Ding Yu's return is still quiet, but the Wangs still get the relevant news, this news? It's from the Su family. Even Su Quan came here deliberately. There are reasons why she came here deliberately.

Because in the past, Ding Yu also came back, and not once or twice a year, but this time? It seems that the situation is somewhat different. Ding Yu has more bodyguards with him, and he also raises the issue of carrying weapons. This really makes people wonder. Is there any other situation?

Although all the weapons and equipment have been reported, but this is China! It seems that the problem is not as simple as imagined. At least the Su family is worried about this, so they contacted the Wang family at the first time.

And Ding Yu? He has never left the airport. He has read the news from the Boston consortium, and now it is in his hands! What about your imagination? Not too much difference!

What do you mean to come back by yourself? It's very simple. We need to have a good talk with the military. This is the thing. Of course, it's the best to talk about it. If we can't talk, we won't be particularly disappointed. After all, this is not a big deal. We have already made clear the whole story in my heart.

"Xiaoding, don't underestimate the power of the country, and don't overestimate your own strength!" What about the speaker? Some gray hair, but root upright, with the face above the expression, its own dignity.

Ding Yu also pauses for a while, "I have never underestimated any national power, nor have I overestimated my own ability, and I have always been in awe." When he spoke, Ding Yu also showed his attitude. He did not want to dominate.

"Is it a surprise to come back with such a large package of presents?" When he spoke, he also knocked on the list with his hands. On the list were all the weapons and equipment that Ding Yu brought back this time. "I think you should explain something?"

Ding Yu wiped the table in front of him with his hand, then sipped his mouth and said, "I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If something happens, it's too late to say anything." There are some vague meanings in this sentence, but the problem is that you can't fool people with two Venus in front of you.

"So what happened in America has something to do with you."

Ding Yu also smiles, but that's it. There is no other indication that the matter has something to do with him. He knows what he has brought back. This attitude is enough to explain everything.

"I'm not going to explain it?"

"There's nothing to explain. I'm in a fog now." Ding Yu is also shaking his head, now he does not know what kind of explanation should be made, so let time slowly ferment! But does the domestic side know about the situation? But let oneself feel very curious, the ability of information collection is not general!

The old man took a deep look at Ding Yu. Although he said that there was news from the United States, it was really not clear to the bureau how it happened. Even Ding Yu needed to carry weapons and equipment when he returned home. This is obviously extraordinary. He wanted to dig out the details, but the problem is that the situation is difficult!

Ding Yu is obviously not willing to talk about this issue. After thinking about it, the old man also showed a little smile on his face, "since all of them have come, let's have a cup of tea! The tea here is good! "

Yeah? Ding Yu's expression was also a little stupefied, but it quickly changed. He took a sip of the tea cup and then slowly put it down. "I once read a material about the party before going to the United States to attend the presidential banquet. I don't need to investigate the content of the information. I want to know who brought the information back!"

"It's impossible! Never heard of it The old man also flatly rejected Ding Yu's request.

"Is it?" Then Ding Yu also took out two pieces of paper from his pocket. "This is the reply from the United States. I don't need to verify the truth of the matter. I want to know who is behind it. I think we can find the answer here." Having said that, Ding Yu took the paper back after the old man in front of him had read the information.

"Xiaoding, I need two days to understand the situation!"

Is this a promise or not? I also feel abnormal headache now. What are the problems involved? A little bit out of the circle, he really did not think that Ding Yu would let himself inquire about this information.

"Two days is too long!" Ding Yu is also slightly tactful, saying, "I don't need to know what the inside information is, and I don't want any so-called evidence. I just need to know who the person behind is, which is enough! What's more, you always think that I should study this matter deeply? "

What about Ding Yu's question? The old man sitting opposite Ding Yu also looked at Ding Yu deeply. For a moment, he really didn't mean to speak. Things were really not complicated. To know that he was in charge of the Intelligence Department of the military, this right was boundless to a certain extent.But what about yourself? I really haven't heard of the relevant news, but Ding Yu found the military. Why? Because Ding Yu confirmed that there was someone behind the military involved in this matter, so the old man couldn't help but shiver. If the matter is found out, it will break the sky.

"Xiaoding, I find you are not so honest! How about this? You have some ideas in your heart. Don't say I don't know. Even if I know, I won't say it! " After thinking for a while, the old man also gave up this aspect of mind.

Ding Yu's eyebrows also jumped twice, and then looked at it with a smile, "so you don't know about this matter. In fact, it doesn't matter whether you know or not. I don't care about it. I just want to verify it, and I don't mean to embarrass you! What do you think? "

The muscles of the old man's eyes twitched two times. He experienced all kinds of people. What about people like Ding Yu? I have been in contact with many people, but few people like him can sit in front of themselves so safely.

It is true that he was trained by the military himself, but the problem is that such small monsters are not as many as imagined, and even had previously secretly inspected Ding Yu's instructors? This is also the evaluation of this aspect. What was the original time? Can also see a little bit of the situation, but now Ding Yu, like a cloud of fog.

"You boy! It's not as simple as a little mischievous! " The old man looked at Ding Yu carefully, and then suddenly asked, "so, you may stay in China for a long time?"

However, Ding Yu directly refused, "there is not so much time. If I get information from you now, I will turn around and leave. This is certain! There are some thorny things in my hand. Even if you don't reply, I will leave tomorrow night at the latest

"In such a hurry?" It's obvious that the old man didn't expect that Ding Yu didn't have any intention to stay. Obviously, his hidden meaning? Is also telling themselves that they only need to know a name, not really will give this thing how! They need support, or absolute attitude. "In this way, things in America are very serious."

Ding Yu also smiles, "it seems that this does not have much to do with China. If I need domestic support, then I will say hello, but what about this matter? Don't get involved in China Speaking of this, Ding Yu seems to suddenly think of something, and his words are also a little pause.

What is the reason for Ding Yu's pause? It's very simple. Do you want to give this thing? Add a little bit of chips, but after thinking about it, my heart has also done a negative to this matter. Chips can be given, but absolutely not. Now, I also hope that the country can be strong and prosperous, but the problem is that I need to put myself in a proper position.

In addition, I had already agreed to the conditions of the military before, so I would choose to come back to talk about some aspects at this time, but now? The attitude of the military is somewhat vague, and I understand why it is vague, because the people involved are not simple! So the people in the intelligence department are hesitant.

Knowing that it is not easy, Ding Yu still chooses to come back and talk about some aspects with the military people. The purpose is also very simple, that is to see how much support the military will give itself. In fact? It is also a kind of trial. Relatively speaking, although this is not the first meeting, it is a very important one.

Looking at Ding Yu's attitude, the old man also felt a little embarrassed. Ding Yu's attitude was very clear. I want a person's name. That's all. I don't know what the military's attitude is now. Is it a supportive attitude towards Ding Yu? It is very important to have a wait-and-see attitude.

For the elderly, whether Ding Yu is really indispensable, it seems that it is impossible to say that Ding Yu is very important. There is no doubt that Ding Yu is not only a matter of money, but also has a proper position in the world.

Although it is only invisible, it is really what the military and even the domestic need. So what about the conditions put forward by Ding Yu? The old man also felt quite embarrassed. He didn't agree with Ding Yu! Don't know how the follow-up will develop, promise Ding Yu! For the military, it is really a considerable hidden danger.

Why do you say that? Ding Yu directly found the military intelligence and management department, which showed that there must be high-level military personnel behind it. Whether this will cause internal problems in the military, the old people really dare not! It is true that he is in a high position, but it does not mean that he can do anything without fear.

However, it seems that he can't make this decision even though he gives up Ding Yu. Anyway, there are some dilemmas for him in the current situation, "will you go back tomorrow night?"

Ding Yu seems to understand the meaning of the words, and then also smile, "tomorrow night, I will take a plane to leave, there is a lot of things, a bit can't leave!" Whether it's true or not, it's up to me to judge whether it's true or not. Anyway, I've made it clear.What about the final result? All of us didn't get the desired results. Ding Yu was not so anxious as he imagined. Then he went back to the courtyard. The security was also full. Fortunately, the quadrangle was very large, so there was no sense of crowding.

Anjie, the housekeeper, has nothing to say. He only serves Ding Yu. That's all. However, for the service personnel of the courtyard, the security check-in is really a surprise to everyone, because the first young master came back at the original time, never like this.

"So it is true?" Wang Pu also felt that something was wrong with the situation. This time he came back, he was heavily armed. This is really abnormal. There must be other problems and conditions. But what is it? can make nothing of it.

Su Quan, who was sitting there, nodded. "The situation is true. The weapons have been reported, but there are no other special weapons. But carrying weapons and equipment is quite an illustration. I don't know what happened, so I came here to say hello!"

Obviously, Su Quan also felt that the problems were serious. But what about the situation of the Wang family? They also know nothing about the situation. Otherwise, they would never react like this!

The question now is whether to try it out, but what about the right person? At this time, he is not in the capital, at least not in the capital. It is not known how long Ding Yu will stay in the capital. But what about his behavior of closing the gate after he comes back? It's also a headache!

Since breaking up with the old man, Ding Yu has never been to the king's house. Usually, there is no lack of etiquette, but the problem is that he never showed up, that is to say, let the housekeeper Anjie show up. Obviously, the relationship has been cold to a certain extent. Now, even if it is pasted, there will be no good fruit to eat.

Of course, Su Quan didn't mean this. He went to see his nephew. How to say this? You should know that it was provoked by the old man of Wang's family. Along with his own family, he was also followed by cuckoos. Up to now, his father has no original understanding!

Come by yourself? Just let me know what the situation may be, but what are the specific problems? That's the eldest grandson of your Wang family. What about this problem? You need to make up your mind. Of course, if the Wangs really don't show up, then the Su family will come back. This is another thing!

Is there a smell of looting? But the responsibility for this matter is not in the Su family. If the Wang family really ignores it, then the Su family is willing to take the responsibility. After all, Ding Yu is also su bochen's great grandson. You Wang family should not be a baby. You can, but I su bochen likes it!

Wang Pu, of course, understood that he didn't expect that the "cannon barrel" had stabbed himself in the back, and what about the stab? It also makes me feel so sad. This old guy is too much of a jerk. What happened to him in the past? He was really underestimated.

Wang Pu also pondered over this matter? It's really not easy to deal with it. The people who are suitable for meeting Ding Yu's grandson are basically not in the capital. Su bochen, an old bastard, is very good at blocking this time point. What about this time? Ding Yu, the child, comes back with armed security personnel. There must be something wrong with it.

For the Wang family, it will be the best opportunity, but for the Su family, it will be a little different. What about Ding Yu this time? It seems that I want to talk to the military about something. What about the Wang family's influence in the military? It can be said that it tends to be nothing, and the main forces of the Soviet family are in the military.

The Su family has a congenital advantage, which is really incomparable to the Wang family. What's more? The relationship between the Wang family and Ding Yu, the child, has also fallen to the freezing point. Basically, there is no way to alleviate and ease it. On this issue, the Su family expressed their opposition from the very beginning, and even Su bochen even came to his door to express his dissatisfaction.

Even if it is sympathy points, it seems that there are many! Wang Pu now has a feeling of making clothes for others. It is true that this person is his own in laws, but the problem is that Ding Yu is the eldest grandson of the Wang family! What do you mean by your Su family? Is there any royal law?

However, after so many years of ups and downs, Wang Pu also knows that even if he says he disagrees, it seems that the result will not be changed much. Su bochen, an old bastard, obviously sees the crux of the problem. If he doesn't, he will be the most lethal one. He really makes himself feel "desperate for pain".

If Ding Yu, the great grandson, had left in the Su family, it would have been impossible for the Wang family to bring him back in the future, and what about Ding Yu? It is true that a family is a grandfather and a family is a grandfather, but he will not choose to stand in the middle of the position above, which is certain.

Wang Pu has always wanted to find opportunities, but he did not think that other people didn't make a move. His in laws actually have this aspect of mind, which makes Wang Pu have some gnashing teeth. This old bastard is too hateful.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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