearly 50 billion US dollars, but he has no intention of drying up. Even now, it is quite moist. This also makes people have certain associations. However, no matter what the situation is, some problems still need to be avoided.

So what about the following little fights? No one wants to put it in the heart, let alone Wang Yang did not toss, even if he tossed and tossed, and how? There's a brother standing there. He really wants to toss and toss, but it's interesting? Ding Yu didn't mean to be involved in it.

Although they said they avoided it, they at least expressed some concern for Wang Yang. It can be seen from the inside that Ding Yu still has some intentions for this younger brother. It is not to say that it is over to give him the money, but to "squeeze" Wang Yang as much as possible. Wang Yang has really had a hard time in the past two years.

Other childe brothers, or three generations, at his age? Basically, they are quite moistening. They can do whatever they want, and there is no need for them to suffer too much. What's more, it seems that Wang Yang, a little fellow, has made a little bit of fame.

What about earlier years? We encourage industry, but what about the past two years? With the rapid development of the network, many people have begun to aim at this emerging industry. To be exact, the high profits generated by the network have made too many people envious.

What about the speed of this rise? Not only at home, but also abroad. We should know that the wealth accumulated by some families for hundreds of years is not even as much as that of an Internet company going public overnight. This kind of capital stimulation will make many people feel crazy, and we will continue to invest in it.

But what about the people who came in? Fish leaping over the dragon's gate is not really as many people as imagined, and Wang Yang in this respect? It seems that they also have their own unique sensibility. The investment in the past two years seems to be quite a lot. The small amount of US $200 million should be about the same. It is really that there is a big money owner behind it, and there is a taste of money that is not bad.However, they are all solid ones, and there are not too many flowery ones, but what about those nestled in the hands? Wang Yang is also responsible for investment, and of course, he is also responsible for solving some things out of the plate. This is nothing unusual. After all, he is protecting his own interests.

Mutual cooperation and mutual development are normal things. So Wang Yang is busy and idle. If we say that, there are not many people around Wang Yang, but no one can ignore Wang Yang's energy. Even now many people can't ignore Xiaobao's energy.

What about the two people sitting in the guild hall? It is precisely because of this aspect, but the purpose of the two people is really quite different, "the problem of fame and money is easy to solve, but the problem of channel? It shouldn't be a big problem for you, but you can't afford it! "

"That's why I asked you why Wang Xiaoer was able to afford it. Don't tell me that you don't know, otherwise I won't come to see you!"

Jin Mingsheng looked at his little hair, slowed down for half a day, and then slowly said, "I don't think I've heard what you said. More specifically, the one in our family can't hold up this responsibility, so does your family.

What's more, if Wang Xiaoer is confused, how can we make him, or even make him chicken feather and duck blood? There is no problem. But if it's the normal way, then I don't want to find this uncomfortable. You don't know what kind of people grandfather Wang and grandfather Su are. I can't afford to play, so I don't play! "

"Can't even play for you?" Zhu mingguan obviously did not believe some of them. He immediately took up the wine glass on the table and drank it down in one gulp. Obviously, there were some who were not very happy. His face was too small.

"As I said, I can't afford to play, so I don't play. I don't want to say anything rashly. I don't even fart when I leave my father's house. I'm just a so-called helper. I know my position very well. So I'd rather make more friends than offend people. The circle is very big, but it's also very small."

"In this case, Wang Xiaoer can't move, it's not because of the matter of Wang Ye and Su's grandfather!" Zhu mingguan also narrowed his eyes and looked at his hair, "can I know the name? You also said that the circle is not big, but relatively speaking, it is also very small! " After that, he also poured a glass of wine to Jin Mingsheng.

"No use!" Jin Mingsheng was very happy to say, "the egg is useless. Some people are in the circle, but it doesn't mean that he is in the circle. What about some people? Although they say they are not in the circle, they are people in the circle! " The extension of this word is very strong. I believe Zhu mingguan has understood it.

"So the scope is very small!"

"Don't tell me, but if you insist on that, I don't have any way. I know you've got a relationship with those two recently, and it seems that this relationship is not shallow, but I really have no interest. If I go out from you, I will go to Wang Yang and tell him something about it. If I don't give you thunder, I can't afford it! "

"You need to be so heartless? We seem to be growing up! "

"It's just because I'm young, that's why I advise you that there's no big deal between Wang Xiaoer and Wang Xiaoer. It's just that some people see that he wants to rise up, so they can't see whether there are other things in it. I'm not so clear about it, but I'm not involved in the muddy water! It is small, so I advise you, don't eat mutton, make a Sao, broaden your horizons

After saying that, Jin Mingsheng also stood up, even in front of Zhu mingguan took out his mobile phone, and then called Wang Yang in front of him, "Wang Yang? I'm Mingsheng. I'd like to have a seat with you. I don't know if I have this time! All right, I'll fix a place! "

When he put down the phone, Jin Mingsheng took a look at Zhu mingguan, who was sitting there! We are young, I don't want to see you in the new year's day, so it's really embarrassing between each other! You don't know how muddy the water is, but if you step on it, you should be ready to be drowned

"Are you serious?" Zhu mingguan is also wrinkling his brow, looking at hair small, "Wang Yang so let you fear?"

"It depends on how you think about it. Anyway, what I should and shouldn't say has already been said. Then I'll explain the specific reason to Wang Yang, and the matter has nothing to do with me. Anyway, this matter can't be found on my head in the end. I don't need to have any worries and fears. I'll do it all! See you later

Looking at Jin Mingsheng who went out, Zhu mingguan kicked out all the drinks on the tea table. The drinks were scattered there. He was too embarrassed to give himself such a small face. He poured the wine for him personally. He didn't mean to appreciate it.

What do you mean? Do you really want to eat pigs with fur when you leave butcher Zhang? Zhu mingguan's heart is also holding a fire. Previously, he valued an investment, but the problem is that he can't take out the money. He really can't get the money. However, it's a common thing for the childe in Beijing.How many people are relying on real gold and silver to do business, their own business is no cost, so things have been stuck there, but Wang Yang? One foot stepped in, of course, this guy is also more able to be a man, met with himself, and even showed sincerity.

What about things like this? I'm very happy, but the problem is that I can't lose face! You Wang Yang wants to get involved, OK! It happened that he didn't have money, but he thought that Wang Yang was so disrespectful. Zhu mingguan was quite angry, so the dispute between the two people was also horizontal there.

But if they are not horizontal, they can get real gold and silver. What about themselves? There were not many hairs, so he paid homage to Zhu mingguan directly, so Zhu mingguan was very angry in his heart. Since he was angry, he could find Wang Yang's trouble, but he didn't think about it. He couldn't find a suitable candidate.

Jin Mingsheng is really not the first person he found. He has found many people. Some people heard that he was from the Wang family, so he retreated directly. What about some people? It needs to be considered for a period of time. Of course, there are a few of them. Just like Kim Ming Sheng, he has given himself quite a warning.

This makes Zhu mingguan quite unhappy. Can Wang Yang still eat himself? They really have so many do not believe in evil, even if the people of the Wang family can how? I really want to touch the tiger's buttocks, what is called the tiger's buttocks can't touch, I don't believe it!

What about Wang Yang? I know something. Although Jin Mingsheng didn't explain it, I already understand it. What about the person? More or less mentioned some! But I don't believe in evil.

However, after receiving the invitation, Wang Yang arrived at the place on time. When he saw Jin Mingsheng, he nodded his head from afar, and then quickly walked over, "six brothers, I haven't seen you for a while. Today is that gust of wind blowing to you?"

"Don't mention it. Just now Zhu mingguan found me and nearly disgusted me, so he came here to drink tea to relieve my boredom." What he said was merciless, which made Wang Yang laugh.

What about Zhu mingguan? I have contact with them. What about the projects I like? He has been pinched in his hand all the time. Out of consideration of business and human relations, he took the initiative to come to the door. However, this guy is too much. He doesn't know what to say. He is talking about business with him. What about him? I even want to do nothing with myself.

There is no way to talk about business, but I didn't express myself too much. What about the things sent out? He didn't mean to take it back. Then he reached an agreement with the one over there. But he didn't think that he wanted to bite himself and not let go. However, Wang Yang didn't mean to put Zhu Ming in his eyes.

After they both sat down, Jin Mingsheng sighed, "this guy! I have done a lot of business in recent years, but what about the reputation? It's almost corrupt. I still don't know how to stop now. Who knows what kind of consequences it will be. I grew up together anyway! "

Wang Yang understood the hidden meaning of the words, "six elder brothers said so, I am not a bad person either!" What about this? It is also revealed that Zhu mingguan can't trouble me, and I'm too lazy to move him. But if Zhu mingguan really doesn't know good or evil, then this is another thing.

Jin Mingsheng is very clear, Wang Yang can say this, it is quite face saving. You should know that there is not only Wang family behind them, but also a big brother who will not be born. That is the really powerful role. How about other people compare with him? It's basically a scum!

What about yourself? It's OK to play in China, but if you go to the international arena, it's basically the kind that people play. What about self-knowledge? We still have them. So basically there is no jumping from one bog to another.

What about this? It is basically universal in any country, just as there are never too many people coming to China in the United States. They can't afford to play. Of course, finding a place to stay comfortably for two days is another matter.

What about Wang Yang's elder brother? He is a real master of playing international capital. He has no interest in China at all. Such people are jealous and can't come. What can you say? Only admiration! Of course, there is one more thing? There are also some fears, although we have no meaning to say.

But even so far? It seems that not many people know, but Jin Mingsheng knows what's going on here? It is also a very coincidence and special, but he was also seriously warned. The consequence is that Jin Mingsheng feels that there is no way to recall. He never knows, sometimes he knows some hearsay, and the consequences will be so serious.

If one, two, three, four, one more time, he would not want to inquire about the relevant information. The pressure on him is not so great. However, he has a certain relationship with Wang Yang. From this point of view, it can not be regarded as a bad thing, right?

This is also the reason why I contacted Wang Yang immediately after meeting with Zhu mingguan. I was also showing my attitude. Although Zhu mingguan is a child of his own, this guy is a bit too unskillful in doing things. He can do whatever he wants. Don't let him be too miserable. The rest doesn't matter. I'm on your side anyway!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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