Ding Yu has always stayed in the United States. After the Australian affairs have started to make a lot of noise, there is no need to have too many taboos between each other. From the beginning to the end? Ding Yu did not show any attitude, and even some people slapped themselves? Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to it, but sat still.

However, since the things have almost fermented, Ding Yu also knows that he should go back and talk to the military personnel about the relevant matters. At least on this matter, the military has reached an agreement with himself!

As for whether the military will go back on such things? Ding Yu didn't really put too much emphasis on his mind. Things are two-sided. Since this side is not working, it's better to change to the other side, not to mention his own heart? Some of them already have the details of this aspect. Sometimes, it is not necessary to need the so-called "evidence".

But at the airport? Ding Yu had no way to register. It was said that there were some problems with Ding Yu's passport, which had never appeared in the past and could never have happened. What about Ding Yu? I also sat there. It seems that some old gods are there.

I have some curiosity. Although the Australian affairs have not been completely finished, they have no relationship with themselves. At this time, they are still looking for their own troubles. What is the so-called problem?

Ding Yu didn't ask for anything. He just looked at his wrist watch. What about Jin? Standing in the position behind Ding Yu, the two men did not have much communication. After waiting for about 40 minutes, someone finally came to Ding Yu. Jin took two steps forward, directly blocking the visitors' steps.

"I'm sorry, sir, something has gone wrong! Please forgive me

Kim was smiling and looked at the visitor. "Sir, you won't accept an apology, and it doesn't make any sense to apologize. In 45 minutes, you can count it according to the value! One second 100 million, 42 minutes, 252 billion! Help me with this? Bring it to the people behind you! That's the price! You don't have to answer! "

After that, Jin also stepped back two steps with a smile. Ding Yu didn't get on the plane at the first time. Instead, he turned and left the airport. However, people at the airport looked at Jin in surprise and then looked at Ding Yu.

However, Ding Yu has not yet waited to come out. He does not know where he comes from. Several people come out of nowhere. They are wearing helmets on their heads. They go straight to Ding Yu. Ding Yu's expression is a little bit surprised, because he has already seen the guy's style in the hands of these guys.

Then I saw that the guys in the hands of these guys started to erupt anger, and the target was also directed at Ding Yu and Jin. Ding Yu took cover at the first time, and his reaction speed was beyond imagination. Jin was the same, but the people behind did not have such reaction. They were also a little sluggish! Or the whole person has been confused.

Ding Yu is a selective stand, there is not too much panic expression on his face, but the airport staff standing not far away, this time a little bit sad, but what is the good news? The people who came in didn't have much interest in them!

But even if it was like this, they didn't get there well. They soon lay on the ground and began to howl. They didn't have any interest. However, there were not too many problems when they gave you a shuttle. As for those who are immortal, this problem is not what they need to pay attention to. It depends on God's choice!

What about Ding Yu's blockade? It seems that some of them are not in place, because Ding Yu found the cover at the first time, and his reaction speed is really too fast. Although there is no weapon in his hand, there will not be too much danger for the time being. However, Jin has already thrown the bulletproof box inside his hand to Ding Yu's front position.

I don't know if it's useful or useless, but now it's time to call for support. Although Ding Yu is calm, he is still quite in a mess. He can only scurry around because there is no weapon in his hand. What about the other party? The firepower is not only ferocious, but also running for Ding Yu's life.

The staff in the airport also suffered heavy casualties. After all, this is the airport, and we didn't carry too many weapons. What's more, what about this time? It's not very suitable, and the airport security forces seem to react a little bit slowly. I've been fighting for half a day, but there's still not much response!

Ding Yu also compared with Jin. Although he said that the situation was a little bit of a crisis, for two people, the temporary escape was not much problem. As for the airport staff, let's forget it! It's not that I don't want to help, but I really can't help. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will be left here.

No weapons, no other equipment, and then facing a group of killers, unarmed just want to hit these guys to the ground, don't be kidding, can avoid at the first time, this is already the goddess of luck in smile.

Now that the decision has been made, the speed of the two people is also very average, but at this time? They didn't mean to leave the airport. Who knows what kind of situation is outside? If you go out, it may be more dangerous. Go around with them here! It seems that the airport is not small. What's more, these guys are coming from a direct attack. It's impossible to completely surround this place.It seems that the attackers did not expect that the target would be so agile. You should know that they launched a surprise attack, the speed of which is comparable to that of the military, but? There is no result at all. The target has been reflected when they are ready to make a move. There is no hesitation at all.

Continue to chase down, there will be no results, this is absolutely certain, and the environment here? It's also very complicated. So a group of people are also the first time to lay bombs on those guys on the ground, and then quickly choose to evacuate. Time is not enough for them.

When the police siren sounded, Ding Yu also took a look at Jin. They still didn't mean to come out, but Ding Yu had already called sun Yingnan for the first time. Is it a coincidence that I lost 40 minutes at the airport and then there was a wave of assassinations?

In a short time, Ding Yu's security forces have gathered together. As for the police and other departments outside, there is no sense of any concern. At this time, although there is no chaos outside, for some high-level people, although their nerves are thicker than buckets, they are still inevitably beating up.

Ding Yu lost 40 minutes at the airport. What about this? In the past, everyone was angry, at least not in mind, but the problem was the attack on Ding Yu, which was never mentioned before. No one is stupid. What are the consequences of choosing such a method! You know that.

Looking at the middle-aged man walking towards him, Ding Yu also waved to Jin. When the middle-aged blonde man came to his body, Ding Yu's face showed some seriousness, "I'll give you a chance to explain the matter clearly. I don't want to hear any prevarication. If you choose war, then I will accompany you!"

Looking at Ding Yu's gesture, the middle-aged people are also a little confused. How to explain this matter? Tell Ding Yu that we deliberately trapped you in the airport. But the problem is that if you don't explain it, things will leak out. Many people knew about the situation before, and we were angry.

But who would like to have such an accident? If there is a fight between each other openly and secretly, there will be basically no fighting, and such a decapitation plan is still implemented. This is a provocative act for the whole system.

"There's nothing to say, it's acquiescence in the conduct of war, is it?" As he spoke, Ding Yu had already stood up. Since someone had chosen war, there was nothing to say. However, just as Ding Yu turned to leave, a group of people from outside also came, led by an old man. Seeing the turning Ding Yu, he also trotted over.

Mr Ding

Ding Yu looked at the passer-by, then picked it with his chin, "what about this subconscious? That is to explain that some people choose war. I don't think there is much to explain. If it's other issues, I can understand it. But I think I still keep calm and have the greatest restraint and tolerance. What do you mean? "

"Ding, this thing is not what we imagined. It's good that we made the decision to stranded you in the airport before! There is no need to deny this. "

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu's face also appeared a trace of sneer, "Oh, so to speak, is to admit!"

"No, what about the airport? It's for certain consideration. I can explain this matter, but no one will attack you. This is the bottom line that can't be crossed! No one can! " The old man also said it very seriously.

Oh! Ding Yu also nodded, "do you think you believe this after you say it? You did it. I was trapped here, and then the next assassination was not done by you! Even when the assassins were withdrawn, no security forces came! "

Then Ding Yu also carried a pair of clothes on his body, and then kicked the bulletproof box beside his feet in the past, "these are all fake. I dare not admit it. Finally, it is over to find a substitute for the dead! I said that since you started the war, you should bear the consequences! "

"Give me two hours and we'll take all the consequences!" Standing in front of Ding Yu, the old man also looked at Ding Yu very seriously, "no one wants to see the war, and no war will break out. This bet has put on the honor and reputation of all our families!".

After saying that, he also took out a knife and directly scratched his hand into a hole, and then squeezed it tightly into a fist, "this is a guarantee!"

Ding Yu also narrowed his eyes and looked at the old man standing in front of him. After looking at it for a period of time, he also simply said, "you trapped me for 42 minutes. It's too exaggerated to say 100 million a second, but I think it's normal for you to do things, so you should bear the cost.

Secondly, I need an account for this matter, a clear account. I think you know what I mean. I won't choose to leave today, but if I don't get anything, you know the consequences! "After that, Ding Yu also turned to leave. Looking at the steps of Ding Yu's leaving, the old man rubbed the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand. He even felt that there was some blackening in front of him. Bleeding was not a big deal for him. What scared him was the whole thing!

Let the security guard find a room below, and the old man also began to hold a short video conference, and then passed the video images on the spot to everyone. "Ding Yu made two requests, money is not a problem, but now we need to make clear one thing, that is, who chooses to do this!"

There are not many people on the screen. There is a sense of panic in everyone's eyes. Ding Yu is trapped in the airport. This matter is not important. The important thing is to be assassinated. This really pierces the sky. What Ding Yu said is very correct. This can be regarded as the beginning of the war.

"Is it possible that Ding Yu directed this scene himself?" An old man in pajamas, holding his chin, said, "from the whole thing, at least temporarily, it's good for him!"

The people in the screen also fell into a moment of thinking, but soon someone said, "there is a possibility in this aspect, but this ratio is too small. I have analyzed it before when I received the video. There are two shots in it that even skip Ding Yu's head hair, and Ding Yu's body is also shot, not counting the edge.

At this time, the importance of Ding Yu is self-evident. He won't make fun of his own life. During his stay at the airport, he didn't have any contact. I asked someone to check his communication with Jin and paid a certain price. But I think it's worth it. I don't rule out this possibility, but I don't think he's a madman! "

"I think this direction is very narrow. If Ding Yu is in trouble, then who is going to make a profit? Short term interests and long-term interests, if Ding Yu is not in a position, then who will benefit? Or short-term and long-term benefits! "

The old man who talked with Ding Yu also thought for a while, "we trapped Ding Yu. It's just a kind of trial. Even if there are contradictions, we don't need to take such drastic measures. I mean Ding Yu can use other ways to achieve this goal, and the effect will be better.

As for who will ultimately make a profit in this matter, this question is very good

"If it's Ding Yu, he won't have any flaws. If it's not Ding Yu, then find out the person, but no matter what? We know the black pot of this matter, and the news must be leaked. No matter who I am involved in, the result is the same! "

People also nodded to each other. Now this is not the time to quarrel with each other. You should know that this black pot will not be easy to recite. At that time, it will be bloody. What is Ding Yu's so-called account of? Money? No one is short of two money. This is not a matter of money.

Even if the person is finally found out, there won't be too many good fruits to eat, and the end will definitely be very miserable, because the source is on your side. It's true that you can explain and be used, but what about that? Can one word be used to solve all problems? Who is so simple!

Even if the investigation is clear about the cause of the matter, the price paid here is absolutely heavy. Even if we gather all the people here to kill Ding Yu, it doesn't have any effect, because the people who pick up the war are from their own side. For people in the small circle, what about other things? All are OK, but no one can afford the war!

What about the so-called war here? It won't be a world war, but? Also absolutely will let all rights reshuffle, such things for some people standing at the top of the pyramid, is absolutely not willing to see the scene!

Although the war has created some new families, it has also been destroyed more, not to mention the distant ones. Take the nearest one, at the time when the sixth Empire disintegrated, what was the consequence of its disintegration, regardless of feeding the two superpowers. Now basically these families? It was also the result of the division of the sixth empire.

What about the big war? There will be no opportunities and opportunities. Unless we want to destroy the earth, I'm afraid even a madman will not do such a thing. After realizing the relevant problems, we also began to gather together to consider the overall interests.

But now? Some people have broken the long-standing hidden rules. It is true that Ding Yu is a new rich or even an upstart in the countryside, but it does not mean that everyone can be free to fight. Once the war is provoked, everyone will be dragged in, breaking the old system and establishing a new order.

But what does that mean? It has been said clearly earlier that this means that the pyramids will be overthrown and rebuilt. This is totally intolerable to all. What about this? Not only to give Ding Yu an account, but also? It also needs to be explained to everyone else.

Some things? We can do things that don't matter. We are all at the top. It's understandable to do something out of the ordinary. Otherwise, what's the point of standing at the top of the pyramid? But what about some things? It's something we can't do. It's like what's happening now!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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