In late September, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying returned to the capital from Switzerland. National Day! Moreover, this year is still the 60th anniversary, which is quite commemorative, so the two people came back early.

Of course, not only the two of them came back, but the two little guys also came back with them. Unfortunately, Ding Yu didn't come back together. It seems that Ding Yu is still with Professor Hopkins. I don't know when this guy will come back. Some people in China are impatient to wait.

For Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, they suddenly came back from Switzerland, and they really felt a little uncomfortable. Therefore, the first two days of their return were also stuffy in the quadrangle. After all, they were not young and could not be the same as the young people. However, Zhao Shuying's physical condition was not in any condition and recovered very well.

After waiting for another two days, Ding Yu came late. It is less than three days away from the national day. It seems that Ding Yu came back a little late, at least it gives people the feeling that it is like this! However, Ding Yu came back quietly. He didn't even take a special plane, but came back on a flight.

If it is not told by the service personnel, even if we do not know that Ding Yu has come back, its low-key also makes people feel that there are some teeth itching. Although in the past, when he came back, although it was not loud and loud, at least there was some movement, but now? I'm afraid that others will know the same thing. What is the reason?

And after coming back? Ding Yu also stayed in the courtyard. It was difficult for the Wang family to get out of the courtyard. Do you want to inform others now? If you don't inform me, the grandson will be in the house and will not come out at all. Let's inform you! It's also a big excuse.

At the beginning, there had been such a thing. He went to take the people away. Under the current situation, although the grandson said that he was reluctant, he still left the rest of the people. But what was in his heart? There has always been some estrangement. Now, if something goes wrong, it just gives him the reason to start.

What's more, Wang Pu and Lao Taitian are not sure. How long the grandson will stay in China after the National Day is really not a good question. It's all about the big grandson's thoughts! If he didn't want to, he would even leave the next day. No one could do anything about it.

After thinking about it, Wang Pu also made a call to Suquan. When Su Quan received the call, he was quite unconvinced. He did not know that Ding Yu's nephew had come back. To know that he could have paid attention to relevant information, he was suddenly told that Ding Yu had already returned!

Put down the phone, Suquan also let the following people to investigate, how is his nephew back? More let oneself doubt is, why is Wang Lao to make a phone call to oneself, does this inside have other what meaning?

Then Su Quan seemed to think of something, the expression on his face was the same as constipation, and then he sat there and laughed bitterly! Although the career is small, but there is no way to compare with the old man Wang. It's just a phone call. It's a black pot.

Let the following people to investigate, now I am afraid that people who want to know already know it! This thing is really to make yourself feel that there is so much to say! But what about these problems? I don't want to think about it. It's useless to think about it. Su Quan also took out the phone and called his nephew in the past.

But it's a pity that the phone is turned off, which also makes Su Quan's face so dark. Do you want to know other things? I really came to the door in person, but now? It's really not suitable, because Ding Yu's adoptive father and mother are over there in the courtyard.

Now, in the past, he is just looking for trouble. For a long time, Ding Yu has never wanted to disclose this aspect of the matter. Anyway, no one dares to pierce this layer of window paper, because he has no idea what the consequences will be!

You should know that after old Wang had a situation with his grandson, Ding Yu was completely away from the Wang family. His resolute attitude also made people unable to accept it. At least the Wang family felt that some of them could not accept it, but you still did not accept it. Anyway, Ding Yu is such a performance.

When the phone is turned off, there is nothing wrong with it. If you can't contact Ding Yu, what about other people? Also did not have to be able to contact Ding Yu, people are to close the door to you, and then you can how? However, it is not that there is no suitable candidate, such as Tao Jin, she is more suitable!

Tao Jin was really afraid of this, because he felt that this visit would not be very smooth. And the result? It also proves that his intuition is accurate. When he comes to the courtyard, it's not too hard to enter the gate, but that's it.

He saw an Jie, but he didn't see Ding Yu at all. He also blocked himself in the front yard. As for the backyard? Don't think about it. It's impossible! Obviously, what about Jack himself? It is impossible to make such a decision, but he stood there so unswervingly that he has already explained all the problems.Taukin wants to try it, but what about Anjie? Also just look at Tao Jin with smile, oneself and she are also quite familiar, so naturally can not pull down the face, what should say? To say, after Mr. Wang came back, he felt a little tired and not so comfortable. So he was resting all the time, and he didn't want others to disturb him. That's it.

Although not to take advantage of the ups and downs, but also not much, the military also feel that there are so many toothache, this Dingyu is really so difficult to make! He has put out such an attitude now! What can I do? Can't it be that he can kick his door open? Especially at this time?

Dingyu's attitude is obviously noisy. It is right to silence the military did not support before. This situation continues to be unfavorable for both sides. It is true that Ding Yu is not so valued as expected, but he has a considerable influence after all. What about this? It's what the state needs.

Although you don't want to admit this, you admit it or not. Dingyu's conditions and conditions are all there. This is not a single word. Two words can be said clearly.

Wang Li also came to siheyuan. What is her intention? Just came to send the painting, she really did not know her brother has come back, looking at the people in the yard? The expression also slightly shows so some consternation! When I don't come here, there are so many accidents. Ding Yu is at home alone!

"Brother!" Dingyu is over there fiddling with things, looking at the two people carrying the painting in, they also looked at it, and did not say anything, but also nodded! After putting the painting in place, Anjie didn't sign in, but was ready to find time for people to see. He didn't know much about it. But Ding Yu had a look at it, and asked Anjie to sign in.

"When are you back?" Wang Li really didn't know the news, so it was strange! Dingyu looked at her sister again. "I heard Wang Yang say, you are going to work there now?"

"Well! There is a need for work! " Wang Li didn't explain it, but thought about it, and said, "because of the special reasons, I borrowed something from my brother, but there was no other situation!"

"I see. If there is anything, I'll find Anjie! I'm not in the middle of the day! "

Wang Li also hesitated to see her brother, "Mom will come tomorrow, I don't know you're back!" There are so many hesitations and disputes in this words, Dingyu is also a hum, and did not give any affirmative answers, Wang Li also felt so embarrassed!

After a long stay in the courtyard, Wang Li got up and left, and looked at her posture? Not only is the elder brother coming back, but the elder brother's adoptive father and foster mother seem to have come, and it is just that if you don't see a real person, if you meet them in person, you really don't know how to deal with it.

But just after leaving the courtyard, Wang Li's phone rang, and only after receiving the phone, he knew that it was her grandmother who called in person. "Grandma, what do you have?"

"You see your brother?" A word also makes Wang Li feel that things seem to be a bit different. What is the name of seeing big brother, it is difficult to be big brother and can not fly. "Well, I saw, said two words, but the big brother's mood seems not very high, the family is a big brother, did not see other people!"

The old lady was surprised when she knew the situation. What about the others? It was incense burning and Buddha worship, but there was no real God at all. But Wang Li, the girl, unexpectedly met Dingyu, this grandson, and what would you say?

"Didn't tell you anything else?" The old lady also asked a question with no heart.

"Not too much!" Then Wang Li also turned her eyes. "But when I left, I told my elder brother that my mother would come tomorrow, but the elder brother didn't say anything, and I didn't know what it was!"

When putting down the phone, Wang Li hesitated to turn her mobile phone with her fingers. Would you like to call her mother? What about this? There are so many people who can not pay attention to it!

But Dingyu is to take up the phone to his mother Su Yuan called, Su Yuan is looking at the phone call display? Also Leng a moment, very strange a telephone number, the number of the above row, thought Su Yuan or connected the phone, "Hello!"

"It's me!" Dingyu also whispered, "just now Wang Li came to me and said you would come tomorrow?"

Ah? Su Yuan also exclaimed, but let the two ladies sitting beside him also startled. Su Yuan also hurriedly covered the phone and smiled with apology. "When did Lily come back, why didn't Lily tell me, and Yang Yang, this bastard didn't know what to do during this period!"

"Just back, my father and mother want to see the National Day parade, and there is nothing to do with the two children! So I came back together! " Dingyu said that it was very flat, no kinks, and there was no so-called embarrassed.

What Ding Yu said, but let Su Yuan sigh, from beginning to end? The eldest son didn't forget his idea of supporting his father and mother. What about his own mother? There is no way to do that, "is there time? Have a meal together then! If it is not suitable for the courtyard, it's good to go to your grandfather's house! ""Well, let's talk about it then! I don't know if I have time! " Ding Yu also responded. What's the hidden meaning? Su Yuan frowned slightly when he heard this. Although the eldest son was just a simple sentence, it was enough for him.

I have heard some news, though true or false? I didn't investigate very clearly, but obviously the news didn't come out of thin air. Especially when I invited my son to go to his grandfather and grandmother, what he said made me feel deeply!

When she put down the phone, Su Yuan came back again and said something to the two women. Because tomorrow, she will go to Beijing, so the time for chatting is not so long! When Wang Changlin went home at night, he felt that his wife's expression was not right!

"Something?" Wang Changlin also asked.

"Well!" Su Yuan also nodded, "the eldest son called me earlier. He just came back. It seems that he came back from the United States. His adoptive father and adoptive mother also came back together. He went to Switzerland for recuperation because of surgery, but because of the national day, he deliberately rushed back!"

Oh, no wonder his face is so embarrassed, but what about Wang Changlin? I really don't know that my son has come back. I haven't heard the news from the relevant parties. At least the family didn't call him. But the eldest son even took the initiative to call his wife. This thing seems to be a little weird!

"Lily seems to have gone to the courtyard to deal with something, so she happened to meet her!" Su Yuan took a look at her husband and thought about it, but didn't say anything about it? It's no use asking about your husband. If you have a chance, you can ask your son. It may be better!

But the next day when he arrived in the capital, he didn't see his son. The eldest son didn't call. He went to see his father-in-law and his mother-in-law. Then he went to see his father-in-law. When he saw his father, Su Yuan held back again. What about this? Let's wait! Wait until you see your son.

After waiting for a day, Ding Yu also went to eat with his mother. He said that he had set a place for dinner. He didn't mean to go to his grandfather and grandmother. Su Yuan also went there by appointment, but he didn't come alone. There was also his daughter. Ding Yu didn't come alone. The two little guys were also following.

Taking advantage of his spare time for dinner, Su Yuan looked at her daughter who had left, and suddenly said, "I heard that something happened during the Spring Festival. I heard that some news was heard about it! Is it true? "

Ding Yu was also stunned. He took a look at his mother and then laughed, "this thing is true, but is it true? This is slightly different. What's the matter? There are many problems and situations involved in it. I'm afraid it's hard to explain clearly for a moment and a half! "

Oh? Su Yuan really looked at his eldest son with disbelief. In his own mind, his son should complain and even express the most serious dissatisfaction. However, he did not think that his son even said such a thing. This really made him have so many unexpected things.

"So there are other problems and problems?" Although that's what I said, what about the news I heard? Also let Su Yuan have a lot of dissatisfaction with his father-in-law, his son how sorry for the Wang family, as for the use of such a way? Clean up all the assets above the surface?

"Many reasons! I'm afraid it's hard to explain clearly for a moment and a half, but what about the root? It's a matter of two concepts. What about this? There is no way to say who is right and who is wrong, because it is not clear! Right or wrong? It's impossible to distinguish. " Ding Yu didn't mean to be surrounded by others. He just talked about the matter.

"Just keep it from me?"

Ding Yu took a look at his mother, "as far as I know, what about the people who know this? Not a lot, even a fairly small part, of the people who deliver the message to you? Absolutely other ideas Although Ding Yu didn't say it clearly, the meaning is obvious. The person who delivers the message to you is absolutely bad hearted.

From a certain point of view, this is totally a matter of provocation. Even Ding Yu doesn't investigate the problems in this respect, so as to let Su Yuan know what the matter means? What's more, what can we do if we know it? Even Ding Yu has expressed some dissatisfaction.

"I don't know the whole story, so I asked more questions!" Su Yuan looked at his son's attitude, and generally understood his thoughts. In his heart, he also sighed, "since you all said that things have passed, let it pass!"

Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, things have passed, do not go to have any mention, there is no significance and value, so it is also very good! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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