Of course, Wang Yang knows why Jin Mingsheng is looking for himself, but he really doesn't have much intention to refuse. What about each other? It doesn't involve too many interests, but what about the same self? Because there is big brother this big mountain, so where are you now? It's a little bit different.

It's true that my elder brother seems to want to break away from the relationship with his family, but the problem is what about the family? It's really "reluctant to give up". Originally, I thought that the elder brother would use some influence from his family, but now it's totally reversed. The family has to rely on the influence of his elder brother. What's good about this?

What about Wang Yang at this time? I really don't want to thank my brother in general. Although it's not a long time to be taught by my brother, I really learned a lot of things. What about these things? Also let oneself not take any other detours.

Of course. How about meeting Kim Ming Sheng now? However, there is not too much knowledge used, which has nothing to do with knowledge. But the problem is whether Kim Ming Sheng comes to see himself or because he knows the existence of big brother, otherwise? What about the relationship between them? Although it is also a friend, but will never walk so close!

Even if he was close, he would not deliberately mention it to himself. After all, his relationship with Zhu mingguan was quite unusual. Even when he mentioned it to himself, he hoped that he would be merciful in the future.

It's not very long to have tea with Jin Mingsheng. Wang Yang has other things to deal with, so he is the first to leave. No matter how Wang Yang refuses, Jin Mingsheng always stands up to see him off. He is absolutely in place in terms of etiquette and even makes people feel extremely satisfied. At this point, it is incomparable with other people.

"Third, have you contacted big brother recently?" Wang Yang, who received the phone call, was stunned. "I met him in the United States two days ago. What's the matter?" How much Wang Yang said is so casual! Try not to let his second sister to hear the strange situation inside.

"I want to borrow something from the courtyard!" Wang Li is also very direct, Wang Yang is also Yi, "borrow things?" This remark obviously means that I don't believe it very much, "sister, are you ok! If there is something you can say directly, it will be over. As for such caution? Big brother is not a mean person either

"I recently transferred to the Palace Museum. What happened when I went to my elder brother? It seems that I have seen two paintings. Although I can go to the quadrangle, the problem is that if I take out those two paintings, it will not be so once, and I can't get in touch with my elder brother! So it's a bit of a dilemma, and you can't take it openly. What a shame

Wang Yang also scratched his head! Now this time seems to be a bit inappropriate! Wait a little longer! I'll get in touch with you in the evening! But when did you transfer to work, how did you suddenly think of doing this work? I feel a little puzzled! "

"Mind your own business!" Wang Li is also true color said, "by the way, my mother told me that she wanted to introduce you to a partner. It seems that she and grandma have agreed. Let me inform you that if you have time these two days, I'll see you."

Ah! Wang Yang's expression was immediately dull, he really did not expect to encounter such a situation, put down the phone, Wang Yang is also a sigh, but this thing? I really have no way to resist, I can't do the big brother's degree.

In fact, what about the best choice in the family? It should be my eldest brother. Although the elder brother has two children, the problem is that he still doesn't mean to get married even now. Of course, his age is acceptable. However, the relationship between the elder brother and the family is at this point, and the family really does not have too many requirements.

It is more practical to say that the family wants to have some requirements, but can't help their big brother, so there is no desire to mention this matter again! Because said is also a white, or let each other are not very happy.

For things like this? The second sister said hello to herself at the beginning, so it's not so difficult for me to accept it now. What's more important is that her elder brother is estranged from the Wang family. What about herself? Business is also quite improved, now there are so some "sweet cakes" meaning.

It's a bit boastful, but the fact is really like this. Now many people have taken a fancy to themselves, and they want to bite a piece of meat off their own bodies. Wang Yang is quite helpless about this, but what about the opportunity to choose? It's not as much as you think.

After all, granddad and grandma have agreed. If the Three Outlooks of each other are similar to each other, and the person looks ok, there will be no problem if there are not many defects. Don't think about the so-called romance. It can't happen to you. It's just certain.

This is not Wang Yang has not been to the place, grandma's phone call, gave himself a phone number, the speed is also let Wang Yang feel so some touch can not prevent, but Wang Yang is also very quick to accept up, there is no big deal, the matter of marriage, is not in a hurry, first look at the person again!"Three little!" What about the people Wang Yang came to see? He is an e-commerce boss. Let's just say that! I really have a lot of expectations about this, but what about my own responsibility? It's not about business. Previous VCs can beat other VCs. Money is just one of them.

He also needs to be responsible for the handling of certain relationships behind him. For Wang Yang, such things are mainly handled by Xiaobao. In most cases, there is no problem. How about meeting him today? It's not about Zhu mingguan.

What about Zhu mingguan? Although we say that we have feud with each other, we don't have any relationship with this side any more. We mainly discuss some other things today, "you are welcome! Please Wang Yang has been familiar with shopping malls for quite a long time. As a businessman? Don't be a gentleman.

What about businessmen? To be good at communication, clear their own positioning! We can be polite to others, but don't be domineering and make money with amity, especially on the ground of China. "Three little, it's like this. Our development speed is faster than imagined. What about some things? We need to start preparing! "

"The development of the company is very fast, but is it too early to mention the listing?" Wang Yang thought it was the listing. At the beginning, everyone talked about the relevant issues, but his feeling was not so appropriate, so he said it in advance. On this matter, he did not agree with him.

The person sitting in front of Wang Yang shook his head, "San Shao, it is not only an early problem to mention the listing now, but also some impractical. Although our mall has become the leader, Hong Kong or the United States is our first choice if we want to go public, but not in China! And this one? It takes us five or even ten years to accumulate it! "

"What do you mean?" Wang Yang is really puzzled at this time!

"If we are going to be listed in the United States one day in the future, we need to pave the way for this relationship now!" This is a little obscure, but Wang Yang has already understood what it means. Previously, he snatched food from the mouth of a tiger, which seems to have caused dissatisfaction in some aspects.

"I see!" Then Wang Yang also laughed, but then he also looked at the person sitting opposite, "Well! Although we now say that we tend to be the leader, it is not the first choice. In three years' time, if you can become a household name, then I will introduce a person to you! What you worry about is not a problem! "

Yeah? This seems to be a bit big! Wang Yang looked at the puzzled expression of the man opposite him, "what about your time? Some of them are not very coincidental. Waiting for my call will not last more than a week at most! " While talking, Wang Yang also looked at his wrist watch, "maybe there will be good news tonight!"

After the meeting, Xiaobao also looked at Wang Yang, "do you mean to go to see elder brother?" What about this? In Xiaobao's heart, however, he didn't have much assurance. However, when he spoke, Xiaobao seemed to be somewhat depressed, and the real person was leaning against it.

Since following Wang Yang's side, the most initial time is social intercourse, but now? Communication has become a secondary, mainly business operation, which makes my head explode. When I first went in, I was a fool, a fool to be ravaged by others.

I also know how to do things, want to not this fool? They forced themselves to study. Everyone saw that they and Wang Yang were very bright when they were in front of each other. But who saw how much they paid for this? Even when I was in school, I didn't try so hard.

In the process of practice? Continue to study, although the growth is relatively fast, but for Wang Yang and Xiaobao two people, is also quite suffering, to know in the past time although the evening is not full of wine and wine, but also very natural and unrestrained, but now? Basically, when a person bears loneliness, he studies hard.

"This matter for others, it can be said to be very difficult, but for big brother, it is a matter of one sentence, and it is not even difficult!" Wang Yang's situation is similar to that of Xiaobao, but much better than Xiaobao, because when he was in school, he had a little bit of foundation.

And what about Xiao Bao? It is very smart, but he is basically mischievous in the school, and even nearly abandoned, so now want to pick up again, more painful than their own!

"I've got an orderly at home and a security guard for me!" Since everything is not a problem, Xiaobao doesn't want to continue the discussion. Instead, he talks about other things, "what does my father mean? I can't take care of myself alone. I have the right one for myself!

I don't know what to say. In the past, even if it wasn't stinky at home, no one seemed to smell it. I'm afraid it might be contaminated. Now it's OK. Everyone wants to come up and have a bite. "

Wang Yang also laughed, "it seems that we two brothers? It's true that there are so many people connected with each other! " All of a sudden, Xiaobao was quite surprised. He even opened his eyes and looked at Wang Yang. "You have a goal. Who's the girl! Tell me! Now you are a Tang monk"It seems to be from the Lin family." What about this? Sooner or later, it will be mentioned, what's more, he and Xiaobao do not need to have too many taboos! "I've heard that there are not many people that we really met in 49 cities. It's said that those who are knowledgeable and intelligent are teaching now."

"Shit, you know more than I do!" Wang Yang also looked at Xiaobao subconsciously, "Hey, I said, when did you have such a spirit when you said other things? How did you mention it, and your eyes were as wide as a light bulb? "

"Come on, don't get off the subject, I don't believe you don't know!"

"Previously, I knew there was such a girl in the Lin family, but who would have thought of the person introduced by the old man? Is it her? Prepare to meet you when you have time in these two days. Your rumor is very good, but how about the details? I'll have to find out! Anyway, I'm a brick man now! And it's pure! "

"Don't get sick of me!" Xiaobao is also directly leaning on the side of the position, "you said you are a brick man, I believe this, you say you are pure, you are fooling ghosts? If you want pure affection, what should I look like? "

Two people in the car are also unscrupulously joking, it is also a relaxation mood, "this period of time is too tired, there are not too many requirements for other aspects of the home, but three times a week to exercise, I really feel that some can not bear, the whole person will bump!"

"Now you have at least four ABS." Wang Yang also moved his neck. "I feel very tired, but the effect is very good. Otherwise, in the future, whether our career will succeed or not will be another matter. But the whole person is absolutely useless. We are very young now!"

"That's right, but I really feel that I can't bear it. I was a little better in the past, once a week, but now it's added to three times a week. I'm a god! It's a kind of old-fashioned one. I doubt it. What degree should we do at home? "

" we all use big brother as a benchmark! " Wang Yang is also very helpless to say, "big brother in the morning, basically four o'clock to get up, exercise, read newspapers, and so on, and then a day's work, when he comes back in the evening to exercise, and then study and deal with official business, it is basically such a process, the family also hope that we can do this step!"

"Xiaobao was so hung up that he didn't come up." it's also possible to compare a person. Why don't you choose other people? Why do you have to drag the big brother out? " Xiaobao also expressed his dissatisfaction seriously, "do you know that big brother is a mortal? Why do you have to take big brother as an example? It's hard to understand! "

"How about many homes now? It seems that they are interested in this aspect! " Wang Yang also murmured that, anyway, he knew the situation was like this, "there is a sentence how to say, eat bitter in bitter, just for life, the original time is to eat the old, now the era seems to change a little fast!"

"Clearly, we are the so-called experimental body! Is that right? "

"Almost! You should know that you haven't seen some situations in these years, these guys below! It's a bit out of shape. How about going on like this again? Who knows what kind of situation it will be, I think it's time to clean up. Otherwise, those guys don't know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is! "

What about the car? There are no other people, but what about this? The meaning is also quite obvious, Xiaobao also slightly nodded his head, "yes, these guys are making too much noise, need to clean up! What about the atmosphere? It should also be changed! "

"If you don't, I'll forget the business. Earlier, my sister told me that she was transferred to the Forbidden City. Do you know this?" Asked Xiaobao is also a Leng, "second sister to come? When did it happen? Why don't I know? "

Xiaobao, who was asked about it, was also quite surprised that he had never heard of it.

"I also feel very strange. How did my sister go to the Palace Museum? What do you mean?" When talking, Wang Yang also took out the phone to call his elder brother in the past. If he said that there was no call for opening international business, he could not get through. What's the waiting time? It's not very long.

"What's the matter?" Look at Wang Yang's phone number? Ding Yu knew that there would be no one else except him, so he didn't have any so-called implicitness after he opened his mouth. He was straightforward and said things when something happened!

"The second elder sister wants to borrow two paintings from the quadrangle. She seems to have been transferred to the Forbidden City recently. I didn't ask about the specific matters, but she couldn't get in touch with you, so she called me!"

"Go find Anjie! He'll take care of it. Anything else? "

Wang Yang also hesitated for a moment, "well, I have invested in several companies, but one of them has involved overseas venture capitalists. It can be said that it is snatching food from their mouths. It seems that some unhappy things have happened here."

"You want to go public? Is it listed here in the United States? "

"No, there is no such plan for the time being. The original plan is the best time of five years. However, it is better to make preparations for the realization of the plan. It is better to make preparations in this respect. If something happens, it will certainly pay the corresponding price at that time.""I see!"

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