Ding Yu didn't go back to his residence. He just knew that Ding Yu was still in the United States, but where was it? We do not know, this is also a very normal situation, at this time continue to appear, not brave, but reckless, even if Ding Yu is fearless, the security below will not allow.

But at this time, we don't need to pay attention to Ding Yu, because although he said it was the most critical point, at present, as long as we make sure that he has nothing to do, we should seize the time to find the people behind the scenes. This is the most crucial point!

Ding Yu did not give very long time, so all the people who can mobilize are mobilized now, but the problem is that they still haven't found too many clues. It seems that the gang disappeared out of thin air! They found their lost car, but it was just a car. Besides, all the clues were broken!

All the traces inside the car have been cleared, which is really very clean! This is definitely not something that ordinary people can do. Even the veteran can't do it so clean. Moreover, these guys are well-trained, and all kinds of signs show this! This thing is really a headache!

If you want to dig out these guys in a short time, there are really some unlikely things to look for evidence? Not in a moment and a half. What's more? These guys are too well prepared.

In fact, as long as given a certain amount of time! At least some clues can be found, but the question is, will there really be such a time? What if these guys were killed? At that time, there are really so some call every day should not call the ground is not working! Who will take the responsibility?

Do you know what happened to Dingyu? It's not a decision made by one family. We are basically through Qi. What about everyone in this? It means that people in the United States are biased towards government departments, that is to say, they prefer to support the new president's power. If the influence is affected at this time, it is not very good for the president!

The new president was informed of the news at the first time of the incident, and he was also quite angry. Do you want to know the relationship between them? They are all standing together, but what about some people on their own side? Some xenophobic, plus some worries about Ding Yu in other aspects! So it's the consequence now.

Is it easy to be president yourself? You have to know that just came to power, even have not stood firm their feet, but they have no way, how to say? This one! It's a matter of the family. It can't be seen on the surface. Otherwise, it's too funny!

However, he still needs to call Ding Yu to express his sympathy, as well as his indignation and determination. He will never take this matter lightly. As for whether Ding Yu will accept it, the question is another matter. After all, his face above things need to be done.

Anyway, after working for more than an hour, I found a car. That's all. What's more? The location of the vehicle parking near the sea, it is obvious that the Raiders have been launched, as for what kind of situation after the launch, ghost knows! No one knows where they will land!

You can find clues above the ground, but how do you find them in the sea? But on the other hand, what about the plan? It's definitely not a day or two, not only can't we find any trace before, even after the evacuation, we still can't find too many clues.

We should know that there are almost all cameras on the street. Under such circumstances, we can't find any clues. Obviously, the other party is quite prepared. What about the preparation? It is also to let the investigation here fall into a dilemma, and there is no result at all.

"Two hours later, we can only roughly guess the number of them, simply outline that they have gone to sea, and then there is no clue!" Still in the previous video conference, the old man who talked with Ding Yu had red eyes and even could see the blood inside! It's a little bit under pressure.

"In this case, planning is not a day or two!" The speaker was an old lady with all the wrinkles on her face. She looked very old, but she spoke with great weight. "We were trapped in Ding Yu for 40 minutes. What are the attackers doing during this period? Is it waiting? "

At that time, people thought about it for a while? It seems that there are some crises, but on the other hand, it seems that some of them are too hasty, at least some problems are not considered.

"If we take this issue into consideration, they don't know what Ding Yu is going to leave, at least there is no accurate time!" After saying that, it seems to be thinking of something, "40 minutes of preparation time? It seems that it is too long! These guys are definitely not local! " The person who said this, the tone is very affirmative, and even the expression has some joy.

Isn't it local? It means that these guys don't live nearby. It takes too long for them to get the news to attack. If they get the news early, they should be more prepared. What is the result? It's not as simple as letting Ding Yu get hurt!Thinking of this, people also felt a burst of panic, but at the time of negotiation, almost at the same time, everyone's mobile phones rang, which made everyone slightly sluggish for a while, and everyone's heart was also cluttering, which was not very good!

After waiting for two minutes, people gathered in front of the screen again. "Sun Yingnan was attacked on the way to here. Because of Ding Yu's reason, sun Yingnan's security team raised their vigilance, but still did not hide. However, sun Yingnan's shield was seriously injured and in critical condition. Sun Yingnan is also in hospital now!"

Things are in a mess. If it is Ding Yu, he can be stable temporarily. But now even sun Yingnan has problems. If Ding Yu is not angry, it will be strange! Now this time is not a scapegoat to solve the problem!

However, he was not far away, so he arrived at the hospital as soon as possible. The guard on the side of the hospital was very strict, but he did not disturb the normal work of the hospital. However, he had an unexpected discovery that Ding Yu was also there and stood outside. He came very fast.

"Ding!" The old man also stood beside Ding Yu and looked at the situation inside!

"I believe you didn't do it anymore!" When hearing this, the old man standing by Ding Yu's side was also in a daze, but obviously Ding Yu's words did not finish, "but this matter has something to do with you, I'm sure. The news will never be leaked out without any reason! "

The old man standing beside Ding Yu also sighed. It's already this time. What about some things? It also needs to be highlighted, "the Boston consortium is composed of a large family, the more famous is the Kennedy family. What about their family affairs? It's also the most broadcast! "

"Sanchez, I don't want to hear from you Although it is said that they did not do this, but the source is from them, which is certain, so Ding Yu naturally won't have too many good looks.

But the old man was not as angry as he thought, "Kennedy time was a great blow to our Boston consortium! Even today, it is still not fully recovered, but this is a problem with the Morgan family. Although some things are over, history is still recorded! "

"I see!" Ding Yu faintly replied, "I thought you were going to start a war, but from the current situation, it seems that we are standing on the opposite side of the war. I don't know when this powder keg will explode, but if there is a problem, I will not be merciful, please forgive me!"

What he said also showed Ding Yu's attitude. It is true that things have become complicated, but what is the essence? It is still very simple, that is, some people hope that Ding Yu's opposition to the Boston consortium will even cause more noise. Ding Yu felt that something was wrong when sun Yingnan had problems.

He seems to have been dragged into the vortex, and even some of them can't do it. This is a very dangerous signal, so Ding Yu is also the first time? With Sanchez reached a balance, now this time he will not rashly have action, but the same, if there is a problem, I will spare no effort.

That is to say, Ding Yu will make every effort to attack the Boston consortium, because this is the only way? Will give himself to fight for a chance of life, for Sanchez, he naturally also understand how a thing! For Ding Yu at this time to keep calm feeling appreciation, but also for the bad environment feel worried.

Ding Yu's ability to react at the first time is a good thing for the Boston consortium, but what about this guy? He also knows what his own situation is. Some people want him to bite with the Boston consortium. Now Ding Yu has been pulled onto the boat. If he doesn't, he will die together.

And if you make a move, although both may lose, but at least Ding Yu has the possibility to survive! This is what Ding Yu wants to express! Now it's Boston's turn. Sanchez also thought for a while, "now the most important thing is time. The consortium will pay attention to relevant matters and try to avoid them. Things are too complicated!"

"No matter how complicated it is, it is also a member of a circle! I don't believe you don't know at all. I've never been involved in this, because I know this is a very troublesome problem, but it doesn't mean that I'm being bullied. It doesn't mean that the problem can be solved by paying the price! "

Ah! Sanchez also sighed, even if he knew now, what could he do! It's late! What about the Boston consortium itself? It doesn't have much to do with Ding Yu, but because Ding Yu is in Boston, he takes the initiative to take the matter in his own body. However, he thinks that the mutton has not been eaten, and it has caused a lot of mutton!

I didn't expect that those guys would be so cruel. They not only tested Ding Yu's simplicity, but also threw the Boston consortium into the pit. It's your own business whether you can climb out. Anyway, at the beginning, it seemed that they were throwing the Boston consortium into the pit, but on the contrary, it wasn't Boston that saw the Boston consortium in the pit There was a bone, so they jumped in?"I can't die here. What about sun Yingnan? Also need to heal! Now hort is in charge of the outside world! "

Hort? This name seems to have some strange! At least I haven't heard of it, but Ding Yu didn't mean to explain, and Sanchez didn't mean to ask, "have you found any clues there? I had experienced the attack myself! They are definitely soldiers! And the elite of the elite. "

"Why so sure?" Then Sanchez also patted his head, because he asked this question is really stupid! Because Ding Yu is a soldier, he can't know nothing about it, but what about Sanchez? I was really interested in it. "What do you think of the situation?"

"If they don't cooperate properly, they will never belong to the same army, because their training is completely different. This is reflected in the battlefield at that time. But one thing is certain, they have fought, so it seems that there are not too many problems, but in the end, what kind of people they are, some mixed feelings!"

What about this problem? Sanchez really did not hear the relevant report. Although it was said that many people below had seen the video data, there were no people who considered the problem from such an angle. Then Sanchez followed Ding Yu's analysis and quickly passed it on to his subordinates.

After waiting for less than half an hour, a lieutenant commander also stood beside Sanchez. "Although the people inside said they were acting together, the positions they occupied after they came in were slightly disordered, and they did not allocate their respective positions. Therefore, this gave the target a chance to break free. It also needs to praise the reaction and response of the target character Yes, very good

"Would it be intentional?"

"No!" The commander was very sure that he said, "if you deliberately, then the direction of the muzzle will not be aimed at the key parts, and even there will be quite floating situation. But the video data can see that they are running for the target, but because they are too hasty, and they don't have enough understanding of the target!"

"Enough understanding, what does that mean?" Sanchez also asked with great concern.

"I've just seen the video data. I asked myself that I couldn't do that. The response to the crisis and the subsequent response were too cold and quiet. Moreover, the speed of action changed so fast that the shooter could not find any way to lock the target. If it was replaced by someone else, he would definitely account for it, including me!"

"You mean that the plan is perfect, but I didn't think of Ding Yu's change. Can I understand it like this?"

"I remember another sentence. The Chinese army is invincible. He is a soldier. This army is definitely not too simple. It is hard to imagine what will happen in response to the situation!" The commander also slightly sighed, "there is no acting element in it, neither is there. However, I found something strange in it. The tactical actions of two of them are similar to our Navy!"

"Are you sure?" Sanchez's expression was suddenly ferocious, even his hands were clenched into fists.

"Sure, although we are all soldiers, but because the navy is different from the army, what is the direct reaction? It's also about tactical movements and gestures. Although they are the same, we can still see the difference. Even if they are not from the Navy, they are definitely related to the Navy. I believe my judgment! "

Sanchez also took a breath. The reason why he found the commander was mainly to determine the judgment. What about the army special forces? President Kennedy was responsible for the formation, and has always been? They are not separated from the Boston consortium. They can be regarded as their own family members. There is no ambiguity in the family on this issue.

"Are there any of us?"

The commander hesitated for a moment and nodded his head slightly. "The people standing in the oblique direction at the door seem to be the style of the army. I can only judge the style of the army. But who is it? I'm looking through the data. It's very difficult to compare. Some people can investigate, but some can't find it!"

Sanchez's heart is also a joy, if that is the case, it is really easy to do, "full! All the information is open to you. I just want the results. " The commander also nodded, and he was equally clear about what the full force meant.

As long as it is a person from the army, through the comparison of the image data, we can find out the situation of this person. Although there may be some delay in the time, the cable is much better than no clue!

Sometimes the investigation can not come out, not because we can't catch people, nor because of lack of evidence!

It's like reading the information of the army special forces to investigate a person. You may see this situation in the movie, but in reality, it basically doesn't happen. Are you joking, will the army let other people move their core at will? Is it like you're going to let someone move your safe?

That is the most core thing, not to mention outsiders, even relatives? Can't move at will!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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