After talking with his third uncle, Ding Yu had a rest. During these two days, he really felt a little tired. But at 4 o'clock in the morning, he still woke up on time without any time difference. For himself, he was quite used to it.

What about security? They also work in shifts. They don't relax their vigilance because this is a quadrangle. We should know that this is what they do, so the safety of the employer is the most important thing. What else? Do not need to have too much care, don't think such a high salary is really very easy to earn.

When she woke up yesterday morning, she went to Siyu courtyard to find some news. It's true that because of their different ideas, Ding Yu's quarrel can be said to be more rigid, but it does not mean that other people start their own words, they are equally indifferent.

Especially the people who started it? He was still his own family. In his own impression, he was just an old cannon barrel. But now he suddenly came here, which made me feel so angry and angry. I didn't expect that he would beat geese all the year round. In turn, he was pecked. This man was really disgraced and lost his hair.

The old lady looked at her wife who got up early, and she was also a little sighed. Of course, she knew the problems, but she gave her own feelings! Now the worry is useless and reasonable. Can Xiaoyu, a child, get to this point today? It's not a sentence, two sentences, you can fool the past.

Especially after the experience of his old man, even if it is the big gun barrel of Lao Su, it will not have too much effect, but Xiaoyu, the child, will not reveal too much on this issue.

What's more, the old man of his own family, no matter whether you are dead hearted or not, there is no use in it. If you had known earlier, why should you have done it at the beginning? At the beginning, I was blinded by desire, and I couldn't get rid of it. Now I say regret, how can there be such a cheap thing in the world?

What about yourself? It can be said that it is not optimistic, but from another point of view, Ding Yu will not make a statement, but what about the relationship between relatives? There is bound to be some bias, to know that old Su went to today's position above, is definitely not in vain.

Even if the ultimate goal is not achieved, but from the perspective of Ding Yu, the great grandson, the attitude towards the Wang family and the Su family may be different, at least in terms of intimacy, there will be obvious differences.

After waiting for half a day, she found that her wife didn't respond. Wang Pu also took a look at the past, which was a hint to his wife. But the problem was that it didn't work. The old lady sat there leisurely.

"Didn't you hear anything about the courtyard?" Since the old lady doesn't speak, say it yourself!

The old lady also said, "I heard that when I came back, I would drive all the attendants to the front yard, and the security guard who was brought back by him was in full charge. As for what situation you don't know very well, if you are free, you can go and ask, or call Su Quan over! He went there last night anyway

What's more, if you have this intention, you can ask it yourself. Anyway, my old lady can't afford to lose her face. Moreover, if you are kind, you can drag Su Quan over and ask him well. I think it will have a certain effect. Otherwise, don't shout.

Wang Pu is also direct on the language stoppage, have been like this, oneself also really don't know what to say is good, this old woman is not to save face at all, want to know this matter? I have told her that at the beginning, I felt the ravines were hard to be leveled, so there was such a mistake.

If you have admitted your mistakes, don't hold on to them, OK? Of course. What about this? Wang Pu can only say it in his heart, but he really dare not get it on the surface. If it is really said, it is difficult to make it clear without three days and nights, and he does not want to discuss relevant issues.

"What did you say he came back for? And still with that attitude? " Since the previous topic did not arouse the old lady's interest, try another topic! And I'm quite interested in it.

The old lady also sipped her mouth, and she felt worried because of her grandson's attitude? It's really quite different. It has never been before. There must be some problems and conditions in this, but what is it? He doesn't say, who knows?

If in the past, don't talk about the door, even if it was a phone call, he would basically say it truthfully, but now? Even if you know he's in the courtyard, you can't help it. You don't have the face to come and call? Whether the grandson will answer the phone, this is the matter that two say!

Now the two old guys are at home now. Even if they blow up the sky, it's useless. Because things are not for them to decide. Wang Pu hesitates for a while, but also tentatively says, "why don't you go to find Lao Su! The old bastard is not so authentic"Let's not say whether old Su will see you or not. Even if he doesn't shut you out, what changes can he make when he sees him?" The old lady also said impatiently, what about herself now? I really don't want to pay attention to the relevant aspects of the matter, children and grandchildren have their own happiness, these things? It's not something you should worry about.

After listening to what Wang Pu said, he was stunned, and then he turned pale. He also understood that the old lady was telling the truth. Who let him be careless and careless at the beginning, and did everything without authorization, leading to the consequences like this. What else can we say?

Even if old Su doesn't shut himself out of the door, or even changes his normal state of eating, drinking and entertaining, what can he change and make this matter yellow? It seems that there are some unlikely things.

From his own point of view, what about Ding Yu? Since they have chosen to break up with the Wang family, the Su family has become his only choice to a certain extent, but the measurement of their relationship may be so different.

Originally, I thought that I was a big parent, and everything in the family should obey his own arrangement. Even if Ding Yu was a little different, he was very conceited. He would never or even could not get out of his control. But now I know that he thinks too much.

The Su family will certainly learn from this lesson and straighten out the relationship with Ding Yu. It is true that Ding Yu is still a small generation. However, it is not said that everything should be ranked according to seniority. At least, it is absolutely impossible to do so. It breaks the cage and tradition. Although old Su is a little bit short of snacks, it is OK for the whole future of the Su family what?

But on this issue, the Wangs don't have the advantage to take advantage of it. First of all, Ding Yu made his identity clear, or deliberately blurred his identity. My surname is Ding but not Wang. What's more, what happened before? I've made it clear that everyone doesn't bother anyone!

What's more, even if the Wang family has some action, I just don't admit this identity, what can you do? Is it difficult to find out what is the so-called proof? You know, there are two sides to everything, the bright side and the dark side. What about the secret side? We all know that Ding Yu is the eldest grandson of the Wang family, but on the surface, Ding Yu has no love for the Wang family.

Throughout the morning, Ding Yu stayed in the courtyard without any action. It seems that Ding Yu has something to do with returning home? It seems that there is no thing to put in mind. At noon, Ding Yu is also holding a file in processing, but what about his mind? How much has the military felt about its own affairs? There should be an idea.

What about this? For Ding Yu, how many helpless and sigh, or from another point of view, implicated in this? Position and weight. However, Ding Yu soon breathed a sigh of relief. It was no big deal. At most, it was just a few years of dormancy. It was not that he had never experienced such a thing.

Although Ding Yu was a little disappointed about this, he simply ate lunch and rushed to the airport. Although he said that the last time was before the evening, what about now? The fact that the military has not given any response to itself is enough to explain all the problems. So for your own face? Let's go!

Ding Yu and his party rushed to the airport, but there are some gray meaning. After the airport has gone through the formalities, it is also the previous one to leave. How fast is the speed? It also means that people are not able to respond.

"Ding Yu left so soon?" What about the old man who talked to Ding Yu earlier? I didn't think of it. It hasn't arrived at night! Ding Yu left earlier. It's not consistent with the expected things!

From your own point of view? It's really impossible to take risks. If the real thing is revealed, the whole military will fall into a passive position. What about Ding Yu? After all, he's retired. He's not a soldier anymore, so what does he say? It's hard to get a guarantee!

It is true that he is the eldest grandson of the Wang family, but what about that? Will the Wangs bear the responsibility for him in the future? You know, he and the Wang family have been estranged, although there are su family, but between each other? The relationship is still a little bit too ambiguous, so for the time being? Just give up Ding Yu for a while.

Or to be more blunt, Ding Yu's value is limited now. Originally, he wanted to explain the situation to Ding Yu, but the problem is that before he could mention it, Ding Yu left, which made him feel disappointed. However, the old man never thought that he would regret for this matter in the future!

On the plane back home? Ding Yu is also closed eyes, but although the eyes are closed, but in the heart? But it turns very wide. How about this meeting with the military? Will never hide from the eyes of those who have a heart, but give the impression to the outside world? It should be that their crying did not have any results, and the military did not mean to support themselves.

What about the other situation? What about Ding Yu's own estimation? It seems to be a little high. I didn't expect such a small request. The military will give such an attitude, or do we have a good time these years? It's too much to let myself have some.Although it is said that things have not been successful, but for Ding Yu, nothing is bad! At least we can make ourselves more alert. As for how things should be handled after returning to the United States, is this problem? Look at the development! But what about some things? Still need to slow down.

The relationship between myself and the military is bound to affect my situation in the United States. When I didn't return home, it was a trend, but after I went back from home, I'm afraid it would be another situation.

Back in the United States, Ding Yu met sun Yingnan for the first time. What about the domestic situation? He said simply, "I thought it was a simple thing, but there were some problems and situations in my judgment. I overestimated my own power and ability! So there's a bias. "

"How much impact will it have on us?"

"There will be some impact in a short time, but in the long run, it will not be a big deal, and what about the related problems? The earlier it is exposed, the greater the benefits will be for our long-term development! " Ding Yu also carefully analyzed the situation, so he made such a judgment.

"We need to readjust!"

"Not for the time being, because what happened this time? It has nothing to do with China. What about this time? It's the thing at the top of the pyramid, and it's also a matter within a small circle. We have a very favorable position. Unless someone wants to break this circle, otherwise we will have nothing to do! We are chessmen, but the initiative is in our own hands. "

"Break the circle?" Sun Yingnan also held back his mouth for a moment. "This is absolutely impossible. Especially at this time, sometimes we would rather our own interests be threatened and lost, and we would never let the interests of the whole circle be damaged, otherwise we would be excluded by the whole circle!"

"Yes! If we are excluded by the whole circle, then let's sacrifice some interests for the whole circle. "

At this time, Ding Yu can only make such a choice. What about the Boston consortium? Need to give oneself an account, but oneself temporarily? Not ready to investigate their affairs, now it is better to stop a little bit, because there are some problems and problems behind themselves.

After Ding Yu came back, there was no movement. What about the quiet change of his attitude? It also makes people feel that they can't understand. It's true that they don't know what Ding Yu is after he goes back. But after he comes back? It is obvious that Ding Yu did not get strong support from the military.

But support or not, in fact, is not as important as imagined. Boston still needs to give Ding Yu an account, but before that? Boston needs to continue to test Ding Yu's reaction to see what kind of requirements Ding Yu has in this matter.

However, to Boston's surprise, what about Ding Yu's questions about relevant aspects? There is no strong demand, as for the previous compensation? Ding Yu also gave back to the Boston consortium, started the industrial groups subordinate to the Boston consortium, and even sent signals to the outside world? Ding Yu's relationship with Boston is not only eased.

This actually makes the Boston consortium seem to be more or less overjoyed. What about Ding Yu's stake? It's very measured. It doesn't touch other people's nerves. What's more? For the entire Boston consortium, Ding Yu's share holding is somewhat of a timely help.

At present, there are some meanings that the Boston consortium will be punished. After all, the source of the matter lies in their bodies. It is true that everyone knows that things have nothing to do with them, but who let you catch up with them.

A lot of things now? There is no need to deliberately explain, because Ding Yu's stake in the Boston consortium? Many problems were solved easily, so the representatives from Boston also paid a visit to Ding Yu.

"The investigation of the matter has some clues. Although it is not complete, the direction has already been set!"

Ding Yu raised the coffee cup in his hand. "You mean it's hard to investigate the matter here. In fact, we have a good idea of who reached out. But now Boston has a big black pot on his back, and I don't mean to pursue it. So Boston is willing to carry this black pot."

Sanchez also tasted the coffee, and the taste was really good. "Yes, this black pot Boston is willing to bear. What's the price? It may be so heavy, but this time we are carrying the black pot for the whole circle

Ding Yu also nodded clearly, but also to Sanchez smile, although he said because of other things? Let go selectively, but it doesn't mean that you can become a shareholder in the Boston consortium. At least from the perspective of interests, you don't get much, or the weight is not heavy!

Sanchez of course also understood, so he also took two papers to Ding Yu. Ding Yu looked at them, and then folded them and placed them on the tea table. If that's the case, let's draw a full stop to this temporarily! As for how you handle this matter internally, it has nothing to do with me! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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