"No, big brother, don't put on the phone, talk about other things!" Wang Yang also called his elder brother in a hurry, "well, what about some elders in Beijing now? Do you know that you are going to use big brother as a benchmark

And Xiao Bao's ear, sitting in the co pilot's seat, is also standing up. What about this? I really have a little interest, but it's a pity that there is no word on the phone. Looking at Wang Yang's slightly depressed face, Xiaobao really has some meaning of enduring Jun, which is really too cola.

Big brother didn't pay attention to Wang Yang's meaning, even the simplest expression. When the phone was put down, Xiao Bao couldn't help patting his stomach twice with his hand, "well, don't explain. Explanation is just cover up. We all know it! So I won't laugh at you

"Go away!" Wang Yang also a white eye, "if you feel uncomfortable, I just learned two hands this period of time, do you want to try it! I let you not get out of bed for a month, I heard that your little girl friend in the hospital still miss you very much! "

He called his second sister and said, "elder sister, I've asked elder brother about everything. He asked you to go to Anjie directly. Do you have anything to do? Do you want to go to my grandfather and grandma at night, or do I invite you to dinner?"

"I have other arrangements. I've already seen them from my grandparents. If I have that time, I'd better take care of myself." Then Wang Li also put down the phone, "well, I'm lonely now, how about you? It seems that you won't have too much time, so I won't disturb you! "

"Yes Xiaobao is not vague, and he doesn't have much time, but even if he has time, he doesn't want to gossip. He really doesn't have the energy. When he has time, he really wants to lie on the bed and have a good rest. For himself, I'm afraid this is the best choice.

In the past, it was absolutely full of wine and wine. In any case, there were not too many people who paid attention to themselves, but now it is not the same. It is also the security and service personnel. Although they have one eye open and one eye closed on their own life, they can find it from other places, so don't talk about it.

Wang Li is not the first time to come to the quadrangle, but this time she did not come alone, but two old men came with her. When she came to the courtyard, Wang Li didn't feel too nervous, and Anjie there was already ready. When she saw Wang Li, she said respectfully, "hello!"

"Housekeeper ANN, how do you do?" After all, it's my brother's housekeeper, and it's a quadrangle. How about this? Wang Li still has some. Who is her elder brother? Wang Li's heart is really very clear, but the two old men behind Wang Li, looking at the layout of the yard, after looking at each other, are also a bit shocked.

The people who can live here are either rich or expensive, I'm afraid it can't be described. In addition, they are all in the eye of the quadrangle. It may not be a big deal to give people the first feeling, but after careful observation, it is really a little bit boastful. After two people enter the room, their mouths are already closed.

What about the layout of the whole room? It seems that there are so many things in disorder. However, if you look at it carefully, you really have a taste of "red official kiln?" The two old men looked at each other, and then at the first time, even pushed the glasses on the nose to the forehead.

Because there is a layer of window, so there is no way to touch it. But what they see is not one or two, but a whole set, right over there. It is self-evident what the value of red official kilns is in the market. What's more, this is still a set. I'm afraid the price is unimaginable.

"Sorry!" Anjie also said sincerely, "we need to keep constant temperature and humidity here, so we seldom bring other things in. Excuse me!" When speaking, Jack is also extremely careful. If something goes wrong, he can't afford to pay for it.

Although said that they do not know how to see the reward, but the problem is that they know the price! It's enough to ask for his own life. So after coming in, Anjie paid his best to be careful, for fear of any situation and problems. Of course, this does not refer to himself. Fortunately, most of the things in the room are fixed and have considerable protection.

"It's all true!" Where are the two old men? It is not a brick family, but a real expert. They have seen the red official kiln, but is it so complete? It's really hard to see! Although there are many things in the market to make up the number, what about the real discerning people? One or two of them can be seen at a glance.

What about the two old people? What era did they come from, so what about such things? Also has a very special feeling, and at this time, Anjie also pressed a safe password, and then nodded to Wang Li, and did not continue to stay in the room, which was meaningless.

Looking at the glass slowly being left, the eyes of the two old people are also a light, and then Wang Li also handed over the gloves. This is a routine, but also a kind of protection. The two old people are also looking at Wang Li with searching eyes. Wang Li nods. There are not too many problems. Since they have come here, things here are open to themselves, otherwise And he won't leave.But what about Wang Li? They didn't have much interest. Their goal was to put them on top of other things. The two old people appreciated them for a long time and then put them all down. "Brother Zhujun, there are some things like this that have never been heard of or seen before. The capital city is really full of hidden dragons and tigers!"

The old man, who is called brother Zhujun, also nods. What about the other things in the room? Not to mention, these red official kilns are already very good. However, the two old people didn't have many other ideas. They also looked at other things. At this time, Wang Li also found a string of strings to bring for herself.

What about this action? Also let two old people have a look, for the identity of the host here? She seems to be more or less curious. Of course, there are some doubts about Wang Li. What kind of identity does she have with the owner here? You should know that there was a string of strings on her hand before.

Two people have seen it. It's almost extinct in the market. Even if there is one, most of them are modern products. The real Canaan incense. But everyone has a good thing. What about this thing? It's really not easy to compare. Wang Li tried with a string of string of hands. After taking it, she sighed for a while and then put it back.

The two old people also laughed bitterly. The little girl was really a little bit reckless, but soon the two people were also attracted by the two paintings hanging there, which is the purpose of their coming here this time.

Almost half an hour later, the two old people also nodded, "wonderful! This one was re framed during the period of the Republic of China. From a modern point of view, there are still not many ways to catch up with Xiaoliu in a hundred years' time, which makes people sigh with regret! "

"Wang Li, can we borrow things for a while?" The two old people are also looking forward to looking at Wang Li, the original time two people? I really don't believe it, but because I know Wang Li's identity, I follow her with half faith. It's true that she came to the quadrangle. At most, she sighed about the residence here.

After all, they have seen a lot about this situation. However, after seeing the red official kiln, the two people's minds hanging there were put down. But now there are some worries. Even if they are sold, they can't afford to buy them. So now all the expectations are put on Wang Li's body.

"I've contacted you earlier, but I still mentioned the names of the two teachers. However, we may need to make the two teachers more troublesome in the future." Although Wang Li didn't say what the trouble was, the two old people naturally understood how it happened. It must have involved some identification or mounting problems.

What about the two old people? It's really not a troublesome thing. In the past, many people came to invite them, mainly because of their mood. But what about today's mood? It is really quite good, and from the layout of the room can see, is not a kind of arty, at least not too conventional.

But what about the next work? There is no need for Wang Li to intervene. After all, she has just been in the industry for a short time, and she has no practical experience in this field. Of course, there are also reasons for the quadrangle. The protection measures for the quadrangle are in place, which makes the two masters feel satisfied.

However, just after finishing cleaning up, before leaving, people came to siheyuan. Wang Yang also had a face-to-face with his second sister, "sister, how are you here?" Then Wang Yang seemed to remember something, "no! I just got in touch, and you came? "

Wang Li also looked at her brother, "come here! Let me introduce you to Mr. Chen and Mr. Qu from the museum Immediately also looked at two teachers, "this is my younger brother Wang Yang!"

"Hello, two teachers!" Looking at his elder sister's attitude, Wang Yang didn't show his chivalrous manner, but the momentum he brought with him could explain one or two things. What about the situation of the two old people towards the Wang family? I've heard of it. Looking at Wang Yang's appearance, I feel that Wang's family style is still very good.

But what about the two old people? Also let a step, go there to deal with this secondment, and Wang Li is puzzled at Wang Yang, "what are you doing here?" After that, he also looked at Wang Yang suspiciously.

"I'm looking for some books!" Wang Yang also pointed to his clothes, "let others come here! I really haven't been able to take it out, but sister, when did you sneak around to the Forbidden City, you really haven't heard of it, and are you so anxious? "

Because I just called earlier, this time I came to feel that I couldn't understand. But Wang Li didn't really mean to explain, and then she waved her hand. Wang Yang didn't say anything. She went to Anjie. It's true that her elder brother emptied all the important things in the study, but some books were still there.This is why Wang Yang came here. What about some books? It's really what we don't have in China, at least it's not very common, but what about ourselves? At this time, there is really a small demand, so the first time is also running over. What if other people come? I'm afraid I can't get into this door.

Don't think it's a joke. Other people come here. Don't even say that the quadrangle will not open the door. Even if you come in, you still need to mention it to Anjie. After all, this is the place for elder brother. It's true that he has moved everything away, but what about that?

In the past, other people were not allowed to enter the study. Now? Although there are no rules in this respect, but similarly, there are not too many people entering the study. When Wang Yang entered the study, he was very careful. He found his own book and was ready to leave.

However, his second sister didn't seem to want to leave, which made Wang Yang feel quite surprised. It seemed that he was waiting for himself on purpose. Looking at the car not far from the door, Wang Yang also bit his teeth. What about the car? He has always been more envious, but can only be looked at eagerly, there is no other way.

What about comfort? It's really uncomfortable, but the problem is to look tough! Absolute men's car. But what about yourself? That is to say, I can only pass this eye addiction. If I really let myself get started, I can make my own flying in the house. "Sister, when did I change the color of the car? Let alone it is really special. This color is good!"

Wang Li looked at Wang Yang's hand inside, even picked up to see two eyes, are some English books, they really have so some can not understand, although said their English is good, but the translation of this for themselves a little bit more difficult, at least not their strengths!

"I hear you have a good business recently?"

Yeah? Wang Yang's heart is also playing a total, the second sister said so let himself feel so some not too wonderful! He felt that the purse in his pocket seemed to be in a small condition, so Wang Yang also said with a smile, "sister, what's the situation here, don't you know? The money in my pocket is not, but I can use it, not much! "

"What you said is not much. It is already quite a lot for me personally. If you apply for some instruments here, it will take a little longer. Now time is not waiting for us. Please donate some instruments to me! I will pass the list to you in the evening. If you make money, you should give it back to the society at least? Well, it's settled! "

But Wang Yang looked at his elder sister, is a face muddled forced look, "elder sister, are you ok? It's a small thing to give back to the society, but it gives me the feeling that your recent behavior is not so strange! " Wang Yang also had some worries and said, "make people really have so many can't understand!"

"Don't worry about me. I'll take care of my business myself." Wang Li also waved her hand, and then got on her car. "By the way, don't ignore the things I told you before. I heard that you have made great progress recently. This is a good thing, but pay more attention to your body!"

After Wang Yang got on his car, he was also very puzzled. What did his second sister want to do? Do you want to ask? I don't know where to start. At least my parents don't know about it. Will my grandparents tell me? They don't know.

Is it hard to find your own big brother? But does such a thing need to disturb him? Wang Yang really didn't know much about this. Then Wang Yang got out of the car again, but Anjie felt very strange. He had packed up his things, but he didn't expect Wang Yang to turn back again.

"Is there something wrong with the second sister recently?"

When asked, Anjie is also quite puzzled and looks at Wang Yang. What about these things? I don't really know. On the one hand? I don't have much to do with myself. On the other hand? I really haven't heard about it!

"Not very clear!" Anjie's reply was very concise, "do you need to tell sir?" What about the so-called Sir here? It refers to Ding Yu, who used to call the eldest young master, but now? Wang Lue Yang is also dissatisfied with this.

But not to say that he is not dissatisfied with Anjie, but to address his elder brother to Mr. Zhang? Let oneself have so some not satisfied, but oneself also know this matter? I'm afraid Anjie can't make it clear. After thinking about it for a while, Wang Yang was also worried and said, "I don't need to tell my elder brother about this matter. I'll inquire about it."

Where's your big brother? There is no better way than himself. After all, he is not wandering in 49 cities. What about these ghosts and monsters? I'm afraid not much contact, and in this respect, although I don't have much contact with, but the identity of the Wang family is there. I really want to see how it happened!

You should know that after all, that is your sister. Anyway, I feel that there are so many things that are not very good. How can it be? I can't tell you clearly, and my sister doesn't mean to say it. If it's really a good thing, it's even if it's really a good thing. If something really goes wrong, I'm still going to give a hand.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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