Ding Yu ended his dispute with Boston consortium by cutting the mess with a quick knife. This is also a signal to the group that caused trouble before. I don't want to do anything now. What is it? It is unnecessary to explain. If someone else stands out, I'm sorry!

Although I am only a chess piece, it doesn't mean that anyone can move the chess piece or anyone can pry it. I will sit here. If anyone has any interest, try it.

But even in this way, Boston's consortium has suffered a certain degree of blow, as for the internal situation? Ding Yu didn't mean to mix in because he had already shown his attitude and had a joint relationship with Boston? There are some flavor that we don't know.

In fact, we are only partners in the interest cooperation. If there are other opportunities, will Boston let Ding Yu go? It's not very likely, and similarly, if you give Dingyu a chance, it's not just a bit of meat that's just bitten from the Boston consortium.

But what about it for the time being? No one will have any action, even if we will deliberately maintain the relationship between each other. Is there something to hold back and have no way to do, but they have only financial resources and lack of certain power support. So there is the result of this? It must be inevitable.

Dingyu, sitting on the sofa, turned a pair of walnuts in his hand at this time. Because the light was slightly dim, it was impossible to see what kind of walnut it was. Dingyu turned at a speed not as fast as he thought. However, sun yingmale rarely saw his master, which was like this.


Dingyu looked back, shook his head, and pointed to his position on his side. "Nothing, we rise too fast, and our own details are insufficient. Besides, there are other situations, so what has led to the situation? It's hard to avoid! " What do you mean by talking? There are so many big things.

"I don't think it should have deteriorated to what point!"

"Look at things in the long run!" Dingyu also has so many words of great importance to say, "do you know? It has made huge profits, as if it were in a market, but holding a golden rice bowl in his hand. Although the identity may be different, it is just different! Too many people are looking at it. "

"Fortunately, our previous movements were not very big, so now we don't know how much we are!" Sun yingmen also feel very sober, and what about? What was on the surface before? They have been taken away. Although they still hold the golden rice bowl, they all know that they are a little bit like goods.

"Let hotter stand in front of you! Anyway, he has also been through these years of experience, and should have stood out! " After finishing, Dingyu also looked at sun yingmen again, "what about you? What are you going to do? Take a break or find something else? " In contrast, what about Ding Yu for sun yingmen? It was a little harsh.

But for sun yingmale, but there is no such feeling, I can sit next to the host now, I feel very satisfied, as for other aspects of the problem? I really don't care about it as I think. If everything cares, then I may not live today?

What about Dingyu's conversation with sun yingmen? It belongs to the more private one, which has been together for several days. It is mainly to discuss how to go on the next road. This is the most important. After all, the situation for Dingyu is a little bit difficult.

Then Ding Yu did not stay in the United States for too long, but went to Switzerland. His parents were still there. The accommodation and medical conditions were quite good. The rest of his father and mother was very good, but there was so much meaning of sitting.

And Taixi also accompany his mother to visit, is also stay here for a while, Dingyu come to the reason? Also deliberately greeting, but Dingyu did not stay in Switzerland for too long, and then went directly to Professor Hopkins to report, now in the medical group may feel better.

At least after having a job, I will let myself think less. The previous thing is not to let myself worry about it, mainly because of the attitude of the military? Let Ding Yu feel so many sighs.

Ding Yu returned to the United States, all things stopped, this also let the military have so many unexpected, the previous time Ding Yu walked is too simple! And after you leave? It seems that there is no feedback from the military, which makes the military feel puzzled.

What about the United States? The blockade of the news can be said to be quite tight, even now, it is not fully clear, what happened behind this! Ding Yu seems to have stopped now, but the problem is that the United States does not seem to stop the movement, even some of the flavor of the big banner in it.What about these? It's not the most important thing. It's important that someone passed on the news that Ding Yu seems to have taken a stake in Raytheon company. This news particularly shocked the military. Raytheon company is really famous in the industry, but now Ding Yu is allowed to take a share in it. What's the matter after all.

The military felt curious and even excited, but could not get too many clues. What's more, Ding Yu returned to China earlier and apparently asked the military for help. But the problem is that the military didn't make a statement on the relevant issues. But after Ding Yu became a shareholder in Raytheon, was there any other situation?

Share in Raytheon! People just can't imagine that this company is the real leader of the world's military electronic technology and products, and the absolute leader. Its status is verified, not boasted by itself.

It's just that they don't know the news. Now that they know the news, the military feels that they can't stand it. Of course, they know that Ding Yu's stake in Raytheon may be very limited, but the temptation is too big for people to be themselves.

"Xiao Su, will Ding Yu come back on National Day?"

Yeah? Su Quan was also asked a Leng, then also shook his head, "I don't know!" I really don't know, what's more, you personally make a phone call, that is, ask yourself? Why? What about the relevant problems and situations? Su Quan is really not very clear!

"He didn't mention it?" What about the speaker? It was the old man who talked back with Ding Yu earlier. After learning about Ding Yu's stake in Raytheon, he felt quite surprised. Would you like to investigate the relevant situation? There's no clue.

I don't have much regret. I just feel that I can't understand. What does Raytheon do? He is too clear, but now suddenly let Ding Yu, an outsider, join in. It is true that nothing will be exposed, but the problem is always a thorn in my heart! If you don't belong to our race, your heart will be different.

Can't Ding Yu's heart have any other thoughts? You know, this is a very sensitive matter. How about taking a stake in other companies? This may not be too many problems, but the stake in Raytheon! Even the elderly can't explain it themselves, because they don't know how to explain it.

Su Quan looked at the expression on the boss's face, pondered for a while, and then slowly said, "when he came back, I went to talk with him for a period of time. He didn't say the specific things. He only mentioned that some interests were involved with some forces. How was the matter? The information I got was quite vague."

"I haven't heard of it." The old man also felt that he couldn't feel his head, but what about the inside? He felt it. Ding Yu had come back earlier. He seemed to be talking to himself about the man's problem, but to a certain extent, he was also testing the military's reaction.

He had already known who the man was and didn't mean to offend him. He just wanted to see the military's response through this incident. But obviously, what was the military's reaction? Let Ding Yu feel a little disappointed, but also for this reason, Ding Yu decided to leave before the evening.

The expression on the old man's face is so distorted that it gives him the most direct reaction. What about this time? I don't know what I missed, but I definitely lost a chance that may be once in a blue moon. It's not that I feel so regretful, but there are some regrets.

It might have been a very simple thing, but what about this missed opportunity? In the future, it may cost more, at least in terms of manpower and material resources. The old man did not know what kind of situation he was facing from the beginning to the end, so although he was upset, he didn't pay special attention to it.

When Ding Yu received the call? There are not too many expressions, if you have time, you should go back and have a look, but if you don't have this time, forget it! To be more exact, Ding Yu is now in a state of depression. The previous events have had a great impact on Ding Yu!

However, Ding Yu's interest in this aspect is weak, but Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are very interested in it. They even made a reservation with their son early. Since their parents are interested, Ding Yu should come down. However, when to go back is another matter. Anyway, it is too early for him to go back.

Ding Yu once again threw himself into the sea of medicine. He was totally oblivious to what happened outside the window. No matter what kind of situation appeared outside, he was totally indifferent. At this time, we really can't give Ding Yu any more. After all, rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry! Not to mention Ding Yu.

What about the impression on the US side? Ding Yu seems to be honest and makes people feel that they can't understand. Not only Ding Yu, but even sun Yingnan seems not to go back to his original position, that is to say, hang a name there. Now other things seem to be handed over to hote.What can Ding Yu do? What sun Yingnan can do is really attracting the attention of many people. But the problem is that the two people seem to have done nothing. At least they want to find clues from their bodies, which seems to be unrealistic!

What's more, the time of the previous assassination. Although the Boston consortium has already felt something about it, the problem is that Ding Yu has no intention to investigate. What about the Boston consortium? Even if we continue to investigate, there is no evidence, so what is the matter now? It's a bit of a dead end.

Ding Yu doesn't have too many signs, which indicates that his experience when he returned home was not as good as expected. This also makes some people have some other ideas. It is obviously not suitable to continue to fight Ding Yu. Don't be kidding. Ding Yu is a boring guy, but what's behind this? It's still hiding something.

So what about Ding Yu? It's better not to have any other actions. After all, some of them are too sensitive. Now what about the whole circle? Because Boston's assassination incident also caused some fluctuations. Ding Yu did not investigate, but it does not mean that the circle did not want to investigate! Of two properties.

But what about the things in the circle? Ding Yu doesn't have any meaning to care about, anyway, now Ding Yu is out of the way. But because of Ding Yu's dispirited performance! So now some people also put their eyes on China, but it is a pity that they have not inquired into any situation!

After Ding Yu went back, his itinerary was also very secret. He didn't talk with the military executives. He went to a certain place and talked about it once. That's what happened. He couldn't find any records of what happened in the process.

However, the Chinese military is feeling a little change. Although people from all walks of life gather in the capital because of the National Day parade, but what? These guys have been relatively honest and measured, but these two days suddenly some action, and inquiry? Even after Ding Yu came back, it's really suspicious.

But now there is really not much time to have a regular meeting with these guys. After Ding Yu comes back, we can have a good talk with him. What about the previous conversation? There are some reservations between each other. Ding Yu must have hidden something and didn't say it. Of course, this has something to do with the attitude of the military at that time. But who could have thought that things would be like this?

"Tao Jin? Do you have any news recently? "

Tao Jin shook his head. He had contacted Ding Yu before, but the problem is that Ding Yu is very busy at this time. It seems that there are some projects in the medical team of Professor Hopkins, and Ding Yu does not have much time and energy. Anyway, that's what he said. As for the situation, we don't know.

"No, it seems that I have been busy with medical affairs recently. I have undertaken two surgeries, and Professor Hopkins's project has also entered a critical moment. Originally, I wanted to go to know about the situation, but I was declined!"

Tao Jin also expressed his ideas and opinions, not that he had not tried, but that there was no effect, or that the relationship between them had become normal, but this time? After Ding Yu came back, the relationship also fell into a burst of embarrassment.

You can say that Ding Yu is a little bit stingy in this matter, but the problem is that Tao Jin is really shameless to stay by Ding Yu's side, so he has also found a reason to come back. Now the head asks himself about the situation, how can he respond?

What about the military about Tao Jin? There are not too many ways to contact Ding Yu now? It is true that there are so many can not contact, at least Ding Yu in the attitude of the matter? It makes people feel that some of them can't understand, or that they are not very obedient. They should "educate and educate".

Of course, what kind of education should be adopted? This problem also needs to be carefully considered. First of all, we need to talk about the issue of shares in Raytheon, and then? It's about Ding Yu's position. Which side is he on at this time?

On this issue, the military's plan is still very good, but what is the result? It's really that there are some unknown. After all, no one can run to the front to have a look. However, from the attitude of some people on the military side, it can be seen that Ding Yu is not particularly concerned.

At least it's not as important as you think. After all, Ding Yu's identity may be so different. What's the real value reflected in him? It's not as high as I thought. Moreover, he has a certain sense of willfulness in dealing with certain matters, and is not very integrated with the military.

Combine a series of reasons! Of course, there is no way to deny that some people have exerted certain influence. I'm afraid only some people can make clear how much the influence is. However, no one will reveal it. After all, what is in everyone's mind? There are some scruples.

What about the relationship between Ding Yu and the military? It seems that it's not as intimate and obvious as you can imagine! As for the follow-up, which aspect will the follow-up things develop? Is it a continuous slide? Or bottom bounce? It's hard to say.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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