After su Quan left the Wang family, he went to Ding Yu for the first time. Although the courtyard was closed, what about this one? It's aimed at the official people. What about Su Quan? It's Ding Yu's mother's uncle. I come to see my nephew. Is there anything wrong with this?

However, for Anjie, this is really a little challenging. After all, it's still not seen. This problem doesn't count! Ding Yu didn't have much unexpected performance on his uncle's arrival. He came and came. Although he said that he was coming at this time, he seemed to be so sensitive!

"Uncle!" The expression on Ding Yu's face is a little bit tired. Something happened in the United States. Up to now, he has never had a rest and returned to the courtyard? It seems that there is not too much free time!

Su Quan looked at his nephew's appearance, was also surprised, because he looked tired! "So it's true to come to America?" I work in the Department of emotion management. Although I say I have a hot temper, I mean that I have some deliberate affectation. It doesn't mean that my personality is really like this. Two things!

Ding Yu also blinked his eyes, and then sat down leaning against the sofa. "Things in the United States still need to be discussed. What kind of situation will it be? It is still unknown." Ding Yu didn't show much. On the one hand, he didn't want to say it. On the other hand, he didn't understand his third uncle's intention.

If it is to see their own words, it is good to say some, if it is with business to come? This matter is more difficult to explain, and in Ding Yu's opinion, there may be two aspects, the latter occupies a considerable proportion.

"I received a message earlier that there seems to be a very serious situation at the US airport, but the news is tightly sealed. Even now, no one knows exactly what happened, but all the departments in the United States have moved up, and the scale of the terrorist incident is even larger than the original one!"

After that, Su Quan also looked at his nephew very seriously. He should have known something about it, but the problem is that he has not got too much information from him now, and what about the current situation? He didn't even mention it to himself.

"My third uncle wants to know more about it?"

Su Quan also laughed, "if you are the client, I still need to know about this uncle!"

What about each other? Ding Yu understood the pun, but he didn't immediately take a stand. Instead, he sat there and said, "I come back mainly to talk about some things, some special things. This matter makes the military feel a little embarrassed now."

Ding Yu was so uncertain about his uncle's attitude, so he said tentatively. Where is uncle coming today? He didn't wear military uniform. Obviously, he didn't come on behalf of the intelligence department. If he didn't come on behalf of the military intelligence department, then his identity would be more interesting!

"Don't you worry about getting too big?"

Ding Yu shook his head. "It's still unknown when this matter will be launched. What's more, I just need to know the situation in China. As for the domestic action, I really didn't expect that the situation of the military would be different if I fought with others and folded myself in."

At the beginning, when I cleaned those guys, I didn't give them any chance. But why didn't they react after that? The main reason is that these guys are not enough to form too much pressure on themselves, and they do have quite a handle on their own hands.

However, the situation of the military is not the same, regardless of whether there is a handle or not. If he really makes trouble, he will make everyone stand opposite to himself. Therefore, Ding Yu denied the intention of making trouble in China at the first time. He only needs to know the name and the word. Things are at two ends. It can't be done here. It doesn't mean that the other side can't either Let's go!

"Things at home are easy to solve, but things abroad seem to be in some trouble?" For Suquan, what about domestic affairs? Although it will be more troublesome, but close the door, how to solve the problem is home affairs, and foreign affairs? Although you have made some achievements, but after all, you are in the land of others.

"Uncle, what about domestic affairs for me? I don't want to be involved, let alone in what capacity? I am a common people, at most a doctor, and I have no identity other than that! " Ding Yu still did not want to admit his identity. "What about my influence on foreign affairs? You can let go and do something! "

Ding Yu's attitude is very obvious. Have I investigated the domestic affairs clearly? It doesn't matter. I'm sure I don't intend to do anything, but what about foreign affairs? For me personally, this is absolutely intolerable. I can make a move, even a big one, without fear.

"It's quite different from what I thought it would be!" Su Quan's words have some self talk, because in his opinion, domestic affairs are easy to handle, foreign affairs are not easy to handle, and his nephew? I think that domestic affairs are not easy to handle, on the contrary, foreign affairs are easier to handle."The same or different, in fact, the results will not have any change, this self-knowledge is still there!" Ding Yu also said with a slight irony, "I will solve the problems in the United States on my own, not to let others interfere, but to intervene in at this time, and can not solve any problems!"

"So what's going on in the United States? You have to know that this time you are coming back with fully armed security. This issue has attracted attention from many aspects! " Su Quan is also looking at his nephew, "although said earlier when you and Wang Lao happened a little unhappy, but I think this is not an excuse!"

"My third uncle just wants to know?"

Looking at the third uncle's appearance, Ding Yu also nodded, "why do I stay in the United States, with the old man? There are not too many relationships. What about the boundaries between them? The division should have been very clear, mainly because some people do not want me to come back to participate in the iron ore business at this time! "

"Foreign power?" Su Quan also said for sure.

"You can say that! So they gave some of my information to the people in China. What about the people who are involved in it? I almost know, but I need to know what role the military plays in this matter. This is what I value Ding Yu didn't have much to hide. He told the story because he had already grasped the context of his third uncle. Since he was sure, he should disclose some information to him.

"Do you know or don't know this person? For me, it doesn't have too much influence. I don't want to make any so-called noise. What's more, even if I want to, some people will stop us from doing so. Is this self-knowledge? I still have some, so I will only stay till tomorrow night! "

"Is the situation in the United States so serious?"

"It's hard to say, and it's not good to say it!" Ding Yu also leaned back to his body, "this involves the interest struggle between consortia, but there is not too much contact with the domestic side. I am at the top of the front alone, and there is no big problem. At most, it is a conflagration. My luck is good!"

Su Quan couldn't help but twitch. What about the so-called interest struggle between consortia? It's not that the domestic side doesn't care at all, but the problem is that it doesn't have much to do with the military. This is the most important point!

So what about the situation? I know the situation may be more dangerous, but how dangerous it is, I really don't think it is so clear. Is this why Ding Yu came back with full armed security?

"You already have this attitude. What else can you say?" Su Quan is also expressing his dissatisfaction.

"Attitude is attitude, which doesn't mean everything. What's more, no one dares to guarantee how things will go on and develop! That's why I'm carrying security. Explain it clearly enough! " When it comes to the end, Ding Yu's voice is not quite right.

Su Quan also smiles. What about this smile? How many have so some reluctant meaning, I have already heard the meaning of my nephew's words. These are the consequences of coherent response. I am already quite impatient, let alone explain what can be done? Can you help with that?

Not only can't help solve the problem, but also make trouble behind it. So Ding Yu is also in front of his uncle? A little bit. What about the Wang family? I have already made myself a little tired. It's not to say that the Su family recruits themselves. I really have to get on the boat, twice.

I don't mean to develop in China. Even if I want to develop, I can take other ways. I don't mean that I have to rely on the Wang family or the Su family. If I can't, I can at least guarantee my life's safety by going to the third uncle!

Su Quan understood his nephew's words, but also had some exclamations. What about Wang Lao's practice? It is true that there are so many excessive, even quite excessive, even if the ideas between each other are different, there is no need to take such means. Judging from the current situation, there is no possibility between each other.

What about it? Now the Su family wants to make a move, but from the point of view of Suquan? Ding Yu is really a very good choice for the family. What about Wang Lao? Too much like, fundamentally speaking, Wang Lao has so many did not put their own position.

What was the reason why the Wangs were able to stand up again? Is it because of my brother-in-law? It's not at all. Even if my brother-in-law is standing up, he is weak. His role is not as big as he imagined. But now? After there is no patronage at home, my brother-in-law is another situation.

But what about the old man? There are so many greedy and insufficient, we must force Ding Yu to stay in the Wang family. This also makes Ding Yu so unacceptable. Mr. Wang takes it for granted in this respect. He doesn't consider Ding Yu's feelings at all, so they break up with each other.From Su Quan's point of view, is it important for Ding Yu to return to the Wang family? In my opinion, it is nothing worth mentioning. As long as this relationship is in, Ding Yu can't get rid of it. What about the situation now? The blood relationship is still there, but the problem is that Ding Yu is not willing to admit it.

Originally, when Ding Yu was found back, and did not change his name, it can already explain some problems. But at that time, what was the benefit given by Ding Yu, the child? Also let everyone's eyes are fascinated, is really fascinated, that is not the sky pie things, is completely lost gold.

However, since the Wang family has retired, it is impossible for the Su family to give up this opportunity. How can we say that Ding Yu is a member of the Su family? This relationship also can't be obliterated. There's a saying that fat and water do not flow into the field. Since the Wang family can't stay, it's better to stay in the Su family.

But Suquan is very clear, want to leave this child in the Su family? It's not an easy thing. What about staying? It's just a kind of saying words. What about the influence of the Su family? Ding Yu is a child who has never been able to look up to him, but at least it can be regarded as a boost. At least in this part of the country, he can also make his own voice.

What's more? If Ding Yu is taken away by other people, he will lose his hair. When the time comes, both the Wang family and the Su family will become a laughing stock. The Wang family has already shown this aspect, so the Su family should not follow.

But what about today's conversation? It's not as happy as I imagined, and Su Quan is also prepared for this, and even had expected it for a long time. If Ding Yu's nephew really promised something, he would really feel strange!

"At home? Although I can't help you a lot, I don't think there are many problems in reaching out! " Su Quan also revealed his attitude! And Ding Yu? Is to look at his third uncle, is to examine the vision, looked after a while, is also slightly nodded a head, "I know!"

That's just a sentence. I've heard the meaning of my third uncle. It doesn't matter whether Ding Yu is from the Wang family or from the Su family. They are all children of the family. But the Su family will become the most solid support for Ding Yu. Within the scope of permission, Ding Yu will take care of the Su family.

This "Su family" does not refer to the present Su family, but to the future Su family. After all, even if the old man can persist in it for several years, what about Suquan? Basically, Ding Yu's help is no longer needed. Of course, Ding Yu needs to be paid enough for this. Otherwise, even his grandson can't do it.

Just like Wang Pu, he thinks that Ding Yu is the eldest grandson of the Wang family, and then he can act wantonly. What's the result? You got yourself in the hole? Now there's not even room for reasoning. To know that the relationship between each other has appeared a gap, want to fill, is another thing.

"My father has been at home for a long time. Although he said that he had some disputes with Mr. Wang, his father once said that he had not been able to bear such temptation in the original time, but he had no way to fight for it at the beginning."

Ding Yu also smile, how much has so some self mockery flavor, "originally I am still fragrant cake!" My grandfather was very frank, but now what about this? It seems that there are some aftereffects. How to deal with the follow-up matters? Is this a problem? Look at the future development of the situation! Now I don't have this aspect of the mind.

It's mainly because of my grandfather's injuries. Some of them are too deep. I'm afraid it's hard to react to them for a moment and a half. If it's not for my grandfather, I'm afraid I'm still hiding under the water. I've never thought of standing out, but the problem is that I have to stand up now.

With this lesson, I have already let my heart palpitate, so what about my grandfather's kindness? I really don't have too much mood now, or I don't have the meaning of this aspect, at least for the time being. Of course, to some extent, I can't show too much.

Why? Ding Yu also has other aspects of consideration, now all aspects have no intention to start, why? My grandfather was still standing there, and my grandfather didn't have any meaning to speak. It's true that I fell out with my grandfather, but as long as my grandfather stood there, there would not be too many people acting rashly!

What about Ding Yu to the Wang family? Don't have too much hope, but it doesn't mean that all other people are also like this to see, two things! So what about your grandfather? Even if it is to express the meaning of this aspect, Ding Yu has not revealed too much. Otherwise, there will be too many troubles in the follow-up.

"What about the military? What about the ones in the house? It's not so important. If you have the meaning of this aspect, you can help at home! "

Ding Yu shook his head. "What I want is the attitude of the military, not the attitude of the family. If the family is involved in it, it will cause too much fluctuation and noise. I don't want to make other things come out. If I really need help from home, I'll call on my grandfather, at least I'll say hello to my third uncle!"What about my nephew's refusal? Su Quan also laughs. He really knows a little hidden meaning from this speech. He doesn't mean that he doesn't really do it, but it's really inappropriate to start now. For everyone, it may be quite troublesome. He even has a feeling that he knows the whole story of the matter and wants to see whether the military really supports him, that's all! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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